Pandemics aren’t a thing. In order to have such a thing, infectious disease would need easily to spread from person to person, also called symptomatic transmission or more alarmingly called contagion.
Others have known for some time what I only realised a couple of years ago. That this phenomenon simply doesn’t happen. I realise that almost all of us believe it does. However, the objective findings are that this is an illusion. It’s brought about in the context of respiratory illnesses because we each experience these quite often. Because we’ve been lied to & told we’ve “caught it from someone”, we think back & attribute it to anyone we encountered in recent times who had any symptoms at all.
But contagion is an extremely useful lie for authoritarians.
It’s all lies, to gain mastery of your life through regulations and FEAR.
Dr. Yeadon I do a daily exercise walk in my high rise apartment building. Too cold outside. I start at the top 11th floor and work my way down to ground level. I touch a door handle 110 times. I wash my hands thoroughly after reaching my unit. So far so good. No colds this winter from infected door handles.
Agreed. I see 'symptomatic transmission' anagrams to;
- pantomimists sitcoms yarn
- my pm morons statisticians
- in it monstrosity spam scam
However as it is symptoms rather than the cause of any disease perhaps it is just copycat behaviour, a transmission of fear 'Watch out, you'll catch it!'
I'm 78 years old and Covid was my FIRST pandemic. I know from being an informed person that does his homework that Covid was a lot of NOTHING. It was promotion, lies and misdirection. FAKE from start to finish. I hope fewer people are sucked into the next scam.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to update us. You and all the team involved are just pure gold! and there aren't enough words of gratitude and appreciation for all you do, thank you! Love you all.
You are born equal in standing to any other man or woman, and therefore while you respect the equal rights of other men and women, no power can be granted over you without your consent. To believe otherwise is to be a slave.
Maxim of Law:
Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines aequales sunt.
All men are equal as far as natural law is concerned.
[men = men/women = people]
“Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent.”
Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70.
Your consent is your agreement for something to happen that involves your Rights. Consent is voluntary, or a matter of free choice, and must be given “willingly”. Your consent is your agreement, permission, approval, or acquiescence (including your silent acquiescence). Possessing the “Right of Consent”, means that you have the “Right of Contract”.
Your Right to Contract, or Not to Contract,
A sovereign man or woman, by definition, permanently reserves their Right of Consent, and all their Unalienable Rights, during their lifetime. Your Right of Consent is inborn (private) and antecedent to the creation of the State (public).
Representative governments are elected by, and restrained by, people who exercise their Right of Consent. Your right to give consent, or to refuse consent, is not suspended between elections.
Indeed, it is only by not consenting to onerous governance, that it is possible to prevent the descent of governance into a state of exploitation, oppression, and tyranny.
All governments, however politically organised, govern subject to the consent of the people, one and all, every day, and every moment.
The people of a nation are naturally above any government that they create, because that which is created can never be above its creator. The informed and freely given consent of each man and woman is what gives rise to, and maintains, “the law” of the nation, which is the “Law of the Land”. As the maxim of law says: Consent makes the law.
Consent, to be true, must be fully informed and willing, and otherwise is falsely obtained and revocable. Any man or woman who has given their consent under conditions of non-disclosure, deceit, or coercion, can withdraw their consent retroactively, or “now for then” nunc pro tunc, undoing the entire matter, correcting any errors or omissions caused.
Maxim of Law:
Non videntur qui errant consentire. He who errs is not considered as consenting.
Maxim of Law:
Nihil tam naturale est quam eo genere quidque dissolvere quo colligatum est; ideo verborum obligatio verbis tollitur; nudi consensus obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur. Nothing is so natural as to dissolve anything in the way in which it was bound together; therefore the obligation of words is taken away by words; the obligation of mere consent is dissolved by the contrary consent.
De facto incorporated governments, also, cannot possibly have jurisdiction over de jure living people, unless by fully disclosed and willful consent. Each and every statute enacted by government legislation requires consent from each and every man and woman, including you!
But consent is given in many ways, often unknowingly. The definition of the word “consent” includes to “yield” and to “give way to”. The moment you agree to anything you are asked to do, you are giving consent.
If an “artificial person” NAME gets a parking ticket in legal fiction commerce it is an invitation for a living man/woman to “pay”, and if you “pay” it you are consenting to the ticket contract.
Even the Police need your consent. Before an officer can arrest you they must read you your rights and then ask “do you understand” (stand under their authority), and if you say “yes” – you are consenting.
The origin of all LEGAL jurisdiction over YOU
is YOUR given consent.
All statutes, codes, rules, regulations, and so-called by-“laws”, are commercial contracts written by your government that require your fully informed consent. Any State document requiring a signature is a contract by consent. If you do not consent to a statutory contract, it is not enforceable on you.
Any attempt to make you consent against your will is “coercion”. Any threat to make you “sign” a contract to obtain your property is “duress” for the purpose of “extortion”, whether or not that property, such as money, is obtained. Any “legal person actor” who attempts to compel you into “joinder” to the legal “artificial person” NAME without the “full disclosure” of any information that may influence your decision whether or not to consent, commits the crime of “personage” (a “Crime involving deceit” under Section 240 of the New Zealand Crimes Act).
