Yup - You just need to create the narrative and hype and the internet with some soulless bots, shills and factcheckers will become the pandemic of the lie - hell you can even hype a toilet paper shortage and get everyone to jump on that bandwagon
Thank you, Dr. Yeadon for the term "dispassionate observer." My own opinion, after 59 years of observing this government (Beginning with the "Magic Bullet" of The Warren Commission when I was 14) is just this. The truth and the Constitution are malicious irritants to government. "This world doesn't run on reality, but the perception of reality." Ben Kingsley, Sneakers. The perception of a pandemic, especially with today's level of communicative broadcast, is very probably the fastest which has ever occurred on this earth (that we know of). Hence, the wholesale spread of lies is easy, especially when only three main corporations own the majority of media outlets. And this whole world scenario is hype. This is the conspiracy which the left accused us all of being so credulous to believe. It is exactly typical... the opposite of the lie which was told. Or in other words, not "That's ridiculous, nothing like that could ever happen!" which is what was said. But, instead, we truly have: "The Greatest Lie Ever Told." Since the lie was voiced to the public in 2020, I have continually asked the simple question: How did humanity ever survive up till now without "vaccines," and without mRNA?!
All this is good info that you're presenting. The thing is that the Nuremberg trials, although they did some good, were a piece of theater in a lot of ways and the true evil doers got away and are the same ones doing the harm now. We need to stop calling it Nuremberg 2.0. Even Reiner Fuellmich was saying that.
Nuremberg Code 2.0 is a term that means a lot to a lot of people. We could call it Nuremberg Code Trial Costa Rica : ) Have been trying to name it - because its coming whether they like it or not and we will need to raise awareness!
Signed both petitions. If we don't stop this global-government-enslavement agenda, we will, the world-over, be slaves to oppression and repression, as in Orwell's book, "1984", shuffling around in a stupor with no True Liberty(ies) and Freedom(s) whatsoever, and expected to bow down to Satan in the guise of global(ist) "benevolence" that is really nothing but evil and hate disguised as "beneficence". Don't let these Satanic psychopaths and "philanthropaths" [psychopathic so-called "philanthropists" who are really nothing but terrorists seeking to rule the whole world for evil, and seeking to exterminate the vast majority of us (no joke!), something they have already made a "good" start at by having eradicated over twenty million people globally in the past three years, with more and more people dropping dead almost, if not, daily] put(ting) the finishing touches on turning our entire planet into a corporate-fascist totalitarian militarized dictatorship-of-many-dictators that will eliminate most of us!
(For those who care, yes, I am in this case YELLING, damnit! Save our world before it's too late!)
I’m sure people are dropping dead daily, we just don’t know how many, because this information is, I believe, being suppressed, probably by billionaires’ money, influencing families to not even put death notices in newspapers, let alone cause of death. Not many autopsies being done lately, I’d say. I’m in Australia, and we’ve been having a lot more drownings and road accidents, than in similar periods in earlier years.
I mean no disrespect to families whose loved ones have died, in saying this. It really is a tragedy, this whole pandemic that’s not a pandemic.
Thank you Dr Yeadon, for doing what you are doing.
That sounds so good! I don’t think I’m much of a conqueror, but I’m not giving up or giving in, especially with great people like IOJ doing such great work! Thank you so much, for everything you are doing!
Please advise Dr Yeadon that his Telegram channel is being spammed with q-anon type posts in between his legitimate posts. They are being presented as if they are posted by Dr Yeadon, probably in order to discredit. This might not be visible to him.
" lies, damn lies, and statistics" and let us not forget " liars, damn liars, and experts". ( Fauci, et al). Onward Gandalf backup team. You and Dr Yeadon shall prevail. 2.0 is on the horizon.
