WHO's going to be first to fall? WHO is. Thats WHO. Why? Because their vaccine pre qualification program allowed the toxic experiments on genome to be on the global market and advised nations buy it
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) leads a roundtable discussion in Washington on Monday titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?”
Mr. Johnson and a panel of experts discuss how “the COVID Cartel”—federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech—engaged in censorship and coverups. The discussion also shines a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.
We are going to go with what KarlM Alias said... Also, he badmouthed Dr. Yeadon and acts like Dr. Yeadon is out on a limb for saying its depopulation, which is just offensive to truth... of course its depopulation. Malone refuses to say the reality and makes fun of it - we don't trust that stance : )
Obviously you haven't been watching any of Dr. Malone's podcasts or reading any of his Substack articles. He explains that he was just as brainwashed as everyone else in the beginning of the plandemic until he ended up with C-19 vax injury. The fact that he was inventor of the mRNA technology many years ago doesn't automatically mean he's responsible for the deaths of millions of people who took the jab. That kind of thinking is really insulting to Dr. Malone and absurd on its own. He has talked about his previous career many times and gives good reasons for why he didn't continue it. We need UNITY among our truth-tellers, not division, so please stop dividing us!
We don't want to divide people in the movement - but there does need to be a division between leaders who are pure and those who are paid to be controlled opposition. The fans of some people should not choose a side based on charisma, but only on the mission. There is a lot of reason for questioning the way Malone rose to the top so quickly and became such a prominent speaker on TV and hearings and in particular what he will NOT say (wont say its an attack to depopulate) and who and what he RIDICULES. He RIDICULED and publicly denounced the scientific reasoning of Dr. Yeadon whilst purporting to be an innocent victim of other peoples public words hurled at him. He can dish it out, but he can't take it. He sues our best journalists, researchers and freedom leaders to chill free speech - its a bit obscene. We hope you don't leave our side by thinking it can only be one way, Dr. Malones way. We all need your support. We should however, be able to air our doubts without Malone fans feeling criticized, because controlled opposition is very real. For more info on why people trip out on Malone please read the detailed work of Sasha Latypova who explains the problem many people see with Malone. Its NOT just about his role in mRNA, its much more! https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/famoti-gate
Malone did warn early on. He may have pivoted, or have since been compromised. I have no doubt was an early skeptic and one of the very few in the early stages.
Kevin McKernan blocked me from his Substack after I had asked him to connect his plasmid contamination findings with plasmonics and Professors, Josep Jornet's and Ian F. Akyildiz's work with GRAPHENE nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher contrary to the Criminal Code.
There is zero chance that Kevin McKernan of the Human Genome Project doesn't know that nanotechnology biosensors have been injected into billions of people via the Covid-19 modified mRNA Gene Therapy platform injections.
The link above is being blocked.
Search "Ian F. Akyildiz and Josep Jornet nanotechnology biosensors in the Terahertz Band."
Hold on - thats not a good enough reason to put Kevin in shill territory. Sasha and all sorts of awesome experts want to avoid nanotech at all cost. That doesn't make them shills - it just isn't their focus
and Kevin probably didn't want that discussion in his space. We wouldn't block you - but he doesn't have to "perform" how we expect and be forced to deal with the 4th industrial revolution nanosensor world on his pages in his chats. His right to block. Means little to us in reality. Just saying the reality as we see it!
My goodness! Excellent research on your part and hopefully a solid one to secure further support in the cases yet to be heard. Whichever way he turns out to be, I want to see these topics explained as to why the block against the questioning. Thanks for sharing this.
Start with Professor Ian F. Akyildiz's work on Metal-Organic Frameworks.
At the nano scale (like Lipid Nano Particles and Spike in the modified mRNA Gene Therapy platform injections) synthetic proteins (plasmids) are Frankenstein sewn together with nano-sized metals (eg. graphene) to form nanotechnology biosensors (the CIA froze Akyildiz's patent for 7 years) for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. This is Artificial Intelligence IN THE BODY which reports to the Cloud.
Also check out Professor Josep Jornet's work and former electrical engineer, Sabrina Wallace's Psinergy channel. You have a lot of catching up to do.
