yes! about time! so grateful for the behind the scenes work to fight against this tyranny

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So much work - they are the MASTERS of delay and deny and drag it out - shesh!

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Government will appeal Federal Court’s Emergencies Act decision, Freeland says

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -January 23, 2024


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Thanks for including the like minded. I really appreciate it.

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Government will appeal Federal Court’s Emergencies Act decision, Freeland says

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -January 23, 2024


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What a WEF Clown

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Best news from Canuckistan since, well, since the Freedom Convoy three years ago!! Honk honk! Bye bye Castreau!

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He got utterly DEFEATED in this one. UM. nope your are a TYRANT you nutball - Really? Freezing innocent bank accounts? Judge was not having it thank goodness! Believe in good. We can restore justice because what is wrong is simply wrong and will never stand the test of time

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We all knew he was so wrong, such a petty bully little boy throwing a tantrum....CANNOT WAIT for him to go byebye, although our choices for a new PM are not great....

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Government will appeal Federal Court’s Emergencies Act decision, Freeland says

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -January 23, 2024


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They will lose.

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Government will appeal Federal Court’s Emergencies Act decision, Freeland says

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -January 23, 2024


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I think they will lose this appeal.

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Thank you from USA!♡

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This sets precedent for other nations. James Roguski found that the US stooge to the WHO has not been serving lawfully as US representative. Lisa McGee has shown he is not serving lawfully in the US govt. (a criminal offense).

Every entity/minion must abide by it's own charter, it's own nation's laws. When it fails to do so, no power may legally accrue to such entities/minions. It is why they use force, physical and financial and psychological. We resist through law, courage and non compliance!

This was an incredible show of moral strength, reason and of justice. May we use this blessing for the good of us all!

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1000% Agreed!!!

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Government will appeal Federal Court’s Emergencies Act decision, Freeland says

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -January 23, 2024


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Yes, that is correct. I would have expected them to.

The analysts I have been listening to have all said the judge wrote this opinion knowing that it would be appealed. That is one reason why it is so thorough and well argued.

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Actually, that is what she said. I'm not certain they have done so yet. I would expect them to though. I guess we'll have to wait and see what they actually do.

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Time for another freedom convoy.

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Exactly! Strike while the iron is hot.

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Honk Honk. Long and Long.

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Government will appeal Federal Court’s Emergencies Act decision, Freeland says

By Cosmin Dzsurdzsa -January 23, 2024


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Can we expect anything less from a tyrant? "Not me...I didn't do that..."

thanks for the link.

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They are appealing it because they intend on doing it again...

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Yep...igood point. It'll be interesting to see how mainstream canadian news covers this. Too many people are awake to the madness, but this time the govt is going to come in with the 5G hammer I believe. That's why we need to bleed the beast by ditching as many wireless devices as possible.

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I’m in Australia, rural-we have 5G. It’s not that bad, unless you’re hypersensitive I guess. I get hot feelings in my upper back sometimes, & feel like I’m sweating on my face sometimes. Could be good for our winter haha. I don’t know if it’s operable all over our country though.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not condoning it. I wish the whole internet had never been invented, we’d never have missed it! And they wouldn’t have us over a barrel with it. Digital everything-pah! I have a very old 4G phone, simply for phone calls, like a phone!

At a rally at our nation’s capital last year, they used the 5G or whatever microwave weapon for crowd control. I read some people sustained burns to their body. Another rally is happening Feb 6, but people are forewarned now about this weapon.

Yep, we’re surrounded by microwaves, from satellites also. Ditch things, or try hardwiring them. Use Faraday bags, etc.

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Finally, we are making progress towards justice and freedom

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Finally!!! Something positive to give hope. Baby steps. We are getting there to justice - very SLOWLY but surely

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Hooray! Thank you for sharing this so promptly with us. It is a great reminder to maintain faith in humanity.

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As a Canadian, I was also pleased to hear this announcement. Your headline is correct as far as it goes. However, this is not a strong judgment. It is watered down, conciliatory, and does not condemn the Canadian government?? "Mistakes were made"... No guilty parties are identified or even suggested?

In part, this may be Judicial Expediency, because the entire Canadian Parliament is complicit. There were no dissenting voices, screaming about the Laws being broken. There was no pushback in Government about any of the Unconstitutional Regulations being implemented in any part of the "Covid Operation"???????????????

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As should be the Public Health Emergency Acts in all 50 states and territories promulgated by that Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Read your states and particularly the definition sections on quarantine and look into the sections on turning due process and even probable cause on its head. They have tried to legalize the overthrow of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I supect anyone these days with a MPH after their names.

I think its time to dive into their curriculum and syllabuses.

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Great work IOJ!!!!

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They are appealing it because they intend on doing it again...

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Please watch Heiko Schöning, M.D's video to be ready to neutralize the next attack. Knowlege is Power. The Truth Will Set Us Free!

In this video, Heiko Schöning, M.D., discusses his new book, which predicts the next bioweapon attack on humanity. Heiko believes that this time, the target will be the human microbiome; he identifies the means and methods and names the perpetrators. Those who have read his previous book, "Game Over," a deep dive into the U.S. bioterror industry, will know Heiko as a highly skilled and thorough investigator.

You may watch his interview in German on Dec 30, 2023 at https://www.kla.tv/27731

Purchase his new book (also in German), "Angriff aufs Mikrobiom – Game Over II" at https://eticamedia.eu/produkt/angriff-aufs-mikrobiom/

His interview with English (and 16 other languages) translation is available at:



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This is MEANINGLESS until the MILITARY POLICE ARESST "someone. "

I don't have much faith in COWARDS in the POLICE Forces since they are too busy being Trudy's STASI here in CHINADA.

I hope to be wrong but I've seen nothing different.

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