Tonight was another successful protest at the Municipality. This is how we get stuff done folks! Another week of staving off Agenda 2030 in Perez Zeledon, Costa Rica, Interest of Justice Headquarters!
I am talking on a daily basis now with people in the supermarket here in Flanders, the organic farmers where I buy etc. Many are waking up now. I also think we, in the EU and the US should start our own (local) monetary systems just like the BRICS so that we can step out of the grip of the WHO, UN etc.
Yes Piki! We absolutely HAVE to make sure we are not enslaved by centralized digital currency! That would be the STUPIDEST plan ever! Just keep waking people up and we will get through this : )
Y'all do remember it was originally called Agenda 2021. Then they moved it to Agenda 2030... And do you remember John Kerry was the one that came out publicly and said "there's only 9 years before the end of the world" Isn't that strange? 9? Remember 2030 - 2021 = 9. And guess who kicked the can down the road for all humanity... PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. THIS IS WHY THEY WANT HIM DEAD! DON'T EVER FORGET WHEN HE SAYS "THE TRUTH IS THEY'RE NOT AFTER ME, THEY'RE AFTER YOU, I'M JUST IN THE WAY"
Lovely! What a spirit!
I am talking on a daily basis now with people in the supermarket here in Flanders, the organic farmers where I buy etc. Many are waking up now. I also think we, in the EU and the US should start our own (local) monetary systems just like the BRICS so that we can step out of the grip of the WHO, UN etc.
Beautiful spirit here for sure!
Yes Piki! We absolutely HAVE to make sure we are not enslaved by centralized digital currency! That would be the STUPIDEST plan ever! Just keep waking people up and we will get through this : )
Glad to see you accept сryptо donations. Keeps your patrons from being compromised.
Its important!
beware the pandemic treaty which far from being dead in the water as so many wrongly assume its gonna be back much sooner than you think
AGREED! Its resuming in weeks (sometime in July!!!!). NOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Costa Ricans have understood what's at stake with the 15 Minute City, and don't like to be under surveillance!
Wonderful show of solidarity. Standing for your RIGHTS as humans, not to be treated as chattel!
Y'all do remember it was originally called Agenda 2021. Then they moved it to Agenda 2030... And do you remember John Kerry was the one that came out publicly and said "there's only 9 years before the end of the world" Isn't that strange? 9? Remember 2030 - 2021 = 9. And guess who kicked the can down the road for all humanity... PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP. THIS IS WHY THEY WANT HIM DEAD! DON'T EVER FORGET WHEN HE SAYS "THE TRUTH IS THEY'RE NOT AFTER ME, THEY'RE AFTER YOU, I'M JUST IN THE WAY"
So inspiring - thank you for sharing so beautifully also!!!
BRICS, now with 10 members and 49 others applying for membership, will have one common digital currency, soon to be rolled out.
Wow wow wow, that’s how it’s done! Hats off to all these brilliant people!