Help, I'm a novice at following this thinking. We are talking about two different topics: (1) legally fighting the WHO's ability to declare pandemics? (2) The discussion re: what infection circulated in 2020-2021. I'm a Mike Yeadon fan. Will someone give me the simple explanation, re: a specific virus has never been isolated? Clearly many people were ill with something? A bad influenza? And many people did seem to recover quickly with a couple of doses of ivermectin. Sincerely, I need a simple explanation of this discussion. Signed both petitions.
Thanks for signing and trying to follow these complex subjects. Give a bit and we will dig up Mikes explanations - mainly - people get sick every year for many reasons, stress, parasites, all sorts of stuff - and what we think is transmissible because maybe people get sick after the same party, or meeting up at school, etc, is not from transmission of a virus, as we are all told, but from a host of other plausible reasons - that are normal and yearly and no big deal : )
It’s depressing to witness how readily most people can be badly frightened by lying authority figures.
The breakthrough is realising that the authorities have strong incentives to lie and few to no constraints on lying.
Money, power, control, avoiding responsibility and blame…all are incentives to lie. Politicians in particular get very good at it, I think because they’re chosen largely on the basis that they can lie at the drop of a hat, while not being at all obvious that they’re doing this.
They’re chosen for this facility because they’re so useful, as we’ve seen in style since The Nonsense (C SheepFarm.co.uk)
Its a compounded problem because the media, science, military, etc are all involved in a tightly knit well oiled machine so no wonder they can just "release the pretend variant" and "scare the pants off everyone" - damn punks! Like a huge gaslighting Truman show with evil overlords as producers watching us
I impose with a question (probably answered before)
In your opinion, what is the nature and or credibility, of "Shedding"?
Christmas of 2022 I assisted a neighbour from his car into his house. He was sweating profusely and had just come from the hospital where he had been treated for serious bloodclots. (I'm assuming another "Booster"? I had to nearly lift him?
Within 24 hours I was very sick and 12 hours later my wife was also. A major flu session which lasted 10 days, even with all the natural meds we could deploy?
Shedding is real. see the incredible work of the amazing Dr. Ana - she will be testifying to the shedding of synthetic biological toxins. Its everywhere - vitamin c is helpful: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/the-reality-of-shedding-truth-science. The Pfizer trial docs and others attest they KNOW it sheds
We prefer the IF too - praying : ). No idea how long shedding lasts in each person, or the extent - each batch seemed to be different and many had mass harm whilst some had little or no harm
Perhaps it is partly 'Wilful blindness. But, I am to the point where I won't believe "Anything"; unless I can both Trust the source and rationalize the information
Us too, we are LEANING way toward no virus theory - but we are not science experts - it will need to be settled in court. We have NO real idea, although we think we have a handle on it and are right, we are also open to the fact we know nothing and the whole world is a psy op... ughhhh
Hello Mike, I do have an urgent question; Lyme devastated my life (numerous bites). I felt the destruction in my brain, organs and nervous system. That is the case since twelve years. I feel I will never heal anymore 100%. I know that millions of people suffer. Societies too. I read the work of Dr Ritchie Shoemaker extensively. He researched why some people almost (or do) die from molds and Lyme and found a particular genetic disorder (4-3-53 It’s one of the multi susceptible CIRS (biotoxin) HLA-DR haplotypes. It is called the “dreaded” gene). It is the driver behind CIRS (Chronic Inflammatoir Response Syndrome). I was tested for this dreaded gene. Positive. Do you mean that Pandemics do not exist but Gain-Of-Function do? It is difficult to understand your statement in its total entirety. Because many ill people heard 'It's all in your head' for years which is disastrous for their well being. I believe we are getting sick from man made pathogens and that Corona is a gain-of-function one too. And I think that many people with this Shoemakers' 'dreaded gene' and therefor CIRS are the ones who had cytokine storms and died from Corona (maybe also because they had Lyme and Mold toxins in their bodies as well?). The crimes thrown at us are so gruesome that we will be traumatised for God knows how many generations to come...yet again...
