Nuremberg Trial Is In Costa Rica. New Criminal Indictment Against Former Health Minister. Proven False Testimony To Supreme Court About Jab: Now Includes The Crime Of Serious Undue Experimentation
Attorney General office confirms that Daniel Salas Peraza, the former Health Minister of Costa Rica LIED IN 7 OF OUR CASES IN COURT! Its a valid question: Is Nuremberg Trial 2.0 commencing worldwide?
Nuremberg Code is codified Costa Rica law! That means it is enforceable here.
Costa Rica even has Universal Jurisdiction to charge all wrongdoers no matter where the crime or their nationality!
We are doing a VERY SERIOUS DONATION DRIVE. We need your help to stop the shots and sue for these crimes against humanity. Please share and support! We cannot do this all by ourself. Tell everyone you know that IOJ really needs your help to sue & we can win! We have had some help - thank you so much all who have contributed so far - but we are far from our goal to do all we legally need to do to fix things, and our work is way too important to not ask for your help! We put in 3+ years pro bono to win this. Let’s work in lockstep, as a unit of love, to get the lawyers paid and get past the finish line!
The Attorney General investigated our complaint since 2021 and ta-da…
The Attorney Generals office has finally confirmed we were absolutely spot on & correct that the Health Minister is a damn liar about human experiments, Siracusa Principles obligations, confirmed death count and many other key issues such as safety and he even lied that the WHO and FDA had trials which are in compliance with Nuremberg Code & international law.
Good grief!
You cannot make this up. The Health Minister lied the jab research in children and pregnant had ethics boards and was “in compliance with international obligations (including Nuremberg)” He was accused by IOJ of violating Nuremberg Code so he lied the injections were in compliance with Nuremberg Code in particular.
What better way to prove the former Costa Rican Health Minister (hired by WEF’s youngest global leader ever) is in violation of Nuremberg Code and informed consent than to prove he LIED to the top court. Why? In oder to continue the evil experiment!
IOJ & Dr. Yeadon sued and accused former Health Minister Daniel Salas Peraza in court in 2021 of violating Nuremberg Code. The Health Minister was cornered and needed out, so he LIED to the top constitutional chamber in Supreme Court that the shots are in compliance, and expressly told the court it was in compliance with Nuremberg Code, when it was actually completely in violation of Nuremberg Code 3 according to his own testimony - because he testified they had no animal studies when asked! Nuremberg Code is law here. Its enforceable.
It’s time to get the trials started. They keep losing our cases and stalling…. It is time to get this party started and quadruple the efforts to try to get the shots off the global market… What do you think?
Losing our cases? Yes, many would get lost or stalled on the way to the court - but this lost case that never made it to the correct court was criminal, and the investigation shows he’s a liar on the stand who screwed over the Comptroller and MANY THOUSANDS of innocent citizens from their human right to be free of medical and scientific experimentation.
THOUSANDS of parents and government/health workers ILLEGALLY lost their cases for protection from experimentation because Daniel Salas Mengele told the court it was NOT an experiment…
Total disinformation - ON THE stand!!!!
This is really not OK. Disinformation is an essential element of proving the crime of serious undue experimentation!
Now you will not BELIEVE how evil this story gets!
Lean in, listen closely, IOJ has a very, very, very important and historically significant 2021 story of evil to share:
This evil man below, Daniel Salas Peraza, acting as the former Health Minister of Costa Rica, gave testimony in which he: “reiterated to us its not an experiment”.
Shockingly it was only one week later when the head Secretary of vaccination commission (hired by WHO vaccine peddler group NITAG for all Americas - more on that soon) contradicted the Health Minister in writing, so the Health Minister was forced to CONFESS that covid vaccines were imported under Article 117, which allows INVESTIGATIONAL products to be imported from USA & WHO.
Investigational is a word legally the same as experimental… and the Health Minister was forced to confess in writing that in Costa Rica it is actually a biomedical research product which is regulated under very different laws in Costa Rica than they told the court, which mandate a higher form of informed consent.