You advocate blocking people for asking genuine questions who are trying to learn. Yours is also scientism but it's from the opposing side.
Two of the video links are down and the middle one from BKBlair is working, but not very convincing. I am not on the other side I think the jabs are bad just not convinced that we are looking at nano biosensors within the vaccine for the C19 jabs.
All I could find were my scribbles on the following names (check spelling) to be cautious of: Craig Vendnar, Kevin McKernan, Peter McCullan, and Robert Malone.
Hard to disagree with your concepts here! Maybe the studies mentioned were about the ones they did to find the DNA integration that FDA ignored because they waive all studies and human rights protections under inferior void laws that must be struck down?
I would like to know all the dangerous side effects of the DNA integration. I would like to see the full stop of covid vaccines and any future therapeutic with biological material to be halted until they are proven safe. Many countries need an overhaul and justice needs to be served.
Thank-you. I have heard of the SV 40 promoter. The idea of the potential of years to come from the shot is criminal. I am from Canada. Canadians are basically told nothing substantial. Our officials deny or sweep under the rug.
Deagel Report numbers say 68% of US population bites the dust . One way in which to look at it - your body is no longer yours, you have no autonomy via this new Nanotech. The later , your body calls it quits because of this engineered cancer . It is interesting that about a third of the US population denied the vaccine predictably , the Deagel numbers also correlate .
Pretty sure the vials are all coming up different. No consistency. Perhaps both are telling the truth of their findings? Just because Kevin speaks at ICS with questionable speakers doesn't mean he's part of controlled opposition...
And of course no one will talk about how this has shed to the formerly unvaxxed, as PROVEN by mycyclestory 3 YEARS AGO.
Everyone has it now but no one will say it. There is plenty of proof, plenty of studies, plenty of unvaxxed who have now died of predefined vaxx effects but crickets for the former purebloods.
Lets just all keep playing pretend.
Or the fact that there is a big chunk of McKernans RNA ring that Cannot Be Identified in any genotyping database, of which they have rna genotyped Literally Everything On Earth.
Hmm... just maybe thats what causes the magnetism in unvaxxed humans now that there is Also plenty of Proof of and Also no one will talk about. 'They might call me conspiracist.'
And more likely than not, many of these stage 4 turbocancers are due to repeated high energy scans of people with the 'magnetism', except no one will talk about it. Maybe they were all precancer before they got 3 CT scans, an X-ray, and an MRI the same day... because people dying Immediately within hours after cancer 'diagnosis' is nearly unheard of and now it happens Regularly.
I am so sick of people telling half the story and then acting like that is going to change things.
Maybe just tell the whole truth?!?!
And let the cards fall where they may.
Sorry, I just watched Ron Johnsons 'news from 3 years ago' investigation and I had to vent... but Im so so tired of being nice to the very people murdering us in our faces.
Turn the other cheek if you want to get slapped again... and still people Do.
Following is an article we published today on VT Foreign Policy. It is an extremely important explanation of the death and disease causing mechanism of the mRNA vaccine by a highly-qualified US medical researcher, Dr. Lewis Coleman. I would ask you to publish this on your site.
A couple actionable steps, that, with success, will stop chemtrail sky crop dusters, and harmfull microwaves. https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234 HB2795 | 2023-2024 | 113th General Assembly | LegiScan
https://legiscan.com/TN/bill/HB2795/2023 👈When proposed, and passed in all states the practice of chemtrails and dual purpose weaponized cell towers will be affectively halted. The faster more people become aware of these Bills, and press their reps to make it happen, the faster comes the day when uninsurable cell towers come down, plus in the skies we will no longer see chemical trails...big relief when this happens. Call Your Reps, tell your friends and fam to call their reps. Share these links everywhere.
Actually, this video, (URL at page bottom) seems to be, IIRC, from an FOIA request, rather than a leak and indicates that the WEF Young Global Leader-infiltrated 'Liberty-stealing Party' was (as we knew) working against their fellow-citizens in serving them up to the WEF, a hostile foreign group of self-interests, intent upon global destruction.
