WHO WGIHR & Member States Barrel Toward Unacceptable IHR Amendments, Being Negotiated In Clear Violation of IHR Article 55, After Failing To Meet January 27, 2024 Deadline.
“This Working Group will define the next 10 years of global surveillance and of collective security when it comes to health emergencies and particularly high-impact epidemics,” said Dr Michael Ryan, E
The WHO WGIHR & Your Country Have New IHR Amendments To Finalize!
They will All Meet Again Soon To Finalize & “Secure” Your Future “Right To Health” By May 27 - June 1 WHA77 In New IHR Amendments.
Source: WHO News 19 February 2024
WHO Highlights as modified by IOJ:
Despite being in clear violation of Article 55 of the IHR, after failing to meet the January 27th, 2024, IHR 55 deadline for the director general of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus to communicate to Member Nations a package of amendments to be considered at the 77th World Health Assembly, the WHO Member States have apparently ignored the rules and continued discussions on proposals to amend the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005).
The seventh meeting of the Working Group on Amendments to the IHR (WGIHR) was held on 5-9 February 2024, and despite our demand signed by over 400 people the discussion resumed and States are hell bent to violate IHR Article 55 with WHO
“This Working Group will define the next 10 years of global surveillance and of collective security when it comes to health emergencies and particularly high-impact epidemics,” said Dr Michael Ryan, Executive Director, WHO Health Emergencies Programme.
During the latest discussions, governments focused on refining amendments to articles and annexes that were at an advanced stage of negotiation.
They also held substantive dialogue on the public health alert – public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) – pandemic continuum.
In the final public session, Co-Chair Dr Ashley Bloomfield reiterated that the WGIHR is a Member State-driven process and the final package of amendments would be agreed by consensus.
Additional issues that are also being considered by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), which deal with the Pandemic Treaty, equity, collaboration, capacity building and financing, were addressed IN SECRET AGAIN by Member States yesterday on 8 March 2024, when the seventh meeting of the WGIHR resumed and ended the seventh round.
Proposed amendments to provisions related to governance, and foundational articles of the Regulations, will be addressed when the WGIHR meets for the eighth time in April 2024 to finalize the package of amendments for consideration by the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly in May 2024.
IOJ & our sister CSO Free Speech Association will be speaking on April 5, 2024 to HHS OGA for the 3rd year in a row in order to protest the IHR Amendments.
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Above is the latest update on IHR Amendments…
What about the Pandemic Treaty/Accord/Convention (CA+)?:
The ninth meeting of the INB will be held from 18 to 28 March 2024.
WHO INB (and WGIHR) literally censored us after INB first recognized IOJ as an “interested and relevant stakeholder” April 2022.
The INB and WGIHR won’t respond to official requests for assistance to participate and stopped sending us invites early on in the process, after WHO DG Tedros insisted Mid 2022, without citing any evidence, that “there has been a small minority of groups making misleading statements and purposefully distorting facts”.
Was Tedros talking about us???
After Tedros said this, we were excluded. Not very inclusive or equitable right?
WHO has indeed excluded some critical relevant stakeholders after they realized some were dissenting, such as IOJ, and yet WHO has the nerve to falsely claim:
“The opening and closing plenary sessions of the INB meeting as well as the joint plenary session of the WGHIR and INB are open to WHO Member States, Associate Members, Observers and regional economic integration organizations, as well all relevant stakeholders.”
IOJ, a marginalized relevant stakeholder, will be publishing an information packet on the IHR Amendments, identifying those that we find are the most important to challenge and how to proceed to legally challenge them to your country. In our opinion, the entire IHR is invalid. See the IHR Invalidity Report.
Researcher James Roguski got a copy of the updated Amendments and has put together a guide on the most important IHR Amendments as he sees it. Please find it below.
Are they that much unstoppable? How do you explain that not much can be done by We the People to prevent our enslavement? Furthermore, why believe that Western civilization would easily accept enslavement at all?
What if we lived in a world where empathy and emotions were a disadvantage?
What if we lived in a world where only the most evil psychopaths made it to the top?
What if we lived in a world where all the politicians were corrupt?
What if the psychopaths owned all the newspapers and television stations?
What if the psychopaths run the Federal Reserve and all the worlds central banks?
What if the psychopaths took over the UN, NATO, the WHO and the CIA?
What if the psychopaths run the military industrial complex?
What if the psychopaths took over the biological weapons industry?
What if the psychopaths had diplomatic immunity from prosecution by any court in the world?
What if the psychopaths decide there are too many poor people in the world?
You would have the biggest and most deadly terrorist organisation in the world.