Since then we have tried repeatedly to solve this and get sent in circles. It has become a mission of love and dedication. It has been VERY hard on us and time consuming to deal with, but we wont let it go. Why make this a full time job with no pay? Well, because we are children of the light and also because quite literally the country of Costa Rica and many thousands of victims are relying on us to fix this injustice.
The regulator here is repeating the same lie the Health Minister was just busted in, by lying its approved, so its allegedly not an experiment… LIARS. Its sick and evil.
The first criminal complaint & case was sent by the Attorney General to the court in the wrong district and was being forwarded to the correct jurisdiction - in JUNE 2023!!!! The case never got to any other court….
Our motto is “be the PERSISTENCE” so we refiled and have now expanded the complaint to include serious undue experimentation, crimes against humanity and criminally spreading a biological agent toxin through shedding, creating a common danger to DNA. It’s all occurring and true, so we are suing.
Lets get into it:
On November 9, 2023 we held a court ordered hearing to challenge the experimental jabs and take them off the market for violating Nuremberg Code and being non vaccine gene therapy which has unreasonable risks. We lost on a really lame technicality that the case was so old (after Costa Rica courts kept lagging) the laws we asked to suspend were obsolete and we need to refile with the new laws to suspend. It’s being drafted now and will be refiled soon in the Administrative Contentious Court which has authority to annul void acts and allow us to change many policies.
Its disappointing the Appellate court refused to hear experts on November 9th and sent us back to the original court to start over, but at least they ruled the lower court judge cant rule without hearing our experts, so thats being drafted now to file asap.
But the Administrative Contentious Court is not the only Sheriff in town! What about the other courts and remedies?
Today we want to explain the criminal side of what we are up to as far as enforcing Nuremberg Code & how it’s moving forward while we finish drafting the other Administrative Contentious & Constitutional case(s).
Daniel Salas Peraza is the suck up, sell out, soulless, very tyrannical former Health Minister of Costa Rica, who told us all he would “DROP THE HAMMER” on us “anti vaxxers” who questioned his experiments. He directly ordered the force injection of a 6 year old Mateo against his screaming pregnant mother and the child’s own will while our paperwork to cease and desist was pending and stamped URGENT by the Ministry of Health for proving death is common.
Daniel Salas Peraza was specifically chosen by YOUNGEST WEF YOUNG GLOBAL LEADER EVER Mr. President Carlos Alvarado, presumably, because Daniel would willingly sign whatever WEF, UN & WHO told Carlos Alvarado to tell him to sign.

Daniel Salas Peraza was a puppet of something bigger (Globalisms quest for world domination) and we would remind all present and future public officials that the consequences of going along with corruption is jail time.
Daniel Salas Peraza left office a week early. He was SCARED in our opinion, but also excited to leave for his new job. PAHO recruited and hired him to be the director for vaccines for all of Americas. Apparently he did his job for WHO-PAHO global vaccine uptake programs and met his 70% or more injected quota so he got a raise and a shiny new job as top “vaccine peddler” in DC.
We tried to prevent Daniel Salas Peraza’s flight to the US by filing an injunction and the prosecutor let him go. Now, many, many months later the prosecutor investigation concludes to prove he lied in 7 of our cases. BRING HIS ASS BACK DAMMIT. Daniel Salas Peraza needs to stand trial. PRONTO. (and many more need to face justice, but lets start with this maniac and THESE CRITICAL LIES FIRST, it will easily lead to Tedros, etc)
The following is a new criminal complaint with more precision than the Prosecutors office wrote back in July.
The prosecutor has the nerve to admit the Health Minister LIED under oath but is trying to dismiss the case based on technicalities. We are about to sue the prosecutor to make him prosecute, because a high up “friend” in the Attorney Generals” office told us precisely how to take the Attorney General to court to force them to prosecute so they wont get away with this inactivity. If the prosecutor refuses, we are allowed by law to act as a prosecutor and you can bet we will do just that. Our motto is Be the PERSISTENCE!
