Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Straight Shooter...Putting the truth on the table and leaving no room for misunderstanding. Agree with you, Dr. Yeadon. Continue to wonder at the reason for the subterfuge and all the caution given the inherent and certain danger of this time of coup with the enemy not taking any precautions to hide.

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Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I think many of the folks with large followings that are welcomed back to a network where the were censored- may have to adjust their "disclosures" to fit the controllers. Their commercial advertisers also are controlled as is their reach. For some reason - they can state certain truths - like genocide but may be required to suppress certain truths like the "pandemic" - probably because fear is necessary to make that one work again- their ambition is for global control. We saw a similar thing with 9/11 truth movement - it was headed by gate keepers - they were allowed to point out Bld 7 and suggest the use of thermite and nukes in the destruction and even question the use of planes and the short selling and Silverstein's involvement, none of which ended in legal action. The one person that did examine the empirical evidence in extensive detailed and concluded that all the evidence could only be explained with directed free-energy technology (which has been in the hands of our military for decades) was shut down, censored and lost her job. Jones dismissed all of it in favor of his thermite/nukes theory. 9/11 was used to push the Patriot Act, and justify the invasions of 7 countries, initiated the massive migration of people, create more laws restricting rights. All of which was based on Lies. The controllers do not come up with a plan without having a backup if something is discovered - they are willing to sacrifice parts in order to preserve the goals of the plan. Just my take.

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Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Would Maria Zee be able to put this discussion together? I think she knows all the participants. I would like to hear it and I believe many other people would as well.

I don't like it that the medical freedom movement disallows questions and disagreements. That isn't healthy!

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Feb 16·edited Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Weinstein and Jones promote all the acceptable narratives including The Lab Leak.

Many of the 'alt media' also promoted the Lab Leak because espionage is Oh So Sexy.

These two are high profile circus performers.

Weinstein is Controlled Opposition.

Alex Jones is the Judas Goat of the NWO.

People say: how could that be? Jones is the most banned person in the world..

As Mike pointed out, the former renegade Alex Jones now has a massive platform on X.

The Technocratic Fascists use Jones to identify his followers. That is how it often works.

In the case of InfoWars, his audience are largely Conservative, Christian 'Patriots'.

The same people the Biden administration call 'domestic terrorists'.

...Good luck organising the debate.

I would certainly watch it.

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Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I'm so happy to see Dr. Yeadon throw his weight behind IOJ.

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Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Thank goodness there is Mike Yeadon! I think these things as I hear people speak, and wonder if they are trying to hold on to a middle ground, people who are starting to believe the worst/truth. Yesterday I ran into a friend who had a stroke last year and can't walk much now.... I thought "the vax", but didn't say anything, but I know he got them.

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France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros


Is Criticism Of mRNA Shots In France Illegal?


They are panicking


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Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Let's have the debate and let the chips fall where they may. No need to delay, let's get this going, NOW.

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Well said dr Yeadon! If only there were more like you🙏

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Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Something isn't adding up...yet again. I'm curious, is Dr. Yeadon banned from Twitter? As far as I know Alex Jones is and Bret Weinstein has pointed out the truth where as others have not. How are they all so different? How are they lying and where's the proof? What has Dr. Yeadon said that everybody else hasn't said too?

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Please let's have this debate.

RAPE OF THE MIND from every fucking direction.

I'm glad I'm a stupid blue collar idiot who simply has never JABBED since the early 60s.

I'm 68 and have always mistrusted the Allopathic Reductionistic medical cartel philosophy.

I kept it simple and never listened to gub'ment for anything.

Will Jones let Yeadon talk without constantly cutting him off?

Hope to find out.

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Feb 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Dr. Yeadon I'm afraid I have to say that in my eyes the way this article is presented demeans both you and IOJ and weakens the movement. Imagine for a moment you are a person coming across the notion that these "countermeasures" were weaponised against us for the first time. No sooner have you wrapped your head around this terrible possibility than you come across a rather difficult to follow piece with someone attacking those interlocuters for being untrustworthy. To compound matters IOJ puts a request for funds in the middle of it. I as a seasoned follower of the health freedom movement struggled to make sense of it. Put yourself in the shoes of a newbie. And I didn't get the impression from the Weinstein segment that there was any attempt to mislead us. Also in respect of point 3 I recall Weinstein qualifying what he stated about the use of these "countermeasures" in the elderly and infirm. That's my memory but I have listened to a ton of stuff since then so may be conflating disparate pieces.

Anyway my gut feel is that it would always be best to organise a discussion with parties holding differing views BEFORE labelling them in public. I find these attacks so disturbing and confusing. Thanks for reading and for all you do.

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JJ Couey calls Brett and others out, too....

This will not stop unless we start educating ourselves, in order to safe the next generation....... check this talk out...JJ Couey has lost everything because he wants the truth to prevail...forgo the Netflix, and the endless scrolling and take the time to listen.....he has study halls and they are all worth it....here is a recent one..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2057395965

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Yeadon is right obviously, and so many of these popular social media people just won't say it. I'm at the point where I call them complicit.

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Alex Jones will never call out the DOD because it leads back to Trump and Operation Warp Speed. Alex Jones is a politician now.

There is no 'freedom movement.'


Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation.

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Mike Yeadon and Denis Rancourt for the WIN. Hat Tip to Jessica Hockett and JJ Couey. Mike has the industry credentials and blew the whistle on pandemic's inability to pandemic, Denis examined and exposed the excess death statistics which are unassailable, Jessica was at ground level in New York and exposed the hospital protocols, and JJ has masterfully educated us on the actual biology and the roster of chaos agents. Now can we find a single court in the country where lawful prosecutions can occur?

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