May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Way to go Costa Rica!

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Good for (and God bless) President Chaves.

THE W.H.O. IS NOW NEUTERED, KILLED... 'DEAD IN THE WATER' IN COSTA RICA. And nobody there had to send any grifter a dime to make it happen!

They simply did it there like it's being done here, in America; By denouncing (depriving) the W.H.O.s ability to usurp the free will autonomy of the people... STATE by STATE.

LOUISIANA, TENNESSEE, OKLAHOMA and 22 STATES' ATTORNEY'S GENERAL HAVE NOW EFFECTIVELY LEGISLATIVELY NEUTERED THE W.H.O. AT THE STATE LEVEL thereby shooting Usurper Biden a great big, collective upper middle finger! And other states are following their lead.


So, let them pass all the rules, treaties, agreements and institute whatever polities they want. THE MIGHTY W.H.O. BEAST IS DEAD; dead unless YOU breathe your life (permission) back into it.

The lesson here is so simple: If your state legislators (your slave masters) haven't done what these guys have done, then THAT'S where YOU need to get busy. DEMAND THAT THEY ALSO NEUTER THE W.H.O. and all other international intruders AT YOUR STATE LEVEL.

Stop beating this dead horse. Stop pissing into the wind. Stop trying to make the Devil behave. You can't do it!


1) The Vulnerable Citizen argument.

If you're afraid that citizens of states traveling abroad whose states have not passed similar measures to Louisiana and the others not being protected... well then, I can't think of a better reason for those states to get on board with this strategy NOW!

2) Suing the W.H.O.

Suing only imposes deeper entanglement with the Beast - a really bad idea being promoted by those who fail to understand basic fundamentals of the process; The first being that only those who are equal parties under the law to which they submit have standing in that particular court whether it be local, state, federal on international. By recognizing (empowering) that venue of law one becomes legally obligated to abide by the court's authority and whatever rulings (judgments) they impose upon you as a recognized (self-acknowledged) equal party to the process. Are you willing to do that? What if the judgment handed down is not in your favor? Are you willing to live with whatever demands and constraints an (overwhelmingly likely) evil judge may demand of you?


Understand, your national (U.S. corporate) and international (W.H.O.) beasts are doing everything they can to KILL YOU. They are one and the same; hideously and inextricably joined at the head AS ONE and are totally united in their single-most agenda which is to 'kill, steal and destroy' ALL of mankind. READ THE NEW TESTAMENT and WAKE UP!!

If you want to be free of the stranglehold of international entanglements, JUST REFUSE TO PLAY THEIR GAME. Why is that so difficult for some folks to understand??

Come out from among them and be ye separate. (II Corinthians 6:17) And it's just that simple. JUST WALK AWAY!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ



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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

That may sound good , but is not really how it works when dealing even as you said with those trying and doing a good job of systematic depopulation. I do understand the elements of LAW that you "believe" they somehow will acknowledge and salute you for being so smart and figuring out their games , does not work that way. I have been outside "their' system my entire life. Do you think military's care about this , your simply another one on their terrorist or enemy combatant list. We still dont have sheriffs who will obey their oaths and stand with us. Also your ultimate foundational belief system was created by precisely those family lines and agendas we are all in the crosshairs from, going back very anciently . THERE ARE 20 MILES OF HALLWAYS , floor to ceiling in the Vatican SECRET ARCHIVES hiding 10,000 years of human history for CONTROL. They are still whom we are fighting , and gave you the fabricated , forged, borrowed, mistranslated , fantasy , myth you think is the ultimate truth. Even when they have openly admitted this for centuries. Dont you think we may all be missing lots of important information?

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I put this on before ... but it appears to have been censored {removed}.

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May 27Liked by Interest of Justice

Excuse me ~ it's still here ~ just relocated :)

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Costa Rica has a REAL leader. Here in Canada we have the worst, most unqualified wannabe dictator in charge that couldn't qualify to manage a child's lemonade stand. If he didn't have his famous last name he'd be sweeping a factory floor on the night shift alone.

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May 26·edited May 26Author

Trudeau came to Costa Rica right after we stopped the shots - and we think it was his visit that totally convinced our pansy ass government to start the shots going again - bastard!!! CR may be about as corrupt - except we actually find and prosecute and remove that corruption as a sense of pride of ownership : ). Long live Canada and to reclaim her freedom! Long live Costa Rica's defense of freedom!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Trudeau is forever on a plane (sometimes 2 planes) with his entourage and security people and suitcases of his fancy socks so he doesn't have to think about issues back in Canada. One of his famous quotes was " you'll forgive me if I don't think about monetary policy". He's the Prime Minister and is supposed to be thinking about monetary policy. But the born millionaire has never had to ask the price of anything, so why bother? Instead he made a journalist Canada's finance minister who doesn't know squat about monetary policy and had to ask her parents for a loan to buy a home after spending years outside Canada.