When “acting” in the “role” of an “artificial person”
you are contracting to give a “performance”.
An “artificial person” is a fictional creation of the State, and therefore it is controlled by the State. The legal “artificial person” NAME is the government's property, employee, servant, franchise, debtor, surety for liabilities, bound to comply with the government's statutes (acts, bills, rules and legislative instruments), which are the “terms and conditions” of that “status”.
Fictional “creatures of the State” have “status”, whereas living men and women with flesh and blood arms and legs have “standing”. The “artificial person” has no “standing”. The entire concept of fictional entities is an abstraction of the mind. It is an illusion that depends utterly upon your consent. Legal fictions are dead-at-law, and therefore it is unnatural for a living man or woman to “join” to a fiction – it is a deadly corruption of life.
ABSOLUTELY In law, ignorantia juris non excusat, or ignorantia legis neminem excusat, is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely by being unaware of its content.
Hello Peter and interested readers. I've reviewed Peter: of Family Forrest's posts and agree with all statements therein. The corporate "Straw Man" argument has been well addressed on many internet blogs for decades. Here is one representative discussion defining the essential features of the Cestui qui vie trust, and includes dates of interest. >
The legal fiction of an "Incorporated" man was established via Canon 2047 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. Study the above linked article carefully.
An important element of *alleged* legal jurisdiction is the Surety Bond requirement of legal authority. A *surety* acts as a guarantee that a person or an organization assumes responsibility for fulfilling financial obligations in the event that the debtor defaults and is unable to make payments. If you wish to drag a 'legal' agent down to the level of *real* Civil discussion, ask for proof of their Surety Bond. Many have no such bond, and are in fact legal impostors with no authority whatsoever. Best regards to Peter: of Family Forrest.
PLEASE DO NOT PROMOTE THESE A Warrior Calls SCAMS HERE. We are fully aware of the Cestui qui vie trust, however, you can NOT access it, nor use any info on that BS site.
Its fine to ask for if they have a bond (although so hard to get an answer WHERE the bond is) but whats the point unless there is a personal wrong the officer owes you? Will you use that in court to prove they have no authority? It won't work, we hope you realize that this is all theoretical.
Our problem is beyond asking for a bond, A Warrior Calls has misguided many people and even advocated putting what we would call frivolous bonds against cops (this could land many in prison) and he brags of multi million dollar cases he never won, only filed... Its absurd squared. The stuff on the site is ILLEGAL, just to let you know and we have seen countless good gullible people busted from what the site advocates
So many in the movement like Winston Shrout, etc went to jail for promoting this crap and trying to create bonds as the surety.
A Warrior Calls is not the only source of this information. This information is all over the net. Civil populations are simply not apprised of the Unlawful 'legalities' of the legal profession, and Surety Bond issues are germane discussion.
There is nothing illegal about a request of proof of Surety. The alleged authority typically has no spontaneous Bond instrument to show. Under that condition, the plaintiff can request a delay of proceedings until such documentation(s) are made available. The process is designed to put the "authorities" on notice that the cause of their authority is understood. It is simply a 'legal' ploy. An diversion from the expected admission of incompetence by the defendant.
We know - we said theres nothing illegal about a request for surety, although, its not easy to get an answer like we said. And also we think they ARE bonded but we cant get the info... not sure you are right that none have surety bonds.
Side note : One time a notary refused my stamps because he was biased - I (Lady Xylie) flipped out - demanded his bond - the sherrif's were called and I was interrogated -
Dustin was all calm and the Notary kept stamping his lol lol
and then after 30 min of my glaring at him and threatening to get his bond, the asshole notary did stamp for me and i think it was my threat to get his bond -
However, upon trying to get the surety bonds of all the cops or the notary later - IMPOSSIBLE - even suing… literally couldn't find them.. had to call EVERY bond co in area and still couldn't find…
Went to court to put in the papers you say are the silver bullet - we made claims against the public officials and demanded the court to file when they flat refused to take the papers... Attacked by security and NOT allowed to file... Upon leaving court we were both arrested for NOTHING.. resisting arrest with NO crime!
So our point is - he with the GUNS wins.. not the one who says they are un-bonded and tries to get a legal resolution in that manner. THINK - whilst doing your exact procedure they profiled us and arrested us and destroyed us.. AND we know many others destroyed by this scheme to make us feel powerful, when they will crush us like whack a mole.
Our point is its hardly a silver bullet… it can backfire bigly on you!!!
This event in our lives is why we are so interested in this current work of ours to change things using real law and reviving the true equity and common laws. The governments are NOT the boss.. But tact and dialogue work better than esoteric tactics the courts wont honor.
Also, its just irksome to see A Warrior Calls stuff on our site because we really want to free people and ensure they don't get in trouble like we did!!
We rejected A Warrior Calls site being promoted here because hes hotheaded and blatantly mis-training people in how to reclaim their rights telling people to put a LIEN on a cop - That is HORRIBLE advice that landed friends of ours in jail so we feel a need to warn about his site.
All in all, the ACTUAL LAWS promoted are great! His method of interpretation and procedural law.. not so much lol : )
Hello again. I very much appreciate your reply and comment. I agree with most of your critique, particularly in regard to asking a police officer for proof of Surety. My best advise in such a situation is just say "Yes, Sir, no Sir, (or Ma'am').