I wrote out a hurried comment, which I believe to have been shadow-banned on YT (probably permanently by now) having heard, in the beginning of the video, a reference to Trudeau 'teaming up with the WEF' when he and his cabinet by now are, almost certainly, all or virtually all Schwab's protegees, taking public office under false pretences, planning to betray and destroy.
The person doing the video had some of the better-known facts on the corruption and take-over, but seemingly lacked the bit about a global extinction event - encompassing ALL Life - being in progress, which matters rather a lot, considering that that's everything.
In any event, please watch the brief video; we've had very high and worsening levels of frequencies here, and I've been having increasing trouble typing as well as recalling even quite important things, depending on said frequency levels and loudness.
But I rather suspect that the odds are that there are likely quite a number of examples of such correspondence pertaining to various Ministers in various countries, although it's likely easier to actually get hold of such examples under FOIA after the politician involved in the other side of the correspondence has left public office.
Any and all evidence of politicians/governments 'working with the enemy' against not only their own fellow-citizens and country but of all humanity and natural Life forming the self-sustaining, interdependent, irreplaceable variety of the natural Life support system can, I would think, be used against them. at least, in a 'clean courtroom with a 'clean' judge.
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) leads a roundtable discussion in Washington on Monday titled “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?”
Mr. Johnson and a panel of experts discuss how “the COVID Cartel”—federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech—engaged in censorship and coverups. The discussion also shines a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.
COVID-19 Vaccine Issues
Dr. Robert Malone, MD
Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD
Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD
Ed Dowd
Kevin McKernan
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)
History of Vaccine Injury Coverup
Barbara Loe Fisher
Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD
Del Bigtree
Corruption of Medical Research & Federal Health Agencies
Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD
Dr. Pierre Kory, MD
Dr. Christian Perronne, MD, PhD
Dr. Raphael Lataster, PhD
Dr. David Gortler, PharmD
Lara Logan
Jason Christoff
Rodney Palmer
Mattias Desmet
Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD
COVID Response in Other Countries
Randy Hillier
Dr. Sorin Titus Muncaciu
World Health Organization Treaty
Rob Roos, member of the European Parliament
Phillip Kruse
I do not trust Malone nor Kevin McKernan. I will try and find the article I read recently on the latter.
Malone not so much... total shill, but Kevin McKernan? Whats wrong with Kevin?
Why do you say that about Robert Malone???
He did not warn, early on, tweeting about the 'vaccine' saving loads of lives, with no data to back it up (quite the opposite).
As the original part inventor, he is partly responsible for this deadly platform.
We are going to go with what KarlM Alias said... Also, he badmouthed Dr. Yeadon and acts like Dr. Yeadon is out on a limb for saying its depopulation, which is just offensive to truth... of course its depopulation. Malone refuses to say the reality and makes fun of it - we don't trust that stance : )
Obviously you haven't been watching any of Dr. Malone's podcasts or reading any of his Substack articles. He explains that he was just as brainwashed as everyone else in the beginning of the plandemic until he ended up with C-19 vax injury. The fact that he was inventor of the mRNA technology many years ago doesn't automatically mean he's responsible for the deaths of millions of people who took the jab. That kind of thinking is really insulting to Dr. Malone and absurd on its own. He has talked about his previous career many times and gives good reasons for why he didn't continue it. We need UNITY among our truth-tellers, not division, so please stop dividing us!
We don't want to divide people in the movement - but there does need to be a division between leaders who are pure and those who are paid to be controlled opposition. The fans of some people should not choose a side based on charisma, but only on the mission. There is a lot of reason for questioning the way Malone rose to the top so quickly and became such a prominent speaker on TV and hearings and in particular what he will NOT say (wont say its an attack to depopulate) and who and what he RIDICULES. He RIDICULED and publicly denounced the scientific reasoning of Dr. Yeadon whilst purporting to be an innocent victim of other peoples public words hurled at him. He can dish it out, but he can't take it. He sues our best journalists, researchers and freedom leaders to chill free speech - its a bit obscene. We hope you don't leave our side by thinking it can only be one way, Dr. Malones way. We all need your support. We should however, be able to air our doubts without Malone fans feeling criticized, because controlled opposition is very real. For more info on why people trip out on Malone please read the detailed work of Sasha Latypova who explains the problem many people see with Malone. Its NOT just about his role in mRNA, its much more! https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/famoti-gate
Malone did warn early on. He may have pivoted, or have since been compromised. I have no doubt was an early skeptic and one of the very few in the early stages.
