WHATTT!! Will go check - we have been having server issues! Thanks for your support - be right back!

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Hello there IOJ rockstars! Not sure if you read the Midwestern Doctor Substack today, but perhaps it will help your case regarding the seriousness of "shedding".


Keep up the great work! You are beacons of light and hope for us all :)

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Thanks! Just saved : )

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"Can we convince the court shedding is real and a CRIME?" Yes, easy!

Ask for blood samples of unvaxxed judges, prosecutors, jurors and analyze it in front of them in court.

Wheel in your lab and 4000X microscope!

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spot on lol!

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Love it!

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More proof : We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves


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Freaky stuff. Timed with the rollout - they were telling us!

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More here. So they know very well how to do that : Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases

WebJan 2, 2016 · Self-disseminating vaccination is one innovative approach that may potentially overcome the problems associated with use of conventional vaccines for pre-emptive pathogen control in ‘high-value’ animal populations within these challenging …


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Got it - just read their preplan here and its pretty scary - thanks!

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Another one for the road... and for the judge:) Transmissible Vaccines

¨What are Transmissible Vaccines?

The transmissible vaccines that have been developed in recent decades aim to prevent zoonotic pathogens in animal reservoirs from spilling over into human populations. Due to the difficulties of conducting large-scale vaccination campaigns that target wild animals, the development of transmissible vaccines is a promising innovation with the potential to reach wildlife populations more effectively.

“Self-disseminating” or autonomous vaccines are classified into:

transmissible vaccines, which are live viral vaccines with the ability to transmit between hosts; and

transferable vaccines, which are administered on the skin or fur of an animal, and then transferred to other animals through grooming behaviours.

As opposed to traditional viral vaccines, which rely on individual-based direct vaccination, transmissible vaccines can transmit between vaccinated individuals and their contacts, referred to as “chains of transmission,” in the same way that viruses are caught and spread. They are benign, yet infectious, typically at a lower rate than disease-causing viruses.¨ Read More


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I am sure you are correct about this technology, but it is not a virus! The multi-trillion-dollar industry of virology is a fraud. This has been proven by Dr. Bailey of New Zeeland in two videos that show exactly how they come up with this Unicorn called a virus. It is pathetic, and not science at all. If the scientific method is the gold standard, and it is! Virology does not use it at all. So why are all these posts talking about everything except this little elephant in the room? Go look at the videos, A farewell to virology and see the truth for yourself, Jack.

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I know Dr Bailey. I am following her on Substack. Look, all this discussion about if virus exist or not is a lost of time. I don't care if virus exist or not. We are talking about Bioweapon We are at war now. The Cabal, the blood drinkers, the psychopaths are controlling Governments and they want to kill us and for those who will survive, transhumanism, to connect us to a computer for control and more.

It could be Snake Venon : Snake poison symptoms:

Localized pain and swelling


Labored breathing


Odd taste in the mouth

Skin tingling

Difficulty speaking



Note: Not all snake bites inject venom, and some symptoms may vary depending on the type of snake.

Did you know that you can buy Snake Venon online? How about that! This is terrible.

¨Buy venoms online with 98% purity from Venoms Pharma your number one supplier of Snake venoms, Scorpion venoms, Frog venoms and Toad venoms.

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its not a virus that is shedding. Its some synthetic toxin or pathogen!

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They’ve been giving animals vaccines that shed by design for a long time.

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Exactly. So they already know how to do that.

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Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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Thank you! ❣️💥 ❣️

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Our pleasure

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A good piece of evidence is the testimony Anthony Fauci gave in a Senate hearing where he was describing what would be in the shots. One of the things he mentioned was "self-assembling nanoparticles". But he did not say why and what they did.

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"And so it begins..." Way to go Gandalf backup team. The ONE TEAM to beat them all.

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And so it begins!

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Yes, yes of course you are right dr Ana, we know that who have been following your dedicated and detailed work for long now, so of course you and yours are right to take it all to court as soon and well as you can.... time starts being short and a trying is better than no trying......and our cause is the very best!

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I went through documents of the first runners "competing" to " create" the jabs in the UK [from their websites, not what the UK government released]. They definitely mentioned "shedding" . One even said that pregnant nurses & those trying to get pregnant should inform the trial controllers because of "shedding". I shared screenshots on Fakebook, they got removed & I got a ban. I also remember the documents saying that certain folks should NOT have the jabs. Then, once the jabs were rolled out, the WHO & governments said those exact same people WERE to be given the jabs & in the first round as as they were "vulnerable".

