How will TN prevent bordering states from chem-trail airstream contamination? What is the penalty for people failing to uphold the law?

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

d*mn good question.

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Damn good question - guarantee thats how we stop it beyond Tn!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

sort of an invsion...maybe block all traffic coming in from the other state

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Yes but like others here mentioned - it travels 1000's of miles... What to do then when its sprayed states away and drifts 3 states over to affect us? Its got to be resolved!

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

how does it work in a car accident.... someone hits the person behind you and they run into you... probably the guy immiediately behind is the number one responsible party who then has to sue the one behind him or the insurance resolves by negotiation.... must assume it comes from the neighboring state as primary responsible party... but then the legal nonjustice system probably will uphold the contamination for the greater good or something

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

This seems like a good idea. Dr. Ana says sue the pilots in her recent substack on this issue.

I definitely think the big players need to be criminally charged as well. Bill Gates and friends do not get to decided to ruin our earth and people's health. They do not own our skies.

For IOJ: important info that may help your court case against the jabs is found at this link: https://tdefender.substack.com/p/white-house-covid-vaccine-mandates-fda-approvals

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That is super important info!

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

Yeah. Always my question. It's called *drift* 😉

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice


Been curious about the same condition since this story about introduction of the Bill addressing Chemtrailing TN began.

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

Yes see my comments above

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Jul 4Liked by Interest of Justice

That's the thing. People can talk, talk, talk and put mandates and laws into place, but how will they been enforced and penalize? The air is everywhere.

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

Finally someone is banning this. Everyone just seems to do what they are told. No questions asked. We don't know what this stuff does or with the long-term consequences are. Are they making our forests tender dry which helps to account for all the out of control forest fires we seem to be having? What is the benefit to us? Too many questions and too few answers and of course the media not asking the questions

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What exactly is the benefit to us? Great question! WAY too many unknowns - a global experiment. Unacceptable to just follow along and allow the governments and privateers to just spray humanity down like pests.

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Some of this has been addressed by Dane Wigginton, geoengineering dot org I think is his website.

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice


Very good site and anyone can click on the link to watch the docufilm "The Dimming", to help AWAKEN the masses who don't believe anything nefarious is happening.


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Another great site is by our pal Jim Lee: https://climateviewer.com/

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

Jim also has a stack now! ❤️

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Didn't know that! Will have to go and find and like!

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

Please post the link if you get to it before me 😉

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

Yes he is and I believe he also has a Telegram channel where he posts information. Thanks Dustin! :)

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Yes, thank you EmEm33.

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

I was thrilled when I heard months ago that Tennessee had passed this bill. But my next question was "How are they going to enforce it?" Do you know what their plan is?

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Nope - we are curious as well and do plan to watch and find out how they will enforce this. Perhaps the government was paying and wont be allowed to fund it any longer?!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

These are the military operations, I guess, military order must be issued in DOD

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

Thank you for this post. Unfortunately, SAI particulates can drift for thousands of miles before falling to the ground. Unless all other states join in this ban, it provides no real protection for residents of Tennessee. I track SAI chemtrails using satellites and have posted a number of articles about this. SAI's laid down over the West coast may drift all the way across the continent before reaching earth. Some may even drift across oceans, which means SAI done elsewhere in the world can reach the US.

If you want to see photo documentation of how SAI is done and the equipment used, go here -


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Tn needs to study the drift and sue for thousands of miles around if they plan to end the health effects in Tn! Should be international laws against this!

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

That would be great if possible. You are better equipped to determine this than I am.

You may know that Mexico banned SAI about a year ago. I have satellite documentation showing chemtrails laid down in the US drifting well into Mexico.

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Wow - that satellite documentation sounds interesting!

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This is good news. I first began noticing the spraying and the chemtrails in 1999. The last few years when I would mention it to relatives, and point them out in the sky, I was looked at like a crazy person.

There is some evidence that Bill Gates is part of this. If that is so, he needs to be dealt with the same as George Soros, an enemy combatant, and face a firing squad.

If they continue to spray across the country, what happens when these drift over Tennessee?

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Great point Dave - what about drift?!

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

THIS IS HUGE but how would it be enforced INTELL AGENCIES, DEFENSE CONTRACTORS, MILITARY, and commercial jet fuel is all involved this has been done for decades IT HAS TO BE EVERYWHERE OR NOTHING, those accountable MUST BE punished.

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

States should follow.

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We need to MAKE the States follow! ; )

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

I don’t know the penalties but there is nothing that can be done about border contamination except encouraging citizens in those states to press their own legislators into action. That will create a chain reaction of clean air states!

