How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely ​one of its ​many stalking horse​s.

After all, if we were to leave the WHO tomorrow, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Digital Gulag and all of the other horrifying assaults on humanity would still be solidly in place.

The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is​: the​ UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. . All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.

Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.

Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.

If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach.

The UN Death Machine is set to consolidate its global power with the utterly cataclysmic Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024, after which there will, quite literally, be no chance of withdrawing from anything ever again.

If you would like to reach out to me for further information, please feel free to do so. My email is Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com. If you would like to ask me to appear on your show, podcast, forum, symposium or other venue where this message can be shared, the answer is, "Absolutely yes".

We are facing an enemy more well-organized and pernicious, and more comprehensively brilliant, than any in humanity's history. They have laid these pits of destruction for us for more than 140 years and they are just about to spring the final traps.

Are we really going to let them while we focus on secondary issues, each of which is urgently important, but none of which is the root of the problem.

The root of the problem, the cancer, the source of the rot, is the UN Death Machine.

By the way, at the same link, PreventGenocide2030.org, you will find a legal memo making it clear that the UN, like every other country in the world, is NOT in a treaty obligation with the UN, WHO or any other part of the UN system since treaties only exist between sovereign nations, which the UN is not and never can be.

Thus, all obligations to them are based in fraud and thus null and void.

And we MUST get out of the UN Death Machine before it destroys everything in its path, including humanity.

​Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

That's some exceptional caseswork Dr.! I'm kinda agreeing with this perspective over breaking branches, and uproot the whole thing. Wonder how many if any side of the Isle in DC would have the numbers needed to actually pass the referendum? After all there's pushback for the other issues plaguing the US and other UN "members" that which are willingly participating in the current monstrosities involving NATO. How about the NATO can they exit that too, amendment to the UN exit to include NATO.

Great to be a subscriber to both this stack and yours. Exceptional work here though too, and the combination of information is compelling.

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Just got off the phone with Dr. Rima and she singlehandedly broke it down to figure out how the UN contracts are void... and so lets crush the UN and get the hell out of NATO, ditch all UN treaties, all UN programs, etc! We apparently need 10M signatures and to beat a veto before September. Forgot to ask how many signatures its up to so far! We can do it - there are 300M in USA and only 10M needed

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Wonderful conversation. We need to pressure Congress. That is what the Action Item does at PreventGenocide2030.org. Congress is there from the point of view of the Oligarchs to maintain control of the control. That is why, when we push back in sufficient numbers that they feel they will lose that level of control they do what we want.

That is where the 10 million comes from.

From my personal experience with this kind of thing, it will take 10 million of us, that is, 10 people out of every 33 Americans, to demand that Congress end the fraud that is our connection with the UN and its subsidiaries, to get Congress to act.

We need enough votes to override the Presidential veto that the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 is likely to get.

That means we really need to pound on Congress so they do what we want.

Go to PreventGenocide2030.org and take the Actions there.

You can also read the legal memo that explains why there is no Treaty with the UN or WHO (or any other part of the Death Machine) and support this withdrawal.

Then share the link as if your life depends upon it.

It does.

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Anyone that thinks Congress will get the US out of the UN is living in lala land.

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Thats why we love you Karen Bracken, always the realist! Nullify the UN - Scientific fraudsters!!! UN is a Hard Core Cabal as defined by OECD (who themselves are perhaps a cabal)

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice


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Hey Dr. Rima, Congress pressure - coming up - With enough pressure they will shine like a diamond and work for us again!

We have the Substack started over here on this and will add in these notes - Just exactly how many MORE signatures do we need? Are we up to 1M or even close yet? Do we need full 10M now or 8M, etc - you get the idea! How do we watch the tally?

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

I WILL NOT COMPLY DECLARATION - 4398 people have signed this petition.


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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

People from any country can sign this!

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My estimate based on how much the other side does NOT want this bill to pass and how much inertial the Congress has is that it will take about 10 million people saying, with their Freedom Mouse communication' with the Congress "You work for me. Pass this legislation since NOT passing it will put you in jeopardy since you are not fulfilling your Oath of Office if you are knowingly perpetuating a fraud on the American People.