Sorry I hit a nerve with the 'warrior calls' link. I could have used others. Ah well. Best regards.
The approach must be from the man or woman standing as Beneficiary of the Estate Trust. He/she then appoints the judge in court as Trustee and instructs the judge accordingly. The prosecutor stands as executor so under the Beneficiary.
To avoid stepping into their jurisdiction requires significant study and practice; after all the legal profession has had 100s years.
'Legal' refers to debtor ie at the ''legal age'' we become the debtor since as a dead corporation our legal fiction has no energy or possibility to contribute. It really is perniciously demonic and literally oozes wickedness; note how many politicians trained as lawyers...
We do love about your site that it is the KEY INFO - PRIVATE VS PUBLIC. ITS EVERYTHING.
The problem is, the procedure to not be in their jurisdiction does NOT work!!! We gotta ask - have you ever TRIED THIS and had it work? We have known this info for 15 years and seen so many try it lol - epic failure and the judge just throws the book at them... MAYBE 20 years ago, but its not going to be "accepted for value" nowadays! If we EVER get to see it ACTUALLY work more than just a mere theory we will be ecstatic! Not holding our breaths unfortunately...
We do have a really great teaching on how not to enter their jurisdiction, OMG it's tricky, BUT it depends on situation IF it can even work, and it can only be done at first arraignment. Because we really do LOVE this type of hidden law info, we will dig it up and get it out for you all soon... Please dont hate us for being so skeptical, one friend was DESTROYED by the machine for this PRECISE plan: "appoints the judge in court as Trustee and instructs the judge accordingly. The prosecutor stands as executor so under the Beneficiary." It went SO BADLY that we must say the truth and help others NOT try it lol
Clearly, this is a 'number's game' that will only become unavoidably acceptable when backed by sufficient numbers in any specific location. However, the principles and real lawful issues do stand up for us as the living who have been defrauded for so long under trespass with duress.
Thus we have developed a process called Co-op Lab to enable local people to form hub guild networks of private member associations (pma's) - see (in beta test). The network is designed to develop under an 'umbrella trinity' of natural law, debt-free exchange and barter, and hands-on education in local projects that produce goods, services and assets enabled through the hub guilds (health, food, farming, sports, arts, media, news, business, tech, construction etc etc)
For instance the local natural law hub guild will develop advocacy and a local public court founded on the issues being discussed in relation to 'law of the land' and equity; with all members pledged simply 'to cause no harm'. The more local guilds, the greater the combined energy-power; plus opportunities to select our own local 'political' reps. from our network members.
Currently we are developing a framework operational model and business plan based on local development; leading to a prospectus for investment and/or crowd-funding. The ROI will relate to valuations of the assets & goodwill produced in projects plus the social value ie the savings to public expenditure across all sectors when people can choose to co-operate with their 'birds-of-a-feather' while contributing to a new environment - all skills, time and knowhow already reside in us.
In effect, inclusion and personal bonds can evolve based on our own interests and aspirations; with trust evolving amongst friends and associates living and acting to cause no harm. The process and digital platform is available for localised development anywhere; with Co-op Lab as a pma of pma's. So, our digital tools can be developed through tech hub guilds to create the 'Market-Space' required by local people who are free to explore and share. Anyone interested please let me know
EVERY natural man and woman is born “in the private”. Whereas the State is public, and therefore its Public Servants, and its legal fiction creations are “in the public”, including its artificial legal “persons”.
A man or woman can either “live” “in the private”, or “act” “in the public”. However ...
We are trained from an early age to accept a higher authority as normal. Most people exist in a culture of submission and conformity, allowing numerous aspects of their lives to be controlled by the Government. The populace is manipulated to become dependent (debt-money), and conditioned to become fearful (racism, terrorism, and wars). The manner and appearance of “authority” is usually intimidating by design, while the language of legal fiction commerce (Legalese) is deceptive.
You are indoctrinated to “act” in the “role” of an artificial legal “person”, which is a creation of the State and a debtor serving as “surety” for the corporate debt of YOURNATION (INC.).
Every nation with a Central Bank under the Bank for International Settlements has been indebted by the “incorporation” of its government into the debt-money system, thereby surrendering its power of sovereign money issuance.
A global system of debt-bondage has been established by “incorporating” governments,
and by programming the people to “act” in the fictional “roles” of “artificial persons”,
which as legal fictions having no innate productive capacity, are debtors by default,
serving as “transmitting utilities” for human energy.
An artificial legal “person” is a dead entity. It is a legal fiction “persona” in the “theatre of commerce”, and it is under the foreign Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, the international “Law of the Sea”. On the contrary, you are born into your own sovereign Estate of body, mind, and soul. As a sentient man or woman you live within the sovereign Common Law Jurisdiction, the national “Law of the Land”.
The “Common Law” follows “Natural Law”, a living system of “right or justice” held to be common to all humans and derived from Nature rather than from the rules of society. In “Natural Law”, all people are born equal and endowed with unalienable rights.
Your sovereign jurisdiction, including your inborn Unalienable Rights, cannot be taken from you without your fully informed and willing consent.
