4 Days Until W.H.O. 76th WHA! Freedom Of Information (FOIA) Flat Refuses To Give WGIHR Contacts (and more), First chance to Sue The WHO! Re: Treaty & IHR
In response to the WHO denying our right to information last week, today IOJ just filed our first and easiest Sue The WHO case! Lets see how "IMMUNE" from court the WHO is... Not very immune we bet!
W.H.O. Busted! Breach Of Duty - FOIA "Ethics" Office Repeatedly Refuses To Give Contact Info For WGIHR!
First chance to sue the WHO regarding treaty and IHR.
We hope you all realize a WHO takeover is done mostly in secrecy with the blessings of our own nations, which will require a series of sustained legal actions to prevent.
Activism is definitely NOT enough.
Today marks 4 days until the World Health Assembly (WHA), but its also day 1 of Sue The WHO initiative, boots on the ground.
Yes, IOJ is taking the initiative. We are dragging and hauling the derelict WHO into court for a simple breach of our right of information case to start with. BOOM.
It will only ramp up from here judicially.
Why Did IOJ Sue The W.H.O. Today?
About 7 Months Ago IOJ Wanted To Write the WGIHR Directly About Pandemic Treaty & IHR Negotiations.
We have been trying to contact the WGIHR (working group for International Health Regulations) and the INB (Intergovernmental Negotiating Body for the treaty) members directly before all their meetings were over to protest the obscene proposed treaty and IHR amendments which would give the WHO DG (Director General) unilateral power to declare a "PANDEMIC SITUATION" at his whim and worse.
Last year WHO DG Tedros demanded the IHR amended to force Member States to pay 50% of WHO’s budget because Tedros confessed the WHO “is at the whim of funders”. Bill Gates is the WHO’s biggest funder by the way…
Should we be at the WHIM of the WHO or their funders? NO.
Ummm… Can we get an audience with the WGIHR?
IOJ wanted to write the WGIHR members before the decide these crazy things without community involvement, but the WHO repeatedly refuses to give us the FOIA info.
W.H.O. WGIHR Met Multiple Times For More Pandemic Treaty & IHR Negotiations Since We First Asked For Their Contacts And Now They Will Meet In 4 Days At WHA To Vote In IHR Amendments And Further Negotiate The Treaty. This Is UNACCEPTABLE!
Yes, the WHO/DGO/CRE/Ethics Unit Still Refuses To Provide Pertinent FOIA Request Regarding The Secret IHR Background!
The quest for adequate and truthful information continues. These are very simple informations requests for the WGIHR contact information.
Each time FOIA writes back JUST as WGIHR is meeting & delays the contact info.
Games? Incompetence? Delays, delays, delays.
Keep in mind we are an actual WHO recognized stakeholder in pandemic preparedness and response, which the WHO Intergovernmental Negotiating Body says means that IOJ “has relevant information to share”.
What are they hiding? We wrote the WHO repeatedly to say we are not satisfied - please answer all questions. We were forced to re-ask repeatedly after WHO replies with another insufficient answer to our freedom of information requests.
Instead of simply give IOJ the WGIHR (member states) names and contacts, the WHO FOIA department FINALLY came clean last week and wrote us back to tell us they forwarded all our requests and new complaints for withholding the information to the bosses.
We then of course asked to provide the names of the relevant departments and exact messages that were sent to the “relevant departments”, as well as their Superiors.
They wrote back last week to say they cant tell us.
Did they think that would end it? Our motto is Be the PERSISTENCE! Duh, we do not stop. Give us the information damnit.
Screw you WHO.
We are not putting up with this.
For now, just know the judicial experiment is ON like Donkey Kong.
Can Interest of Justice really waive WHO’s immunity, or more precisely, hold them responsible for cessation and reparations in a court?
We have the laws that say yes, WHO owes us ALL obligations and is responsible, even if immune.
The most bizarre thing is the WHO can actually KEEP their immunity and still be held responsible in a tribunal. Attorneys either don’t know this fact or law, or will not tell you this, even freedom fighter attorneys. All attorneys we know (a lot) insist wrongly that WHO is not able to be sued except for wrongdoing regarding their commercial activity. That is a very wrong statement according to international law.
Lets see how it goes in court against WHO for something mostly trivial like simple information requests, so we can file the mother-load case of all WHO cases next for human experimentation and breaches of duty and know how it goes, to be prepared for the big one soon.
For those who are really interested, we have posted the entire email exchange between IOJ and WHO’s Freedom of Information “ethics department” below.
