I like your suggestion for reforming the HHS and the WHO.

But reform is not the answer.

Getting rid of them is the right solution. The bureaucrats of the United States HHS and the WHO have no business getting into the business of doctors treating patients - which is what has created all of the public health terrorism with Covid-19 - the arrogant attitude that we need "global solutions" which is in fact code for global fascism, it's always been a Trojan horse for tyrannical control of humanity,

The WHO and the HHS need to be defunded, dismantled and driven out of all nations, and get out of the business of the health of humanity - because since they both came into being the health of the people's nations that they are interferring in has not gotten better, it has arguably gotten worse, and very likely because the only solution they have is vaccines, vaccines, and more vaccines.

And vaccines don't cure diseases or stop pandemics. Doctors do that.

Get there public health fascists out of our doctors faces!

That is the only solution that serves humanity

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Agree! Thats why we spoke at HHS May 3rd and demanded the US exit the WHO because they are not reformable. See our speech saying what you said! Our speech 3 weeks ago was recorded by HHS to advise the US government. We advise WHO wont answer s erious charges and are in breach of duty - not reformable and HHS has a DUTY to exit!!! Blessings - see here: https://rumble.com/v2lwy0c-ioj-speaking-truth-to-power-exposing-w.h.o.-crimes-may-3-2023-hhs-stakehold.html#comment-225272408

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Thanks for that. And the link.

Keep up the great work!!!!!!

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May 26, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

I agree with almost everything you said. I would just refine it about your comment about doctors "curing diseases and stopping pandemics". Generally, improvements in sanitation are what led to the greatest reductions in death and other effects of transmissible diseases. The vaccine/medical/pharma industry tries to take credit for it but it's simply not borne out by the evidence. Of course with regard to COVID, telling people to stay home if they get sick, but not take anything for the ailment, and then go to the ER if their lips turn blue, was the most ridiculous abandonment of previous, well-founded advice ever -- which was to treat respiratory infections early and reasonably aggressively to prevent them from getting any worse. Human beings are far too willing to obey authorities (as Stanley Milgram taught us).

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I've already served them notice I'm a all their contracts are invalid and all if include all their borders state everything there pandemic treaty is void and it's been voided it's also Abby folder directors the rules of regulations of now I do not consent to it nor anyone and I say this on behalf of everyone you're not exist they've been nullified got all good one of them

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Thanks for standing up and telling them their stupid crap is VOID. We AGREE! Its absolutely null and void - of no effect. Pure rubbish. Unfortunately we will still need to prove it in court but thats fine. Its really absolutely null and we REJECT it all. NO consent. Nada. Zilch.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

I wish you every success, but I wish I understood what makes you so confident about prevailing in a corrupt system. Even many state court judges are corrupt. A judge in Austin, Texas just sentenced Army Sgt. Daniel Perry to 25 years for defending himself by shooting a protester who was holding a rifle and allegedly pointed it at him. This was at a time when a BLM/Antifa crowd in the streets had forced traffic to stop. No way the jury should have found that there was no reasonable doubt ... and even if there wasn't, how does a first-offense non-premeditated murder merit 25 years? It's clearly political.

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Just saw this! We are confident because we are not in the US or other corrupt court systems. We are in Costa Rica and the court system here has some corruption but is mostly on it. We won 4x in this court against our health minister and we expect to win overall because we are right and the evil ones are wrong. If we lose there are appeals and it can go to human rights tribunals! Keep the faith!

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That's amazing! Thank you so much. I knew that you had done some work in Costa Rica but I didn't know that's the only place you do your work.