Legal “person” “actors” for incorporated governments, banks, and all corporate entities, need to contract with other legal “person” “actors” to extract their “commercial energy”.
These legal “actors” make the PRESUMPTION that you are also “acting” in the “role” of a legal “person” in “legal fiction” commerce, which is why they are seeking a contract “performance”. They ALWAYS want the NAME and often the creation date of the legal “person” to establish “joinder”, forming an “adhesion contract”. They NEED A “PERSON”, because there is absolutely no way they can contract directly with a living man or woman. They need a man or woman to CONSENT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IN THE MATTER OF THE “PERSON”, unknowingly or knowingly, which is JOINDER.
In this way, a man or woman becomes party to the action involving the “person”, which is “joinder” of the parties into a single case in legal fiction commerce.
When a living name is “mirrored” by the registration of an artificial legal “person” on the Birth Certificate, an Estate Trust is formed, such as MR JOHN DOE TRUST. Any living man or woman unknowingly in JOINDER to such a legal fiction NAME blindly takes responsibility for the alleged debts of the Trust as its Trustee. Whereas an aware living man or woman can separate themselves from the legal fiction NAME and become the rightful controlling Agent, Beneficiary, Executor/Executrix for MR JOHN DOE TRUST.
Legal “actors” will attempt to engage the “person” by posting letters, by phone, or on the highway, to make and enforce a contract. Misrepresenting a living man or woman as a fictional “person” causing unwitting “joinder” is the crime of “personage”, and it is perpetuated by “barratry”, the crime of bringing false claims in court.
Private: To be “in the private” is to “live” in a “private capacity” as a Man or Woman, with flesh and blood, arms and legs, a conscious mind, a spirit, and Life. All Men and Women are created as equal Sovereigns, endowed with Unalienable Rights and Properties, including Credit equating to their valuable human energy. As natural Men and Women, they are Creditors, because they are born naturally with innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Unlimited, and they have unlimited liability, being responsible adults. They are outside and above the State. From Latin privatus “set apart, belonging to oneself (not to the state)”.
Public: To be “in the public” is to “act” in a “public capacity” as an “accommodation party” in “joinder” to an “artificial person” created and governed by the State. All Men and Women who “act” in legal fiction “roles” for the State are granted revocable Privileges and Benefits prescribed in legislative “Acts”. As Artificial Persons, they are Debtors, because they are created legally without innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Limited, and they have limited liability, being legally incompetent “creatures of the State”, its legal children. They are inside and under the State. From Latin publicus “of the people; of the state; done for the state”.
In proper grammar, living "Given names" are proper nouns beginning with a capital letter, and if a “Family name” is added it is separated by a colon indicating the facts and introducing their relationship. But fictional “persons” are not styled in this grammatically correct manner.
Note the types of “persons” evidenced by the following styles:
John Henry Doe = Foreign Situs Trust
JOHN HENRY DOE = Cestui Que Vie ESTATE Trust
JOHN H. DOE = Public Transmitting Utility
A man or woman in “joinder” to a “person” becomes the “walking dead”, legally speaking. By definition, they are incompetent and incapable of possessing living rights and responsibilities. Consequently, their Estate Title properties are forfeit, and they are granted limited and revocable benefits and privileges. Their “ignorance is negligence”, and for as long as they walk in the underworld of the legally dead, they are subject to the “High Priests of Ba'al”, or the “Black Robed Devil”, who makes a “judgement” upon the one who has given up their life, and in so doing the Priest delivers a curse, in ancient times death, in modern times debt, and the victim is sacrificed.
Every “person” is a debtor by default, and every man or woman who suffers “joinder” to a “person” becomes “surety” in the debt-money system of bondage, sacrificing their living energy via that fictional “transmitting utility”, feeding the parasitic banking cabal which espouses the Roman motto: “He who would be deceived, let him be deceived.”
Maxims of Law
Consensus facit legem. Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.
Qui tacet consentire videtur. A party who is silent appears to consent.
Non videntur qui errant consentire. He who errs is not considered as consenting.
Disparata non debent jungi. Unequal things ought not to be joined.
Maxims of Law
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat. The burden of the proof lies upon him who affirms, not he who denies.
Incerta pro nullis habentur. Things uncertain are considered as nothing.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. False in one thing, false in everything.
Quaelibet jurisdictio cancellos suos habet. Every jurisdiction has its boundaries.
Pandemics aren’t a thing. In order to have such a thing, infectious disease would need easily to spread from person to person, also called symptomatic transmission or more alarmingly called contagion.
Others have known for some time what I only realised a couple of years ago. That this phenomenon simply doesn’t happen. I realise that almost all of us believe it does. However, the objective findings are that this is an illusion. It’s brought about in the context of respiratory illnesses because we each experience these quite often. Because we’ve been lied to & told we’ve “caught it from someone”, we think back & attribute it to anyone we encountered in recent times who had any symptoms at all.
But contagion is an extremely useful lie for authoritarians.
It’s all lies, to gain mastery of your life through regulations and FEAR.
Ignore these crooks. They’re not our friends.
Pandemics aren’t a thing. It's BIG BUSINESS - backed by pure military grade psy ops!