Kevin McKernan blocked me from his Substack after I had asked him to connect his plasmid contamination findings with plasmonics and Professors, Josep Jornet's and Ian F. Akyildiz's work with GRAPHENE nanotechnology biosensors for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Nano Things and the WBAN (Wireless Body Area Network IEEE802.15.6 in the Terahertz Band.) These are crimes of warrantless search and seizure using an IMSI Catcher contrary to the Criminal Code.
There is zero chance that Kevin McKernan of the Human Genome Project doesn't know that nanotechnology biosensors have been injected into billions of people via the Covid-19 modified mRNA Gene Therapy platform injections.
The link above is being blocked.
Search "Ian F. Akyildiz and Josep Jornet nanotechnology biosensors in the Terahertz Band."
Hold on - thats not a good enough reason to put Kevin in shill territory. Sasha and all sorts of awesome experts want to avoid nanotech at all cost. That doesn't make them shills - it just isn't their focus
and Kevin probably didn't want that discussion in his space. We wouldn't block you - but he doesn't have to "perform" how we expect and be forced to deal with the 4th industrial revolution nanosensor world on his pages in his chats. His right to block. Means little to us in reality. Just saying the reality as we see it!
My goodness! Excellent research on your part and hopefully a solid one to secure further support in the cases yet to be heard. Whichever way he turns out to be, I want to see these topics explained as to why the block against the questioning. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you! I’ve been racking my brain to remember his nefarious connections!
And another one bites the dust. Bummer to read this about Kevin.
I would block you too. DNA plasmids have nothing to do with nano tech biosensors. That doesn't relate to McKernan's studies at all.
You have a lot of reading to do.
Start with Professor Ian F. Akyildiz's work on Metal-Organic Frameworks.
At the nano scale (like Lipid Nano Particles and Spike in the modified mRNA Gene Therapy platform injections) synthetic proteins (plasmids) are Frankenstein sewn together with nano-sized metals (eg. graphene) to form nanotechnology biosensors (the CIA froze Akyildiz's patent for 7 years) for surveillance under the skin via the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. This is Artificial Intelligence IN THE BODY which reports to the Cloud.
Also check out Professor Josep Jornet's work and former electrical engineer, Sabrina Wallace's Psinergy channel. You have a lot of catching up to do.
You advocate blocking people for asking genuine questions who are trying to learn. Yours is also scientism but it's from the opposing side.
nanotech biosensors are counter intel meant to lead you astray. Not saying they aren't possible, but they aren't in the jabs.
Two of the video links are down and the middle one from BKBlair is working, but not very convincing. I am not on the other side I think the jabs are bad just not convinced that we are looking at nano biosensors within the vaccine for the C19 jabs.
All I could find were my scribbles on the following names (check spelling) to be cautious of: Craig Vendnar, Kevin McKernan, Peter McCullan, and Robert Malone.
Saw the news about Senator Ron Johnson speaking in Washington today.
Very good article today Team.
Liars and Tyrants and Vaers, oh my.
Bastards need to be taken down.
Praying for Perp walks for the world to see.
Liars and Tyrants and Vaers, oh my! Will never forget they always lie.
They need to be taken down many notches off their high pedestals they do NOT deserve.
Wow. Well done again Interest of Justice! Perhaps use also Cal Washington's strategy.
I also like your new website STOP CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY.
The Common Law Movement That Is Changing The World | w/ Cal Washington 1:05:42
Cal Washington's website.
I love that Cal and inpowermovement.org is making the rounds!!
Yes. He is amazing.
They're discussing
What studies?