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Agreed Moon Lite!

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

I’m celebrating this incredible win!!!

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

I was wondering how they will be stopped from drifting into that state, big fans LOL

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huge fans in a line at the border lol

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

I read this earlier this year .

Fat chance getting Gov Hochul the climate change wicked witch of the East to get on board with this.

I have a sister in law in Texas, she says that this also goes on in her skies.

Let's hope someone files a lawsuit.

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

abatement should include police officers right to use rockets to shoot down offenders since they can't pursue in a normal manner

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Jul 1Liked by Interest of Justice

We'll see...I've noticed their chemtrail activity has ramped up all over my part of Tennessee the past couple of months. They were in our area 4-5 times a week, starting just before dawn and working into the early mornings. Some of it over cities, but far more of it over agricultural areas.

An aside on agricultural effects: the color of the blooms on almost every hydrangea bush in my area has changed in the process--the big blue, pink or white blooms they came out with in April (and usually last till fall), have all faded to a sickly looking greenish white by end of May. Have never seen that happen before--noticed it on the ones in my yard and started paying attention to others. I drove around for an hour last week, just looking at hydrangeas. They're nearly ALL doing that. In an hour, I found only two "true" white ones. The rest were all sickly green. The only thing I've noticed different is that this year, is after this passed, they have been spraying chem trails here almost daily since March.

Until I see results, this just feels like more preening, "feel good, do nothing" legislation. I hope I'm wrong. But after seeing what it's done to the hydrangeas alone, the bill's language "with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight" says literally nothing of poisoning crops or vegetation, let alone PEOPLE. But I digress...

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Today is the first day so let us know if you see any because we will sue in two seconds flat if they dare spray again now that it's fully illegal!!!! Praying the skies clear and the hydrangeas return in full bloom!

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I live in Memphis, where my hydrangea finally took off beautifully this summer Full magnificent flowers only to turn brown and die a couple weeks later with the scorching heat. We are used to humid sauna Heat most of the summer here,, but usually my blooms last months and keep their color, for at least a month before fading to a dusty rose pink and then a light green towards August... NOT this year, burned brown after a week of bloom.. my other varieties however, the white, Little Limelights, the oak leaf and the lacecap did really well.

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Don’t celebrate yet guys. I live in Nashville TN. Today (July 1) started out as a perfect sunny, cloudless day and I was literally praying that it would remain that way. However, by late morning my heart sank as high altitude planes began to appear in the sky - scores of them. By mid afternoon, it was one of the worst chem trail days I have ever witnessed here - and I’ve seen some really bad ones so that really is saying something. It was as if these bad actors were giving Tennessee and its bill the big middle finger. IOJ, what would be your legal advice and strategy to counter this act of terror? Tennesseans simply CANNOT stand by idly and let this blatant crime stand!!

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When I call my governor in a midwest state her aide tells me that there is no way to enforce a ban on SAI or geoengineering because the government owns the federal airwaves so this should be interesting to see what happens.

So, because she told me that, I asked her about the GWEN Towers. Who allowed those to be put in our state? Do they have studies on how those giant microwave towers affect humanity, food growth, water supplies and all the animals and insects. I then quoted a pubmed article about GWEN towers and how it emits microwaves for over 300 miles. I got crickets. These people are doing studies on humanity and our food and animals supply and they do not give a rats ass about the implications it may cause which is absolutely criminal!



"As discussed in Chapters 4-8, effects of nonthermal fields have been reported to occur in the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and reproductive systems (for general reviews, see Tenforde and Budinger8 and Michaelson and Lin9). Possibly the most widely discussed nonthermal effect of electromagnetic fields is the reported change in Ca2+ binding to nerve cell surfaces as a result of exposure to RF radiation with amplitude modulation at extremely low frequencies (ELFs), reviewed in detail in Chapters 6 and 7. The most effective band of modulation frequencies has been found at 6-20 Hz, although some higher frequencies are also effective.10 In none of the studies on Ca2+ binding to cell surfaces has the unmodulated RF carrier wave itself been found effective. Modulation of GWEN signals by the minimum key shifting procedure produces a waveform very different from that of the sinusoidally amplitude-modulated RF signals that were used in most of the Ca2+ experiments. Specifically, the GWEN fields have the general characteristics of pulsed on-off RF signals during message transmission (see Chapter 2). "

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How could we get a copy of the original draft? Would you be able to provide guidance for us to each do this in our state?

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