W.H.O. Is Once Again Hosting Secret IHR Amendments Negotiations All Week. All We Know Is Humanities Right To Dignity, Human Rights & Fundamental Freedoms Are Crossed Out & DENIED!!! God Help Us All.
Scary Secrets and Scary Revelations... It's just too much. Will we ever get our collective act together to stop the WHO takeover?
The W.H.O. is conspiring this week in secret meetings to change health policy in the IHR.
Yes, entirely without your input.
Because W.H.O. treats public health as private business, presumably due to hiding their monopolistic tendencies, no one can get any information about the proposed IHR Amendments SECRET NEGOTIATIONS this week.
Apparently the unelected people in W.H.O.’s IHRRC are meeting to negotiate the spurious amendments submitted by 14 countries (and on behalf of even more unknown countries).
They Keep Everything SECRET. Always:
The IHR Review Committee (IHRRC) is meeting in secret again this week (January 9-13) to negotiate the newest proposed amendments to the IHR, which will be submitted Sunday January 15th, 2022.
The Proposed Amendments Are HORRIBLE. Help Us Stop This Insanity.
The most obviously horrible proposed amendment is to IHR Article 3, where the oppressors have the brazen audacity to literally cross out legally defined terms such as “full respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” to shockingly replace them with undefined arbitrary words that the W.H.O. claims the treaty is needed to define. Its obscene. We need to fight this spurious supplanting of law and order with nonsensical customs. New customs never replace old law - the W.H.O. has another thing coming if they think this is acceptable to cross out dignity and human rights under customary International law, or their own constitution and rules
Thats all the peasants - whoops, people, were told by the W.H.O.
No dignity, human rights or fundamental freedoms for you peons in the new “One Health Monopoly” being planned without you.
Your countries sovereign health policies are being shaped by the Globalists this week in an attempt to amend the IHR, and they will continue to shape health laws in secret meetings lasting until the pandemic treaty is negotiated May 2024.
Now the UN’s health monopoly World Health Organization or “the W.H.O.” wants to change the game to start making decisions to cross out dignity, human rights.
We contend this power grab grossly EXCEEDS THE LIMITS of the UN charter and original W.H.O. agreements. Hell NO.
It’s just shady bait and switch tactics… that are a good cause to EXIT THE W.H.O..
Are you sick of the W.H.O.’s SECRECY?
More important, are you willing to step up to sign and support the LEGAL ACTION needed to actually stop the new W.H.O. Pandemic treaty and IHR amendments and eventually exit the W.H.O.?
Join us on the most epic and SERIOUS mission of 2023 to force transparency & accountability within the W.H.O..
Join together as we are all embarking on a valiant effort to legally impede the establishment of a global health dictatorship under the UN-W.H.O.-WEF global security apparatus. We have a small but narrow window of opportunity and must use it now!
We believe it will take a long time (more than a year or two), and will require many combined actions to break through, but with persistence we will win back our freedom from W.H.O., step by step, country by country.
Hope For Humanity.
The W.H.O. Will Not Win.
We have filed official charges against Tedros and The Chief Scientist (now Jeremy Farrar) on November 30th, 2022.
The next legal steps coming soon will be historic. Stay tuned! We are working on it.
Because the W.H.O. staff wrongdoers (and the W.H.O. independent oversight) all went into hiding and refuse to respond, we will have to draft a full document of formal charges.
The final draft of W.H.O. complete official charges is being worked on and should be filed in the next couple of weeks. (it has been months of preparation to get this far). When done and filed soon, IOJ will give W.H.O. staff Jeremy Farar and Tedros Adhanom only 8 days to respond (their legal limit) before we actually have the right to sue the W.H.O. top staff for right to communication and demand proof of their alleged PCR and other science.
Dr. Michael Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer) has already testified in Costa Rica, and agrees to be subpoenaed to testify against ALL the wrongdoers in our cases within the W.H.O., FDA and Costa Rica.
We have faith that together with Dr. Yeadon, our small organization will prove what is needed for accountability (W.H.O., FDA and Costa Rica Nuremberg Violations).
Ways You Can Help Stand Up To The Madness:
Sign and share the following actions so your voice will be counted in IOJ’s real legal actions! Together they are forced to listen to us when we act as a group!
#1 Click To Sign The Legal Demand To Stop The IHR Amendments
Sign HERE to officially protest the IHR Amendments being negotiated this week that removes dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms. Sign NOW! Its more important than most people realize.
#2 Click To Sign The Legal Demand To Hold W.H.O. Staff Accountable For Crimes Against Humanity
Sign HERE to support IOJ’s CRIMINAL Charges for crimes against humanity and breach of ethics against key W.H.O. Staff Director General and Chief Scientist (and her successor Jeremy Farrar). Support our charges already filed (and not yet answered by WHO) for PCR fraudulent statistics, false declaration of pandemic that violates international law, as well as the unilateral and void definition of vaccine that allows gene therapy with unreasonable risks to be mislabelled globally as a vaccine, in excess of W.H.O. authority, knowing it cannot actually PREVENT DISEASE, required for all vaccines, to the detriment and harm of the international community and public interest.
#3 Click To Donate And Support The Cause
IOJ is a small organization fighting global corruption which exists due to the Awesome support of donors. Because we are truly independent with no government or corporate funding our ongoing legal work against W.H.O., FDA and Wrongdoer States needs YOUR HELP to be able to continue. Please support the real people behind the scenes to do this work if you are called to do so and able. We really need your help financially right now (and throughout this year) to impede the oppressors in a real legally binding way.
We are proud to do this mission of freeing humanity, but its a TON of work and we need all conscious freedom fighters to know IOJ is small and we are NOT funded. We need your support to continue and we believe we can win with each one of your support.
Would you consider a donation of $100-$1000. or more to ensure IOJ’s legal fund is at a level to be able to do our job of crushing the dreams of tyrants in 2023?
Everyone wants to be able to change the world, including ourselves, but how will it be paid for?
We love you tribe and supporters! We have your back & humanities! Thanks for having ours.
We can still win this in 2023 if we take persistent action together.
Thank You!
https://t.me/InterestOfJustice ~Telegram
Check out IOJ’s Public Participation Videos in front of WHO, FDA, HHS OGA:
Notice: Researcher/activist James Roguski does such a good job of tracking W.H.O. details that theres no point in us rewriting the details that he gathered from W.H.O.’s websites - Learn more of IHR Secret Negotiations, (if you think it all stinks to high heaven, remember to sign our #1 notice and demand above - link again HERE - GO NOW & SIGN, THEN SHARE FAR AND WIDE):
Contact James Roguski and his sites all spell out the evil doings of this organization. He has done massive research and he is someone you all need to look up today!
This is tyrannical! My question is, where do these petitions ultimately go?