I think many of the folks with large followings that are welcomed back to a network where the were censored- may have to adjust their "disclosures" to fit the controllers. Their commercial advertisers also are controlled as is their reach. For some reason - they can state certain truths - like genocide but may be required to suppress certain truths like the "pandemic" - probably because fear is necessary to make that one work again- their ambition is for global control. We saw a similar thing with 9/11 truth movement - it was headed by gate keepers - they were allowed to point out Bld 7 and suggest the use of thermite and nukes in the destruction and even question the use of planes and the short selling and Silverstein's involvement, none of which ended in legal action. The one person that did examine the empirical evidence in extensive detailed and concluded that all the evidence could only be explained with directed free-energy technology (which has been in the hands of our military for decades) was shut down, censored and lost her job. Jones dismissed all of it in favor of his thermite/nukes theory. 9/11 was used to push the Patriot Act, and justify the invasions of 7 countries, initiated the massive migration of people, create more laws restricting rights. All of which was based on Lies. The controllers do not come up with a plan without having a backup if something is discovered - they are willing to sacrifice parts in order to preserve the goals of the plan. Just my take.

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Your points are well taken!

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Straight Shooter...Putting the truth on the table and leaving no room for misunderstanding. Agree with you, Dr. Yeadon. Continue to wonder at the reason for the subterfuge and all the caution given the inherent and certain danger of this time of coup with the enemy not taking any precautions to hide.

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There are a lot of moving parts...

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There's no time for lies by omission/fraud.

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Completely agree! Anyone who has access to truth and is continuing to extend this evil fraud and assist in the deception is helping deny informed consent on a very massive scale and in our opinion is a dangerous traitor to humanity!

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I agree, BlazeCloude3. Time is running out to end this evil madness once and for all!!! The Agenda 2030 Criminals clock is ticking VERY loudly!

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They use the word "accelerate" to 2030 a LOT!!!!

and now its "forward faster" to 2030 as their new slogan

tick tock - who will win?

the children of the dark and deceptions, or children of light and truth? We need to hustle & wake up humanity!

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Would Maria Zee be able to put this discussion together? I think she knows all the participants. I would like to hear it and I believe many other people would as well.

I don't like it that the medical freedom movement disallows questions and disagreements. That isn't healthy!

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THANK YOU so much for saying this - we feel the same!!

Brilliant and level headed. Unbiased! Bravo!: "I don't like it that the medical freedom movement disallows questions and disagreements. That isn't healthy!"

Agreed! We are all basically choosing sides on alleged pandemic and gene "vaccine" science disputes right?

The whole freedom movement wants to put the government and WHO science on trial, but does not want to host debates on WIDELY different scientific views within the same movement to gain extreme clarity and solidarity? What gives?

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Noam Chomsky once said "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there is free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate”.

It strikes me that's EXACTLY what is happening, whether these various personalities realise it or not.

People like Dr David Martin and Robert Malone are gatekeepers reinforcing, steering, and corraling the range of debate.

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P.S. Probably the best interviewer I know is the man who created the channel Slobodni. He is amazingly well informed and does not interrupt his guests. He would be my first choice to do this discussion.

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We would love it - it would be so interesting both views compared and supported with best evidence!

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Weinstein and Jones promote all the acceptable narratives including The Lab Leak.

Many of the 'alt media' also promoted the Lab Leak because espionage is Oh So Sexy.

These two are high profile circus performers.

Weinstein is Controlled Opposition.

Alex Jones is the Judas Goat of the NWO.

People say: how could that be? Jones is the most banned person in the world..

As Mike pointed out, the former renegade Alex Jones now has a massive platform on X.

The Technocratic Fascists use Jones to identify his followers. That is how it often works.

In the case of InfoWars, his audience are largely Conservative, Christian 'Patriots'.

The same people the Biden administration call 'domestic terrorists'.

...Good luck organising the debate.

I would certainly watch it.

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Sadly, it is hard to disagree Linda O!

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If you watch Alex Jones' recent interview with David Icke you can see how compromised Jones is.

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Bill Cooper raised the Red Flag before his death in 2001.

Jones' 'role' has been years' in the making.

I truly feel for all his faithful followers.

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Jones did a good job keeping people away from the shots but once it became obvious that Trump/DOD was behind it his wheels locked up and no debate was allowed.

As you said - years in the making.

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I'm so happy to see Dr. Yeadon throw his weight behind IOJ.

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We are glad Dr. Yeadon is behind us as well. And we are proud that IOJ has our weight behind him as well - last time we went to court Nov 9, 2023 we got a ruling the next judge can't dismiss without hearing our experts - We are just about get Dr. Yeadon a court venue to testify in! Working diligently on it! - hence the fundraising : )

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'Let the Sun, Shine in.'..........................D

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Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!

