I find this all very interesting. When I was 5 or 6 I became paralysed and was in hospital for about 10 days. Had the usual lumber puncture and was diagnosed with Poliomyelitis. No! Toxic poisoning from DDT which was used to kill mosquitoes in the Far East where I lived. No treatment and no lasting negative effects, although until my mid 30s if I became too cold or tired my legs ached. Much later on I was advised by an orthopaedic surgeon to take Vioxx for my arthritic pain. I did for 3 years and then was diagnosed with High BP. I read The High Blood Pressure Hoax by Sherry A Rogers, MD, came off the meds and haven't been on them since and that was 10 years ago. Why would I trust the medical/chemical/pharmaceutical/industrial complex ever? I don't. No PCD or prescription meds for me - just toxic poison IMHO. And no Vaxxines. Didn't have them as a child and certainly don't have them now. I love repeating to anyone who will listen the comment from Henry Lindlahr (The Grandfather of Naturopathic Medicine): Never was humanity cursed by a darker (he said blacker) superstition than this - that disease can be cured and health maintained by the absorption of virulent poisons. I follow that to the letter in terms of what I eat, drink and take. Thanks Mike for this good, intersting and useful information.

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Excellent insight Sue!

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I absolutely love this paragraph in the post

In the late 1960s, a group called The Club of Rome was established. They had several missions, one of which was to select plausible global threats that required global solutions. The idea was ultimately to delete the notion of nations with borders and differing policies. Common threats that plausibly required supranational intervention were carefully sifted.

Guess what they chose?

Climate change & pandemics.

Mistakes Were Not Made

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Thank you, Dr. Yeadon! I have avoided even over the counter pain killers for the last twenty years. As USANA distributers for a while, my wife and I learned the truth of the cholesterol conspiracy in the late 1990's. In small print, at the bottom of the drugs' accompanying information is the statement "Not proven affective in the treatment of heart disease." As my son has said many times, "Why would I trust my health to someone who makes money from me being sick?" When the first news reports came out warning of "Covid" I was immediately and utterly disgusted with the response of almost everybody. This government has made a practice of lying to it's citizens, almost from it's inception. We only had a truly Constitutional America from the time the Constitution was first ratified till the Civil War. Hoarce Greely was Communist, and influenced Lincoln to make deals with banks and spread propaganda about slavery to get more support. Communist agendas always scream about hate and dissension to divide peaceful civilizations. They are rude, lewd, crude, and dishonorable. The lies continued into the twentieth century when our first communist president, Woodrow Wilson and his communist crony, Edward Mandell House (not a colonel, just an assumed title, which was another lie) pushed America into WWI (Remember the Lusitania and how many died on that ship due to the treason of notifying the Germans about arms on the boat.) and initiated advanced socialism into this country with the Federal Reserve and the 16th and 17th Amendments. And the lies just kept flowing till truth is now an enemy to this government. I knew that covid was and is a lie, and we haven't heard truth from this government for 175 years. Why would anyone believe a lie like covid? I recommend a look at the following link. This is not the first time doctors have been scallywags and killers for profit: https://samim.io/p/2021-12-23-this-week-we-time-travel-to-1530-and-geneva/

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I feel the same. These people are relentless in their evil deeds.

However, how these CIA-related billionaires can be indicted and prosecuted remains to be seen. I guess there's no escaping this:


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America didn't drop and atomic bomb on Hiroshima? What destroyed all those buildings in Hiroshima? Why did Japan surrender?

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Please look at the book in the link. I think it’s called “Hiroshima revisited” by Dr Michael Palmer, a radio biologist (or similar biomedical training).

If you don’t want to read even the opening chapter, which summarises the key evidence, you can find interviews with Dr Palmer on this subject.

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http://www.sheepfarm.com/ ....link not working for me..... :(

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I am sorry, it’s www.sheepfarm.co.uk

Silly me. Apologies.

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Thanks, What's the summary/bottom-line though? Was an atom bomb also not dropped on Nagasaki?