Then take the Action Items at PreventGenocide2030.org and share with as many people who will join in getting us out of the UN Death Machine.is

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Um🤔 respectful query- how does stopping the "UN death machine", nullify the legalities already in place (in countries all over the world, I might add), that ALREADY enable the government's to do exactly what the supposed pandemic treaty and IHR amendments proposed by the WHO, are attempting? They already have the powers to quarantine, declare pandemics, etc. See Katherine Watts Substack- it plain as day, especially when you cross reference with the public health legislati ion since 2012.😐 I'm genuinely curious as to how the UN will affect this?🤔😊

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Your reply covers all bases in an extraordinary and informative way Dr. Rima. I want to emphasize two things. One, somehow Trump needs to be elected. He shut down all financial support to the WHO as President only to have Biden start funding again. The corruption and filth that exist in Washington needs to be terminated.

A similar campaign needs to be put in place for Canada. That’s where I live and believe me, the corruption that rules in Ottawa is staggering.

Thanks again for providing readers an exemplary report of fact and detail!!

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We were surprised to see 3 signatures from Canada on the reviewthewho.org petition! Things will change in Canada - just gotta ditch commie Castro-Trudeau!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Easier said than done!! Majority of Canadians are full of actual scary hatred for this Marxist whimp…..no election here until 2025.

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Praying for Canada!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

No wonder the WHO are so nervous :)



31st May - 2nd June

#TheGenevaProject is comprised of 4 components:

• #WeAreTheChange Rally + March

• The Inspired Global Leadership Summit

• The People's Convoy

• WHO/WHA Press Conference

¨The overarching purpose of #TheGenevaProject is to spearhead a global movement that collectively shapes the future. It is time we stop fighting broken systems that do not serve us. The future belongs to the people - and time has come to reclaim our power.

Located in Geneva, #TheGenevaProject represents the clashing of ideologies for the future.

Unity over Tyranny - Love over Control - Truth Unites

Rally + March: Saturday June 1st, 2024

13:30 @ Place Des Nations

(across the street from UN building)

We, People of the world, no longer abide by the tyrannical rule of unelected global officials and their vision of the future. We break free from their chains. It is time to gather to reclaim our cultural traditions, history, and liberties. We are sovereign beings moving forward together in love, unity, and peace.

Join us in Geneva, Switzerland to stand up, rise up and speak out. On this day, we Declare our Independence!

For more information, email us at info@TheGenevaProject.org


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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice


Day by Day Schedule - May 30

THU 30th-FRI 31st MAY

Convoy to Geneva

Travel in convoy across Europe with thousands of freedom lovers to take part in a historic rally outside the U.N. building in Geneva. Check our routes to find your nearest meeting point.

FRI 31st MAY 18.00 - 22.00

Freedom Celebration

Join us at our convoy arrival point in Mijoux to celebrate your epic journey with new friends from across the world ahead of the rally on Saturday 1st June.




Place des Nations (United Nations HQ)

The #WeAreTheChange rally and march is a gathering of people from around the world to declare our Independence from unelected global elites and to make their votes obsolete!

Timings / Program:

13.30 #WeAreTheChange Talks

16.00 March begins

18.30 March ends (at Place des Nations)

20.00 After Parties – Mijoux Base Camp and Bains des Pâquis until 23:00.


WeAreTheChange Talks – 1st June, 13:30 – Place des Nations, Geneva

Aseem Malhotra, Philipp Kruse, Mattias Desmet, Kristen Meghan, Brad Skistimas, Geoff & Simone Sewell, Ryan Cole, Rebecca Blech, Amy Bohn, Brett Weinstein, Delphine Heritier, Michelle Cailler,

Renate Holzeisen, Urs Hans, Nicolas Rimoldi, Josef Ender, Rob Verkerk, Meleni Verkerk, John Kage,

Mikki Wills, Jean-Frédéric Poisson, Jessica Rose, Andrew Bridgen, Michelle Leduc Catlin, Susie Olson Corgan, Andrea Nazarenko, Helen Tindall, James Lindsay, Steve Kirsch, Maria Hubmer-Mogg.

Read More : https://www.roadtogeneva.com/

Speakers : https://www.roadtogeneva.com/schedule/

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) societies, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) - most of the world knows little of actual atrocities committed by these groups! No community anywhere in the world should feel safe with their involvement -EVER!! Greed and control are their only objectives.

Alberta lost most of a city - Fort McMurray due to a massive fire several years ago. Caring Canadians donated millions to the Red Cross to help families who lost everything. Guess what? Those funds went somewhere - but not where

trusting Canadians intended……like try pockets of high living Red Cross executives?

Try researching history of UNICEF - if any truthful stuff can still be found. And all intelligent folks know without a doubt the cess pool of corruption, greed and control WHO represents.

Tedros and all his pals will stop at nothing to try and manipulate unsuspecting countries and some folks. Looks like it’s working less and less though. The truth will always prevail although it may take a long time!!

