Tried, stripped of all assets, titles (that they think give them "the power") & stripped publicly. Thrown in the deepest darkest dungeons, alone, until have a public hanging
Tried, stripped of all assets, titles (that they think give them "the power") & stripped publicly. Thrown in the deepest darkest dungeons, alone, until have a public hanging
The good ol days... Now they get an award and promoted to some sovereign immune position and protected. People lost the spirit of common law justice. Throw them in the deepest darkest dungeons and save humanity!!!!!
Tried, stripped of all assets, titles (that they think give them "the power") & stripped publicly. Thrown in the deepest darkest dungeons, alone, until have a public hanging
The good ol days... Now they get an award and promoted to some sovereign immune position and protected. People lost the spirit of common law justice. Throw them in the deepest darkest dungeons and save humanity!!!!!