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Thank goodness there is Mike Yeadon! I think these things as I hear people speak, and wonder if they are trying to hold on to a middle ground, people who are starting to believe the worst/truth. Yesterday I ran into a friend who had a stroke last year and can't walk much now.... I thought "the vax", but didn't say anything, but I know he got them.

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It must be tough in the middle ground - we were there but finally gave up - choose a side - live free and in truth at all times - we chose that. One of our teams step dad and mom died days apart - he had a stroke and died 6 months later - hard to imagine it could be anything other than the toxins from the 3 shots - so evil. We fight daily for humanity to prevail from this horror show!

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France: ANY Criticism Of The mRNA DEATHVAX™ Platform Punishable Up To 3 Years Imprisonment And 45,000 Euros


Is Criticism Of mRNA Shots In France Illegal?


They are panicking


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What the heck are we going to do about this tyranny? Jeeze Louise France is out of control under Jaques Attali and his Globalist gang of tyrant depopulation enthusiasts!

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I usually find Tom Luongo really hard to understand but he makes a lot of sense here.

"When the World Economic Forum rolled out their advertising campaign for The Great Reset it was supposed to be the victory lap for Globalism. Coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic (yat: Luongo still hasn't got Dr. Yeadon's memo) the subsequent global financial crisis unleashed a flood of government funny money that was supposed to buy our way to their perpetual prosperity.

It failed.


It’s not enough to be against globalism or the WEF, we have to also be for something better.”

He doesn’t say it, but that something better cannot be some kind of economic prescription like capitalism, socialism or something in between. It must be a political prescription alone, and it must be an affirmation of constitutional rule, the tenth amendment and federalism or subsidiarity, along with the bill of rights, and leave the economics to local decisions.


And one of these days we are going to...

Raid The Laundromat!

withdraw immunity from the Bank of International Settlements


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They are NOT "panicking". This is all still perfectly on track, on schedule, and part of the plan.😐🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Remember, there are set milestones to hit, just like in any project timeline.

2024- destabilise financial markets. This runs through until 2027.

2026- install CBDC's.

2027/28- enable and coordinate the scrapping of social security/pension/superannuation funds, as part of the final real wealth transfer.

2029- implement global UBI, in tandem with the final and irreversible installation of "one world government", under the direction of a martialised medical system, with WHO (it will change names, but same organisation), at the helm.

2030- ushers a new dawn of government control, and the next 10 years will be spent reeducating or ostracising the final insubordination.

2040- NWO and you WILL be "happy".😐😤🤐🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Nothing is irreversible. Nothing 😊

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I can think of a few things but your sentiment is appreciated.😊 The concern whether peeps will "wake up" in time vs the time until economies crumble under the debt and lack of able bodied individuals to service the debt, is still there. My comment is on the larger picture and simple knock on effects of decisions made a decade ago, implemented 4 years ago, and being cemented this year. People are still fighting with one eye closed to the whole picture.🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤗

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don't drink their kool-aid 🤮

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Lol, I've read the documents from cover to cover myself. I've seen the legal frameworks enabled, for myself. Its happened. It's done. The koolaid fountain is coming from the individuals that still secretly believe "something" or "someone" will step in to stop it. We have gone hella gone past that stage in 2022. The only resistance now will come at an individual level, in your local community. So look around at the peeps in your local community- do they have what it takes? Because that question will dictate how well YOU do. #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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you are peddling shock and awe

the wheels are coming off the klaun klaus car

yes do not comply

TN Citizens for State Sovereignty - Tennessee Putting Teeth in the Tenth

Nullification is not only a state's right it is a state's duty and responsibility


Citizen Grand Juries

The only way to stop the tyranny is to begin at the local level


We're not in Kansas anymore, are we?

Oz is the abbreviation for ounce, the standard measure used for gold


Raid The Laundromat!

withdraw immunity from the Bank for International Settlements


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Let's have the debate and let the chips fall where they may. No need to delay, let's get this going, NOW.

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Hear ye, Hear ye, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY! The people are calling for the Great Debate! No need to delay, let's get this going, NOW.

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Well said dr Yeadon! If only there were more like you🙏

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Please let's have this debate.

RAPE OF THE MIND from every fucking direction.

I'm glad I'm a stupid blue collar idiot who simply has never JABBED since the early 60s.

I'm 68 and have always mistrusted the Allopathic Reductionistic medical cartel philosophy.

I kept it simple and never listened to gub'ment for anything.

Will Jones let Yeadon talk without constantly cutting him off?

Hope to find out.