Piki: My Wife 'self healed' from a severe late stage case of Lyme by pursuing a diet which featured "Glutathione and Cysteine " from natural sources. After less than one month there was significant improvement, and after a year most of the symptoms were gone. Raw egg whites and dandelion greens are good sources, and you should research a product called "Immunocal".
I'm quite an evangelist for the "Immunocal". It isn't free, but the initial improvements manifest within two weeks. There are other Glutathion sources as I gave examples, but they take a bit more time and effort.. Without doubt, you have to do something,
I sympathize with you. Me too. I will never be the same again, but I feel better. I still sleep 10 hours a night, but I can function without pain or the foggy brain, the joints aching, etc.
Hi Duchess, thanks for this message. The brain fog indeed and the POTS are the worst. I am trying H202 right now too. Will search for the Chlorine Dioxide! Have a happy weekend!
Biological attacks should not be called pandemics.
If it was even a 'Biological attack"???
Causing panic among humans is not that difficult.
Yup - You just need to create the narrative and hype and the internet with some soulless bots, shills and factcheckers will become the pandemic of the lie - hell you can even hype a toilet paper shortage and get everyone to jump on that bandwagon
WHO is a branch of Big Pharma. A genocidal scam.
Thank you, Dr. Yeadon for the term "dispassionate observer." My own opinion, after 59 years of observing this government (Beginning with the "Magic Bullet" of The Warren Commission when I was 14) is just this. The truth and the Constitution are malicious irritants to government. "This world doesn't run on reality, but the perception of reality." Ben Kingsley, Sneakers. The perception of a pandemic, especially with today's level of communicative broadcast, is very probably the fastest which has ever occurred on this earth (that we know of). Hence, the wholesale spread of lies is easy, especially when only three main corporations own the majority of media outlets. And this whole world scenario is hype. This is the conspiracy which the left accused us all of being so credulous to believe. It is exactly typical... the opposite of the lie which was told. Or in other words, not "That's ridiculous, nothing like that could ever happen!" which is what was said. But, instead, we truly have: "The Greatest Lie Ever Told." Since the lie was voiced to the public in 2020, I have continually asked the simple question: How did humanity ever survive up till now without "vaccines," and without mRNA?!
A great respect to you Dr yeadon
I"m about your age. AGree 100 percent.
All this is good info that you're presenting. The thing is that the Nuremberg trials, although they did some good, were a piece of theater in a lot of ways and the true evil doers got away and are the same ones doing the harm now. We need to stop calling it Nuremberg 2.0. Even Reiner Fuellmich was saying that.
Nuremberg Code 2.0 is a term that means a lot to a lot of people. We could call it Nuremberg Code Trial Costa Rica : ) Have been trying to name it - because its coming whether they like it or not and we will need to raise awareness!
Signed both petitions. If we don't stop this global-government-enslavement agenda, we will, the world-over, be slaves to oppression and repression, as in Orwell's book, "1984", shuffling around in a stupor with no True Liberty(ies) and Freedom(s) whatsoever, and expected to bow down to Satan in the guise of global(ist) "benevolence" that is really nothing but evil and hate disguised as "beneficence". Don't let these Satanic psychopaths and "philanthropaths" [psychopathic so-called "philanthropists" who are really nothing but terrorists seeking to rule the whole world for evil, and seeking to exterminate the vast majority of us (no joke!), something they have already made a "good" start at by having eradicated over twenty million people globally in the past three years, with more and more people dropping dead almost, if not, daily] put(ting) the finishing touches on turning our entire planet into a corporate-fascist totalitarian militarized dictatorship-of-many-dictators that will eliminate most of us!
(For those who care, yes, I am in this case YELLING, damnit! Save our world before it's too late!)
I’m sure people are dropping dead daily, we just don’t know how many, because this information is, I believe, being suppressed, probably by billionaires’ money, influencing families to not even put death notices in newspapers, let alone cause of death. Not many autopsies being done lately, I’d say. I’m in Australia, and we’ve been having a lot more drownings and road accidents, than in similar periods in earlier years.
