Nuremberg Hearing Is ORDERED In CR, As CR President Chaves Asks Why WEF Presidents NOT ARRESTED - After Eight Tyrant Former WEF Presidents Post Open Letter Against Him As A 'Dictator'
President Chaves responded to the letter published by the WEF penetrating ex-presidents, whom he considers “accomplices and perpetrators of the tyranny that they defend as institutionalism.”
The President called the democratic regime created 75 years ago, after the 1948 civil war, a “perfect dictatorship,” which he believes is still in place today.
Heads up readers - President Chaves Presidents Office is HELPING us be heard on covid crimes next month 11-11 and we need community support to do the best job!
IOJ, Dr. Yeadon, Sasha Latypova, Dr. Janci Lindsay & top experts have a once in a lifetime opportunity for a hearing ORDERED by the Presidents office and Health Ministry on 11-11.
You are invited to help make history go down in a good way by joining forces with us when the timing is most ripe for us to win. Generous contributions are humbly being requested for the Attorney team, because we REALLY want the best shot to win! There is NO better country to fight the WEF than from Costa Rica - please support - we cannot do this alone! The time is right - it’s now or never - we have a BREAK and need your help to take it!
NOTICE: You can help us to help Dr. Yeadon and other experts be heard with an Attorney in the Presidentially ORDERED 11-11 Nuremberg Hearing! Thanks team!
Former Costa Rican WEF Presidents Unite Against Democracy Criticism
President of the Republic stated that Costa Rica has been "in the perfect dictatorship" for 75 years. So 8 WEF penetrating former Presidents of Costa Rica gang up and censor current President Chaves.
President Chaves responded to the letter published by the ex-presidents, whom he considers “accomplices and perpetrators of the tyranny that they defend as institutionalism.”
“In the alliance that they have had for years, they elected all the magistrates, they elected the comptroller, they passed the laws that constrain us today, they began to soften the laws against criminals, they began to give absolute powers to the officials they appointed,” he said.
President Rodrigo Chaves toured San Carlos and highlighted that Costa Rica has many conditions necessary to become a prosperous nation. However, he questioned the institutional framework and the democratic system. He assured that Costa Rica has the potential to be one of the most prosperous countries in the world and does not need to envy Ireland or Singapore.
The President said the happiness of Ticos is tarnished by certain problems that have been inherited. “Corruption, fiefdoms… the perfect dictatorship of 75 years. They made us think that this (country), when they only let it be partially ours,” Chaves remarked.
President Rodrigo Chaves also criticized the fact that, according to Article 9 of the Political Constitution, the Government of the Republic must be popular, representative, participatory, alternative, and responsible, exercised by the people and the three independent powers.
He also mentioned that Article 105, which grants the people the power to legislate through Congress by means of suffrage, prohibits the calling of referendums to approve or repeal laws and partial reforms of the Constitution in matters of pensions, security, and administrative acts.
The President called the democratic regime created 75 years ago, after the 1948 civil war, a “perfect dictatorship,” which he believes is still in place today.
“We are talking about things that, for 75 years, during the perfect dictatorship, were set up by very intelligent people. We, the owners of the country, have already realized it. You, madam, already know that things have to be changed; we have realized that institutions are not there to serve interest groups,” he said.
The President indicated that the country is moving forward despite the fact that the Comptroller General of the Republic and Congress slow it down. “75 years of the same Legislative Assembly, with small changes, appointing the same magistrates, the same Chamber IV, making the same decisions,” he pointed out.
The letter denouncing President Chaves is below - which we REJECT because it comes from WEF.
Eight Corrupt WEF Former Presidents Try To Take Down President Chaves
Guess they didn’t like President Chaves calling out Costa Rica for “a perfect dictatorship” put in [by WEF] 75 years ago.. He apparently touched a nerve…
After this letter a few months back, President Chaves is going off almost daily asking why Carlos Alvarado (last President and Klaus Schwabs YOUNGEST Global Leader ever) isn’t ARRESTED. He keeps insisting the institutions are filled with PRIVATEERS from the past 75 years! He’s right. Now we are here to EXPOSE it and help him PROVE HE IS RIGHT! WEF AND WHO TOOK OVER!
Here is the letter from the 8 former presidents to President Rodrigo Chaves, along with their names:
"Costa Rica is a true democracy. It is the oldest uninterrupted democracy in Latin America, with a tradition of institutional development that began more than 200 years ago. Prestigious international organizations and rating agencies consider Costa Rica, along with Canada, Chile and Uruguay, as part of the only full democracies in the Americas and place us among a select group (only 14%) of democracies in that same category in the world.
