If any of the wide awake Aussie senators want me to submit an affidavit to their enquiry, I’d be delighted to do that.

1. Recent open letter to London’s Metropolitan Police.


2. Recent oral presentations to an international group of doctors and others.


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Yes! It would be great if you can get these letters authenticated like you did for IOJ

Today is the first free day we have had and are finally getting to your affidavits and going above and beyond to supplement the facts in the affidavits with links to proof . : ). We will send you guys copies of your affidavits with the evidence kit we are making right away, asap, for you to send each government, starting with the Aussies who are stepping up thank goodness!

We think sending UK police and the Australian Senators, among others your stamped jurat affidavits from 2021 citing every detail and showing your predictions are spot on may help them. (it was a very special stamp to act as testimony under oath)

PLUS - ta-da HUGE news - We JUST got proof from WHO that UK AGREED WITH YOU (DR YEADON) ABOUT THE PLACENTA ISSUES AND THROMBOSIS PRIOR TO THE ROLLOUT. The prosecutors and governments you speak to will need this.

Hang tight - we are helping on this end as fast and as detailed as we can! Meantime, you can get the documents above authenticated for UK and at same time APOSTLE for global use and we can post them for all cases to use : ).

Much love - Thanks Dr. Yeadon for being a light and sharing wisdom with public health, sticking your neck out there to save people - against all odd we will win and enlighten the decision makers!

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I STILL love the hell outta you, Mike Yeadon! ^_^

I just did a post about you a few days ago, and you're lookin' good, so KEEP IT UP!

You're one of my faves. Cheers!

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The Australian news is very encouraging.

However, the real world politic in OZ is not.

Inquiries, like royal commissions, tend to just be cover-ups.

I watched hours of an inquiry, with everyone dutifully stepping quietly around the dragon in the room, so as not to awaken it.

The facts have been consistently suppressed, and Senators trying to expose the facts, have been shamefully treated.

The ploy is to allow inquiries into the covid responses, even adverse events, but no exposure of the real nature and intent of the shots, their fraudulent authorisation, or those responsible.

Not to mention the massive profiteering and conflicts of interest of course.

That must all be kept secret regardless.

There is always hope.


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Why do we have a feeling your suspicions are for valid concern... We will pray for the best and hope its exposed enough now they have no choice but to recognize reality..

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Looks like the Persistence is starting to catch on. Good to see the Aussies are getting in the game.

Mucho Big finger pokes to be unleashed.

I can hear knuckles cracking in preparation already.

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lol lol Always a pleasure for these uplifting comments Bruce in NY! lol lol "I can hear knuckles cracking in preparation already." haha. Loud and clear -c-r-a-c-k... (and the opposition begins to quiver in fear knowing the mob of persistent Children of Light are about to have BIG BIG finger pokes incoming to the Children of the Dark!!). Go Aussies!!!! Go Humanity!!!

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GO, AUSSIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As soon as I win the lottery, I'll send some bucks! Seriously!

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