NY Quarantine Lawsuit Appeal Today! Pray.
Shout out to Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox. She beat them before and will do so again!
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NY Quarantine Lawsuit Appeal Today!
Today is a big day for justice or tyranny. The Australian style QUARANTINE CAMPS are at the center of the legal debate in court today. Can NY implement them or not? ONLY Attorney Bobbi Cox stands in the way. We applaud her tenacity and bravery to take this on. There are far too people actually taking on pro bono legal work like IOJ is. It makes us so incredibly proud to be a small team of freedom fighters like our hero Attorney Bobbi Anne Cox.
If people like Bobbi don’t do this to stand between real threats to liberties in court then who else will? If you don’t support the real fights in court who will?
Like Bobbi Cox, IOJ has no large staff of paralegals and junior attorneys assisting her to put this case together. She has not had assistance from her other colleagues in New York in fighting this battle and with no outside help IOJ only has YOU to keep us going as well.
You can find the latest updates from Bobbie Anne Cox on her case as well as how to watch it live on September 13, starting at 10:00 a.m. here:
UNITING NYS https://unitingnys.com/
If you cannot be there in person, consider watching the oral arguments live on the court’s website at: https://ad4.nycourts.gov/go/live/. Please also keep her and the court judges in your thoughts and prayers and share this information with your circle of friends and colleagues.
Read more below from Curtis Cost - listen to the interview he did with Attorney and IOJ friend Shabnam Mohammed and there is also a Brownstone Institute Article below as well if you are really interested in this case:
Like Bobbi Cox, IOJ has no large staff of paralegals and junior attorneys assisting her to put this case together. She has not had assistance from her other colleagues in New York in fighting this battle and we only have YOU to keep us going as well.
The article below is from author: CURTIS COST Children's Health Defense - Rally In Harlem Against Quarantine Camps!
SEP 11, 2023
On Friday, September 8th, 2023, Children's Health Defense (CHD) held a rally in Harlem against the quarantine camps. This was one of multiple other rallies CHD has done across the city in different boroughs to raise awareness about the dangers of Governor Kathy Hochul’s quarantine camp regulation.
Most New Yorkers and most Americans have no idea just how close we are to having communist China-style quarantine camps where the government can come to a person's home and force them to remain locked inside their home or relocate them to a quarantine camp facility anywhere in the state.
The government would not have to prove that a person was infected with anything, all that would be needed would be an accusation on their part, and with that, a person's rights are stripped away and they are forced into a quarantine facility, and they could be held for an indefinite period of time without any automatic right to a trial to prove that they are not sick with anything.
The one lawyer who has stood up to the governor is Bobby Anne Cox. When other lawyers said that it was impossible to win a legal challenge at this time, Bobbie Anne refused to accept that and found a way. Despite the massive resources at the disposal of the Governor and her Attorney General – Letitia James, Bobbie Anne defeated them in the New York State Supreme Court. The court ruled that the Governor’s quarantine regulation was illegal and unconstitutional!
In spite of this clear and powerful ruling, Governor Kathy Hochul had her Attorney General – Letitia James file an appeal 8 months later. The timing of this rally in Harlem corresponds to the court hearing which will take place in Rochester, New York, on Wednesday, September 13 at 10 a.m.
CHD and its volunteers were on the streets of Harlem to alert them about this quarantine camp regulation and the seriousness of the legal battle on September 13. This is the most important case of the year and probably one of the most important cases in American history. If the governor and attorney general were to win, other states across America would follow suit! All of us who were in Harlem understood this and were willing to endure the extreme weather. It was about 90 degrees and very humid. Making matters worse, there was no shade from the blazing sun. Nonetheless, we carried on like true soldiers on a mission.
Like Bobbi Cox, IOJ has no large staff of paralegals and junior attorneys assisting her to put this case together. She has not had assistance from her other colleagues in New York in fighting this battle and we only have YOU to keep us going as well.
We were situated in front of the Adam Clayton Powell State Office Building where Letitia James has her office. We were handing out flyers and talking to people. They were shocked to learn about the quarantine camps for the first time. They were also upset over the fact that the mainstream news media, including the African-American news media, had failed to warn them about the dangers of this quarantine regulation. We also had the digital truck there which had a huge visual impact. Despite the hot humid weather, we managed to have a good time as we shared the flyers and talked to the people.
The response from Attorney General James was shocking! She refused to answer the question, but instead started chanting the same thing over and over again. James was deliberately trying to prevent this person from saying anything else or asking another question. It seemed like a very childish way to respond to a constituent. Politicians are asked those types of questions all the time and they are able to respond, but James refused to do that. One could get the impression that she felt very guilty and embarrassed about supporting and throwing New Yorkers into quarantine camps.
You can view this exchange here: Letitia James Confronted Over Quarantine Camps
For more information about the quarantine camps issue, watch this interview I did with Attorney Bobbie Anne Cox and Attorney Shabnam Mohammed.
Breaking News - NY Governor Files Appeal To Reinstate Quarantine Camps!
Like Bobbi Cox, IOJ has no large staff of paralegals and junior attorneys assisting her to put this case together. She has not had assistance from her other colleagues in New York in fighting this battle and we only have YOU to keep us going as well.
David v. Goliath in New York
There is a battle going on for our freedoms this week. And very few Americans are even aware of what is at stake.
New York attorney Bobbie Anne Cox single-handedly goes up against the State of New York this week, after the state appealed a New York State Supreme Court ruling that a so-called “quarantine camp” regulation (“Isolation and Quarantine Procedures”) issued by Governor Kathy Hochul was unconstitutional.
