Interest of Justice has established strict limits for the WHO!
We spoke at the WHO pandemic treaty public participation hearing Session 1 and laid down the law.
For public participation to be valid, it must be meaningful participation... What does that mean to us?
We just started our Substack where we can share our many legal strategies underway in Costa Rica and internationally to deal with the restoration and preservation of liberty in this unprecedented attack.
We will begin to use this as our platform to share the ongoing step by step correspondence between us as stakeholders and panelists in the WHO pandemic treaty public hearings and witness the development of our relationship with the WHO beyond into the future.
You are invited to join us in our unprecedented and historically significant legal “participation” process, that we are now commencing and crafting so its “meaningful” to us…
We are starting a diplomatic relationship with the WHO’s head of legal which will be ongoing until resolved in humanities favor.
Reminding The Government of Their Required Duty Under The Private International Law, and Establishing Procedures to Protect Human Rights
Our motto is:
“Why be the resistance when you can be the PERSISTENCE?”
The WHO wont be able to get rid of us because it is our right and duty to ensure our participatory experience as “stakeholders” is meaningful to us… and we are respectful but firm about the law… We write letter after letter, rebut each point, back our presumptions with facts and because we are impeccable with our word and love rule of law to effect CHANGE - we actually have to relentlessly sue to enforce every petition and rightful demand we make.
In Costa Ricas Supreme Court we have filed over 20 cases against our Health Minister and through our persistence, even refiling a single issue many times, we have won 4 cases against the Health Ministry for violating our right to information & reply. WHO can expect the same commitment to honor and rule of law from us as we stand firm to limit all overreach and conflicts of interest.
We have no illusions about the daunting task at hand to reform the WHO and make them responsive to our needs as stakeholders with views that may be perceived as critical of the organization.
We are aware that many readers may feel the true intent of the WHO convening public hearings was a show hearing - to be able to claim they did their duty and gave us all the right to due process to participate - which is really supposed to be an “ignoring”, filled mostly with their own cheerleaders..
May be so, but always remember, we are persistent and optimistic, which can overcome the will of those stronger!
We all probably eager to see how this will unfold into an end result that supports rule of law and human rights.
We are about to send WHO’s head of legal some serious issues on our mind that should be important enough to open dialogue, which will result in a rightful DEMAND for ENFORCEABLE human rights (whether they work with us or decide to not work with us).
“Working with and never against” in order to effect positive change!
Interest of Justice must gain credibility as an approved stakeholder, which can only be accomplished by being respectful but persistent about our requirements to meaningfully participate.
Participation must be meaningful to us in order to prevent imbalance of power injurious to our interests and health. This requires the inclusion of experts, citizen journalists and the diversity of people, many of whom have been systematically and relentlessly persecuted and censored by Trusted News Initiative for even questioning the edicts of the WHO.
Maintaining credibility requires Interest of Justice to show respect for WHO’s intent to do this process while defending those critical of WHO and ensuring the issues we raised are actually addressed by WHO, such as the censorship and persecution coming from Trusted News Initiative.
To be meaningful participation, this process of drafting and implementing a treaty requires input of a vulnerable group who deserve to be heard. The WHO needs to include experts, even those who are critical of WHO.
We will balance the diplomacy required to mediate between the expert groups expressing anger or frustration at being oppressed by the current WHO policies of persecution and retaliation and the WHO’s head of legal. Of course Interest of Justice will have a balancing act of decorum and must watch every word to convey our true intent which is good will and love for rule of law time immemorial, in the interest of justice and health for all people, and in defense of human rights and individual freedom.
The next great rising of the pillar of the law is beginning - do you see it yet?
PARTICIPATION is a key means to the ends.
Q: What do we want?
A: “IRON CLAD” Enforceable human rights “limitations” on WHO’s POWER.
The WHO wants the power to yield what they call “iron clad” power to “shape the research agenda” and “iron clad” power to interfere in private rights if they declare an emergency.
As this ongoing legal process progresses, we are on call 24/7 for humanity. There will be a series of attempts from Interest of Justice to meaningfully participate through written legal documents to WHO’s highest levels.
We will continue to write and legally engage the WHO and their intergovernmental negotiating body, with an eye toward ensuring they include written clear procedures for the people themselves to monitor, oversee and control the governments legality and enforce human rights protections that are already written into the Siracusa Principles.
We REQUIRE enforceable human rights protections in the event all final remedies are exhausted and the State is exceeding authority which harms us.
