I remember when was given the authorization for comirnaty, when they were 2 things, one for fizer eua, one full authorization for biontech comirnaty which at that time was not on the market under that name and the "vaxination" continued as nothing happened . Even was noticed that the procedure and the content of the papers was strange, everybody got over it so fast, and that was very strange too ... then, in december 2021, cdc withdraw the eua for the pcr which couldn't make a difference between flu and sars cov2 and also nobody talked too much about that too, considering that flu statistics stopped in april 2020 and the plandemic was declared based only on the results of the tests. everything was done as they took the authorities they represented as they were their private companies....of course they will hide everything and they will cover each other till the end, the game and the goals are too big and pretty sofisticated and if they continue in this way it shows that they already have all the right people in all the right places. I would never thought I will live these kind of times, such a global coup and I will be happy that I am old.

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The PCR scamdemic! We remember all those events! We asked Tedros about PCR and refuted his death stats but he never responds, even in the ethics complaints - Hence, why the WHO must be sued. Fake pandemic and fake vaccine - The global coup is pretty wild to live thorough indeed!

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Your right about the PCR as the inventor , I believe Dr. Malone ,forgive me if I'm wrong on the name as that was 2-3 years ago, but who ever it was stated the PCR was not designed for that type of testing. The global coup are going down by the legal system and if that fails, I'm too old to worry, but I have a feeling it won't be to any ones interest and hope IOJ get all the support to take the criminals down and great work they do, I will donate again soon

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Kary B. Mullis pcr, Malone, the vaccinist, mrna technology or whatever in common with others (foggy story), no one praises him, only his wife and himself.

it may depend on what the test is calibrated on, i am not a specialist. But a simple sequence from the computer that is supposed to be part of a living organism that causes a certain disease, without proving this process, is bs. So easy to understand why goats, fruits and other things could have covid.

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Yeah, I wonder what caused him to die in 2019🧐

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What a coincidence for him to die of "pneumonia" just before the pandemic where he would have exposed the fraud!

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He wouldn't have been allowed to do that anyway. the president of Tanzania died, the president of Haiti, the president of Burundi, Andreas Noack as well, who knows how many others. everyone had something to say and refused the vaxx....not even a country was allowed to do whatever wants to do. It was an order imposed by force and blackmail.

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We will never know if or what...

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Probably not a natural death...

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For my age group, old, retired and cynical I was assured Natural Immunity would protect me from Covid.

.........It did.

I am 100% immune from the Fake Vaxx side effects because I did not take it!

..................Maybe not from shedding! Damn!

Save the Genome - heritage of humanity! Stop the causes of the toxic shedding. Enough already. Time to pay attention to the message Dr. Ana is sharing below!


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Hey guys, as you may or may not know, I am being prosecuted for Covid fraud for allegedly having given fake Covid shots. I face a huge fine and jail time, but have a right to full discovery, and I think I can help in exposing this fraud perpetrated by our govt’s, how can I help? Todd Callender, Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt all have my contact info. Look forward to working with you, if it’s anything worthwhile. God Bless 🙏 Kirk

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Where and when is the prosecution and exact statute they are charging? Thanks!

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Salt Lake City, Utah. Federal Court. Case number 2:23-cr-00010. 3 charges 18 US Code 371, 641, & 642. Fraud, Conspiracy to Commit Fraud and Counterfeiting

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Judicial Watch has sued them, have you been in touch with them?

Judicial Watch, Inc.

425 3rd St Sw Ste 800

Washington, DC 20024


"Judicial Watch NewsLink" <press@pr.judicialwatch.org

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Thanks for that lead Donna - good thinking. We will actually contact them for any assistance or help with advice on procedures they used to get it done. Today we were thinking how truly critical it is to settle this for the world!

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There's NOTHING biological in the DOD owned Countermeasures HHS marketed as Vaccines. They're AI/Nanotechweapons with an intelligence to self-replicate and self-assemble which are activated with frequencies. WEAPONS.

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Could very well be. We want an independent analysis. They sure are not vaccines and meet the legal definition of a toxin and a biological agent which is defined as "capable of causing harm to bodily functioning" - which is why they needed the report PRIOR to authorizing the experiment on civilians... It matters.

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You bet it matters...The professionals working to ascertain the contents of the serums know what they are and are not. The Electrochemical Engineers know. The Physicists know...Charles Leiber breaking the absolutes mingling biology and machines knows. Many professionals know and here we are JUST removing the narrative lies pertaining to Ivermectin after four years.

All surreal and evil so arrogant it doesn't hide.

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Agreed. And so arrogant because they falsely believe they are untouchable - its like mocking us - the machine does not hide the evil malice whatsoever. So incredibly surreal. Bright side is law of rhythm! One minute Ivermectin is banned by tyrants - next minute the banner tyrants are judicially ordered not to do public health smear campaigns on Ivermectin! Their days are numbered. They know it. We know it.

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I know it to along with many others, keep the pressure on these corrupted ding bates

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While there is total agreement with what you write; there is also intimate knowledge behind the fact of evil as the purely demonic.

When those of Hell are threatened with being returned to Hell with the human souls hosting them; they will often take as many innocent as possible with them.


We must also know what evil is at the core. Expect any option presented to have a cost in human blood.