Heres the story:
Our criminal case was “forwarded to the correct court with jurisdiction” months ago on July 17, 2023 and has apparently been delayed to the point of inactivity. Did they forget it? Close it? Which criminal court even has jurisdiction? Where are they sending our criminal case? ARE THEY STILL SENDING OUR CRIMINAL CASE TO THE CORRECT COURT WITH JURISDICTION?
We took what the prosecutor wrote in July and added some new stuff at the end and tightened a couple counts.
It was just refiled a couple weeks ago and today amplified again to add more charges & evidence. Tick Tock…. Do we hear the winds of justice flowing in?
We are asking the Attorney General’s Office to prosecute before we sue them for “breach of assistance” and ask the Supreme Court to force the prosecutor to do his duty to prosecute. Enough is enough.
We did not work so hard to corner this lying evil Health Minister in so many cases where he was busted lying in SEVEN of our cases, just to let it all fizzle out.
We will be working through the weekend as usual to push this and other actions to be announced through!
Where is the passion for rule of law nowadays? The prosecutor is a disgrace.
Let us never forget that THOUSANDS of good people lost their cases to protect their right to not be experimented upon because the Constitutional Chamber took Health Minister Daniel Salas testimony as fact under oath that covid non vaccines are “vaccines” and “not experimental”.
IOJ is the only one in Costa Rica who told the court they were lied to.
As a result, since 2021 the Constitutional Chamber referred us to the prosecutor 3 times to find out if the testimony we complained of was false or not!
Yes, we were referred by the TOP court to the same prosecutor who outrageously wants to dismiss our case on nonsensical reasons. Scandalous.
ALERT!: The prosecutor is the only entity who the Constitutional Chamber relies on to know if the court is ratifying lies or truths. This is just crazy and a total let down of justice.
The prosecutor CONFIRMS lies are on the court record as truths, but wants to dismiss our case and leave materially significant lies about the vax experiment & approvals on the Constitutional Chambers record!
We must help the Constitutional Chamber clean up their act, and help the many thousands of people who lost their cases and were denied rights based on lies! We must not allow the prosecutor to refuse to assist & prosecute. It’s not right.
We already won 4 cases against Health Minister Daniel Salas for violating our rights. (Some of those cases he lied in as noted by the prosecutor and were backed up by verified affidavits from Dr. Yeadon former VP Pfizer) We can and will win this case too, albeit the wins will come slowly but surely.
Our Chief Scientists went toe to toe in 2 cases against Daniel Salas Peraza in 2021 and called him “unqualified” and potentially indictable for attempted murder with all the other Health Ministers. (Tellingly, Dr. Yeadon is worth listening to because here we are 3 years later and he was correct: Italy is now investigating their former Health Minister for murder after concealing deaths). We expect to win this critical case for Serious Undue Experimentation (8-10 years in jail) and Nuremberg Violations, as well, because even the prosecutor agrees the former Health Minister LIED UNDER OATH IN 7 CASES, A CLEARLY DECEITFUL PATTERN, which we intend to prove was for the purpose of human experimentation outside clinical trials by omitting what is required for informed consent.
We also expect this particular case to eventually result in a real trial for Crimes Against Humanity, which is codified into civil law in Costa Rica, able to be tried under Costa Rica’s Universal Jurisdiction, which will expand to include DG Tedros, FDA Director Peter Marks and many others directly or indirectly involved in human research in Costa Rica and upon the international community as a whole.
If you have not yet heard, the Health Minister of Columbia finally admitted the covid “vaccines” are the biggest experiment in history.
The former Health Minister of Italy got caught in emails ordering the hiding of deaths and is currently under serious investigation for murder.
Don’t let them get away with it!
When the prosecutor will not prosecute, as in this case, its important to realize that our Criminal Procedure Code allows US TO ACT AS COMPLAINANTS and force the prosecution. Pray. YES! We are doing it. Lets go.