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Completely agree with you Marilyn!

UNICEF history of eugenics - yikes!

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So now we see who their real bedfellow$ are...Red Cross and UNICEF.

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They are rotten, both, to the core.

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Some 15 years ago I learned that the Red Cross and Red Cresent were not to be trusted. I was involved in a trial of a new natural drug and we did a trial of 100 people, we had videos of all of it, but when The Red Cross put out their video of it, it magically left out the good parts. The people involved on the ground were very excited, but the head office poo pooed the results.... big pharma controlled.

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They used the police and military in Australia to target Aboriginal indigenous communities with the Covid 19 injections.

One of the Elders in Northern Territory, showed maps of the mining industry which was in negotiations with these same Aboriginal communities.

Kill the song and dream time stories, that ends the Mambo land rights.

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Hey, MedMan, did AI get you? You mean Mabo land rights?

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Nah I got confused with t-shirt brand. Thanks for correction.

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Ha! No worries

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LOUISIANA, TENNESSEE, OKLAHOMA and 22 STATES' ATTORNEY'S GENERAL HAVE NOW EFFECTIVELY LEGISLATIVELY NEUTERED THE W.H.O. AT THE STATE LEVEL thereby shooting Usurper Biden a great big, collective upper middle finger! And other states are following their lead.


So, let them pass all the rules, treaties, agreements and institute whatever polities they want. THE MIGHTY W.H.O. BEAST IS DEAD; dead unless YOU breathe your life (permission) back into it.

People, this is so simple: If your state legislators (your slave masters) haven't done what these guys have done, then THAT'S where YOU need to get busy. DEMAND THAT THEY ALSO NEUTER THE W.H.O. and all other international intruders AT YOUR STATE LEVEL.

Stop beating this dead horse. Stop pissing into the wind. Stop trying to make the Devil behave. You can't do it!


1) The Vulnerable Citizen argument.

If you're afraid that citizens of states traveling abroad whose states have not passed similar measures to Louisiana and the others not being protected... well then, I can't think of a better reason for those states to get on board with this strategy NOW!

2) Suing the W.H.O.

Suing only imposes deeper entanglement with the Beast - a really bad idea being promoted by those who fail to understand basic fundamentals of the process; The first being that only those who are equal parties under the law to which they submit have standing in that particular court whether it be local, state, federal on international. By recognizing (empowering) that venue of law one becomes legally obligated to abide by the court's authority and whatever rulings (judgments) they impose upon you as a recognized (self-acknowledged) equal party to the process. Are you willing to do that? What if the judgment handed down is not in your favor? Are you willing to live with whatever demands and constraints an (overwhelmingly likely) evil judge may demand of you?


Understand, your national (U.S. corporate) and international (W.H.O.) beasts are doing everything they can to KILL YOU. They are one and the same; hideously and inextricably joined at the head AS ONE and are totally united in their single-most agenda which is to 'kill, steal and destroy' ALL of mankind. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT and WAKE UP!!

If you want to be free of the stranglehold of international entanglements, JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME. Why is that so difficult for some folks to understand??

Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17) And it's just that simple. JUST WALK AWAY!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ



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Let all of their evil insane deeds collapse to DUST like the walls of Jericho, in Jesus’s Mighty Name!! The Lion of Judah is roaring over them— ROARRR-Rrr!!! Amen 🙏❤️✝️

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A lot is going on at the moment : A Better Way with Dr Tess Lawrie

The Notice of Liability delivered to individuals at the W.H.O. this week

Addressing both corporate and personal liability in wrongdoing

Dr Tess Lawrie, MBBCh, PhD​

May 07, 2024

¨Below you will find the text of the Notice of Liability delivered to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Dr Maria van Kerkhove, Dr Janet Diaz and Jeremy Farrar this week. It was drafted with the help of specialist international lawyers and health scientists. Feel free to copy, paste and adapt for the purpose of notifying others of their liability in relation to the Covid-19 fraud.¨ Read More


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Any Notice of Liability or any other interaction with the W.H.O. is nothing but extraneous bullshit, and here's why...



LOUISIANA, TENNESSEE, OKLAHOMA and 22 STATES' ATTORNEY'S GENERAL HAVE NOW EFFECTIVELY LEGISLATIVELY NEUTERED THE W.H.O. AT THE STATE LEVEL thereby shooting Usurper Biden a great big, collective upper middle finger! And other states are following their lead.


