I urge all readers to support IOJ.

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Thanks Richard C! We are here to support you and everyone else in return!

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I love and pray for each of you working tirelessly to save us all from tyranny. God is with you. Thank you for your tireless work. God is leading you. I will pass this info along to many. I will support you as best I can. I’m retired, and I am a strong “ Give me Liberty or give me death” person. The early patriots put their lives on the line for freedom. Who wants to live as a slave? Certainly not me. Fight onward soldiers of liberty! May the Lord bless you and keep you safe as you do His work.

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We certainly don't want to live as a slave - we think they plan gulags quite literally if we all fail! Give me Liberty or give me death is a lifestyle and we can't lose it! Thank you for your kind words, prayers, support and for passing this along! It all helps so much : )

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Your work is vitally Important! Keep going! Nuremberg closer everyday...

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Thank you! It surely it growing closer! We have real laws against this type of criminality and unethical censorship, persecution, experimentation, mass murder in the name of "public health" for the profit of private Pharma execs, etc etc - They cannot be allowed to get away with this - THANK YOU for your support : )

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Persist We Will. Like a bad case of poison ivy.

And we are going to tie their hands behind their collective backs .

Major Discomfort ahead.

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lol lol - Took the words right out of our mouths haha!!!!

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We are just sitting ducks without you guys. You guys aren't afraid to go after the heart of the madness. Thank you!

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If we don't go and pester the governments top bosses about the ethical requirements they are omitting, the real source of the authority and problem will just continue! We have no doubt that things will be made right by being persistent and in honor, showing they are not in honor and are surely violating rules of civilized society. Enough is enough! Sheesh! Much love! IOJ

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You are real heroes!

I am grateful for your researches, Dr. Mihalcea and others- as last year I had 13 teeth extraction with anesthetics tainted with poisonous 19 Covid vaccines, Lidocain and did not know, why I was getting sicker and sicker! ( I have chemical sensitivities ).

My surgeon, Dr. G.S. was very surprised , saying, these anesthetics are used widely even in the hospitals!

I still need 8 teeth to be fixed and we do not know, which would be the safest anesthetics ? Please, be so kind and tell us !!!!!!!!! Blanka Lycka, your subscriber in California.

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Ari Whitten lives in Costa Rica , I hope he is part of the movement.

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