Pandemic Treaty Article 18 Already Agreed In Consensus | FINAL PANDEMIC TREATY REVEALED TODAY!!!
OK Folks, its getting serious. The Sell Out Countries "Shall exchange information & cooperate, in accordance with national law, in preventing misinformation & disinformation"
The final Pandemic Treaty drops today (with a lot of opposition, so it’s not set in stone they will get it done)
Opposition so far:
Costa Rica Legislator & IOJ Team Up To Stop WHO, All 49 GOP Senators Claim Treaty “Is Dead On Arrival”, 22 Attorney Generals say hell no, UK, Sweden, Multiple US States & Civil Society Say NO.. sorry WHO! TRUST IS WANING….
INB Co-Chair Driece added: “In the situation that we would not find consensus by the end of the week, we will report that to the World Health Assembly…
& it’s up to the World Health Assembly then to decide what should be happening next”
As of now, the Member States have apparently decided its totally cool to make deals to limit your free speech and monopolize science. IOJ is NOT really that cool with this and are in frantic mode to stop it (which is why our posts are sparse - we are making hearing appointments and SO much more - don’t worry, when we get a break we will catch you all up on the details)
Dispute Of “Article 18 from Hell” they all agreed not to break consensus on:
On the surface, there are indeed things in here we can use to force our way into the science-policy intersection… BUT… It could also be misused to limit information and speech, as well as continue monopolization of science, which is why IOJ just wrote the WHO INB and Delegates.
Article 18. Communication and public awareness
1. Each Party shall promote timely access to credible and evidence-based information on pandemics and their causes, effects and drivers, with the aim of countering and addressing misinformation or disinformation, particularly through risk communication and effective community-level engagement.
2. The Parties shall, as appropriate, promote and/or conduct research and inform policies on factors that hinder or strengthen adherence to public health and social measures in a pandemic, as well as trust in science and public health institutions and agencies.
3. The Parties shall promote and apply science- and evidence-based approaches to effective and timely risk assessment, and culturally appropriate public communications.
4. The Parties shall exchange information and cooperate, in accordance with national law, in preventing misinformation and disinformation, and endeavour to develop best practices to increase the accuracy and reliability of crisis communications.
Member states are preparing the final draft of the Pandemic Treaty to be released today, May 10 2024 and wrapping up a grueling 12-hour daily schedule, which began on Monday.
The program this past week involved finalizing all text. Working groups met in mornings to discuss and “yellow” text, indicating which areas are ready to be put up for discussion. Plenary sessions were held in the afternoons to read and “green” this text. There was also time for breakouts and working groups in evenings.
At the stocktake, INB co-chairs told stakeholders that revised text has been circulated for Articles 4, 6, 10 and 19, and there is broad agreement on parts of Articles 4, 6 and 10.
New text for Articles 13, 13bis, 14, 17 and 20 still need to be circulated. Meanwhile, Chapter 1 (definitions) and Chapter 3 have not yet been discussed.
However, at both the GPMB meeting April 17, and also at a media briefing later last Friday, May 3, INB co-chairs said that agreement had been reached on Article 18, a totally vague, undefined and highly contentious article on what UN calls “information management” and “science”, and that IOJ would all call total BS attack on truth.
INB is in shambles and admits the Member States are not agreeing on much, cannot stand the Article 12 Pathogen Sharing idea, and “are trying to find each other”. “Nothing is agreed yet, but also nothing has been taken out yet,” said co-chair Roland Driece, noting that negotiations became complex when trade issues became involved. “It’s not uncommon, actually is quite normal, that everything should come together almost in the last couple of days,” he added.
“It’s standard negotiation practice that countries will only give up on what’s important for them when they see the whole picture.”
Driece added: “In the situation that we would not find consensus by the end of the week, we will report that to the World Health Assembly…
& it’s up to the World Health Assembly then to decide what should be happening next”
The Co-Chairs of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body held a press conference on April 19, 2024 explaining “the window is closing”, and repeated it again May 3, 2024
In the introduction to the meeting the speaker spilled the beans they are desperate because “the window is closing”.
I wanted to flag that there are two key findings actually from research that are quite relevant for us at this moment in time.
The first is that for decades, we have known and decades of research and empirical evidence, have shown that the concept of a political window of opportunity is real. It's not just an abstract theory. It's not just conventional wisdom. These windows open, often in response to a crisis. And they close. And if you look just at the headlines of the news this morning, it's easy to see why our window of opportunity might be closing.
We have in the headlines war, famine, humanitarian catastrophe, climate disasters, inflation, political extremism, and elections, to name just a few. And this is what's on the minds of heads of state rather than pandemics today.
We also know that changing international rules or crafting new international rules is hard.
Changing the status quo is hard, even after a catastrophe like COVID-19.
But it just gets harder, if not impossible. If that political window of opportunity closes.
We can't afford to lose this window of opportunity to make durable change….
…We need international cooperation.
To summarize, we need to seize this closing window of opportunity not just to close the deal, but to close a meaningful deal. And a meaningful deal has to be in both more effective and more equitable than what we had during COVID-19. And we cannot achieve this without deepened international cooperation.
May 3, 2024.
The window of opportunity is closing. & once it closes, it will be a missed opportunity inter-generationally…
there are new priorities and we cannot afford to miss this.
We can only but encourage countries to work towards
finalizing the agreement.”
-INB CoChair Precious Matsoso
Look W.H.O., the opposition is rising… Deal with it. The trust is WANING.
The WHO is in breach of function and only discrediting them in court will ever get rid of them by forcing Countries to EXIT for GOOD CAUSE. Lets do this please and thank you! IOJ is very serious and knows exactly how to waive WHO immunity to sue. Experts need to be heard to take down WHO and we can’t finish this without serious help!
Follow the lawsuit drama against WHO
Things are about to get really interesting and informative over on Sue the WHO Substack - which is only for the main Actions to be organized and to host the Idiot’s Guide To EXIT The WHO.
Join us to demolish weaponized UN, WHO & WEF public health
******Sign legal demand below******
Humanity has a duty to question the WHO’s head Attorney’s “true copy” of an alleged vote for 2022 IHR Amendments that appears to possibly be fraudulent…
Was there a real vote? If not, WHO is in big trouble and the 2022 IHR Amendments are null and void
Use your voice to speak up and say no more UN and WHO funding for unproven agendas and monopolistic strategies and One Health concepts.
On May 27, 2022, Committee A of the World Health Assembly “purportedly adopted” the amendments to the International Health Regulations.
The Secret IHR meetings that happened in 2022 need to become transparent. We’re DEMANDING the HHS and World Health Organization answer the questions.
We have also presented a freedom of information request along with other legal processes started.
This window needs to close pronto.
Hopefully Precious' fingers are on the sill when it comes down.
Not a lost global generation opportunity.
It's a win for generations world wide.
This Frankenstein piece of garbage treaty needs to die.
Keep rallying the global villagers.
Let's hand out more torches.
Praying this scheme collapses with a mighty force— God’s greater!! Anyone who signs on with fools, will go down with them. 🙏🙏🙏