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Dr Pierre Gilbert in 1995: (YT has already removed this video...I wonder why)

"In the biological destruction there are the organized tempests on the magnetic fields. What will follow is a contamination of the bloodstreams of mankind, creating intentional infections. This will be enforced via laws that will make vaccination mandatory. And these vaccines will make possible to control people. The vaccines will have liquid crystals that will become hosted in the brain cells, which will become micro-receivers of electromagnetic fields where waves of very low frequencies will be sent. And through these low frequency waves people will be unable to think, you’ll be turned into a zombie. Don’t think of this as a hypothesis. This has been done. Think of Rwanda"


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People have no idea how crazy it gets!

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Nothing will happen. Harming people in any way within a global agenda is no longer a crime.

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It is still a crime. The psy ops has got to you haha! Don't believe the hype. They are NOT immune for what they have done.

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Yeah...we see this after 4 years.

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haha We know. Its such a PAIN! The prosecutor said the former health minister lied BUT wants to dismiss it for the most frivolous reasons ever - totally rigged and BS ... it was sent to the correct court after the court said it was the wrong jurisdiction about 7 months ago! They LOST it on the way to the court.... so this is a new one. We don't think a judge will let the prosecutor dismiss it and if the judge does allow the new indictment to be dismissed we have instructions from the head of anti corruption on how to prosecute it or sue to make them prosecute - We just have to keep going! But yeah - we TOTALLY get your point :). Eternal optimists here - we know justice in tyrannical times takes a lot of effort and time - hence our motto: Why be the resistance when you can be the PERSISTENCE!

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Optimism can be compared to red wine: if you use a little every day, you can get benefits, but if you abuse it, the result will be deplorable.

The stakes are too high for what is going on. The result will be the same whether you are optimistic or pessimistic. But the optimists feel better. Congratulations for the persistance! :)

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We need all hands on deck ASAP!

Thank you and God Bless any citizens willing to help on THE MOST IMPORTANT 2024 ELECTION INTEGRITY PROJECT!

Contact ASAP here to join us…


Shouldn’t everyone who is able want to work on a 2024 project in America to help restore…


You will be standing with the best!!!

P.S. Would love all Mother and Father, ALL Grandmother and Grandfather LIONS to report for patriotic duties!

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Dr. I would like to ask you a question that has not been addressed on any of your posts in the past. Do you believe that such a thing as a virus exists? You surely must have seen the Baileys two videos that show what a fraud it is. If the scientific method is the gold standard, and it is, then why does virology not follow it? Why do you not know this fact, or speak about it as the Baileys have been doing for some time? It appears to me that all the health freedom fighter are talking about the spike protein, the dangers of the technology, and everything but this one elephant in the room, why? This fact alone has made me verry skeptical as to the real motive behind this obvious exclusion of the known facts. Pleas answer this for me, and get back to me, Jack Williams.

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We do not think viruses exist and also believe it must be proven and challenged in court. Can they just Show Us The Science on viruses and pandemics please and thank you!!!! It's important. Its VERY important to get to the truth!

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We actually know that they do not exist! The Baileys have shown exactly how they twist science by fraud. If you have seen the two videos of a farewell to virology, then it is plain to see. The establishment will never show this to the public because it is a multi-trillion-dollar fraud that has been fed to us for sixty years. Just like 911, and the NIST report. So full of fantasy that it should be a work of fiction, because it is! Follow the money and find the true motive. Have you seen any news report on the thousands of Architects and Engineers that studied this lie? This was a planned demolition, and this was step one then step two was the Patriot Act, that gave the President powers they should never have, that enabled him to take us to an unjust war with a country that had nothing to do with the attacks, then on to other countries that were in the new century plans. If you believe anything you hear on the news, then you will believe in anything. Verry important to get the truth, and this is the truth,

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Denver Health has revealed that they are injecting their staff with the new fancy Ebola vaccine that says it has up to a 30% chance of shedding.... Nothing to worry about or see here folks!... They say it's not anything like the mRNA COVID vaccine... And that we should trust them. Lmfao!

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WHHHATTT?? Oh my goodness - yikes!!!!

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