We did hire a lawfirm to help us, so donations are critical to our success to pay the Attorney’s monthly fees, especially to pay them what is needed to widen the case to indict more wrongdoers, all the way up to FDA, WHO DG Tedros & UN top officials involved.
We are doing a VERY SERIOUS DONATION DRIVE. We need your help to stop the shots and sue for these crimes against humanity. Please share and support! We cannot do this all by ourself. Tell everyone you know IOJ really needs your help to sue & we can win! We have had some help - thank you so much all who have contributed so far - but we are far from our goal to do all we need to do, and our work is way too important to not ask for your help!
The lawfirm is helping with this criminal case, and all the cases needed to take the non vaccine off the market and much, much more, including challenging the UN on climate science. Thank you to anyone who donates, You are literally making this happen!
This case is WAY bigger than just Costa Rica.
Its the first case with ability to prima facie prove covid vaccines are criminal EXPERIMENTATION & real Nuremberg Code violations (which is law here).
Our case can single handedly take down the UN & WHO due to our very extensive record where we have painstakingly exhausted all remedies for almost 3 years straight to be in the position to sue UN-WHO. We are also globally recognized as HHS, FDA, WHO stakeholders, so we have standing to sue.
Daniel Salas Peraza testified repeatedly he RELIED ON FDA AND WHO… They are the “Superiors” of Costa Rica’s vaccine regulators & are just as busted as Daniel Salas Peraza.
WHO-PAHO recruited and hired Daniel Salas Peraza to be head of vaccines in D.C.
It’s a VERY BIG DEAL! They are ALL going down. Mark our words.
Slow and steady wins the race! Are we getting closer to a finish line? Read the new indictment below:
We will start to post each count and explain one by one over the coming weeks
Nuremberg Indictment (Global)
Costa Rica Universal Jurisdiction
Notice: All of the evidence and full brief are filed with the Costa Rican Attorney General and will be announced at the right procedural moment. We are withholding a lot of the case publicly so the opponent does not know the evidence we have, or the case in full against them.
The following is the text of the actual indictment naming the crimes, without the brief or evidence.
Pray for justice!
IOJ Actual Crimes Against Humanity Indictment Text
Interest of Justice vs DANIEL SALAS PERAZA, Costa Rica former Health Minister Mengele, et al (Tedros, etc)
Defendant: Daniel Salas Peraza Et. al, former health minister of Costa Rica and others to be announced
In this particular case, the events denounced concern misrepresentations to the truth that the accused, DANIEL SALAS PERAZA Et. al, in his capacity as Minister of Health of the government of the 2018-2022 period, rendered before the Constitutional Chamber in files 21-007845-0007-CO, 21-016342-0007-CO, 21-016877-0007-CO, 21- 015890-0007-CO, 21-020862-0007-CO, 21-020206-0007-CO and 21-015069-0007-CO, as described above. DANIEL SALAS PERAZA Et. al was expressly ordered to answer personally, because he was the only one with firsthand knowledge.
These files were born to legal life due to the right of response that the complainant Interest of Justice, had at that time with respect to various queries he had made to the then Minister of Health, the accused DANIEL SALAS PERAZA Et al.
The complainant stated that once the Constitutional Chamber admitted his complaints for study, it required Mr. DANIEL SALAS PERAZA Et al to submit the corresponding reports, which were requested under oath.
In complainants opinion, the defendant SALAS PERAZA Et al. was untruthful in the statements he made about his own facts in the reports requested by the Constitutional Chamber.
In complainants opinion, the defendant SALAS PERAZA Et al. was untruthful in the statements he made in his reports and freedom of information requests, therefore affirms a falsehood or denies or conceals the truth, in whole or in part, in his deposition, report, interpretation or translation, made before the competent authority.
