Does Bill Gates Owe Matt Hancock A Favor For Chipping People? Matt Hancock Emails Lay Claim On Bill Gates. LOCKDOWN FILES: "He Owes Me For Injecting His Chips Into So Many People". WAIT! WHAT CHIPS?
Wasn't the government insisting natural immunity, shedding and microchips were all MYTHS? Is the microchips "myth" going to crumble soon and become fact, or it it just a fun joke & paranoid rumor?
Myth: Bill Gates Is Injecting microchips in the covid-19 vaccine!
Fact: Mayo Clinic may have been completely wrong when fact checking the above microchips theory!
Read on and discern for yourself if you think the covid-19 vaccines may actually have microchips in them…
It is a strange world… Anything is possible. W.H.O. knows?
Below is the latest salacious news from “The Lockdown Files Team” last night!
Matt Hancock cracks joke about Bill Gates Covid conspiracy
Former health secretary made fun of crackpot theory when discussing getting Microsoft billionaire's support
ByThe Lockdown Files Team 5 March 2023 • 6:00pm
Matt Hancock joked that Bill Gates “owes me one” considering “how many people I’m getting his chips injected into”.
The then health secretary was hoping to get Microsoft billionaire Mr Gates’s help in promoting an offer of UK expertise in identifying coronavirus variants when he made the quip in January 2021.
At the time the internet was awash with crackpot claims that the vaccination programme was being used as a means of controlling the world’s population by implanting microscopic microchips into people’s arms.
Some of them suggested the evil genius behind the plot was Mr Gates, who was once the world’s richest man.
On Jan 25, 2021 Damon Poole, Mr Hancock’s media adviser, sent him a WhatsApp message asking him if he had spoken to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the World Health Organisation, about the New Variant Assessment Platform (NVAP), which offered other countries UK expertise to detect and assess new variants around the world.
Many of the conspiracy theories about the Covid vaccine were said to have been spread on the internet by pro-Kremlin outlets.
They included a suggestion that Mr Gates wanted to implant tracking devices inside every human through mass vaccination, and that microchips contained in vaccines would allow Microsoft to “control” the entire world population.
The European Union even issued lengthy advice on how to persuade people that the microchip plot was fiction.
Another popular conspiracy theory said to have been spread by Russia was that the Oxford University/AstraZeneca jab was a “monkey vaccine” that not only contravened animal rights but would also turn people into monkeys.
Mr Gates did not, in the event, endorse the NVAP.
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It just gets better tribe! Please read the above LOCKDOWN FILES!
Just a small snippit in the full LOCKDOWN FILES: The “psychological warfare” of Project Fear used during the pandemic to frighten the public into following rules.
Leaked messages seen by The Telegraph showed that in December 2020, Matt Hancock, the health secretary at the time, suggested that the Government “frighten the pants off everyone” to ensure strict Covid rules were adhered to.
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This just in... darkfield microscopy from Dr. Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD...
Also note other links at bottom of page, showing this is also in insulin and dental anesthesia... therefore presumably in all injectables now 🤬...
The Hatt Man-cock text in regard to the chips is clearly an attempt at humour in that context. However I am not dismissing the opportunity for nefarious lab rats to sneak in any of the latest tech into the jibjabs. Kill Gates met Grant Schapps (Shapptwat) and Sunak (Richy Rich) at Imperial College (Gates Foundation sponsored science and perambulating lockdown paramour Neil Ferguson (cunt)) two weeks ago... I am asking mainstream media for that transcript every morning but none seem to want to spill the beans...