Dr. Yeadon I do a daily exercise walk in my high rise apartment building. Too cold outside. I start at the top 11th floor and work my way down to ground level. I touch a door handle 110 times. I wash my hands thoroughly after reaching my unit. So far so good. No colds this winter from infected door handles.
You are the test subject and Dr. Yeadon's theory is so far panning out!
Good for you that you exercise despite the elements.
So long as you’re not licking the door furniture, you should be okay 🤭
Agreed. I see 'symptomatic transmission' anagrams to;
- pantomimists sitcoms yarn
- my pm morons statisticians
- in it monstrosity spam scam
However as it is symptoms rather than the cause of any disease perhaps it is just copycat behaviour, a transmission of fear 'Watch out, you'll catch it!'
- insist copyists mom mantra
Really we have fear contagion, pandemics of fear.
I'm 78 years old and Covid was my FIRST pandemic. I know from being an informed person that does his homework that Covid was a lot of NOTHING. It was promotion, lies and misdirection. FAKE from start to finish. I hope fewer people are sucked into the next scam.
No one is safe with Tedros on the case! We need pandemics people!!! Get cracking!
Thank you all so much for taking the time to update us. You and all the team involved are just pure gold! and there aren't enough words of gratitude and appreciation for all you do, thank you! Love you all.
We appreciate you Etsy! Let’s persist until we win!
You are born equal in standing to any other man or woman, and therefore while you respect the equal rights of other men and women, no power can be granted over you without your consent. To believe otherwise is to be a slave.
Maxim of Law:
Quod ad jus naturale attinet, omnes homines aequales sunt.
All men are equal as far as natural law is concerned.
[men = men/women = people]
“Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent.”
Cruden v. Neale, 2 N.C. 338 (1796) 2 S.E. 70.
Your consent is your agreement for something to happen that involves your Rights. Consent is voluntary, or a matter of free choice, and must be given “willingly”. Your consent is your agreement, permission, approval, or acquiescence (including your silent acquiescence). Possessing the “Right of Consent”, means that you have the “Right of Contract”.
Your Right to Contract, or Not to Contract,
A sovereign man or woman, by definition, permanently reserves their Right of Consent, and all their Unalienable Rights, during their lifetime. Your Right of Consent is inborn (private) and antecedent to the creation of the State (public).
Representative governments are elected by, and restrained by, people who exercise their Right of Consent. Your right to give consent, or to refuse consent, is not suspended between elections.
Indeed, it is only by not consenting to onerous governance, that it is possible to prevent the descent of governance into a state of exploitation, oppression, and tyranny.
All governments, however politically organised, govern subject to the consent of the people, one and all, every day, and every moment.
The people of a nation are naturally above any government that they create, because that which is created can never be above its creator. The informed and freely given consent of each man and woman is what gives rise to, and maintains, “the law” of the nation, which is the “Law of the Land”. As the maxim of law says: Consent makes the law.
Consent, to be true, must be fully informed and willing, and otherwise is falsely obtained and revocable. Any man or woman who has given their consent under conditions of non-disclosure, deceit, or coercion, can withdraw their consent retroactively, or “now for then” nunc pro tunc, undoing the entire matter, correcting any errors or omissions caused.
Maxim of Law:
Non videntur qui errant consentire. He who errs is not considered as consenting.
Maxim of Law:
Nihil tam naturale est quam eo genere quidque dissolvere quo colligatum est; ideo verborum obligatio verbis tollitur; nudi consensus obligatio contrario consensu dissolvitur. Nothing is so natural as to dissolve anything in the way in which it was bound together; therefore the obligation of words is taken away by words; the obligation of mere consent is dissolved by the contrary consent.
De facto incorporated governments, also, cannot possibly have jurisdiction over de jure living people, unless by fully disclosed and willful consent. Each and every statute enacted by government legislation requires consent from each and every man and woman, including you!
But consent is given in many ways, often unknowingly. The definition of the word “consent” includes to “yield” and to “give way to”. The moment you agree to anything you are asked to do, you are giving consent.
If an “artificial person” NAME gets a parking ticket in legal fiction commerce it is an invitation for a living man/woman to “pay”, and if you “pay” it you are consenting to the ticket contract.
Even the Police need your consent. Before an officer can arrest you they must read you your rights and then ask “do you understand” (stand under their authority), and if you say “yes” – you are consenting.
The origin of all LEGAL jurisdiction over YOU
is YOUR given consent.
All statutes, codes, rules, regulations, and so-called by-“laws”, are commercial contracts written by your government that require your fully informed consent. Any State document requiring a signature is a contract by consent. If you do not consent to a statutory contract, it is not enforceable on you.
Any attempt to make you consent against your will is “coercion”. Any threat to make you “sign” a contract to obtain your property is “duress” for the purpose of “extortion”, whether or not that property, such as money, is obtained. Any “legal person actor” who attempts to compel you into “joinder” to the legal “artificial person” NAME without the “full disclosure” of any information that may influence your decision whether or not to consent, commits the crime of “personage” (a “Crime involving deceit” under Section 240 of the New Zealand Crimes Act).
When “acting” in the “role” of an “artificial person”
you are contracting to give a “performance”.
