In the late 1960s, a group called The Club of Rome was established. They had several missions, one of which was to select plausible global threats that required global solutions. The idea was ultimately to delete the notion of nations with borders and differing policies. Common threats that pla…
In the late 1960s, a group called The Club of Rome was established. They had several missions, one of which was to select plausible global threats that required global solutions. The idea was ultimately to delete the notion of nations with borders and differing policies. Common threats that plausibly required supranational intervention were carefully sifted.
I absolutely love this paragraph in the post
In the late 1960s, a group called The Club of Rome was established. They had several missions, one of which was to select plausible global threats that required global solutions. The idea was ultimately to delete the notion of nations with borders and differing policies. Common threats that plausibly required supranational intervention were carefully sifted.
Guess what they chose?
Climate change & pandemics.
Mistakes Were Not Made