There were no studies and are no studies;
'Medical Countermeasures, Prototypes, Demonstrations'
camouflaged as HHS/NHS 'Vaccines'
which are in reality
Since they continue to speak of this attrocity perpetrated by
as simply 'Vaccines';
this is a PSY-OP designated to negate the seriousness of this
among the wealthiest Establishment.
and anybody using the 'Psy-Op Terminology' to camouflage the actual
purpose and designation of the
is 'Controlled Opposition' and these people
OWNED by the Criminals Against all Life on the Planet.
Time to
STOP the Psy-Ops and use correct definitions
instead of the camouflage definitions the
Hard to disagree with your concepts here! Maybe the studies mentioned were about the ones they did to find the DNA integration that FDA ignored because they waive all studies and human rights protections under inferior void laws that must be struck down?
Where is the Report from such Research; even an Abstact?
Since they can't use correct terminology; doubt there is ANY Research.
This opinion is magnified by seeing those of
'Controlled Opposition' as several of the Panel Members.
Those issuing statements designed to UNIFY THE POPULATION,
by claiming all to have been;
All is painted a Psy-Op in too many ways to trust this as worthy to waste time listening.
Sounds nice until hearing the word, "Vaccine."
That word alone makes all HIGHLY SUSPECT.
Won't listen until they use the correct and accurate terminology.
WHO done it? Yes. Exactly WHO done it!!!!!!
I would like to know all the dangerous side effects of the DNA integration. I would like to see the full stop of covid vaccines and any future therapeutic with biological material to be halted until they are proven safe. Many countries need an overhaul and justice needs to be served.
FDA says it can cause cancers and serious unpredictable effects up to 12 or more years later!!!! Of course they just pretend it's not occurring...
Thank-you. I have heard of the SV 40 promoter. The idea of the potential of years to come from the shot is criminal. I am from Canada. Canadians are basically told nothing substantial. Our officials deny or sweep under the rug.
Deagel Report numbers say 68% of US population bites the dust . One way in which to look at it - your body is no longer yours, you have no autonomy via this new Nanotech. The later , your body calls it quits because of this engineered cancer . It is interesting that about a third of the US population denied the vaccine predictably , the Deagel numbers also correlate .
Deagel Report
We remember the week the Deagle report came out. Looks pretty accurate!
It is not "cow toeing", it is "kow towing", as in "kow tow", with the "ow" pronounced as in "ouch".
We need an editor lol
Definition: act of prostration in Imperial Chinese protocol.
cow towing used to be a criminal offense, probably with the exception of turkey.
Daniel Nagase found no organic matter in vial fluids whatsoever, which means it's not possible for it to contain DNA. Seems like somebody is lying.
Not sure if there was a link to McKernan's video, if there was I missed it and yes, I found that annoying, so here's the link for others.
Scrolling through McKernan's Twitter feed... ICS videos... graphene oxide denier Ryan Cole, check... germ theory peddler Robert Malone, check...
I've seen enough, fake counter narrative weavers, y'all get fucked.
Pretty sure the vials are all coming up different. No consistency. Perhaps both are telling the truth of their findings? Just because Kevin speaks at ICS with questionable speakers doesn't mean he's part of controlled opposition...
Like Todd Callender says: 'You guys are monumental!' Indeed! Thank YOU IoJ!
And the IN-Power Movement is fabulous too, I 've been following them for years.
In fact I am fighting smart-meters tooth and nail right now.
haha thanks Piki! We super appreciate the love! Smart meters gotta go! Blessings!
And of course no one will talk about how this has shed to the formerly unvaxxed, as PROVEN by mycyclestory 3 YEARS AGO.
Everyone has it now but no one will say it. There is plenty of proof, plenty of studies, plenty of unvaxxed who have now died of predefined vaxx effects but crickets for the former purebloods.
Lets just all keep playing pretend.
Or the fact that there is a big chunk of McKernans RNA ring that Cannot Be Identified in any genotyping database, of which they have rna genotyped Literally Everything On Earth.
Hmm... just maybe thats what causes the magnetism in unvaxxed humans now that there is Also plenty of Proof of and Also no one will talk about. 'They might call me conspiracist.'
