12 hrs agoLiked by Interest of Justice

Signed sealed delivered.

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Muchas gracias amigo! Say it loud!

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12 hrs agoLiked by Interest of Justice

Attempted to sign it, did not appear to go through, 10 signatures at the moment thank you

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Thanks for telling us! Are you on a phone or desktop?

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By using first name and surname the signer becomes a person,the law is no respector of person's.

Legally by law you can only have one name, blacks law first edition.

If you look at their fictional reality, actually look,things only get better for them.

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Blacks law in itself is fiction and legalese... think about it!

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I know, it's their terms and conditions to outmanoeuvre their legal person, while branding Men and Women with the subservience stamp.

Color of law, try escape it.

At least try anyway, unalienable rights or unenumerated right are facts, one fact overcomes all fiction .

GOVCORP have taken over the executive, legislative and the judicial, and wrapped them up in minion.

Public courts by the people are needed, because the public courts system of the people seems to have been privatised without anyone noticing.

Public hazard bonding and malpractice company insurance policy numbers are not given by bonding companies to fraudsters masquerading as public figures.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoLiked by Interest of Justice

First, I want to admit one of my biases. I think that protesting to UN-WHO and to our respective national governmental entities about a "Pandemic" treaty is furthering our entrapment. I have been studying the United Nations since 1990s and I have fought to get the USA out of that truly evil organization. Somehow, I have the feeling that protesting is the same as "dialoging to consensus" with an entity that is illegitimate in every way since its inception in about 1947-1948. The WHO was founded at the exact same time and the UN and the WHO were really one and the same entity from the beginning.

I always keep looking for a way to fight against anything the UN-WHO does and proposes without lending credence to their existence and their authority and their jurisdiction for making "treaties" binding upon the whole world.

Again, somehow it looks like we are begging our masters to have mercy on us and they indeed are the ones who rule over us and have the ability to be lenient or go easy if we beg properly.

What Canadian professor, Dr. Denis Rancourt, to my understanding, is saying is that there is zero evidence that we recently experienced anything the UN-WHO defines as a "pandemic" and that the injuries and deaths appear totally because of the "treatment" and response protocols introduced by of what is called "COVID-19."

In other words we have no specific identification of the "disease" that is said to have caused a "pandemic."

For me, the only right way to fight is to just reveal and expose the best facts available to us in the Name of the One Who is Truth.


"Rancourt et al’s thorough data compilations and analysis have shown more than adequate data to defend their thesis that “the public health establishment and its agents fundamentally caused all the excess mortality in the COVID period” . . . . ,“ and that

“nothing special would have occurred in terms of mortality had a pandemic not been declared and had the declaration not been acted upon.” [6]"



Colleen Huber was speaking about...


Breaking: Our largest study of its kind "Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world during the Covid period regarding socio economic factors and medical interventions"

The major causes of death globally stemmed from public health establishment’s response, including mandates and lockdowns that caused severe stress, harmful medical interventions and the vaccines

Denis Rancourt


, and No One

Jul 20, 2024

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoAuthor

We overstand your theory but we see it opposite - without speaking up we are already slave chattel!

We are optimists, and advocate participation - penetrate zee governments and UN...

But have reason to be hopeful for the countries to pull out based on our relentless influence: When we did the same but in HEAVY DUTY mode to Costa Rica our VP was the ONLY country to pull out of this same treaty.

When James Roguski got on War Room in 2022 and a ton of shows and sent people to our demand (the ONLY one out at the time) we flooded HHS OGA with 50K demands and they stopped 12 of 13 IHR amendments!!! (and we spoke for 2 hours with the US government for 2 days prior to stop the IHR amendments and it WORKED!!!

How else do we speak to the people in charge? They will do what they want if we are silent.... Just our take! PS: we are SUING the UN & WHO with Dr. Yeadon and many other experts - because we believe the Rancourt data may show crimes against humanity... Pray and keep pushing on them!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Interest of Justice

"They will do what they want if we are silent....

As I indicated I have been fighting in the USA for about 34 years and I observe that...

"They will do what they want if we are silent....and if we are vocal and activist."

I will always fight to uphold Truth.

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Pretty much: ""They will do what they want if we are silent....and if we are vocal and activist." This is why we are doing everything possible to invoke laws of responsibility against them! Let's keep at it : )

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11 hrs agoLiked by Interest of Justice

... thanks IoJ, signed it, however didn't see my name there immediately afterwards...

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11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoAuthor

We see you! #160! Thanks for speaking up and saying hell no Gerry! Haha - they are all having to be pestered in their final day and a half of INB Pandemic Treaty meetings together... and until the deadline Nov 12 to say: NO special session - NO rushed Treaty! - Make em think twice!

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... thanks IoJ i’ve got to get back on track on following this, there’s so much goin on, well done IOJ!…i’ll haunt these reprobates so long as i possess any sort of material or immaterial body (refined etheric? !!!) and or functional consciousness on and from whichever plane i discover me currently on. Fkrs forgot that they can’t kill an active, intelligent soul. And there’s the sting for them cometh their days of reckoning, and till surely be bitter, a case of build back bitter!…🙏➕🙏... 😀... thanks for the powerful energy impulse, IOJ, ps. look up on wiki if u care to, the no 92…i awoke twice this morning, and on my second awakening i seemed to be uncharacteristically thinking along these lines, that’s the number of Uranium, and it’s interesting to consider that the Periodic Table’s elements beyond 92 are mainly and by far synthetic, and i’m wondering are these essentially laboratory ‘created’ elements calibrated to nefarious purposes including perhaps transhumanism…i quote Tom Jackson who wrote a visually oriented book on the Table, on page 11…‘the chemical properties of several of the latest and largest artificial elements remain something of a mystery’! Restacking! (edit: meant t'will be bitter!...the numbers of the Elements beyond 92 are interestingly known as transuranic)...

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