Count 1, Under oath, in file 21-007845-0007-CO, the defendant SALAS PERAZA Et. al; indicated that The statistics on the number of people who died in the covid-19 pandemic were one hundred percent accurate because the because the PCR test is the “gold standard” for diagnosis which WHO recommended it in the 1st Charite protocol from January 2020 covid guidance and the Mortality Commission checks every death for “death by covid”. The accused himself reportedly told the press that the statistic was ninety percent accurate and in reality the Mortality Commission had only examined about 20% of the dead bodies. The method of testing is based on PCR ruled “unscientific” in Lisbon Portugal court and no cases can be accurately confirmed.
Count 2, Under oath, in file 21-015069-0007-CO, the defendant SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated that the complainant’s e-mails, through which he requested a series of answers from his office, had not arrived, which is apparently false, since the offended party consulted his mail provider Protonmail, who indicated that his e-mails had been delivered.
Count 3, Under oath, in file 21-015890-0007-CO, the defendant SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated that the complainant’s e-mails, through which he requested a series of answers from his office, had not arrived, a fact that seems to be false, since the offended party consulted his mail provider Protonmail, who indicated that his e-mails were delivered.
Count 4, Under oath, in file 21-016342-0007-CO the defendant SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated that the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine had been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) on August 23, 2021, being this information apparently false because the vaccine that was approved was Pfizer’s comirnaty. The accused also indicated that BioNtech was safe because it had approved all the phases, being this information apparently false because the vaccine only approved the first three phases, not the fourth phase.
Count 5, Under oath, in file 21-016877-0007-CO, the defendant SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated that the FDA & WHO approved the existence of the Ethics Board and that the protocols of the clinical studies of the COVID-19 vaccine are approved by scientific ethics committees and in compliance with current international regulations for research with humans (including Nuremberg Code)”, which is false, since it seems that the Ethics Board does not exist and has not been approved by the FDA or WHO and there is no compliance with current international regulations for research with humans (including Nuremberg Code).
Count 6, Under oath, in file 21-018029-0007-CO, the accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated that as Minister of Health, he did not have the duty to inform the Secretary General of the United Nations about the Siracusa Principles, which are the limitations in the exercise of the rights of citizens in emergency situations, being this information apparently false because he did have the obligation to inform the UN about limiting peoples rights under Siracusa Principles.
Count 7, Under oath, in file 21-020206-0007-CO , the accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated to the offended party, as well as reiterated in letters, that the Pfizer vaccines applied to the Costa Rican population were not in the experimental phase, the accused lied about it since he also indicated that the vaccines were under investigation and imported under 117, “for exclusive purpose of human research”, which in the biomedical research law 9234 and 39061-S and FDA website is the same, investigation and experimentation. See: Document MS-DM-2341-2022 San José, March 14, 2022 from case # 21-020206-0007-CO / 10-10-21
Count 8, The accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated to the offended party under oath in file 21-016877-0007-CO that the covid vaccines are vaccines, which is false because the product is not a vaccine as defined in 32722 1 p, it is actually an experimental gene therapy and biological agent which does not confer immunity and is shown to cause harm to biological functioning and death by integrating into human DNA, potentially affecting the human germline genome heritage of humanity which CCSS and PAHO say “do not act like regular vaccines and therefore require additional safety protocols”.
Count 9, The accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated to the offended party under oath in file 21-016877-0007-CO that “None of the COVID-19 vaccines used in Costa Rica has been approved as of today for use in children. However, the protocols of the clinical studies of the COVID-19 vaccine are approved by scientific ethics committees and in compliance with current international regulations for research with humans (including Nuremberg Code)” that the defendant has demonstrated he clearly knows when he recommended covid vaccines for all people and ordered the forced injection of health workers, government workers and children in Costa Rica, it was research in humans, outside the clinical trial, and knowingly omitted what is required for informed consent by using deception, disinformation, manipulation, coercion, threat and other illicit means of false testimony constituted and still does constitute “human experimentation in violation of Nuremberg 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 and the Biomedical Research law 9234 Article 79 serious undue experimentation.
