Another Huge Win Tonight Against Agenda 2030 15 Minute City In Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica! | 40 Minutes Of Yelling Suspends Plan For 11th Week In A Row! Ultimate Participation By And For The People : )
Tonight was another successful protest at the Municipality. This is how we get stuff done folks! Another week of staving off Agenda 2030 in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica, Interest of Justice Headquarters!
Tonight was another successful protest at the Municipality. This is how we get stuff done folks! Another week of staving off Agenda 2030. Please, please read fully, share and take notes because we can ALL beat Agenda 2030 and IOJ will help you all do it successfully!

This is how you beat Agenda 2030 one week at a time: Brave & warrior people!
POT is the Perez Zeledon Territorial Re-zoning plan for 15 minute cities. We don’t want it!
Lining up in Perez Zeledon for ANOTHER week of protesting Agenda 2030 tonight!
We are AWAKE to Globalist influence in our town and we say NO AGENDA 2030!
40 minutes of protesting tonight results in THREE ten minute recesses, & FULLY SUSPENDS the session for 15 minute city!
Eleventh week of being the peoples government! HALT!
Here is the timestamp of tonight’s Municipality session showing how to win close up:
(Also see clips taken by Dustin Bryce-IOJ tonight which are posted below for you to get the fierce and yet still humble and respectful vibe tonight - THAT WORKED AGAIN!)
Above is the Official Municipality video from tonight: Forty minutes of a perfect example on how to shut down a city vote on a topic you hate!
On April 4, 2024 the town folk of Perez Zeledon had a HUGE protest against “eco barrio” 15 minute cities and a new re-zoning plan based on Agenda 2030. Links are below.
We think the past history articles on this saga are worth a read below if you haven’t seen the two articles we put out yet.
It’s been a wild ride here in PZ & we have not given weekly updates. It’s time to bring you all up to speed how we, the people of Perez Zeledon, are kicking UN’s butt on defeating Agenda 2030. It’s not over, but it’s getting close to the final win & we PROMISE you we wont give up. Even the past administration that ended a month and a half ago is also part of the crowd of brave and warrior protestors haha - we are a FORCE OF AWESOMENESS HERE.
Tonight was an epic win again, so let’s get up to speed with the latest and greatest:
How is this method so successful so far?
Well, it’s noticeable, that is one thing. It gets their attention. Will we really be heard though?
Yes, because the whole town is a town of legal beagles. They ALL file cases like we do!
Chanting in unison to, “take away the pensions of the Municipality officials” - video below
Above Dustin Bryce explains how the people are chanting to “take away the pensions of the Municipality officials” tonight, resulting in the 11th session in a row being delayed on implementing the first 15 minute city under UN Agenda 2030 here.
Below you can see the Officials are not smiling, stone-face and go silent, and they have to take a recess, then another, then another until fully suspending the session.
See, we have to go protest EVERY TUESDAY in the Municipality meeting - but it’s working. Watch 40 minutes above of friendly yelling and handwaving, bazookas and flags tonight. YES!!! Be assured it once again SHUT DOWN tonights session with NO forward movement on the 15 minute city schemes - just stalled the sessions AGAIN like every week for 11 weeks straight.
It’s so successful, our towns collective action, in fact, that you need to understand it and use it!
See, our town folks method of pure legal challenges in court (IOJ and many others have them BOXED in!) mixed with civil participation and protests has put Agenda 2030 re-zoning 15 minute city schemes into such question of legality that the town itself ordered audits of the irregularities to see themselves exactly how to nullify the contracts a couple weeks back. The Municipality officials are in the final week or two of deciding what to do about renewing or nullifying the contract with the designers of the plan payed in 2016 to draft the plan (UN foreign agents?).
We hope they do not renew, but assume the worst, so we stay and fight WEEKLY & DAILY.
The contract ends in a week or two with the company that drafted the territorial rezoning plan (POT) and the town is in a bind whether to waste the funds spent, wondering do they owe the company any fulfillment, are the plans proportionate and legal, etc…. Hold the line! Dig in! STOP! People have questions and need due process! Give it or we are taking due process.