The order concerns quarantine of citizens by the state government. Like other states, New York already has in place laws regarding quarantine of the citizenry – laws duly passed by the elected state representatives. Those laws were crafted by legislators (whose job it is to do this work) and passed by a majority vote of both Assembly and Senate and signed by the governor. That law not only provides for protecting the public by use of quarantine, but also includes protections for individual rights.
There are problems with the governor’s action.
The executive branch does not have the power to make laws under the constitution. That is reserved to the legislature.
With one state executive branch taking power not given to them constitutionally, it creates a precedent that could be used similarly for other issues to violate the rights of citizens on a host of other issues – not only in New York, but in all the other states as well.
So, what is in this regulation, you ask? It has to do with quarantine of the citizenry. There is a history of government-mandated quarantine during times of epidemics in our country. Whether or not the existing laws have been misused against individuals is another debate (see the case of Typhoid Mary, for example, who was imprisoned for more than 23 years under the quarantine law of the time).
This governor’s regulation puts the power at the highest levels of the state government – centrally controlled. The governor’s regulation not only circumvents the legislature’s power and responsibility to enact appropriate laws for the citizenry, but it also takes that power beyond the local level, where it can most appropriately be considered, and completely fails to protect the rights of the individuals against misuse or mis-application by the state officials.
In this regulation, there is no requirement for the state government to prove that the targeted individual is infected, has been exposed to an infectious disease, or poses any actual risk to his/her fellow citizens. The application of the regulation is broad – not just limited to Covid cases. There is no limit regarding the age or medical condition of the individual (it could be imposed on a child or a very elderly person), and there is nothing specified as to the duration of the quarantine, or how that duration would be determined. Most concerning: there is no mechanism provided for the individual to be released.
During the initial court case, it was clearly stated that the only possible mechanism for release was for that individual to sue the state, unless the state officials decided to lift it of their own accord.
Under the provisions of the governor’s regulation, the state government can use law enforcement to forcibly remove citizens from their homes or businesses against their will to place them in unspecified quarantine locations for an indeterminate period with no mechanism for release!
This terrible infringement on citizens’ rights, however, doesn’t stop here. It sets a precedent for more executive branch overreach. If it is not overturned in the appellate court, it will embolden other governors to make more forays into the realm of executive usurpation of the legislative branch of government (see the recent NM Governor’s action to remove 2nd Amendment rights by executive order).
There is no doubt that those who take this type of executive action (Lujan Grisham in New Mexico and Hochul in New York) know that this is outside their scope of power within our governmental system. They also know that, until someone files a lawsuit and prevails against them, they have a period of time when these executive regulations and orders will be in place.
It is essential that the appeals court upholds the ruling in the case of this regulation by Governor Hochul – for the good of all the people of New York, but also for all of us in other states.
This passionate, articulate, brilliant lawyer is fighting for all of us.
And Bobbie Anne Cox has suffered for it. She has set aside her normal legal practice to pursue this effort and has been focusing solely on this case for an extended period. She has sacrificed valuable time with her family, spending countless hours in the maze of motions, filings, dockets, scheduling, and research that are part and parcel of the legal system with all its complexities. The work has been arduous, solitary, and, to some extent, thankless. If she wins the appeal, there is no financial benefit to her or any of the plaintiffs that will be realized.
She has no large staff of paralegals and junior attorneys assisting her to put this case together. She has not had assistance from her other colleagues in New York in fighting this battle.
Like Bobbi Cox, IOJ has no large staff of paralegals and junior attorneys assisting her to put this case together. She has not had assistance from her other colleagues in New York in fighting this battle and we only have YOU to keep us going as well.
And, because it has to do with complexities of the legal system, it gets little coverage in the media. Perhaps it is so difficult to imagine just why a state government even wants this type of power over the citizenry, that people find it very hard to grasp that it is really just what Bobbie Anne describes in terms of the potential abuse of individual rights.
No public outcry has occurred. No groundswell of support for her work has happened. And while many are supportive of the great work she has done and were so relieved when she won the case initially, the vast majority of people who stand to benefit from her work will never know they owe her a debt of gratitude.
On Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 10:00 am EST (at the courthouse in Rochester, NY, located at 50 East Avenue), Bobbie Anne Cox goes forth as a sort of David to meet Goliath, depending on her knowledge of the law rather than a slingshot and stones. She is relying on the New York panel of judges to truly prove that there still exists blind justice in New York.
The merits of her case are clear – even to people not that familiar with the law. Basic Civics shows us the correctness of her contention. This is not a partisan issue. While she is representing Republican plaintiffs, she is not one herself.
If you are able to support her by physically attending the hearing, do so. Perhaps by your presence you can be a silent reminder to the court that New Yorkers are interested in this and are supportive of her efforts.
If you cannot be there in person, consider watching the oral arguments live on the court’s website at: https://ad4.nycourts.gov/go/live/. Please also keep her and the court judges in your thoughts and prayers and share this information with your circle of friends and colleagues.
IOJ REALLY, REALLY still needs your help paying the September bills. Can you help us help humanity? Soon we will get out from under all this MAJOR LOAD of legal work to make time to properly fundraise and find full-time sponsors. For now we are 100% reader supported and Stripe banned us for no reason, so we cannot monetize Substack subscriptions. Us lightworkers are under attack and IOJ needs your support as we are about to go into full prosecution mode. We are blessed and cursed with having the first case with a prosecutor investigation that closed agreeing false testimony about the experiments. We cant shut down now as Nuremberg 2.0 is commencing. We need all hands on deck to keep IOJ afloat as we CRUSH the covid tyrants with their own lies!
It was live on CHD and may still be. Prayers for humanity.
When do we find out the outcome ?