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Honestly, Bill, click the link & a few minutes later, from the horses mouth.

Michael (& I agree) argues nuclear bomb technology was not accomplished by 1945.

We’ve had discussions on whether it ever was. It’s not completely obvious. It’s just astonishing how much we have been lied to.

Personally, I have a void where physics sits. I cannot reason from first principles whether or not “critical mass” can actually be attained merely through a conventional explosion of complex, shaped charges.

We’ve just accepted what we’ve been told.

It is true?

If nuclear weapons work, then yes.

If not, no.

I’m reliant on empirical evidence, as told to us by plausible experts.

If they lied & everything since was either special effects or fuel/air bombs, how would we know the difference?

Spoiler: those Japanese cities were destroyed by fuel / air bombs but laced with toxins that destroy the bone marrow (nitrogen mustard? Phosgene? It’s in the book) so that many died with the symptoms we already knew acute ionising radiation produces. Very devious.

Photographs of a dozen other Japanese cities destroyed in this way look identical to Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as remarked by senior USAF personnel who visited shortly afterwards.

This explains why those cities are “free of radioactive fallout now”. No, that doesn’t work. The half-lives of the radioisotopes include some with half lives in the hundreds of thousands of years, which means that the radiation from these will not yet have reduced by even 1%.

So it was never there.

That’s what the on the spot analyses showed. Also, some hallmark radionuclides were missing, such as Plutonium.

Los Alamos hasn’t developed procedures to concentrate plutonium in 1945, but only later.

They found it later, in the lake, but layer analysis shows it was not in the later deposited in 1945. It was added later.

There’s no question in my mind that nobody had nuclear bombs in 1945.

We do not know why.

Either the reasons were technical and overcame later, or they were not.

It’s possible they were never possible using conventional explosives. As I said, only an honest nuclear physicist can tell us.

I don’t know any.

If I had to guess, nuclear weapons don’t exist. It’s in the interests of those who intend to bring about one world government to keep us fearful and drip feed us stories of near disaster.

I think this not because of anything scientific, but political.

Even bonkers US politicians would not risk precipitating global catastrophe, which would destroy THEIR world, too.

Pushing nuclear armed Russia as they are certainly would lead inexorably to Mutually Assured Destruction.

QED. They know that won’t happen because it can’t happen.

It follows further that the perpetrators are quite likely to tell us there’s been a nuclear exchange over Ukraine and we must lock ourselves down.

If they tell us this, I’m off out into the countryside for a very enjoyable, long walk.

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I don't think you need knowledge of physics and how a nuclear bomb is made to know that some kind of massive, never-before-seen bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You couldn't fake the obliteration of two cities. If these cities were reduced to ashes in a matter of minutes - or hours - how many traditional bombs would this have taken? It would have taken thousands of bombers dropping hundreds of thousands of conventional bombs all at once. And there's no evidence that thousands of bombers flew over those cities and dropped bombs all at once.

I will say this is the first I've heard of this theory.

I also don't know how fake photography could have faked mushroom clouds - on two cities and at Los, Alamos - with the film technology available in 1944.

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People were returning to Hiroshima within a very short time, and Allied troops were there within about 6 months, without any protective equipment or advice on radiation. My understanding was that there would be leftover radiation in a nuclear blast zone for years afterwards, making parts or all of it uninhabitable. If atomic weapons were dropped on Hiroshima then that is clearly not the case, and we were fed a pack of lies about the potential consequences of nuclear explosion right through the Cold War, or else something else was dropped there which we've been lied to about.

The Hiroshima blast had a radius of 1.3km, while at the time, a napalm blast could cause damage over 2.1km. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/833665-overview

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I read that they were bombed but not by nuclear power, which is 'too slow' to defuse.

