Oct 16Liked by Interest of Justice

There should be a “list of shame “. The corporations and entities forcing employees , clients etc to get vaxed to keep a job.

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We agree! And the fact a child here was force injected - UBER SHAME LIST!!!

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Sketchy- to say the least.

More like child abuse.

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Liked by Interest of Justice

The global cabal is feeling threatened by the populace waking up to their evil tyranny. They are trying to implement their agenda before they are stopped. And they MUST be stopped. Stopping them will involve the majority of the people demanding they be at the very least ignored, and ideally, charged with crimes and forced out of business.

But it seems most of the sheeple will cower to the oppressors.

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They must be stopped. Sheeple, move over, we have WORK to do!

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I thought Costa Rica passed a law a couple of years ago to make forced vaccination a criminal offence??

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It only lasted a couple weeks!

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That’s what I was thinking.

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Oct 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Would you please provide the details of the Hearing ?

City, Country, Court location and dates ?

What availability is there for the public to attend to witness ?

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16Author

Its an administrative hearing with the Presidents office, VP/Health Minister of CR ordering it where we meet with the experts online. It's a hearing to hear our disputes and concerns and see what to do next. It will probably result in a series of hearings to hash things out. This is just the first hearing in an Administrative dispute process.

A few of the disputes are with WHO global authorizations of the PCR and vax (WHO Internal Oversight referred our disputes about vax and PCR to "National Authorities") and we looked in history and there have only been FOUR publicized disputes with WHO in all of History! Likely there were more, but the nature of a dispute process is by law they are normally CONFIDENTIAL....

The next post we are making now shows screenshots of us being granted the once in a lifetime admin hearing from the Presidents office and our original letter asking for the hearing. We are so excited and wish you all could attend. We do intend to record for you to at least see the testimonies of the witnesses inside, because in our opinion you all deserve that information as public! : )

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AAAARGH !!!! CONGRATULATIONS BUT sorry to hear (Admin Law is TERRIBLE ! - so it is almost akin to an Enquette Hearing which is confidential?) Thank you for the details.

If I am understanding you correctly, then it is mostly by written submission with experts by distance NOT heard in a classic courtroom per se (seemingly the new 'norm' which is NOTHING like a court is supposed to be ....) and most is hashed out via written arguments until the next level (IF they grant you standing and let you proceed?) ?

Yes, it is a shame that the public cannot attend to hear the arguments - it is worth travelling to see/hear !!!

GOOD LUCK ON THIS FIRST LEVEL - and let's hope there will be an OPEN COURT at some point in the near future so the judges can see the whites of our eyes ...

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Mr. Daniel Salas ‘Mengele’ Peraza

This is Satanic evil and demonic activity.


Mark 9:26-28

But Jesus taking him by the hand, lifted him up; and he arose. And when he was come into the house, his disciples secretly asked him: Why could not we cast him out? And he said to them: This kind can go out by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.



Young's Literal Translation

And he said to them, 'This kind is able to come forth with nothing except with prayer and fasting.'



Ephesians 6:11-12

Put you on the armour of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil. For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.


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Thank you! STOP THE EVIL.

Pray for God to help.

Thank you for everything, always….

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Power hungry lunatics. If we could stop those crazies that want to comply, we could shut these global tyrants down.

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