An “artificial person” is a fictional creation of the State, and therefore it is controlled by the State. The legal “artificial person” NAME is the government's property, employee, servant, franchise, debtor, surety for liabilities, bound to comply with the government's statutes (acts, bills, rules and legislative instruments), which are the “terms and conditions” of that “status”.
Fictional “creatures of the State” have “status”, whereas living men and women with flesh and blood arms and legs have “standing”. The “artificial person” has no “standing”. The entire concept of fictional entities is an abstraction of the mind. It is an illusion that depends utterly upon your consent. Legal fictions are dead-at-law, and therefore it is unnatural for a living man or woman to “join” to a fiction – it is a deadly corruption of life.
Maxim of Law:
Disparata non debent jungi.
Unequal things ought not to be joined.
Ignorantia Legis Non Excusat!
ABSOLUTELY In law, ignorantia juris non excusat, or ignorantia legis neminem excusat, is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely by being unaware of its content.
Ignorance of the law is NO excuse..
also means: If you do not know HOW to use the law, you cannot "be excused"...
Pure gold here for those with the ears to hear and eyes to see..
Hello Peter and interested readers. I've reviewed Peter: of Family Forrest's posts and agree with all statements therein. The corporate "Straw Man" argument has been well addressed on many internet blogs for decades. Here is one representative discussion defining the essential features of the Cestui qui vie trust, and includes dates of interest. >
The Cestui qui vie trust , Canon law and the third/final position of defacto law >>> By Mary Bartholomay >>> April 16, 2015 >>>
The legal fiction of an "Incorporated" man was established via Canon 2047 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1933. Study the above linked article carefully.
An important element of *alleged* legal jurisdiction is the Surety Bond requirement of legal authority. A *surety* acts as a guarantee that a person or an organization assumes responsibility for fulfilling financial obligations in the event that the debtor defaults and is unable to make payments. If you wish to drag a 'legal' agent down to the level of *real* Civil discussion, ask for proof of their Surety Bond. Many have no such bond, and are in fact legal impostors with no authority whatsoever. Best regards to Peter: of Family Forrest.
PLEASE DO NOT PROMOTE THESE A Warrior Calls SCAMS HERE. We are fully aware of the Cestui qui vie trust, however, you can NOT access it, nor use any info on that BS site.
Its fine to ask for if they have a bond (although so hard to get an answer WHERE the bond is) but whats the point unless there is a personal wrong the officer owes you? Will you use that in court to prove they have no authority? It won't work, we hope you realize that this is all theoretical.
Our problem is beyond asking for a bond, A Warrior Calls has misguided many people and even advocated putting what we would call frivolous bonds against cops (this could land many in prison) and he brags of multi million dollar cases he never won, only filed... Its absurd squared. The stuff on the site is ILLEGAL, just to let you know and we have seen countless good gullible people busted from what the site advocates
So many in the movement like Winston Shrout, etc went to jail for promoting this crap and trying to create bonds as the surety.
A Warrior Calls is not the only source of this information. This information is all over the net. Civil populations are simply not apprised of the Unlawful 'legalities' of the legal profession, and Surety Bond issues are germane discussion.
There is nothing illegal about a request of proof of Surety. The alleged authority typically has no spontaneous Bond instrument to show. Under that condition, the plaintiff can request a delay of proceedings until such documentation(s) are made available. The process is designed to put the "authorities" on notice that the cause of their authority is understood. It is simply a 'legal' ploy. An diversion from the expected admission of incompetence by the defendant.
We know - we said theres nothing illegal about a request for surety, although, its not easy to get an answer like we said. And also we think they ARE bonded but we cant get the info... not sure you are right that none have surety bonds.
Side note : One time a notary refused my stamps because he was biased - I (Lady Xylie) flipped out - demanded his bond - the sherrif's were called and I was interrogated -
Dustin was all calm and the Notary kept stamping his lol lol
and then after 30 min of my glaring at him and threatening to get his bond, the asshole notary did stamp for me and i think it was my threat to get his bond -
However, upon trying to get the surety bonds of all the cops or the notary later - IMPOSSIBLE - even suing… literally couldn't find them.. had to call EVERY bond co in area and still couldn't find…
Went to court to put in the papers you say are the silver bullet - we made claims against the public officials and demanded the court to file when they flat refused to take the papers... Attacked by security and NOT allowed to file... Upon leaving court we were both arrested for NOTHING.. resisting arrest with NO crime!
So our point is - he with the GUNS wins.. not the one who says they are un-bonded and tries to get a legal resolution in that manner. THINK - whilst doing your exact procedure they profiled us and arrested us and destroyed us.. AND we know many others destroyed by this scheme to make us feel powerful, when they will crush us like whack a mole.
Our point is its hardly a silver bullet… it can backfire bigly on you!!!
This event in our lives is why we are so interested in this current work of ours to change things using real law and reviving the true equity and common laws. The governments are NOT the boss.. But tact and dialogue work better than esoteric tactics the courts wont honor.
Also, its just irksome to see A Warrior Calls stuff on our site because we really want to free people and ensure they don't get in trouble like we did!!
We rejected A Warrior Calls site being promoted here because hes hotheaded and blatantly mis-training people in how to reclaim their rights telling people to put a LIEN on a cop - That is HORRIBLE advice that landed friends of ours in jail so we feel a need to warn about his site.