Its democratic trajectory, the solidity of its rule of law and respect for civil liberties and human rights are internationally recognized and is an achievement of which Costa Ricans have been proud for several decades.
On June 14 of this year, during an event in La Fortuna de San Carlos, the President of the Republic stated that Costa Rica has been "in the perfect dictatorship" for 75 years. That is, he equated Costa Rica with countries such as North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and others, where citizens do not freely choose their rulers, where there are political prisoners, where there is no economic freedom, where freedom of expression is punished, among many other conditions of repression that shame humanity. These types of statements must be rejected.
For this reason, we publish this statement. We do so to defend historical truth, do justice to the republican and democratic struggles of our ancestors, appeal to citizen conscience about the immense value of our democratic institutions of decision-making and control, and protect the established international prestige of Costa Rican democracy.
We are clear that democracies are imperfect. That the task of improving it is permanent and that its consolidation will always be an unfinished task. Like other democracies in the world, both old and new, ours is imperfect and, throughout history, governments of different political colors have made mistakes. But it is also true that by adhering in their actions to democratic norms and the rule of law, these errors have been publicly debated, subjected to citizen scrutiny and control bodies, and corrective measures have been taken.Of course, our democracy carries debts with citizens.
As is happening today with citizen insecurity and the exponential growth of homicidal violence, femicides and assaults; with the lack of infrastructure; with deficiencies in public education; and with the weakening of social programs. Also, with the thousands of families who are now rationing water and who run the risk of suffering the same fate with electricity.
But, at the same time, we have made a lot of progress in these last 75 years in the protection and promotion of human rights, in gender equality, in reducing infant mortality, in increasing life expectancy, in the recovery of forests and protection of biodiversity, in productive diversification, in interconnection with the world and in access to technology. In some of these areas we are even at the forefront among the nations of the world.
We are aware that there is much, much to be done to improve the quality of life of citizens and continue strengthening our governance. But the only way to continue building a more prosperous and inclusive country is by adhering to our democratic values and perfecting the institutions that until now have guaranteed us the orderly transition of power, the exercise of authority for the benefit of the majorities and a mostly peaceful political and social coexistence.
Ignoring the best of our history and altering the truth of the facts will not only prevent solving the problems we still carry, but will aggravate them. Furthermore, it makes us waste valuable time when what we should be doing is building bridges and seeking broad and effective agreements.
What is needed today is to put down partisan flags, avoid attacks and disqualifications on important State bodies and, above all, the construction of a dangerous narrative that crudely distorts our institutional history, which has been forged in the best values by many generations of Costa Ricans.
Costa Rica is, and we must work to ensure that it remains, a true democracy.
San José, June 19, 2024
The letter was signed by the following 8 former presidents (President Figueres daughter Christina is head of UN Climate scam since day one - these are the Climate scamsters)

Óscar Arias Sánchez (1986-1990 and 2006-2010)
Rafael Ángel Calderón Fournier (1990-1994)
José María Figueres (1994-1998)
Miguel Ángel Rodríguez Echeverría (1998-2002)
Abel Pacheco de la Espriella (2002-2006)
Laura Chinchilla Miranda (2010-2014)
Luis Guillermo Solís Rivera (2014-2018)
Carlos Alvarado Quesada (2018-2022)
Special Request: Please support the Nuremberg Hearing if you are able - Humanity needs to use this UNIQUE opportunity to help the whole world STOP the WHO emergency authorizations! Together we can do the impossible and stop the shots globally!
You are invited to support this hearing which has a real chance to make a REAL difference!
I wish i could donate but its horrible here many have
Suffered from those stupid bio wepons there evil peopke
That need to pay for there crimes along with the
United states they all knew they were committing
Genocide and didnt care this really sickins me
Sincerly mrs may ellen lafountain
With regard to the upcoming Nuremberg hearing that is going to take place on 11 November in Costa Rica:
I ran into Dr Jimena Campos this morning and asked her if she knew about it.. She does not.
Being that she was the most outspoken physician against the covid "vaccines" here in Costa Rica, she is of course very interested.
I told her I would try to find out more about it and that I would get back to her..
I have looked online and am finding nothing.
In which court will it be held?
If you have a team on the ground here, they may well want to speak to her.
I await your response