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You'll have to start reading. Don't expect all of your conditioning to be answered in a comment section on substack. However, I can tell you (as a professor who wrote on Japan's surrender) that Japan surrendered because the Soviet Army was barreling down on Japan, as it had promised at the end of the war in Europe. USSR agreed to invade Japan on August 8, 1945. And they were there, ready to invade on schedule. Truman was horrified and had to end the war before the Russian Army invaded. So, on August 7, he firebombed Hiroshima to smithereens. Read Palmer's book to decide whether is was the atomic bomb or firebombing. One way or the other, that's why Japan surrendered.

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Thank you, very interesting.

I’d also read a long time ago that important sections of the Japanese political class had sued for peace earlier that the formal end date but this was not of interest to USA at the time. Cool heads had recognised that defeat was inevitable and once accepted it was irresponsible to delay reaching a settlement.

I didn’t know about the competing Russian efforts but have no difficulty accepting this.

Of many lessons learned from what potted history I ever absorbed, which in truth is shamefully little, is “Don’t piss off the Russians, especially on their own turf, because they’ll die preventing you winning”.

Mind you, that was true last century.

Is it true now?

I used to think “Italians will never accepted government overreach ever again after Mussolini”.

Turns out to be utterly wrong.

I thought the French will never either. Uh oh.

I never expected Northern European nations to resist like U.K., Scandinavia, Holland, Belgium, and they haven’t.

The places were I’ve heard, from people I know who are living there, who are resisting tyranny are, without exception, poor places. Some parts of the former Eastern Bloc. Some parts of Central America. Lots of poor African countries. Virtually nowhere else. It’s deeply sad and concerning.

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Just to be clear about the USSR: USA wanted unconditional surrender from Japan. But the USSR was there, about to enter Japan as promised. Japan would have surrendered to the USSR and not to the USA if not for Hiroshima. Can you see what a nightmare that would have been for Truman? Also, the excuse that you'll hear from those wo accept the initial American lie is that so many American lives were saved because of dropping the bombs, so it was worth it. Wrong! It wasn't Americans who were preparing to invade Japan, but the Soviets.

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It’s all very interesting and I’ve no reason to doubt what you’ve told me.

However, the only point I wish to make about this era is that Hiroshima & Nagasaki we’re not destroyed using nuclear bombs.

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I agree with Dr. Yeadon. The fact that vaccines are treated like a "protected species" that get you abused, ostracized and deplatformed for criticizing (no other med gets this kind of special protection), and the way everyone has been pressured and mandated into taking them, for a supposed illness that most people "diagnosed" with survive (and I believe many if not all people testing positive for covid didn't have a novel respiratory illness), demonstrates that vaccines are not being released for health, but have a very important other purpose to them for the people ultimately authorizing their roll-out. You don't need to (in the words of Bill Gates) "vaccinate the entire global population" to contain illness, and keep everyone indoors until that is achieved (lockdowns were in part a means of further pressuring people into vaccination).

The only reasons therefore that I can see for mass-vaccination are to extend the power, profits and control of the pharma industry over people's lives, and to impact people's immune systems and fertility to help get the population down (which many people in global forums have talked about).

The crux of this whole charade is to get control over the population and reduce it, so that people think, speak and act in accordance with what the overlords want.

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It’s not www.sheepfarm.com

It’s www.sheepfarm.co.uk

Apologies 🤗

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Ne engedjük a nemzetek feletti beavatkozást

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Love Dr Yeadon's passion for the truth and I certainly concur with everything he says here. I also understand what it is like listening to ppl who think I'm a 'conspiracy theorist' but I don't care anymore, it's always better to live with integrity. My conscience is clear having told ppl the truth and pre-warned them. I didn't hold back what I found out, but they chose to trust the gov't and bureaucracy. The psyop as Dr Yeadon describes well, it runs deep. Especially in Australia, we had our gov't attacking people and their ability to parent if they had chosen not to vaccinate their children the were forced to endure 'no jab no play' and untold scolding from their peers. Now I notice the avalanche of data coming down the pike that NO vaccines are actually safe, nor effective, it's all a lie!

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