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Its spiritual. Children of light and purity vs the children of dark and base. We must save as many innocents as we can! Thats why we work so hard and for so long. They are vulnerable and can't protect themselves!

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Absolutely...We must save as many as possible.

But, they're already dying OPENLY as evil isn't hiding any longer.

The innocent always pay the dearest price.

And, yes it's spiritual...Worked with Criminally Insane who ARE NOT INSANE and found it fascinating how similar to Domestic Violence Perpetrators and Child Molesting Parents they were. They are evil.

Evil most certainly will render a cost in blood of the innocent as evil is at large in enough numbers to matter. That is invariably the cost ALWAYS. God's children dying are and will be with Him and He will always save a remnant and in that the faithful must trust.

All the good is worth fighting for and dying for and were I even ten years younger I would be with all of you on the Frontline.

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A US Govermnment analysis of the Bio-Weapon Clot Shot will never be done as long as Marxist/Democrat/Deep State traitors are in control. Everyone stays rich and out of prison!

Independent analysis of the Bio-Weapon Clot Shot that have been performed are ignored and censored. Wecome to 1984!

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1984 on steroids! INSTANT AI censorship

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"Learn about how COVID-19 mRNA vaccines work.

Definition of Terms

Related Pages

See the Vaccine and Immunization Glossary of Terms

Immunity: Protection from an infectious disease. If you are immune to a disease, you can be exposed to it without becoming infected.

Vaccine: A preparation that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against diseases. Vaccines are usually administered through needle injections, but some can be administered by mouth or sprayed into the nose.

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.

Immunization: A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination. This term is "often" used interchangeably with vaccination or inoculation.

starting from the premise of logic that a sentence can only be true or false, the definition of the vaccine is a false statement due to its ambiguity, due to the apparent lack of verifiable truth and connection with the other definitions. would be true if the statements were true. immunization = vaccination. therefore, the introduction of a vaccine should result in immunization, not "protection", the word "often" is put there to cover n possibilities which can not be verified if true or not...(immune to something = something has no effect on you), resistant to, untouchable (a disease).

well, it's just two cents worth of propaganda, a huge lie about their poisons starting with the new definition. The old one was a lie too.

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The definition is the KEY. Its what we will challenge as soon as we raise the funds for court and by winning it will stop them worldwide. Its NOT a vaccine!

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Is is a Bio-Weapon!

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none is. it's just a trick to destroy the natural immune system, to ensure the future consumers of the pharma industry and to make money, lots of money. money is indispensable, essential for power, for corrupting authorities, fulfilling plans and manipulating the population. medicine today is a big nebula.

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PREP Act violations?

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Many. But remember, PREP is superseded by Superior International and foreign law so PREP immunity is fictional and can be overcome by invoking human rights protections from countries exported to, among other ways to beat PREP!

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They will stall until the bombs start dropping. Only world war will cover up the fake pandemic and the population culling bioweapon release.

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Plausible and pretty terrifying!

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Marxist want control, not ashes. I am sure a DNC/FBI Deep State False Flag is in the works. Here is my best guess.

EMP ...only over the midwest leaving the Marxist East and Left Coasts untouched.


Martial Law

Elections Cancelled

Patriots locked up and silently disapear.

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The Death Shots are a Trail of Ashes 😓

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How many nuclear plants in the midwest? No ashes you say?

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Why aren’t you filing litigation against HHS DOD & following the detailed work of Katherine Watt regarding the necessary legal framework? Everyone knew that writ of mandamus was going nowhere.

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We have a slightly different case than US framework - the US is violating export laws to CR which means they are liable for undue experimentation, and their own laws are in conflict, but never fear - we are going to take care of business and completely understand the traps shown by Katherine. Sasha Latypova is one of the witnesses and we are going to CREAM the US "Health" authorities and prove the laws must change because they allow for Public emergency policy to violate superior human rights protection laws. We are TRYING to get it into court for 4 months and we are apparently on our own fundraising so the case is stalled unable to proceed and get filed. Our case took 4 years to research, draft and box them in through other actions to win now. We have a real shot at stopping the shots and never letting this madness happen again under emergency powers.

We absolutely can not wait to file and use the detailed work of Katherine, Sasha and ourselves Its hard not to wonder why are so little people pitching in for what may very well be the most solid case on Earth with some of the best experts who need to be heard? Thank god for those hero's who have stepped up - humanity literally is relying on charity to get these important cases filed. Wish it was faster but we are getting really close to the down payment and will be able to file then! The battle will be fierce in court over these laws - its a train wreck

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Dr Len stated on Linked in the James Giordano admitted we are being subjected to his mind control weapons. I know that's off topic but still Covid was a mind control program and is still. Fooling people around the world that they were really sick when most likely they were only suffering from RF signals which can mimic covid symptoms.

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NOT off topic!

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Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are ...not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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UNITE WITH GOD, PRAY AND PREP --- When God raised His Son from death, the wages of sin were proven to be fully paid. But we must also assess our own relationship with Jesus. In this message, Pastor Lutzer shows three aspects of Mary Magdalene’s personal experience with Jesus. Imagine the difference it makes for us to belong to the risen Christ. = https://www.moodymedia.org/radio-programs/running-to-win-

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May God Bless You & Your Efforts! 🙏 It truly is Evil Versus Team Humanity

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IOJ: As soon as you get a breath it would be nice to hear update as soon as you can

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