All in all, the ACTUAL LAWS promoted are great! His method of interpretation and procedural law.. not so much lol : )
Hello again. I very much appreciate your reply and comment. I agree with most of your critique, particularly in regard to asking a police officer for proof of Surety. My best advise in such a situation is just say "Yes, Sir, no Sir, (or Ma'am').
Sorry I hit a nerve with the 'warrior calls' link. I could have used others. Ah well. Best regards.
The approach must be from the man or woman standing as Beneficiary of the Estate Trust. He/she then appoints the judge in court as Trustee and instructs the judge accordingly. The prosecutor stands as executor so under the Beneficiary.
To avoid stepping into their jurisdiction requires significant study and practice; after all the legal profession has had 100s years.
'Legal' refers to debtor ie at the ''legal age'' we become the debtor since as a dead corporation our legal fiction has no energy or possibility to contribute. It really is perniciously demonic and literally oozes wickedness; note how many politicians trained as lawyers...
It's all clarified at
We do love about your site that it is the KEY INFO - PRIVATE VS PUBLIC. ITS EVERYTHING.
The problem is, the procedure to not be in their jurisdiction does NOT work!!! We gotta ask - have you ever TRIED THIS and had it work? We have known this info for 15 years and seen so many try it lol - epic failure and the judge just throws the book at them... MAYBE 20 years ago, but its not going to be "accepted for value" nowadays! If we EVER get to see it ACTUALLY work more than just a mere theory we will be ecstatic! Not holding our breaths unfortunately...
We do have a really great teaching on how not to enter their jurisdiction, OMG it's tricky, BUT it depends on situation IF it can even work, and it can only be done at first arraignment. Because we really do LOVE this type of hidden law info, we will dig it up and get it out for you all soon... Please dont hate us for being so skeptical, one friend was DESTROYED by the machine for this PRECISE plan: "appoints the judge in court as Trustee and instructs the judge accordingly. The prosecutor stands as executor so under the Beneficiary." It went SO BADLY that we must say the truth and help others NOT try it lol
Clearly, this is a 'number's game' that will only become unavoidably acceptable when backed by sufficient numbers in any specific location. However, the principles and real lawful issues do stand up for us as the living who have been defrauded for so long under trespass with duress.
Thus we have developed a process called Co-op Lab to enable local people to form hub guild networks of private member associations (pma's) - see (in beta test). The network is designed to develop under an 'umbrella trinity' of natural law, debt-free exchange and barter, and hands-on education in local projects that produce goods, services and assets enabled through the hub guilds (health, food, farming, sports, arts, media, news, business, tech, construction etc etc)
For instance the local natural law hub guild will develop advocacy and a local public court founded on the issues being discussed in relation to 'law of the land' and equity; with all members pledged simply 'to cause no harm'. The more local guilds, the greater the combined energy-power; plus opportunities to select our own local 'political' reps. from our network members.
Currently we are developing a framework operational model and business plan based on local development; leading to a prospectus for investment and/or crowd-funding. The ROI will relate to valuations of the assets & goodwill produced in projects plus the social value ie the savings to public expenditure across all sectors when people can choose to co-operate with their 'birds-of-a-feather' while contributing to a new environment - all skills, time and knowhow already reside in us.
In effect, inclusion and personal bonds can evolve based on our own interests and aspirations; with trust evolving amongst friends and associates living and acting to cause no harm. The process and digital platform is available for localised development anywhere; with Co-op Lab as a pma of pma's. So, our digital tools can be developed through tech hub guilds to create the 'Market-Space' required by local people who are free to explore and share. Anyone interested please let me know
Hi substacks, I’ll be posting here frequently — so follow along to stay up to date, follow and subscribe
The cabals can't win us we must keep revealing the truth
Join me :
Welcome! And best wishes from occupied Germany to Switzerland!
Many thanks for the reminder. I like the fact that 'No one is safe until everyone is safe' can anagram to:
– ie Satan’s eery UN loonies offensive
As for Deadlos
Living ''in the private'' v submitting ''in the public''
Courtesy of Michael-Rolf of
EVERY natural man and woman is born “in the private”. Whereas the State is public, and therefore its Public Servants, and its legal fiction creations are “in the public”, including its artificial legal “persons”.
A man or woman can either “live” “in the private”, or “act” “in the public”. However ...
We are trained from an early age to accept a higher authority as normal. Most people exist in a culture of submission and conformity, allowing numerous aspects of their lives to be controlled by the Government. The populace is manipulated to become dependent (debt-money), and conditioned to become fearful (racism, terrorism, and wars). The manner and appearance of “authority” is usually intimidating by design, while the language of legal fiction commerce (Legalese) is deceptive.
You are indoctrinated to “act” in the “role” of an artificial legal “person”, which is a creation of the State and a debtor serving as “surety” for the corporate debt of YOURNATION (INC.).
Every nation with a Central Bank under the Bank for International Settlements has been indebted by the “incorporation” of its government into the debt-money system, thereby surrendering its power of sovereign money issuance.
A global system of debt-bondage has been established by “incorporating” governments,
and by programming the people to “act” in the fictional “roles” of “artificial persons”,
which as legal fictions having no innate productive capacity, are debtors by default,
serving as “transmitting utilities” for human energy.