Count 10, Salas et al, creates a common danger to persons, through the emission, propagation, or impact of covid-19 “vaccine” toxic or dangerous substances or chemicals, agents or toxins of a biological nature.
Count 11, the accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al does not comply or does not enforce, in all its extremes, the order issued by a jurisdictional body or by a public official in the exercise of his functions, which has been personally communicated by Sala 4 in file 21-016877-0007-CO
Count 12, The accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al, indicated to the offended party under oath in file 21-016877-0007-CO that “Vaccines are the most effective preventative approved treatment that exists to prevent a disease”, which is apparently false because even the normal vaccines are not as effective as HCQ in preventing diseases like covid according to PAHO studies
Count 13, The accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al, indicated to the offended party under oath in file 21-016877-0007-CO that “covid-19 vaccines save lives”, which is apparently false because evidence shows the covid so called vaccines killed more people than all vaccines combined in history and killed far more people than can be scientifically attributed to the alleged covid virus.
Count 14, The accused SALAS PERAZA Et. al indicated to the offended party under oath in report # MS-DM-0318-2022, San José, 24 January 2022, page 3, “When the World Health Organization (WHO), on March 11, 2020, elevated the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19 to an international pandemic given the rapid evolution of the facts, it caused health authorities at national and international level to adopt immediate and effective measures to deal with these extraordinary circumstances of an unprecedented health crisis of enormous magnitude, both because of the very high number of people affected and the extraordinary risk to their lives and rights.”, which is false because concrete evidence shows there was no extraordinary circumstances of an unprecedented health crisis of enormous magnitude, there was not a very high number of people affected worldwide or in Costa Rica and there was no extraordinary risk to their lives and rights posed by the alleged covid virus, which has a mortality rate and symptoms exactly same as than flu.
Count 15, SALAS PERAZA Et. al, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of depravation of non derogable right to be free of serious medical undue experimentation affecting the human genome, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, Nuremberg Code and the Rome Statute
Count 16, DANIEL SALAS PERAZA Et. al, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of depravation of non derogable right to be free of serious psychological scientific undue experimentation, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, Nuremberg Code and the Rome Statute
Count 17, SALAS PERAZA Et. al, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of depravation of non derogable right to free opinion and expression, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 18, SALAS PERAZA Et. al, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of persecution of groups of lawful WHO science integrity dissenters, that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 19, SALAS PERAZA Et. al, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of murderthat may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 20, SALAS PERAZA Et. al,, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of genocide or extermination that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 21 SALAS PERAZA Et. al, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of medical apartheid that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 22, SALAS PERAZA Et. al, commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts of other inhumane acts that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute
Count 23, SALAS PERAZA Et. al, “The Director-Controllers” leads or is part of international organizations WHO, UN & WEF that commit acts of bio terrorism, and violate the provisions of the treaties signed by Costa Rica to protect human rights.
Count 24, SALAS PERAZA Et. al, “The Director-Controllers” leads or is part of international organizations WHO, UN & WEF that commit acts of psychological terrorism, and violate the provisions of the treaties signed by Costa Rica to protect human rights.
In the opinion of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the above facts could constitute the crime of PERJURY, which is contemplated in article 311 of the Penal Code.
In the opinion of the complainant, the above facts could constitute the crime of PERJURY, which is contemplated in article 311 of the Penal Code, but are more precisely contemplated under article 323 False Testimony.
In the opinion of the complainant the above facts could constitute the crime of SERIOUS UNDUE EXPERIMENTATION, which is contemplated in article 78,79 of the national Biomedical Research Law 9234.
In the opinion of the complainant the above facts could constitute the crime of attempt with chemical materials or radioactive, which is contemplated in article 253 B, is of the Penal Code.
In the opinion of the complainant the above fact 11 could constitute the crime of disobedience, which is contemplated in article 314 of the Penal Code
In the opinion of the complainant the above facts 15-22 could constitute the crime of crimes against humanity, which is contemplated in article 386 of the Penal Code
In the opinion of the complainant the above facts 23,24 could constitute the crime of international crimes, which is contemplated in article 381 of the Penal Code
Article 386.- Crimes against humanity. A prison term of ten to twenty-five years shall be imposed on anyone who commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute.
