7 days Until 76th W.H.O. WHA! Why The Treaty & IHR Amendments Are Part Of A Failing Global Strategy of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Under The Thumb Of Agenda 2030 & W.H.O.! U.S. is barreling towards the treaty and IHR amendments like complete lemmings in lockstep with lunacy.
See Excerpts From The HHS Global Strategy:
HHS’s Global Role HHS is directed by Congress and entrusted by the American people to protect their health and well-being.
HHS’s authority to act globally resides in three major areas:
(1) U.S. Code,
(2) appropriations law,
and (3) the International Health Regulations (IHR) (2005).
• Within the U.S. Code, several titles authorize global action on health and human services issues:
Title 6—Domestic Security, relates to the control of communicable diseases; Title 21—Food and Drugs, relates to foods, human and veterinary drugs, biologics, medical devices, and tobacco products;
Title 22—Foreign Relations and Intercourse, covers research and training, as well as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria;
and Title 42—The Public Health and Welfare, which includes the codification and roles of the Public Health Service, covers research and research training, capacity building, and activities related to influenza and other infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, border health, outbreak and emergency response, public health, immunization programs, social welfare, and international cooperation.
• HHS’s global authorities are also embedded in appropriations law, legislative acts that authorize agencies to spend designated public funds for a specified purpose, for example the establishment of the Global Disease Detection program through the 2004 Consolidated Appropriations Bill, and funding for pandemic influenza preparedness and surveillance activities under the 2006 Defense Appropriations Act. pg 12
The United States is a signatory to the IHR (2005), a binding agreement, along with 196 countries, including all member states of WHO.
The IHR (2005) requires that countries conduct surveillance for potential international health threats of all kinds and report those to WHO within a narrow time frame. The IHR also requires that countries prepare for and respond effectively to contain disease outbreaks and other health hazards before they negatively affect trade and travel, and cooperate with one another to develop coordinated surveillance, communications, and response capabilities.
To accomplish its mission, most of the 11 operating divisions and 16 staff divisions in the HHS family of agencies engage in global health activities.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) lead a majority of global health research and programming. The Administration for Community Living (ACL) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) lead most of HHS’s global human services work (see Appendix A, HHS organization chart; and Appendix B, description of agencies and staff offices). HHS has over 2,500 individuals employed in more than 75 countries, including a significant number working within ministries of health and multilateral organizations.
HHS has seen a growing demand for scientific, technical, regulatory, and policy expertise and works to leverage its assets to maximize global impact.
HHS intends to accomplish this by continuing to:
(1) assess and set priorities for international engagements;
(2) improve collaboration and coordination among HHS agencies and offices;
(3) strengthen relationships within the USG and with multilateral and other partners, at headquarters and in the field;
and (4) support the global exchange of best practices and lessons learned.
In addition, HHS has included both global health and the social determinants of health as topic areas within Healthy People 2020 – the nation’s public health goals and objectives for the decade and the key measures by which HHS understands public health impact. HHS supports the USG’s strong leadership role in the global health arena, while HHS’s domestic programs and policies concurrently learn and benefit from the experiences and successes of other countries and partners pg 13
Partnership in the Global Environment HHS can be most effective outside the borders of the United States by collaborating with other actors to maximize impact and sustainability of our global efforts. Among them:
• U.S. Government Agencies: Key partners include the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); the U.S. Peace Corps; the Departments of Agriculture, Defense, Education, Homeland Security, Justice, Labor, State, and Treasury; as well as other agencies engaged in global efforts to improve development, health security, food security, nutrition, environmental health, and human services.
• National Governments: HHS has long-standing peer-to-peer relationships with more than 190 national ministries of health, scientific, and regulatory agencies, and other national bodies working to improve health and well-being, such as ministries of gender, sport, and children’s affairs.
• Multilateral Organizations: Key agencies include WHO and its regional offices; the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (Global Fund); the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS); the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF); the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO); the World Bank Group; the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC); the UN Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC); Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance; and the International Labor Organization (ILO).
* Civil Society and Non-Governmental Groups: Although too numerous to list, these diverse global and local actors include international humanitarian service organizations, academic institutions, and private philanthropies. These entities also include civil society, faith- and community-based groups, and private sector enterprises, as well as advocacy groups that conduct research, operate programs, build capacity, provide expertise, protect rights, and raise awareness and funding necessary to confront specific global health threats. pg 15.
Get the full document here: https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/hhs-global-strategy.pdf
Recap of problem:
The H.H.S. is failing at the Global Strategy by over reliance on the WHO’s technical and “scientific” recommendations. In turn they apparently mislead almost all nations Ministry of Health as to real science by exclusively pushing WHO pseudo science!
Its time to sue the WHO and also sue HHS to demand they stop misleading all the nations as to science. They must both be sued, discredited, prosecuted and held to account. HHS must be reformed and the WHO must be prohibited from controlling HHS in order to protect the health, safety and well being of the people of Earth and national health system itself!
HHS advises 190+ countries according to this document. And their advice mostly sucks. They all gotta go!
People raise a LOT of money for so many useless or ineffective remedies lately.
We need you to support this main lawsuit against W.H.O., HHS, FDA, CDC, EMA, Pfizer, etc and our peripheral lawsuits that will be needed.
WHO, FDA etc are all in default in our record, meaning IOJ has earned the exclusive right to sue and waive WHO’s immunity!
Litigation using our record and international law - in international court - is honestly the only thing that stands a chance to stop these madmen from taking over public health long term in our opinion.
IOJ and humanity NEEDS you to step up and support Sue The WHO right NOW.
We have a real chance of winning our cases. We actually believe we can’t lose.
It is our mission to create huge changes in public health policy WITHOUT the WHO’s junk science and oppressive recommendations.
See ya WHO, FDA, and all evil covid-19 “vaccine” regulators. We are taking your ass to court.
I like your suggestion for reforming the HHS and the WHO.
But reform is not the answer.
Getting rid of them is the right solution. The bureaucrats of the United States HHS and the WHO have no business getting into the business of doctors treating patients - which is what has created all of the public health terrorism with Covid-19 - the arrogant attitude that we need "global solutions" which is in fact code for global fascism, it's always been a Trojan horse for tyrannical control of humanity,
The WHO and the HHS need to be defunded, dismantled and driven out of all nations, and get out of the business of the health of humanity - because since they both came into being the health of the people's nations that they are interferring in has not gotten better, it has arguably gotten worse, and very likely because the only solution they have is vaccines, vaccines, and more vaccines.
And vaccines don't cure diseases or stop pandemics. Doctors do that.
Get there public health fascists out of our doctors faces!
That is the only solution that serves humanity
I've already served them notice I'm a all their contracts are invalid and all if include all their borders state everything there pandemic treaty is void and it's been voided it's also Abby folder directors the rules of regulations of now I do not consent to it nor anyone and I say this on behalf of everyone you're not exist they've been nullified got all good one of them