2 days Until 76th W.H.O. WHA! As We Prepare To Launch "Sue The WHO" For Tomorrow, Please WATCH EXPOSE TODAY: "W.H.O. Do YOU Think You Are? Exposing The Globalists WHO Scheme." Friday May 19, 2-5EST
Watch this presentation today to learn more about WHY to Exit The WHO. Tomorrow IOJ will follow up with WHY and HOW to Sue The WHO.
Watch this presentation today to learn more about WHY to Exit The WHO.
Tomorrow IOJ will follow up with WHY and HOW to Sue The WHO for Crimes Against Humanity.
Today: Friday May 19, 2-5 EST:
Children's Health Defense Europe / UK Column
Link to watch here and you can
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(Contents of the above program pasted below so people can translate):
Exposing the globalists’ WHO Scheme
Friday, 19th May 2023
19.00 – 22.00 BST I 20.00 -23.00 CET I 2PM – 5PM ET
Catherine Austin Fitts Wolfgang Wodarg David Bell
Silvia Behrendt Philipp Kruse
Meryl Nass
James Roguski
An Exposé brought to you by UKCOLUMN
Exposing the globalists’ WHO Scheme
19.00 BST
Opening of the Exposé by Catherine Austin Fitts
19.05 BST
19.20 BST 19.35 BST
19.55 BST 20.10 BST
20.30 BST 20.45 BST
21.45 BST
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
The Ground work of WHO: My experience with Pandemics and the WHO
David Bell, MBBS, PhD.
Why policymakers should reject WHO’s pandemic proposals
Dr. Silvia Behrendt
The capture of WHO - and the need to stop pandemic preparedness and response activities
Philipp Kruse, LL.M
WHO - Unprecedented Threat to Health and Democracies
James Roguski
Actions around the World
Meryl Nass, MD, ABIM
How One Health and the UN manage the power grab
Panel Debate
with Catherine Austin Fitts, David Bell, Meryl Nass, Philipp Kruse, James Roguski and Wolfgang Wodarg
Closing Remarks by Catherine Austine Fitts and Wolfgang Wodarg
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD, born in 1947, is an internist and pulmonologist, a specialist in hygiene and environmental med-
icine as well as in public health and social medicine. After his clinical work as an internist, he was, among other things, a public health director in Schleswig-Holstein for 13 years, at the same time a lecturer at universities and universities of applied sciences and chairman of the expert committee for environmental health at the Schleswig-Holstein Medical Chamber; in 1991 he received a scholarship to the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA (epidemiology). As a member of the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2009, he was the initiator and spokesperson for the Enquête Commission on “Ethics and the Law of Modern Medicine”, a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture, Education and Science. In 2009, he initiated an investigation committee in Strasbourg on the role of the WHO in H1N1 (swine flu) and continued to be involved as a scientific expert after leaving parliament. Since 2011, he has worked as a freelance university lecturer, doctor and health scientist, and until 2020 he was an honorary member of the board and head of the health working group at Transparency International Germany.
References: Corruption – a pandemic emergency of international concern by Wolfgang Wodarg, originally published In German, March 13, 2023. English Translation: CHDEurope: https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/global-agenda/corruption-a-pandemic-emergency-of-international-concern/
Wolfgang Wodarg
False Pandemics, Arguments against the rule of fear
David Bell, MBBS, PhD,
David Bell, Senior Scholar at Brownstone Institute, is a public health physician and biotech consultant in global health. He is a former medical officer and scientist at the World Health Organization (WHO), Programme Head for malaria and febrile diseases at the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND) in Geneva, Switzerland, and Director of Global Health
Technologies at Intellectual Ventures Global Go‚od Fund in Bellevue, WA, USA.
Why policymakers should reject WHO’s pandemic proposals April 4, 2023 https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/eu-issues/why-policymak- ers-should-reject-whos-pandemic-proposals/
Brownstone Institute https://brownstone.org/
Dr. Silvia Behrendt
Dr Silvia Behrendt is currently director of the Global Health Responsibility Agency (GHRA), Salzburg, Austria; former legal consultant to IHR Secretariat at WHO. As the founder and director of the Agency, Dr. Behrendt’s research focus is to bring responsibility and accountability back to decisions of public health in the national and international settings, through legal analysis and legislative proposals for the benefit of the human person.
The Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations: An Analysis https://childrenshealthdefense.eu/covid-19-2/the-proposed-amendments-to-the-international-health-regulations-an-analysis/
Global Health Responsibility Agency: http://www.ghr.agency/
An Exposé - May 19th, 2023
Presented by Children's Health Defense Europe and by UKColumn
Philipp Kruse, LL.M
Philipp Kruse is a Swiss Attorney. After a career in commercial and constitutional law, he dedicated his life to challenge the path Switzerland is moving along with many other nations. He has run several cases in relation to regulations impacting children, constitutional controversies and is leading several initiatives supporting activists.
References: WHO Power Grab – Vital Information for the Attention of Lawyers and Legislators https://rumble.com/v2l95hi-who- power-grab-vital-information-for-the-attention-of-lawyers-and-legislato.html
James Roguski
James Roguski is an author, researcher, activist, and natural health advocate. He specializes in researching highly complex issues and translating data into simple language that is easily understood to facilitate action.
References: http://www.jamesroguski.com/
Meryl Nass, MD, ABIM
Meryl Nass is an internal medicine physician and was the first person in the world to prove that an epidemic was due to biological warfare. She has given 6 Congressional testimonies regarding anthrax, biological warfare, Gulf War syndrome and vaccine safety, and has consulted for the Cuban Ministry of Health, the World Bank and the Director of National Intelligence. Her medical license was suspended in January 2022 for providing early COVID treatment and spreading vaccine misinformation. She has been writing and speaking on all things COVID, and now the BioSecurity Agenda and its goal to wrest sovereignty from individual nations.
Would you trust WHO to manage your pandemic?
The Defender: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/
Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine is the president of Solari, Inc., publisher of the Solari Report, and managing member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Catherine served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street in- vestment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date and has led portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities.Catherine graduated from the University of Pennsylvania (BA), the Wharton School (MBA) and studied Mandarin Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She blogs for the Solari Report at solari.com.
Catherine’s experiences on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. are chronicled in Dillon Read and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits and her personal history investigating the money missing from the US federal government:
“Long ago, I made a promise that I would never act against the best interests or the excellence of my own people—that I would do my best to ensure that we were worthy of the stewardship of our world and that we did our best to leave a better world for generations yet to come. To make and keep such a promise is to understand that money and position are tools, not goals, and that death is not the worst thing that can happen. Some would probably accuse me of ‘fighting the tape’ and not being ‘good at the game.’ I would tell those people that now is not the time in the history of our people for a failure of imagination.”
The Solari Report https://home.solari.com/
An Exposé - May 19th, 2023
Presented by Children's Health Defense Europe and by UKColumn
Tomorrow IOJ will follow up with WHY and HOW to Sue The WHO for Crimes Against Humanity.