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Something isn't adding up...yet again. I'm curious, is Dr. Yeadon banned from Twitter? As far as I know Alex Jones is and Bret Weinstein has pointed out the truth where as others have not. How are they all so different? How are they lying and where's the proof? What has Dr. Yeadon said that everybody else hasn't said too?

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We think Dr. Yeadon is censored on almost all sites!

How are they lying and where is the proof?

see from the post:

To conclude, the discussants in my opinion are knowingly misleading you into believing several known lies.

1. That pandemics of severe acute respiratory illnesses happen, and are at all times an extremely serious population level threat to a carefree existence.


2. That these acute respiratory illness are contagious and so “countermeasures” applied by the state, or even by supranational bodies who have absolutely no authority over our lives, are essential.


3. That even with some side effects, these gene-based injections have merit in the elderly or chronically ill people.


4. It’s not so much what these people say as what they leave out. It’s unsafe to assume that just because a person has said something that I know is true does not mean I can trust everything else they say. This method of deception is particularly despicable, in my opinion.

Do not automatically believe or trust anyone, not even me. Please do not place people on pedestals. We don’t need leaders to ensure some of our children & grandchildren survive this, to bear witness & to truly create something new from the wreckage of our civilisation.

Best wishes


Ps: I greatly dislike personal attacks. So please know that I’d have written this message regardless of who was writing knowingly false statements. If called upon to do so, I would happily record a conversation with Dr Weinstein.

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I absolutely agree with what you have stated. I'm a great grandmother and personally the minute they said lockdown I knew it was a complete lie. And everything else was utter insanity. Some of the statements made, "do it for grandma, we don't want to kill grandma" makes me cringe to this day. Based on what I witnessed I could believe there never was a plandemic. However other things to support this just don't add up. I haven't followed Dennis Rancourt, but I've heard his name several times and the information he has presented. Either way, I will never take a shot of any kind ever again. I have learned so much throughout the last four years that I never thought was possible. For that I am extremely grateful. Trust me I hold no one up on a pedestal. If anything, it has validated what I believed about scientists and experts all along. The heart of man is evil, who can understand it. Thanks for your time and explanation.

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Dr. Yeadon I'm afraid I have to say that in my eyes the way this article is presented demeans both you and IOJ and weakens the movement. Imagine for a moment you are a person coming across the notion that these "countermeasures" were weaponised against us for the first time. No sooner have you wrapped your head around this terrible possibility than you come across a rather difficult to follow piece with someone attacking those interlocuters for being untrustworthy. To compound matters IOJ puts a request for funds in the middle of it. I as a seasoned follower of the health freedom movement struggled to make sense of it. Put yourself in the shoes of a newbie. And I didn't get the impression from the Weinstein segment that there was any attempt to mislead us. Also in respect of point 3 I recall Weinstein qualifying what he stated about the use of these "countermeasures" in the elderly and infirm. That's my memory but I have listened to a ton of stuff since then so may be conflating disparate pieces.

Anyway my gut feel is that it would always be best to organise a discussion with parties holding differing views BEFORE labelling them in public. I find these attacks so disturbing and confusing. Thanks for reading and for all you do.

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Disagree, sorry. We can't be molly coddling 'newbies'. We need straight talking at this stage in the game. Anyone who talks about a 'pandemic' is controlled opposition. Simple.

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Exactly. Well said!

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I 100% agree

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Looks like a lot of people also agree with Dr. Yeadon.

Please be careful to not be so rigid in the way you believe others should deal with this, or not deal with this, that you think you know the only correct way. We are all doing our best in our own ways to live in our own integrity to truth & our own way of sharing what we find important to ourselves.

Blessings! IOJ

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Feb 16, 2024Edited
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We think you should be aware that the necessary current bout of fundraising is because we are in the middle of raising funds for really serious cases to save YOU and humanity from government lies and experimentation that may cost you your health and maybe even life.

We worked three years for free and still work pro-bono, but we we can no longer self fund our own work. Our work is critical as we have the only proof in the world from a prosecutors investigation that a Health Minister lied on the stand to the Supreme Court in 7 of our cases about the experimental nature and safety.

He also force injected a 6 year old knowing it was experimental! This mission is important to ask for funds for - we don't ask for us, it's to pay a group of amazing lawyers to help us all - we ask to help humanity fix huge issues that no one else is fixing, or even discussing. https://www.givesendgo.com/stopcrimesagainsthumanity

We don't mean to come across as demeaning, or to weaken a movement. We are here to wake people up, even if that is uncomfortable. The movement of IOJ is justice, nothing more, nothing less.

Forgive our being blunt as we are trying to break a veil of illusion being cast, which we feel can potentially mislead people into taking countermeasures that are known toxic for no valid reason. It must be very difficult to come across so much information so quickly and have it get more dark the deeper you go. Sorry!

