Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

Are the hospitals still murdering people with drugs and intubation?

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Sep 7Liked by Interest of Justice

I re-wrote the opening sentence:

Hospitals in the United States of Pharmatopia are now required to create and inflate COVID-19 case counts via mandatory non-diagnostic PCR processes for all patients in order to pick up random cellular debris which is then given the phony Covid-19 designation in order to perpetuate the racketeering operation known as COVID.

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You need to be hired. They need a new Editor that will just tell the truth and level with us - like you : )

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

This is the time to have multiple attorneys ask that CMS show the virus of which they speak! They need to show how and that it transmits from one person to another person. They need to show that the PCR works to diagnose covid. Otherwise CMS is making a nonsensical request, costing a lot of money to US taxpayers by making frivolous requests, apparently only to make money and terrify people.

Deference to govt. agencies is over in the US due to Chevron. CMS must show their work

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AGREED! So far they can't prove it and WHO Internal Oversight recently sent our PCR dispute to National Authorities.. Just saving up then will crush them with their own lies!

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

If it’s an emergency, why wait til Nov 1?

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

please pay atten. to Dr. Philip Macmillan on YouTube. think it is Vejon Health

He along with Gert Van Den Boshe (spelling) has been on point since the very beginning. Covid is morphing. I am unvaxxed (proudly) and do not follow the hype or masks. Check him out for info re-clotting and all things covid.

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Will look him up! Thanks : )

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re: your "Gert Van Den Boshe"

you mean Geert Vanden Bossche, right? Or, maybe you were speaking of someone else?

Because? He's, Geert, been wrong every step of the way. I can prove that. Can you prove he's been right about anything so far?

GDL, or Good Damn Luck .... with your "Saviors". They are anything but.

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

How many hospitalised Covid patients have been vaccinated and how many of the ones that died were vaccinated ???

Could it be like in the trials on animals that they vaccinated that when they introduced the virus to them later they all died ????

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Sep 7Liked by Interest of Justice

From stats published, it looks like all deaths are in the vaxxed

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Likely so.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Interest of Justice

America is off the charts insane and I have long since deleted almost everything coming out of that godforesaken country from my news feed and from any other leak in my defense agaisnt their bullshit. It is beyond me how sane Americans (is there such a person) cope. The revolution is so long over due it is going to take another 200 years to manifest. Over and out. Having said that, there are comments here I wholeheartedly support....but the LIKE BUTTON is not working!@!

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

Using the same PCR tests I guess? No shit

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It's such BS

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

Hope they know what they can do with their maneuvering of FALSE FLAG B.S. to terrify, starve and force people into their B.S.

There are Health Professionals now outside of the usual Medical Complex and now practicing within neighborhoods for specific groups of people. We have our ALTERNATIVE MEDICATONS made with PROFESSIONAL CHEMISTS to support the Homeopathic Physicians.

We have created whole societies in our regions NOT DEPENDENT UPON THE FEDERAL GOVT. and their EUGENICIST AGENDA.

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

Do not end up in a hospital, take your vitamins, nasal spray and Ivermectin, stay healthy and tell them to go fuck themselves. There are no poisons going into me, PERIOD

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Totally agree. If you want to live stay out of hospitals.

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Sep 6Liked by Interest of Justice

Phuk that phukery

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Sep 7Liked by Interest of Justice

Please let us know how we can donate with personal check.

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Thank you so much for caring about if this mission has the resources it needs! We are very small and still need help big time, we appreciate you reaching out!

Donation checks can be mailed to:

Interest of Justice, Dustin B. Rosondich

1 Aeropost way


Miami FL 33206-3206

Interest of Justice Media Inc., is a registered 501c(3) Not for Profit Organization EIN - 99-2410252 - Have a blessed day!

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Sep 8Liked by Interest of Justice

Please post this on your donation page so that people will have the option of using cash. Many prefer to use cash now that we are being pushed into accepting a cashless society.

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Thanks! Will make sure to point it out on there as an option asap - people are wise to be leery of the digital gulag and use cash and checks to get around needless snooping! If we don't demand cash we will be slaves!

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The PCR test is unreliable according to the inventor. And they have a fifth booster for anyone stupid enough to take it. And it is for children down to six months. How many more have to die before they ban these death jabs and prosecute the WHO, big pharma, Fauci and the rest of this genocidal cabal?

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Sep 7Liked by Interest of Justice

They're ramping up the "Get your Covid booster" commercials on television, the latest suggesting that you get your booster when you go get your flu shot. 🙄

Oh, and they're pushing RSV shots, too.

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It's obscene

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My 78 year old mom complies with all the recommended shots even though I have warned her. I can not change her mind but she like Harris as well.

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Sep 7Liked by Interest of Justice


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Enforce our Constitution, enforce consequences of Oath of Office violations for all who blatantly grind their own honor under their own heels by writing and passing totally unconstitutional laws, abolish the fed, put the criminal traitors in jail where they belong, free January 6th patriots. Rescind the 1986 big pharma immunity act, abolish the FDA, EPA, ATF, DEA, DOE, CDC, and all other unconstitutional agencies and bureaucracies. Honor our country and rid us of all criminally insane fanatical idiots in the halls of government. Bring home all troops, trade with other nations but stay out of their political BS.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11

Replace statue of liberty with the guillotine

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What is the fastest way to Ban microwaves?! Bc, that is the daily fuel that is accelerating the spread of nanoself assembly. Tenessee banned chemtrails and microwaves yet how to enforce it is the stump. Ask yourself every day, what am i doing to ban microwaves in my state? Does my rep believe in chemtrails? Does my rep know the ingredients and conductivity? Does my rep know about the polymers, mold, emf, parasite connection? Does my rep have the studies? How do we enforce a chemtrail ban? How do we go all in on landline? How do we save the republic? How do we ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE👉HR8421 BILL TO ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE only in the first stage of a bill. What is your reps phone number? Email? Twitter? Where is their office? Banning chemtrails SAVES THE DAY!!! Banning microwaves saves the next generation!!! Abolishing the federal reserve SAVES THE REPUBLIC!!!

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