BRAVO to Josue Ceciliano and Interest of Justice. This is fantastic! Good Job. You may be proud of yourselves for this achievement!

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Thanks! Super proud of Costa Rica's fighting spirit! The people were able to quickly mobilize - teach each other what the hidden agendas are - show up in mass - and also insiders have been red pilling the City Council workers, which we think helped. The government wrote us back the same night after hours to say they will answer our petition / protest on time, so it's all on track for the Great Reset! That is The Great Reset Of Rule of LAW!!! The City Officials apparently didn't want to sell out their fellow man and later have to face them on the street! Could you imagine? These people all know each other - and to be the douche bag that sells out the heritage of all the locals would be so shameful - the speaker looked ashamed and in our opinion his face said it all - like Perez Zeledon will not attempt this shameful "eco barrio" (15 minute city) land grab again haha!

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I believe it will create a kind of domino effect.

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Let's just keep pushing and force the dominoes to continue to fall!!!

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More dominoes falling. ..

Woo Hoo.

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Queen - We Will Rock You 2:02 min :)


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Apr 7Edited

I salute the conspiracy theorists for this. They have been right all along and warned us about what was coming. It seems like the Electric cars are for the 15 mins city. And then what happens when they switch off the ELECTRICITY? All for control! .Will own nothing and be happy?

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This is awesome news, I pray all countries do the same. God Bless you all for what you do.

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We really pray all countries get out of this mess too! Blessings and joy!

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I live in Perez Zeledon. It makes me proud to know I am in the right place to live here. I am around like minded people. This is a paradise and we do not need any of the wacked stuff the globalists are trying to impose. We have perfect climate - we do not need the lines sprayed in the sky. We have a very good community and do not need any crazy stuff like 15 min cities! We rock! Bravo!

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Hello, can you open the videos sir?

Pura vida!

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The people of Costa Rica spoke! No 15 minute cities or barrios! Joy! God created this world for man along with our God-given rights & free agency. “ Choose you this day whom ye shall serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”.

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Yes! We won!!!! JOY OF ALL JOYOUS JOYS INDEED!!!! Do not join them! EXPOSE them - LOUDLY!!! REJECT them!!!! God helps those who help themselves - DO SOMETHING!!!

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Well done!! Now for the rest of the world to wake up and take back their liberty and justice!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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I LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Now, how bout all these sluggish, sleepy Murkans!? When ARE we gonna wakey wakey?

Maybe April will be the alarm clock ringing...

THANKS FOR THIS, you made my day! xo xo xo

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I'm sharing!

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Thanks for sharing the good news and we hope it helps give inspiration of VICTORY over evil!

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Thanks for providing it, my dear pal.

In for a penny, in for FREEDOM! hooooah!

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those foolish global owners.... why put people into 15 minute prisons when they can just poison them to death, starve them or whatever their creative minds can think to do...

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That may come afterwards. Why is someone buying huge acres of land ?

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So others can’t develop. Also, to create industry ( they think), that will help climate problem. Bill Gates has been buying U.S. farmland like crazy over the last decade. He is not our friend.

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To Interest of Justice..I live in Quebradas, Perez Zeledon and would love to volunteer my time and skills. Please contact me if you need any local help.

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Yes!!! Will contact you tomorrow! THANK YOU Renee!

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Awesome! Thank you mil veces.

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Thank you!

They are showing us how it is done!

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endless gratitude for being there. I love these people. My heart sings!

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Big hugs Susan!!!! Wish we got to see you there! We send infinite blessings and love - Family Ties - roots in the ground!!!!!! Singing hearts abound in unity!

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Will this win only be for Costa Rica? What do we have to do in USA? Thanks.

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Sign up here for Sue the WHO Initiative (Idiot's Guide To EXIT the WHO):


We are making last minute step by step plans and documents for people in as many countries as possible to get out of ALL UN programs and exit the WHO public health monopoly! We need your boots on the ground to get stuff done in US - sign up and give a week or so before it becomes active to take the worlds most serious actions to fix the main issues! Thanks for caring & making a difference! - Team IOJ

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Was not able to open this document sueing the WHO initiative. Can you provide a different option?

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What’s the latest with this? Are you still wanting to help U.S. cities get out of this U.N. Agenda?

I know it’s a huge undertaking, I’ve read a lot about the NGO getting involved to complicate matters. This is mandated here, as far as city planning, etc. It’s messed up. Let me know your thoughts. Thank you!

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May Costa Rican's be the light for the rest of us to follow, and know that strength in numbers IS powerful. Bravo brave hearts!

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Wahooo!!!! We had another hearing here last night 6pm on April 9, 2024 and the City Council called us BRAVE for standing up 5 days ago on April 4!!!! Then they quoted our IOJ Protest/petition documents arguments (which they wrote us and said they will respond to in writing in 10 days) and last night they publicly agreed on the city record that they needed the REQUIRED REPORTS we are asking for - and then they SUSPENDED the act! Whoo hoo!!! We can't believe how little faith people have, but we KNEW it would work because we are correct! Making them delay to get required reports and prove climate change (which is impossible) totally suspended their act until they can prove it conforms to participation, science, and many reports, which they will fail on so we are free!!!!!!!

We are transcribing the video and making a whole Substack on how others can do the same with the legal arguments IOJ made on April 4th, 2024 that literally just got quoted by city council just 5 days later (last night) to suspend the 15 minute city and the arguments were so good they hands down WON!

Strength in #'s - lets hold them to the law and not let them rush these things through! Keep your eyes peeled for the update and action plans! - IOJ

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This makes my heart sing! Thank you for sharing and all you have done; it's not just a local victory, but a win for all humanity. It's also great that you will be transcribing a video and a Substack on how others can do the same.

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HOPE for Today - in GOD we Trust ...

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Wahoo! One city down, and now we just have the rest of the world to go!

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I cannot open the videos. Anybody has the same problems?

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Oh no! It seems to work for us! Wonder if you can try another browser to see the videos?

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I tried another browser. I cannot open it. I think, nobody can see the videoss, because there is a mistake in linking the videos.

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