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The United States is NOT AUTHORIZED to make any law or agree to any international law that violates our Constitution. The Constitution authorizes just 18 enumerated powers to the federal government and HEALTH is not one of them. It is time for people to learn about Nullification and start demanding your state legislators use it. The people can demand it. Or the people can just REFUSE to obey. Sad part is that most Americans today have no clue what the Bill of Rights, Constitution or Declaration of Independence ever say. They believe that every law passed by the federal government or decision by the Supreme Court is a law/decision be must follow. NOT SO folks!!! 18 enumerated powers.....that's it and like I said HEALTH is not one of them. So if the US violates the Constitution by voting in favor of the amendments to the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty and starts mandating laws and compliance to the WHO mandates we at the state level tell them to pounce sand. We also need to form a PAC with states that agree to invoke Nullification when the federal government oversteps it authority. THIS is how we rein in our government. Not by elections (because we don't have elections anymore we have selections) not by the dangerous COS/Article V scam but by using the 10th Amendment and Nullification. And do not believe those that say it is illegal. It is not. Tell that to Oklahoma who nullified Obama Care. Removing prayer from school....unconstitutional and all the school boards had to do was refuse to comply. The list of violations is long and we can go back and nullify old "laws" and agreements.

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May 14, 2023·edited May 14, 2023Author

Round of applause! Well said. In fact its a duty to not follow unlawful legislation and international agreements - Yes! Time to rein in OUR governments indeed! Nullification is the correct remedy for unconstitutional acts and acts that violate international laws that protect human rights! Nullification proceedings are really needed! The stupid WHO contract with U.S. needs to pound sand and be nullified to start! We are working on this and are about to file nullification of the biggest wrongs. In fact our case in Costa Rica asks to nullify the covid non vaccine experiments off the market and should receive a ruling soon! Pray!

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This is why I feel we need to stop sending useless emails, petitions (they are only to collect email addresses), and making phone calls. We are expecting the very people that are trying to destroy us to save us. The only peaceful option we have is God, We The People and Nullification. And people better get on it ASAP. We need to start doing things that work instead of wasting time we do not have. I was a breath away from moving to Costa Rica. We had a house all picked out and were ready to go. It was right after they lisfted the vaccine requirement to get into Costa Rica. BUT Costa Rica has bought into the climate change scam worse than a lot of other countries AND we were afraid we would never be able to get home to visit family or to have family visit us. It was such an uncertain time. I will pray for your efforts there in Costa Rica. I had followed you a while back via James Roguski.

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CR is ground zero for the climate change scam - its crazy. First country to agree to Agenda 21 and gas taxes. It was the WEF 2nd head Figueres who sold us out as the first carbon zero country and he tried to run for president again last time and thankfully lost -

We agree with you on the petitions - but remember that not all petitions or demands are useless or collect addresses! We have made big changes with petitions/demands and we never asked for an address. There is zero chance we would ever give our address to one of those petition forms - like you : ).

The thing thats different about our demands to sign is we actually use them to get the agencies to default and then use them in court. IOJ is never ever expecting the people that are trying to destroy us to save us, although we do understand your point because it really seems like people believe a letter will work to convince someone to save us and do the right thing, when it does not work on its own.

NO one else we know takes the petitions past a signing and presenting phase. OF COURSE they get ignored... and you are right - the phone calls, emails, etc all get ignored and are pretty useless.

This is why we word the demands carefully with legal ways to use them for court! They can't ignore our demands signed by people : ) We agree 100% - people need to start doing things that work instead of wasting time we do not have. You are totally right that calling, emailing and writing anyone less than the top decision makers with legal demands you will sue to enforce is pretty wasteful energy - good luck with that. Honestly - anything less than suing them all is pointless at this point lol

It was a very unusual time you experienced here in CR. - It certainly was terrifying under the YOUNGEST global leader ever - Mr. Carlos Alvarado WEF shill sellout treasonous scum. We still think CR may get fixed! If it does we hope to see you back here in paradise with an even better home to chose! We are the only country with the laws and courts that we know of to hold a trial for crimes against humanity and holding Pfizer to account and the government is currently being forced to listen about the climate scam - it will all soon go to court so pray for us to have our Pura Vida back and restore CR to a beacon of human rights... They went WAAYYY off track - IOJ is working really hard trying to rein CR govt back in and kick out the Globalist climate scams!

Nullify! Nullify! Restore Pura Vida (pure life) to the world!

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Lemurs? in lockstep... Are you sure? Lemmings possibly, but lemurs?

Thanks for all your hard work. Much appreciated. Will share.

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Classic! Haha. We are cracking up - Yes. Like lemmings not lemurs! We need to brush up on our animal anatomy lol. Where were you in editing? We need an editor! haha

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Everyone share with EVERYONE! 🙏🙏

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