Its actually probably an entertaining read…
The final letter and WHO’s lame failure of a response allows us to SUE THE WHO.
IOJ took all week and just sued the WHO for these answers.
This is the first case in a series of cases against the WHO in an attempt to discredit and prohibit the WHO in all countries.
The Saga With W.H.O. “Ethics”:
On Monday, October 31, 2022, IOJ wrote a FOIA request to the (WHO)World Health Organization ,WGIHR and IHRRC (Working Group International Health Regulations and the International Health Regulations Review Committee)
The original request they keep failing to answer:
Interest Of Justice FOIA To The Who IHRRC October 31, 2022
Please see attached URGENT common law freedom of information request dated Monday October 31, 2022.
Respectfully, Dustin Bryce, on behalf of Interest Of Justice
Attached Letter to WHO:
First, Please provide all submitted IHR proposed amendments from the following countries in an expedited manner.
When we go to the site where they are supposed to be posted it states “NO DOCUMENTS FOR THE MOMENT” (see: https://apps.who.int/gb/wgihr/e/e_wgihr-1.html). It is our understanding these proposed amendments have not been made public and we are interested stakeholders which require the information to conduct a report and to allow for participation by due process.
1. Armenia
2. Bangladesh
3. Brazil
4. Czech Republic on behalf of the Member States of the European Union
5. Eswatini on behalf of the WHO African Region Member States
6. India
7. Indonesia
8. Japan
9. Namibia
10. New Zealand
11. Russian Federation on behalf of the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union
12. Switzerland
13. United States of America
14. Uruguay on behalf of MERCOSUR.
Second, Please include which states have submitted amendments to the IHR on behalf of both themselves and also for other States.
Third, Please name all states who the 14 countries are submitting proposed amendments on behalf of.
Fourth, Please inform us if all 194 delegates received the proposed amendments and if so, when were they notified?
Fifth, Please provide a list of every delegate and their contact information such as email for the 194 nation states regarding IHR amendments and also the Pandemic treaty.
Sixth, Please provide a list of all members of the WGIHR, the agenda, any associated documents and information of the WGIHR.
Seventh, We have written the INB on multiple occasions and have received no response.
A. Is there a deadline for information requests to WHO staff for them to respond?
B. Is there a deadline for expedited requests such as this to WHO staff for them to respond?
Notice: This is an exceptional common law freedom of information request which broadens our right to receive said information which may ordinarily be held confidential under WHO exceptions.
According to the WHO Information Disclosure Policy:
The World Health Organization (WHO) is committed to making information about its activities available to the public. WHO considers public access to information a key component of effective engagement with all stakeholders, including WHO’s Member States and the public, in the fulfillment of its mandate.
The WHO pretty much appears to have completely failed to live up to their mandate and frustratingly did not give us the information requested. See their lame response that answered nothing we asked:
On February, 26, 2023, IOJ wrote
To: World Health Organization February 26, 2023
Dear Friends,We are not satisfied with the WHO’s response to the freedom of information request Interest Of Justice delivered to email informationrequest@who.int on November 1, 2022. It did not answer our questions at all.
“Ethics” has completely failed to answer our fifth, sixth and seventh questions which violates our right to information and is causing us injury by not having the information provided in a timely enough manner to actually use the information in time.
As we explained previously, we required the information to contact the WGIHR for their first meeting, who just met this last week February 20-24, 2023 for their second meeting. Without the information we asked for months ago, that we required, and still require immediately, we are unable to exercise our right to meaningfully communicate with the international organization.
If you recall from our original information request, sent November 1, 2022, we stated unequivocally that the documents were needed in a timely manner in order to exercise a right:
See original request: “Thank you for your prompt assistance in this URGENT matter, we require the information URGENTLY as the next WGIHR meeting regarding these matters is scheduled on or before November 14, 15, 2022 and proceeding without our inclusion as an interested non State actor in the process by keeping said information confidential violates our rights and makes us unable to perform our “Responsibility to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms” which is protected by law and stated herein. Interest Of Justice appreciates all of your help working with us to ensure the WHO meets their duty of transparency, disclosure and participation.”
WHO so called “ethics” wrote during the very end of the second WGIHR meeting providing us with absolutely no names or contact info, despite the question being very clear: “Please provide a list of all members of the WGIHR, the agenda, any associated documents and information of the WGIHR.”
The WHO, in being so slow and inefficient, has completely screwed us over and harmed us by denying IOJ our right to communicate with international organizations and to participate in the deign of health policy in a timely manner before all WGIHR deliberations are over and now we are fully excluded and defenseless, which makes the treaty process void for denying all stakeholders meaningful participation.