I mean no disrespect to families whose loved ones have died, in saying this. It really is a tragedy, this whole pandemic that’s not a pandemic.
Thank you Dr Yeadon, for doing what you are doing.
We all need to be YELLING!
You are doing such good work-just keep going!
Never give up and never give in!!! Conquer or die.
That sounds so good! I don’t think I’m much of a conqueror, but I’m not giving up or giving in, especially with great people like IOJ doing such great work! Thank you so much, for everything you are doing!
Please advise Dr Yeadon that his Telegram channel is being spammed with q-anon type posts in between his legitimate posts. They are being presented as if they are posted by Dr Yeadon, probably in order to discredit. This might not be visible to him.
His real channel is: https://t.me/DrMikeYeadonsolochannel. Make sure you are on that channel! Thanks!
That’s not his channel then. There is a fake channel which he has repeatedly asked to be removed. The one posted above is the real thing.
I’ve reported the multiple fake accounts to Telegram a dozen times.
The platform currently tolerates us & our dissent.
They don’t like us and I don’t think we can trust it / them.
" lies, damn lies, and statistics" and let us not forget " liars, damn liars, and experts". ( Fauci, et al). Onward Gandalf backup team. You and Dr Yeadon shall prevail. 2.0 is on the horizon.
Help, I'm a novice at following this thinking. We are talking about two different topics: (1) legally fighting the WHO's ability to declare pandemics? (2) The discussion re: what infection circulated in 2020-2021. I'm a Mike Yeadon fan. Will someone give me the simple explanation, re: a specific virus has never been isolated? Clearly many people were ill with something? A bad influenza? And many people did seem to recover quickly with a couple of doses of ivermectin. Sincerely, I need a simple explanation of this discussion. Signed both petitions.
Thanks for signing and trying to follow these complex subjects. Give a bit and we will dig up Mikes explanations - mainly - people get sick every year for many reasons, stress, parasites, all sorts of stuff - and what we think is transmissible because maybe people get sick after the same party, or meeting up at school, etc, is not from transmission of a virus, as we are all told, but from a host of other plausible reasons - that are normal and yearly and no big deal : )
Thank Dr. Yeadon for me. I needed to read that letter he wrote today. I appreciate you both very much!
I agree with Dr. Yeadon. I don't think there have been any Viral Pandemics.
It is too convenient that "Pandemics" only occur when the Authority Structure gets into trouble?
From the "Public" announcement of a "Killer Disease" to full blown panic is a short step,,,with the proper "Expert" warnings.
It’s depressing to witness how readily most people can be badly frightened by lying authority figures.
The breakthrough is realising that the authorities have strong incentives to lie and few to no constraints on lying.
Money, power, control, avoiding responsibility and blame…all are incentives to lie. Politicians in particular get very good at it, I think because they’re chosen largely on the basis that they can lie at the drop of a hat, while not being at all obvious that they’re doing this.
They’re chosen for this facility because they’re so useful, as we’ve seen in style since The Nonsense (C SheepFarm.co.uk)
Its a compounded problem because the media, science, military, etc are all involved in a tightly knit well oiled machine so no wonder they can just "release the pretend variant" and "scare the pants off everyone" - damn punks! Like a huge gaslighting Truman show with evil overlords as producers watching us
I impose with a question (probably answered before)
In your opinion, what is the nature and or credibility, of "Shedding"?
Christmas of 2022 I assisted a neighbour from his car into his house. He was sweating profusely and had just come from the hospital where he had been treated for serious bloodclots. (I'm assuming another "Booster"? I had to nearly lift him?
Within 24 hours I was very sick and 12 hours later my wife was also. A major flu session which lasted 10 days, even with all the natural meds we could deploy?