Remedies are often unavailable in declared emergencies due to the state of exception caused by executive declarations of emergency. The remedies already exist, but the problem is there are NO PROCEDURES for us to invoke our human rights protections.
That is why Interest of Justice was established - to work with government and private bodies such as WHO to force them to establish PROCEDURES for us to restrain their arbitrary overreach into our private lives!
Our aim is to ensure the new treaty’s drafters do their duty to include provisions that prevent future agendas that involve overreach.
The goal is limiting WHO’s power under any new proposed treaty.
NO, we cant ask to stop them from creating a new treaty.
Why? Remember, the WHO has the right as a private organization to create and negotiate a treaty.
Our own government, functioning or captured, is where we must all work as well, to BUILD RECORDS in each country that will be used to prevent the adoption and enforcement of any new treaty, unless the proposed treaty meets the requirements of transparency, accountability and necessity, and all the bells and whistles of the Siracusa Principles and human rights protections that are not wholly illusory.
We will be producing a series of detailed legal actions for people with instructions over the next few months, and we are provide a universally domiciled platform for everyone to join us as a stakeholder and be part of history as we put ongoing legal pressure on the WHO
Become a patron supporter for our 24/7 work -
Join the ComeUnity supported Legal restraint upon the WHO!
For now the task at hand is there is a situation where WHO is new drafting of a pandemic treaty. It is likely to be adopted globally. We MUST PARTICIPATE and dialogue is essential. Our DUTY as stakeholders in Interest of Justice is to build and provide the LEGAL RECORD and CASES that will protect human rights and prevent overreach.
These critical ongoing legal matters between us trying to MEANINGFULLY participate (a human right and duty owed to us by WHO) and the WHO’s response to our upcoming attempts to be included will move very FAST over the next months (and years) as this process unfolds!
We tried to speak in Session 2 because we had more to say, but were D-E-N-I-E-D!
After raising our hand 20x the HEAD ATTORNEY OF WHO personally wrote us by email. Apparently they allowed only one 2 minute slot per organization. (Thats why we are going to write him and talk about how its not a meaningful process to us and we will invoke our right & their duty to allow real participation)
They ended the public “participation” EARLY by saying “no one else wants to speak” immediately after telling us we are being denied the opportunity to speak again.
We will put out calls for peoples participatory action throughout this critical process.
For now, we are going to leave you with a link to a video and transcript of our spoken presentation in response to the WHO’s request :
“What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?”
Click Now To Watch IOJ's Speech At The WHO's Public Hearing Session 1:
The official transcript is here:
"We request the following:
All technical recommendations and limitations to rights in an emergency shall conform to the requirements set in the Siracusa Principles.
No treaty can be binding which confers upon the WHO the power to issue or enforce pandemic guidance which may supplant the nations constitution, written definitions and sovereign legislation.
Persecution and censorship of diversity of opinion regarding WHO’s “evolving science” is expressly prohibited; free and open discourse shall be protected and encouraged in the public interest to prevent imbalance of power and systematic violations of human rights
The centralization of national health data, gene and biotechnology, AI with Big Tech and media, poses an international security threat that must be prevented at all costs.
Pre-determination and punishment of misinformation with no written law defining misinformation backed by science and due process, is prohibited by law and punishable.
The WHO shall not exaggerate the seriousness of the diagnosis, complicate the treatment, or artificially create alarm situations in response to spurious interests; if found guilty the member states should agree to permanently stop all funding and relationships with the WHO, in the public interest
The WHO must immediately declare all yearly funders with full transparency and allow for independent oversight with the ability to immediately remove all conflicts of interest
The Member States require WHO agrees to be liable in the event that damages arise from the use of the guidance
The final decision in a truly democratic process, should be made by the people rather than the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body which may be widely perceived as biased and usurping individual and national sovereignty.
Procedures for meaningful participation by all people in the enforcement of human rights enshrined in Siracusa Principles shall be made readily available in all future WHO pandemic guidance"
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It is you, the few donors we have, that singlehandedly make our ongoing legal work against WHO, FDA and Wrongdoer States possible.
Folks, letting you know I’m up to speed with this & with friends in Interest of Justice.
I’d be delighted if with other witnesses we can accomplish something in this unusual & beautiful country!
Best wishes
The bigger picture:
Corey Lynn goes deep into organizations and banks that enjoy immunities, privileges and tax exemptions and how they control the world.
Laundering With Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1