So, let them pass all the rules, treaties, agreements and institute whatever polities they want. THE MIGHTY W.H.O. BEAST IS DEAD; dead unless YOU breathe your life (permission) back into it.

People, this is so simple: If your state legislators (your slave masters) haven't done what these guys have done, then THAT'S where YOU need to get busy. DEMAND THAT THEY ALSO NEUTER THE W.H.O. and all other international intruders AT YOUR STATE LEVEL.

Stop beating this dead horse. Stop pissing into the wind. Stop trying to make the Devil behave. You can't do it!


1) The Vulnerable Citizen argument.

If you're afraid that citizens of states traveling abroad whose states have not passed similar measures to Louisiana and the others not being protected... well then, I can't think of a better reason for those states to get on board with this strategy NOW!

2) Suing the W.H.O.

Suing only imposes deeper entanglement with the Beast - a really bad idea being promoted by those who fail to understand basic fundamentals of the process; The first being that only those who are equal parties under the law to which they submit have standing in that particular court whether it be local, state, federal on international. By recognizing (empowering) that venue of law one becomes legally obligated to abide by the court's authority and whatever rulings (judgments) they impose upon you as a recognized (self-acknowledged) equal party to the process. Are you willing to do that? What if the judgment handed down is not in your favor? Are you willing to live with whatever demands and constraints an (overwhelmingly likely) evil judge may demand of you?


Understand, your national (U.S. corporate) and international (W.H.O.) beasts are doing everything they can to KILL YOU. They are one and the same; hideously and inextricably joined at the head AS ONE and are totally united in their single-most agenda which is to 'kill, steal and destroy' ALL of mankind. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT and WAKE UP!!

If you want to be free of the stranglehold of international entanglements, JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME. Why is that so difficult for some folks to understand??

Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17) And it's just that simple. JUST WALK AWAY!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ



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World Council for Health

WCH Serves WHO Employees with Notice of Liability for Actions Taken During COVID-19 Crisis

Civil society, lawyers, health practitioners and others are welcome to adapt and use the Notice of Liability document.

World Council for Health

May 10, 2024

¨World Council for Health Estonia anchored an informative civil society-led parliamentary meeting and press conference in Estonia on Monday the 6th of May. The conference focused on World Health Organization (WHO) negotiations and the EU Health and Climate Policy. It precedes the WHO’s controversial World Health Assembly 77 vote on the International Health Regulations 2005 amendments and a new pandemic treaty this May.

Speakers included World Council for Health (WCH) Co-ordinator Dr Tess Lawrie, UK MP Andrew Bridgen, and lawyer Reggie Littlejohn (USA) and barrister Una McGurk (Ireland). The prevailing message was that nobody is above the law, that collaboration is key and, in addition to resisting the globalist anti-human agenda, we should seize this opportunity to co-create a better world.¨

Read More : https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/wch-serves-who

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May 26·edited May 26

Just signed Dr. Rima's petition.

These guys just won't quit!

It's like trying to stop an infestation of cockroaches.

Even when you chop off the head, the legs still keep moving.

Let's be the nastiest can of

Insecticide we can be .

A bunch of foot stomps wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Btw, I shared sue the WHO to my FB account.

Also complained to my state senators Again with no response -as expected.

Both are Who-villers.

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Thought the Treaty was kaput!

Demons Hiding In Human Being Suits gathered to sit in thier Naugehide chairs beside River Rock Fireplaces on Persian Carpets with their Cuban Stogies and Cognac to think shit up about how best to Round Up This Human Cattle Herd too smart for the good of the Demon's of The Club of Rome.

Must be TERRIFIED bordering on PARANOIA since all kinds of UFO B.S. is being released having saucers flying all over the Antarctic and empty areas all over the globe with tornado's clearly seen in the Plains of the U.S. since THERE ISN'T ANY RAIN accompanying them WHICH USED TO BE UNHEARD Of and all the Hurricane's and Cyclones sitting off the Coasts as simple tropical storms to suddenly become HEATED IN THE MIDDLE NEAR THE COAST when they suddenly become Monsters. All kinds of fires murdering livestock and FDA showing up to murder the Bees...With attacks upon the Amish.


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🤔🤔🤔 Boy, wish I was attending that one (no sarcasm, legit) and boy do I ever have some questions for Miss Priya Basu😐😤😤🤔🤨

Unfortunately, these side show events are where the real hussles get done.

Given Fubar Mikey is there, I would say that he will discussing preprogrammed tactics to "engage" selected communities in the coming dramedy.😐🤨🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤐

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And this is why everyone fled to live "off grid"...

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