As a result of the withholding of information, IOJ claims we are irreparably injured, denied rights.
Once again, please EXPEDITE the delivery of the following reiterated information requests and please, we beg, stop playing games because WGIHR only has one more meeting on April 17-20, 2023 and we need to contact them prior to those dates:
W.H.O. REFUSED TO ANSWER: Fifth, Please provide a list of every delegate and their contact information such as email for the 194 nation states regarding IHR amendments and also the Pandemic treaty.
W.H.O. REFUSED TO ANSWER: Sixth, Please provide a list of all members of the WGIHR, the agenda, any associated documents and information of the WGIHR. Also, please provide their contact information.
W.H.O. REFUSED TO ANSWER: Seventh, We have written the INB on multiple occasions and have received no response.
A. Is there a deadline for information requests, to WHO staff for them to respond?
B. Is there a deadline for expedited requests such as this, to WHO staff for them to respond?
The withheld information by “ethics”, is the same “ethics” department that has failed to respond to multiple notices of claim and charges.
Please provide said requested information in 10 days or our organization will be forced to take legal action for WHO’s responsibility and claim damages against both WHO and their independent oversight for inefficiency and inactivity in the face of serious obligations.
Thank you for your prompt assistance in this serious matter and appreciate all of your help working with us to provide the requested information and communications in order to protect the public health and safety.
Interest Of Justice,
The WHO still refused to respond to our immediate reply!
So IOJ, being the PERSISTENCE, wrote another FOIA requesting again the information needed from the previous FOIA.
IOJ, getting really sick and tired of this nonsense then wrote WHO’s “ethics” FOIA request team the following scathing review, notice and demand on April 13, 2023:
Here’s what IOJ wrote on April 13, 2023:
Dear Friends,
Very Urgent in regards to the unanswered questions in the previous FOIA requests. Please see the attached document in regards to the EXTREMELY URGENT FOIA request
Thank you
IOJ Team
Attached letter:
World Health Organization April 13, 2023
Dear Friends,
Interest of Justice would like to give a friendly update that we are not satisfied with the non-response from our multiple times of contacting WHO in regards to information about the WGIHR from the FOIA department. Our first request was sent on October 31, 2022.
Ethics then responded on February 22, 2023 with a response that had nothing to do with what was requested. IOJ responded on February 26, 2023 with a notice of dis-satisfaction, demanding the information due long ago. We have not heard back from FOIA in regards to their error and breach of duty. Here are the presumptions of the withholdings in our February 26, 2023
letter: Pending Unanswered
(The WHO, in being so slow and inefficient, has completely screwed us over and harmed us by denying IOJ our right to communicate with international organizations and to participate in the design of health policy in a timely manner before all WGIHR deliberations are over and now we are fully excluded and defenseless, which makes the treaty process void for denying all stakeholders meaningful participation.
As a result of the withholding of information, IOJ claims we are irreparably injured, denied rights.
Once again, please EXPEDITE the delivery of the following reiterated information requests and please, we beg, stop playing games because WGIHR only has one more meeting on April 17-20, 2023 and we need to contact them prior to those dates:
W.H.O. REFUSED TO ANSWER: Fifth, Please provide a list of every delegate and their contact information such as email for the 194 nation states regarding IHR amendments and also the Pandemic treaty.
W.H.O. REFUSED TO ANSWER: Sixth, Please provide a list of all members of the WGIHR, the agenda, any associated documents and information of the WGIHR. Also, please provide their contact information.
W.H.O. REFUSED TO ANSWER: Seventh, We have written the INB on multiple occasions and have received no response.
A. Is there a deadline for information requests, to WHO staff for them to respond?
B. Is there a deadline for expedited requests such as this, to WHO staff for them to respond?)[end]
And so we had to write WHO information requests once again in regards to the WGIHR (working group for International health regulations) meeting about to happen on Monday the 17 of April 2023. We are unable to contact the Working Group (all the States delegates) due to the inefficiency of FOIA refusing to answer most questions, including refusing to provide us any names or contacts for the WGIHR.
The situation of withholding information in our interest is causing us irreparable injury by being denied fundamental rights to information, participation and to communicate with the International Organizations as a vulnerable primary stakeholder who has been excluded from the deliberations on the pandemic treaty and the IHR amendments, despite it being a right and obligation for us to participate in the design of the policies of the International Organizations and States which may affect us and our stakeholders.