You speak of Dr. Yeadon's point 3 and we are not sure what's wrong with his statement?

"THIS IS A FALSEHOOD. 3. That even with some side effects, these gene-based injections have merit in the elderly or chronically ill people.

It goes without saying we trust our Chief Scientist Dr. Yeadon implicitly and find him a man of deep knowledge and insight. He is also a ninja level dot joiner and sees things he feels a need to share. The truth is there is literally zero benefit, only risk for elderly.

IOJ and Dr. Yeadon clearly find it incredulous that Alex Jones and Brett Weinstein could have a whole honest discussion and not go over the data which shows Dr. Yeadon is correct on all points - no one should tell elderly or anyone to take these known toxic experiments. They are only harmful with nothing to help any human - they are toxic by design, actually cause negative efficacy and ruin your immune system, as shown in the data but not told to the public!

We are trying to warn humanity that what they don't know may hurt them, or their loved ones, and if being blunt and losing favor with certain people or groups in a movement is the price of integrity to our mission of waking people up then so be it!

We understand your point where you say, "your gut feel is that it would always be best to organise a discussion with parties holding differing views BEFORE labelling them in public", however it is clear that IOJ and Dr. Yeadon's gut feel led them to draft, organize and dissesminate this info they find critical and timely, and felt the need to do so in the public rather than behind closed doors asking for permission from those we seek to expose as discussing partial information which is misleading and omits key facts needed to protect your health and safety!

We at IOJ honestly do appreciate you sharing your views with us as what it is like as a newbie, as we move this discussion to a public venue to ensure the truth is brought to the light of day. It must be shocking! Time will tell who is trustworthy or not, for now we have a gut feel need to speak our mind to whoever will listen and speak our truths. We think trust is earned through impeccable fidelity to truth and that we have a duty to shine truth even when uncomfortable for us or others!

We like Alex Jones and think he absolutely can and should begin to focus more on what Dr. Yeadon is presenting and bring it to the light of his enormous audience.

No one likes attacks - Dr. Yeadons' concluding statement said just that: :I greatly dislike personal attacks. So please know that I’d have written this message regardless of who was writing knowingly false statements."

Thanks for reading and sharing your mind - we appreciate you!

Blessings and LIGHT over might! IOJ

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EXCELLENT, eloquent response!!! Many, many, many thanks to you and to Dr. Yeadon for your immense bravery and integrity! Patty Behan, Longmont, Colorado, USA

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Thank you Patty, Our pleasure and honor to do this work and about our response - thanks, we felt it needed addressing with clarity and empathy, hopefully the empathy came through -We appreciate you!

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Yes, the empathy came through!

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Dear IOJ. I think you possibly misunderstood what I was trying to say. Of course you need to raise funds, and almost daily I am defending this necessity to those who claim people like you are doing this for money. My point was about the positioning of the ad within the body of an already confusing article. That's all. Maybe because I was scrolling on a phone, trying to find Mike's comments was difficult.

Secondly I did not mean that discussions with the other party should have taken place in secret. A far better way might have been to state that Dr. Yeadon has some differing opinions from Brett Weinstein and that you are attempting to arrange a discussion.

The tragedy is that much of what Brett Weinstein said is spot on. Now someone I pointed in the direction of both Vigilant Fox and IOJ has chucked out the baby with the bathwater and is lost to the movement.

Of course Justice is what we all seek. To achieve our aims we need a critical mass of people to wake up. We will not do this by labelling others dishonest or controlled opposition or whatever.

Hope that somewhat clarifies things

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JJ Couey calls Brett and others out, too....

This will not stop unless we start educating ourselves, in order to safe the next generation....... check this talk out...JJ Couey has lost everything because he wants the truth to prevail...forgo the Netflix, and the endless scrolling and take the time to listen.....he has study halls and they are all worth it....here is a recent one..... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2057395965

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Yeadon is right obviously, and so many of these popular social media people just won't say it. I'm at the point where I call them complicit.

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Oh come on, stop with this discuss/debate delusion! Get that they won't debate anyone who is not privy to their cercles. These are all gatekeepers, like the vast majority of the alt. Media, including the vigilante fox who is part of system and problem. You will know who are part of the system when they share and parrot each others' info/post/interviews which only contain half- truths.

You may start to pay attention to these fakers WHEN they get to share full truths and real information (eg virology is junk $cience, and no pandemic ever happened) until then their sole role is to capture your attention and divert if from reality.

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Alex Jones will never call out the DOD because it leads back to Trump and Operation Warp Speed. Alex Jones is a politician now.

There is no 'freedom movement.'


Theatre of war: Australia’s covid response was a joint US military domestic terrorism operation.

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