The rest of the full inspirational story:
April 4, 2024 - The day of Oh HELL NO
The day of INFAMY - U.N. NO MORE!
It started April 4, 2024 with a huge protest and TONS of legal filings:
Let’s just say April 4 is a historical day of infamy here in Perez Zeledon and all of Costa Rica. It was the day the brave and warrior people rose up in defiance against Agenda 2030 and began to take control of their local government! A very proud day.
Two weeks into the Saga, Officials Call Protestors “Brave and Warrior” people!
9 weeks ago the old Municipality decided to hand things over to this new Municipality suspended as LEGALLY INVALID…
Protests continued weekly with the last administration giving in and FULLY suspending the plan, but ONLY until the new Mayor and Municipality took over a week or so later on May 1st:
The NEW Mayor & Municipality Is Sworn In… We All Wonder “What Next”?
The new Mayor arrived on May 1, 2024, was sworn in and told the town in a beautiful speech that he understands their concerns and will NOT approve the obviously “incomplete” re-zoning plan unless it meets legalities and is also approved by the participation of the Citizens and inhabitants. BIG PROMISES, but will he keep them?
Perez Zeledon promises to become an example of participatory government for all of Costa Rica in the first sessions of the new Municipality board, which understandably is still heavily doubted by the town-folk, who are vigilant and on guard for any signs of trickery from the new Administration.
Don’t mess with the brave and warrior people of Perez Zeledon!
Mayor promises PARTICIPATORY GOVERNMENT (IOJ’s whole purpose for existing, we are pleased!)
First thing the new Mayor did was a major clean up job and he wisely appealed to the people to help him. The town also reciprocates by preparing for a secure and safe protest space weekly.
Remember, the first protest April 4, 2024 was shut down by public security and no space was held to participate, so we demanded space to be heard to say hell no, not on our watch.
New Commission created of trusted town-folk to oversee Agenda 2030 plan!
The new Mayor, immediately upon entry into office, decides to make a new commission of three trusted town-folk and it was smart, because even the most devout protestors wholeheartedly agree the new commission’s members are awesome and trustworthy.
(They are NOT going to let Agenda 2030 15 minute city re-zoning plans EVER get approved here, these are farmers and surveyors, locals, etc.)
Perez Zeledon considers Interest of Justice proposal for Public Diplomacy:
The Mayor also goes so far and offers to take applications by May 20, 2024 midnight for civil society and experts to become an advisor for the new commission overseeing the re-zoning Agenda 2030 plans. Of course we applied.
June 4th, 2024: City discusses allowing Interest of Justice to act as advisors:
Interest of Justice has taken initiative and applied to become an advisor to the commission for public and science diplomacy, and the town is considering our proposal through the legal advisor. See below.
See Perez Zeledon consider Interest of Justice proposal for including us as an advisor to the Commission for Multilateral, Public and Science Diplomacy initiatives. Above is the time time stamp of the Municipality reading out our request from Dustin Bryce at Interest of Justice and saying the Municipality sent our request to advise to the Legal Advisor.. We are awaiting response. Will they let normal people like us advise? Maybe.
If you think we’re doing a good job, we can really use your support to continue our work! Thank you!
Below is more of tonights scene and why it REALLY PAYS OFF to PARTICIPATE!
Protestors have arrived AGAIN as they do every Tuesday to Stop Agenda 2030!
The beginning is always pretty calm
But to stop the towns motion on the vote (again) tonight we get really vocal about our wishes!
Here, the organizers of the protests from day one take the effort to remind the riled up people fighting Agenda 2030 in Perez Zeledon to keep it calm (while OK if staying loud)
Stop Agenda 2030! Perez Zeledon!
And dear readers this is how the town of Perez Zeledon is doing it. We are KICKING AGENDA 2030 OUT OF OUR LOCAL GOVERNANCE. You can do the same!
Lovely! What a spirit!
I am talking on a daily basis now with people in the supermarket here in Flanders, the organic farmers where I buy etc. Many are waking up now. I also think we, in the EU and the US should start our own (local) monetary systems just like the BRICS so that we can step out of the grip of the WHO, UN etc.
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