How is IOJ supposed to exercise a right when we are refused information needed to exercise our rights to participate? In which, is a right to health and a duty of WHO to comply with and to provide our organization with extra assistance as primary vulnerable stakeholders in “Pandemic Preparedness and Response” as recognized by the INB.
These are two serious new questions for the FOIA department which we sent on *********. Its now time to
Q1: How do we give effect to the law which says we have a right to participate and to communicate with the International Organizations, when the WHO is inactive and inefficient refusing to answer basic FOIA questions and even refusing to answer multiple complaints in the WHO Ethics office for many months?
Q2: What is the remedy available to us for this injury and omission of WHO to perform the duties of information and participation owed to us as primary vulnerable stakeholders?
Request for assistance: Please also answer the pending questions you never answered which we complained about in our last letter explaining we are not satisfied with the FOIA response.
Thank you for your prompt assistance in this serious matter. We appreciate all of your help in working with us to provide the requested information regarding the questions presented and communications in order to protect the public health and safety.
Thank you and looking forward,
Interest Of Justice,
We finally got another pass the buck response the day before the last WGIHR meeting.
It was supposed to be timely so we could get the WGIHR contact info BEFORE the first, second and the last meeting this week in preparation of Mays WHA to vote on the IHR amendments they are discussing in secret!
How convenient of the WHO that their “ethics” FOIA oversight is so inefficient.
From WHO “ethics” to IOJ:
Dear Sender,
Thank you for your request.
It has been forwarded to the relevant WHO departments.
Kind regards,
Ethics Team
WHO/DGO/CRE/Ethics Unit
April 28, 2023 IOJ sends a response to the WHO:
April 28, 2023 Dear Friends,
We have not heard back from the relevant WHO departments you notified.
The WHO relevant departments are late and non responsive as usual. As you recall, this is regarding non responses to multiple FOIA requests, attempts to communicate as an interested relevant stakeholder and even multiple non responses to serious charges with right of reply in the WHO Ethics / oversight department.Please inform us precisely which departments were notified of the omission and breaches of duty, the date, exact message you sent and to whom, as well as the contact information for the Superior of each of those relevant departments you notified.
Thank you for your prompt assistance in this serious matter. We appreciate all of your help in working with us to provide the requested information regarding the questions presented and communications in order to protect the public health and safety.
Thank you and looking forward,
Interest Of Justice,
May 8, 2023 WHO ethics writes back to our updated request:
Dear Mr Bryce,
This refers to your letters dated 26 February, 13 April and 28 April 2023.
Please see below the information that WHO is in a position to provide:
“Please provide a list of every delegate and their contact information such as email for the 194 nation states regarding IHR amendments and also the Pandemic treaty.”
This information is not publicly available and not subject to disclosure under the WHO Information Disclosure Policy.
“Please provide a list of all members of the WGIHR, the agenda, any associated documents and information of the WGIHR. Also, please provide their contact information.”
The WGIHR meeting agendas and related documents are available at the link shared with you in our email communication of 22 February 2023. The names and contact details of the members of the WGIHR are not subject to disclosure under the WHO Information Disclosure Policy.
We trust this clarifies your questions. WHO now considers your enquiry to be closed.
Kind regards,
Ethics Team
WHO/DGO/CRE/Ethics Unit
You can’t consider our unanswered enquiry to be closed! That is obscene.
The WHO has the audacity to claim they are not in the position to provide the other questions about WGIHR contact information, or inform us of who they referred our complaints to and much more? What a joke. They need to be fired.
The WHO will need to tell a judge why the WHO “is not in the position to provide” public information in our interests.
Lets see what happens next! That was our final letter regarding this information… This is where we now sue to get the information…..
Thank you for your tireless hard work and dedication to this neverending nightmare!
I am confused. This mob squatting in The WHO? offices in Switzerland, cannot answer basic
and REPEATED requests for basic Information, yet "they" can manage to ask for more funding for this largely PRIVATELY funded (by vested interests who direct where their private funds are to be spent by The WHO?) and Government funded Organisation? but do not release audited accounts of The WHO? nor are Countries' Representatives' names released, to enable the Taxpayers of those various donor Nations to write to THEIR Representative in The WHO? and The WHO? propose such a number of very, very serious changes to the The WHO? Modus Operandi??
The WHO? expects that people believe them after their dismal PLandemic posturing?
Yes, I am aware that I have used many questions marks in my diatribe here.
INTERESTS of JUSTICE- truly a fine example of a professional Practice.