ARTICLE 381.- Crimes of an international nature. A prison term of ten to fifteen years shall be imposed on those who lead or are part of international organizations dedicated to trafficking in slaves, women or children, drugs and narcotics, commit acts of kidnapping for ransom or terrorism, and violate the provisions of the treaties signed by Costa Rica to protect human rights
Of course this criminal prosecution will suffer many setbacks as they work in lockstep to stop us. But their games will never work in the end. The law exists, it just requires good people to ENFORCE it!
Lies never pay in the end, not even for globalist dictators who think WEF can or will protect them. Its over. The days of corruption in pandemic preparedness and response are coming to an end because the children of the light are stepping up to do the prosecutors job and taking care of business.
Do the crime, do the time.
We demand Justice For Humanity!
We are doing a VERY SERIOUS DONATION DRIVE. We need your help to stop the shots and sue for these crimes against humanity. Please share and support! We cannot do this all by ourself. Tell everyone you know that IOJ really needs your help to sue & we can win! We have had some help - thank you so much all who have contributed so far - but we are far from our goal to do all we legally need to do to fix things, and our work is way too important to not ask for your help! We put in 3+ years pro bono to win this. Let’s work in lockstep, as a unit of love, to get the lawyers paid and get past the finish line!
Learn about the amazing experts on Stop Covid Vaccines Now!
IOJ appreciates the courageous and super smart expert witnesses, that include our Chief Scientist and ninja level dot joiner: Dr. Mike Yeadon, former VP Pfizer, Dr. Janci Lindsay, Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Sasha Latypova, Norman Fenton, and more TBA.
Help us get the experts in front of a judge. It’s time to prove they are right & to stop the shots!
Other related articles:
Listen to an interview with IOJ and Dr. Joe Sansone about the topics of this article:
Do we know whether the injections are legally pharmaceuticals or merely “countermeasures” in CR?
I ask, because in USA at least, they aren’t pharmaceutical products. The PREP Act provides complete legal immunity from prosecution, provided a Public Health Emergency declaration is in force (it is) and the FDA has granted an Emergency Use Authorization.
Of course, what these law changes accomplished is to render the obviously unlawful, “legal on paper”.
Whether they then count as experimental or treatments in any way might determine whether their use breaches the Nuremberg Code.
To take an absurd example as illustration, a series of traffic cones are “countermeasures”, and no matter what assault on one’s freedoms their use represents, there’d be no breach of Nuremberg. Wrong category of product.
Despite it obviously being the case that these jabs are medical product-like, the distinction might be important and I recommend our lead lawyer be fully briefed on the impact of these mad redefinitions of products from medical intervention to countermeasures.
The relevant experts are in my opinion Katherine Watt & Sasha Latypova (both have excellent primers for new readers on their respective Substack accounts).
Best wishes
All impostor actors of governments should be prosecuted for premeditated murder. once everyone knew that they were purchasing through secret contracts, with public money, products about which it was written in black and white that not many adverse effects were known (there is no such thing to produce something and not know what you are doing) and which were concluded with absurd conditions from the producers, so they were experimental products, they made false advertising for them, they blocked access to information and mixed the right to informed consent (which in real wasn't informed at all) with conditioning the development of all people's activities, they practically forced people to be injected not once but several times with these products, thus intentionally endangering their lives and health. what can we say about the absolute denial of the results of these injections, of reality and the adoption of a dictatorial position by these scoundrels. here, even today, everyone says that they would do the same thing again and that lives were saved. everything seems from a horror movie....
why didn't they inject the population with something that doesn't have any adverse effects? because it turned out, they admitted that against the spread of a disease they were not tested, so not that was the goal, so the intended result was their experimentation which had and will have disastrous effects.