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

He is merely the puppet pawn of the WEF and as was his communist father , who many think of as Cuban but are really of Persian ancient blood line families

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Yes Trudeau and half his cabinet are members of the WEF. What could possibly go wrong for Canada with that lot of idiots?

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Costa Rica has many poison snakes ,too bad one of them did not bite him ,when he was there .

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Here we see the problem ,if millions of divorced ,lovesick Damsel Dames vote for Trudeau the lover boy ,hoping he will come and marry them . He can't marry all of them ,so ALL of them vote for him instead .

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Brian King ,I did not know that the name Castro is famous in Canada . Or it could be BLACK FACE ,as black as his heart ,if he has one .

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As in Fidel Castros illegitimate son? That Castro?

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Brave government and people there. I admire the President.

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May 26·edited May 26Author

The people here are so awesome. CR was the ONLY country who fought off the conquistadors. We will KICK ASS when necessary.

Recently we won with the UN SDG 15 minute city being DESTROYED and the government called the protestors "brave and warrior" people!

President Chaves is hit and miss. He did work for World Bank for 27 years and was interestingly in charge of Pandemic preparedness financing in 2017, the same year CR purchased "covid-19 test kits" ... Hmmm...

But all in all - he ROCKS in many ways and sure as hell beats the last President who was the WEF's YOUNGEST global leader ever! Long live Costa Rica's freedom! Free and not dumb!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice


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Be careful there are many layers of "controlled opposition" they play very deep because they believe we think and live shallow which obviously most do or they could not have delivered 5. whatever billion death shots on such flimsy lies , pressure and bad information , when all the real weaponry had already been developed and deployed previously. PERFECT case is here in America with TRUMP and how many still believe in this lying , sleazy , Zionist,controlled opposition player, with an easily to discern wicked past and connections. And it looks like they will put him back in , as he and Kushner cheer for total civilian genocide in Gaza

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Thank you for sharing this positive info and the video rocks! Well done!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

UNITE WITH GOD AGAINST EVILS,,,,, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z63SGNnPgGI

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Bare minium of sanity is greatly appreciated.

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May 27Liked by Interest of Justice

Your President most certainly has a pair.

Ours has adult diapers inside his pants .

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Hello everyone!

Please message the President and thank him for his courage!! Pray safety for him!!

Viva Costa Rica!

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No idea why we didn't think of that - to thank him lol. Will do that as a matter of fact & am praying for his safety and resolve!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

URGENT: IOJ: Something is wrong with your "donation page". It won't let me specify my state correctly. It either gives me Florida, some island, or blank when I submit the donation. And then returns an error. You do want the donation, don't you? Don't let this stay broken.

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OMG! Is that why theres no donations in hours? Checking now! Thank you dear Angel Donald for trying to support and letting us know! Will post here when its fixed : ) We appreciate you!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

May God bless and protect you dear President!! Viva Costa Rica!!

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Toby! We gotta talk soon and make things happen! Hugs from Pura Vida land of the free and brave! Much love!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

You are first on my list to speak to tomorrow!!

Viva Costa Rica!!

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looking forward!

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

Alleluia!! God is good! Go CR, keep leading the way. ❤️

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May 26Liked by Interest of Justice

This is such fantastic news!!! Can't stop smiling ear to ear!!! Such amazing incredible success by IOJ & by all those contributing to defeat tyranny. Ultimately IOJ is the resistance - the tsunami against a ripple !!!

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Aug 16Liked by Interest of Justice

The UN is trying to replace the US constitution with the UN constitution. Goodbye US sovereignty 😒

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And our SELLOUTS in US government are overly compliant suckups WILLING to sell us all out. Sigh.... Praying we stop this damn Declaration -

Who the hell does UN think they are to lock in the future governance when the people of the future are dependent on UN for procurement and UN is allowing GENOME altering experimental products on the "UN Global Marketplace" (which unsurprisingly rose by billions in procurement opportunities for Gates, etc when PCR fake pandemic surveillance began under UN's crappy world health org)

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Aug 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Where is the ambassador’s email. Hiw can we send her a message? Can we only send one through x?

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We are calling in the AM to a few countries we can think of that may break the Silence Procedure to ask the same question.

You will need to contact your local MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) to request the URGENT email of your delegate to the UN Summit of the Future and Declaration. BE PERSISTENT. Durning WHA77 in May/June1, we had to go to the MFA's oversight to hunt down the URGENT info - they hustled it, so just be POLITE and PERSISTENT and try to get it.

If ANYONE gets your delegates email please post it here and we will add it to the form immediately!

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