Is the "Shed" toxins or the MRNA?
Shedding is real. see the incredible work of the amazing Dr. Ana - she will be testifying to the shedding of synthetic biological toxins. Its everywhere - vitamin c is helpful: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/the-reality-of-shedding-truth-science. The Pfizer trial docs and others attest they KNOW it sheds
Well,,,,I knew the risks at the time. But, I couldn't drop humanity for personal safety.
No obvious effects other than the initial illness.
Just sad if I did pass this to my Wife?
Emotionally, I still prefer the "IF".
Btw....How could a vitamin possibly change anything other than symptoms?????????????
We prefer the IF too - praying : ). No idea how long shedding lasts in each person, or the extent - each batch seemed to be different and many had mass harm whilst some had little or no harm
What is the "it" that sheds?
We re thinking the shedding is of the biological toxin nanotech...
I am back to my original question, "What is "Shedding""?
the emission or propagation of the biological toxin nanotech... something like that!
Perhaps it is partly 'Wilful blindness. But, I am to the point where I won't believe "Anything"; unless I can both Trust the source and rationalize the information
Us too, we are LEANING way toward no virus theory - but we are not science experts - it will need to be settled in court. We have NO real idea, although we think we have a handle on it and are right, we are also open to the fact we know nothing and the whole world is a psy op... ughhhh
Hello Mike, I do have an urgent question; Lyme devastated my life (numerous bites). I felt the destruction in my brain, organs and nervous system. That is the case since twelve years. I feel I will never heal anymore 100%. I know that millions of people suffer. Societies too. I read the work of Dr Ritchie Shoemaker extensively. He researched why some people almost (or do) die from molds and Lyme and found a particular genetic disorder (4-3-53 It’s one of the multi susceptible CIRS (biotoxin) HLA-DR haplotypes. It is called the “dreaded” gene). It is the driver behind CIRS (Chronic Inflammatoir Response Syndrome). I was tested for this dreaded gene. Positive. Do you mean that Pandemics do not exist but Gain-Of-Function do? It is difficult to understand your statement in its total entirety. Because many ill people heard 'It's all in your head' for years which is disastrous for their well being. I believe we are getting sick from man made pathogens and that Corona is a gain-of-function one too. And I think that many people with this Shoemakers' 'dreaded gene' and therefor CIRS are the ones who had cytokine storms and died from Corona (maybe also because they had Lyme and Mold toxins in their bodies as well?). The crimes thrown at us are so gruesome that we will be traumatised for God knows how many generations to come...yet again...
Piki: My Wife 'self healed' from a severe late stage case of Lyme by pursuing a diet which featured "Glutathione and Cysteine " from natural sources. After less than one month there was significant improvement, and after a year most of the symptoms were gone. Raw egg whites and dandelion greens are good sources, and you should research a product called "Immunocal".
Really? Oh super THANK YOU Paul for this info!
So grateful for this info!
No problem Piki.
I know how my Wife and many others have suffered.
I'm quite an evangelist for the "Immunocal". It isn't free, but the initial improvements manifest within two weeks. There are other Glutathion sources as I gave examples, but they take a bit more time and effort.. Without doubt, you have to do something,
Contact: ironrats@protonmail.com
Try first Azythromycin and Cefnidir...at least a couple of months. YOu can find a study on the NIH websigte.Then if that doesnt work, try Chorine Dioxide...Odysse.com/@truewholehuman.c/Chlorine--Dioxide-Tutorial 2-2.
I sympathize with you. Me too. I will never be the same again, but I feel better. I still sleep 10 hours a night, but I can function without pain or the foggy brain, the joints aching, etc.
Hi Duchess, thanks for this message. The brain fog indeed and the POTS are the worst. I am trying H202 right now too. Will search for the Chlorine Dioxide! Have a happy weekend!
What was the content of the biological attack?
I don’t believe him when he says acute respiratory illnesses are not contagious.
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