And more likely than not, many of these stage 4 turbocancers are due to repeated high energy scans of people with the 'magnetism', except no one will talk about it. Maybe they were all precancer before they got 3 CT scans, an X-ray, and an MRI the same day... because people dying Immediately within hours after cancer 'diagnosis' is nearly unheard of and now it happens Regularly.
I am so sick of people telling half the story and then acting like that is going to change things.
Maybe just tell the whole truth?!?!
And let the cards fall where they may.
Sorry, I just watched Ron Johnsons 'news from 3 years ago' investigation and I had to vent... but Im so so tired of being nice to the very people murdering us in our faces.
Turn the other cheek if you want to get slapped again... and still people Do.
This is a message to IOJ.
Following is an article we published today on VT Foreign Policy. It is an extremely important explanation of the death and disease causing mechanism of the mRNA vaccine by a highly-qualified US medical researcher, Dr. Lewis Coleman. I would ask you to publish this on your site.
Richard C. Cook
Thanks. I am urging everyone who can to distribute this unprecedented article.
The simple fact of their use of 'Politically Correct Terminology'
used to camouflage the Ai/Bioweapons is in itself indicative
of DUPLICITY; a Psy-Op being perpetrated.
The Language War continues with the continued CAMOUFLAGE
instead of the reality of exactly what's being addressed.
DOD/MOD OWNED 'Countermeasures, Prototypes, Demonstrations'
camouflaged as HHS/NHS 'Vaccines' are in reality
All continues to be hidden at some level...
As all necessary to keep 'The People' CALM
is to yap about everything
to APPEAR AND SOUND as though
The reality is; all is 'Smoke and Mirrors';
having no teeth, accountability or punishment.
A couple actionable steps, that, with success, will stop chemtrail sky crop dusters, and harmfull microwaves. https://legiscan.com/NH/text/HB1700/id/2865234 HB2795 | 2023-2024 | 113th General Assembly | LegiScan
https://legiscan.com/TN/bill/HB2795/2023 👈When proposed, and passed in all states the practice of chemtrails and dual purpose weaponized cell towers will be affectively halted. The faster more people become aware of these Bills, and press their reps to make it happen, the faster comes the day when uninsurable cell towers come down, plus in the skies we will no longer see chemical trails...big relief when this happens. Call Your Reps, tell your friends and fam to call their reps. Share these links everywhere.
Actually, this video, (URL at page bottom) seems to be, IIRC, from an FOIA request, rather than a leak and indicates that the WEF Young Global Leader-infiltrated 'Liberty-stealing Party' was (as we knew) working against their fellow-citizens in serving them up to the WEF, a hostile foreign group of self-interests, intent upon global destruction.
I wrote out a hurried comment, which I believe to have been shadow-banned on YT (probably permanently by now) having heard, in the beginning of the video, a reference to Trudeau 'teaming up with the WEF' when he and his cabinet by now are, almost certainly, all or virtually all Schwab's protegees, taking public office under false pretences, planning to betray and destroy.
The person doing the video had some of the better-known facts on the corruption and take-over, but seemingly lacked the bit about a global extinction event - encompassing ALL Life - being in progress, which matters rather a lot, considering that that's everything.
In any event, please watch the brief video; we've had very high and worsening levels of frequencies here, and I've been having increasing trouble typing as well as recalling even quite important things, depending on said frequency levels and loudness.
But I rather suspect that the odds are that there are likely quite a number of examples of such correspondence pertaining to various Ministers in various countries, although it's likely easier to actually get hold of such examples under FOIA after the politician involved in the other side of the correspondence has left public office.
Any and all evidence of politicians/governments 'working with the enemy' against not only their own fellow-citizens and country but of all humanity and natural Life forming the self-sustaining, interdependent, irreplaceable variety of the natural Life support system can, I would think, be used against them. at least, in a 'clean courtroom with a 'clean' judge.
(video: 11:02)
Leaked Letter From Ex-Liberal Minister Reveals DISTURBING Intel About Trudeau!
Street Politics Canada
45,488 views 18 Mar 2024
You may have already seen this interview about Hydrogel clotting: https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/are-the-embalmers-clots-occurring