An artificial legal “person” is a dead entity. It is a legal fiction “persona” in the “theatre of commerce”, and it is under the foreign Admiralty Maritime Jurisdiction, the international “Law of the Sea”. On the contrary, you are born into your own sovereign Estate of body, mind, and soul. As a sentient man or woman you live within the sovereign Common Law Jurisdiction, the national “Law of the Land”.
The “Common Law” follows “Natural Law”, a living system of “right or justice” held to be common to all humans and derived from Nature rather than from the rules of society. In “Natural Law”, all people are born equal and endowed with unalienable rights.
Your sovereign jurisdiction, including your inborn Unalienable Rights, cannot be taken from you without your fully informed and willing consent.
Legal “person” “actors” for incorporated governments, banks, and all corporate entities, need to contract with other legal “person” “actors” to extract their “commercial energy”.
These legal “actors” make the PRESUMPTION that you are also “acting” in the “role” of a legal “person” in “legal fiction” commerce, which is why they are seeking a contract “performance”. They ALWAYS want the NAME and often the creation date of the legal “person” to establish “joinder”, forming an “adhesion contract”. They NEED A “PERSON”, because there is absolutely no way they can contract directly with a living man or woman. They need a man or woman to CONSENT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY IN THE MATTER OF THE “PERSON”, unknowingly or knowingly, which is JOINDER.
In this way, a man or woman becomes party to the action involving the “person”, which is “joinder” of the parties into a single case in legal fiction commerce.
When a living name is “mirrored” by the registration of an artificial legal “person” on the Birth Certificate, an Estate Trust is formed, such as MR JOHN DOE TRUST. Any living man or woman unknowingly in JOINDER to such a legal fiction NAME blindly takes responsibility for the alleged debts of the Trust as its Trustee. Whereas an aware living man or woman can separate themselves from the legal fiction NAME and become the rightful controlling Agent, Beneficiary, Executor/Executrix for MR JOHN DOE TRUST.
Legal “actors” will attempt to engage the “person” by posting letters, by phone, or on the highway, to make and enforce a contract. Misrepresenting a living man or woman as a fictional “person” causing unwitting “joinder” is the crime of “personage”, and it is perpetuated by “barratry”, the crime of bringing false claims in court.
Private: To be “in the private” is to “live” in a “private capacity” as a Man or Woman, with flesh and blood, arms and legs, a conscious mind, a spirit, and Life. All Men and Women are created as equal Sovereigns, endowed with Unalienable Rights and Properties, including Credit equating to their valuable human energy. As natural Men and Women, they are Creditors, because they are born naturally with innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Unlimited, and they have unlimited liability, being responsible adults. They are outside and above the State. From Latin privatus “set apart, belonging to oneself (not to the state)”.
Public: To be “in the public” is to “act” in a “public capacity” as an “accommodation party” in “joinder” to an “artificial person” created and governed by the State. All Men and Women who “act” in legal fiction “roles” for the State are granted revocable Privileges and Benefits prescribed in legislative “Acts”. As Artificial Persons, they are Debtors, because they are created legally without innate productive capacities. Their right to contract is Limited, and they have limited liability, being legally incompetent “creatures of the State”, its legal children. They are inside and under the State. From Latin publicus “of the people; of the state; done for the state”.
In proper grammar, living "Given names" are proper nouns beginning with a capital letter, and if a “Family name” is added it is separated by a colon indicating the facts and introducing their relationship. But fictional “persons” are not styled in this grammatically correct manner.
Note the types of “persons” evidenced by the following styles:
John Henry Doe = Foreign Situs Trust
JOHN HENRY DOE = Cestui Que Vie ESTATE Trust
JOHN H. DOE = Public Transmitting Utility
A man or woman in “joinder” to a “person” becomes the “walking dead”, legally speaking. By definition, they are incompetent and incapable of possessing living rights and responsibilities. Consequently, their Estate Title properties are forfeit, and they are granted limited and revocable benefits and privileges. Their “ignorance is negligence”, and for as long as they walk in the underworld of the legally dead, they are subject to the “High Priests of Ba'al”, or the “Black Robed Devil”, who makes a “judgement” upon the one who has given up their life, and in so doing the Priest delivers a curse, in ancient times death, in modern times debt, and the victim is sacrificed.
Every “person” is a debtor by default, and every man or woman who suffers “joinder” to a “person” becomes “surety” in the debt-money system of bondage, sacrificing their living energy via that fictional “transmitting utility”, feeding the parasitic banking cabal which espouses the Roman motto: “He who would be deceived, let him be deceived.”
Maxims of Law
Consensus facit legem. Consent makes the law. A contract is a law between the parties, which can acquire force only by consent.
Qui tacet consentire videtur. A party who is silent appears to consent.
Non videntur qui errant consentire. He who errs is not considered as consenting.
Disparata non debent jungi. Unequal things ought not to be joined.
Maxims of Law
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat. The burden of the proof lies upon him who affirms, not he who denies.
Incerta pro nullis habentur. Things uncertain are considered as nothing.
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus. False in one thing, false in everything.
Quaelibet jurisdictio cancellos suos habet. Every jurisdiction has its boundaries.