In 1976-9 I worked in the Commissioner's Office at FDA. It took some time and trouble to get new drugs approved back then. But the pressure was beginning to build to short-circuit the process. The floodgates began to open under Reagan, and today the process is totally corrupt. Bill Gates is a major big-time crook and civilization-destroyer who has his fangs in every aspect of modern medicine, including FDA. On the COVID-vaccine, actually developed by the military, FDA has become complicit in mass murder. I try to show how the US got this way in my new book, "Our Country, Then and Now."


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Can't wait to read! They made so many "least burdensome review" and fast track rules its insane!!!

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Thank you for your honest review of the corrupt FDA & mass murder by vaccine. I will order your book!!

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I remember Gates on CNN. Anderson Cooper asked him if he made any money off the so called vaccines? His answer, No. And he did it with a straight face. Everyone, including Cooper knew he was lying. You can go to multiple videos where he brags about his returns on his investments. Not to mention just about every organization tied to healthcare has some connection to his organizations. Keep bragging Gates, eventually it will lead to begging for mercy.

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He brags at Davos to his buddies about astronomical returns then tries to play it off as non profit publicly. Typical philantropath! We can all see right through it so he tries to censor the world by bribing media to run his narrative. Genius but diabolical.

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All of them must be sued into oblivion and thrown in prison.

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Psychopaths can lie without skipping a beat.

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Legally, he didn't-his foundation did a he doesn't pay a dime in taxes because of this set up. These foundations need to be eliminated. They are not charities, they are a way to amass wealth without any tax liability. Gross and dusgusting.

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Dr. Bill Gates saving lives...that's monumental....

WHO - Bill, we can't go ahead with this "global health agenda", with empty stomachs, please, do you want to bribe us?

BILL - no, no, bribes are not legal, I want to buy you all .

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haha spot on Papillon!

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He s also got practically all of Europe in his pocket. Us, here, would go bankrupt if he would get murdered. I use my imagination and visualise him in jail every single day.

I think our skies here too, would look much better without him. Thank you IoJ for this piece!

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There are a lot visualizing this with you Piki!

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Bill gates jumped on the bandwagon early cos he saw astronomical profit in what was being proposed. The fact that millions got hurt or dead is nothing compared to the accrual of power and $$$$$. The collaboration with every countries health department ensured that there would be minimum risk attached to the initial investment.

If the health board had not played ball then billy would not have got his power trip

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A bunch of captured regulators... big billy money at play and total protection racket like you said! sigh

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Bill Gates of Hell jumped on the bandwagon so the government would stop their anti-trust suit to break up the disgusting Microsoft empire.

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The biggest threat to humanity is not nature attacking us by means of pandemics. The biggest threat to humanity is collusion between psychopathic entities like Bill Gates.

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Total imbalance of power. The whole world is vulnerable. How do you fight back against the worlds largest technocratic monopoly?

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Made in the

(image)ination of man..

…we are all behind you!

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Totally agree!! Research the history of pandemics: maybe one per century!!? The so called "Spanish Flu" was a coverup for the mass vaccination deaths forced on the military during WW1 by the Rockefellers!! So evil!!

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Because of his ties to the World Economic Forum, I would not believe ANYTHING this man claims will be in the best interest of mankind. He is on record for having agreed with the rest of the world's Elite Globalists who have stated that they do not think the planet can sustain more than 500,000,00 people. When you consider that there are already almost 7. 2 billion people, think about how many people they have to eliminate to reach their goal. They have already started trying to achieve their goal through a multitude of means. The war in Ukraine, the war in Israel, the plandemic, climate change, worldwide food shortages, and on and on. Once they reach their goal, their plan is to institute The Great Reset. That will be followed by Transhumanism. I am not a conspiracy nut. I just see the signs. Here is one of them. In May of 2022, Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer Pharm, stood on the stage in front of an annual meeting of the WEF and bragged about about how many people their COVID-19 vaccines had already killed. Here is another sign. Bill Gates was a member of that audience.

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Agreed 1000% but the Bourla saying that was a really good edit - he didnt really say that - maybe behind the scenes but that was an edit that went viral. What we do know is WEF is a bunch of crazy nutballs who want to hook us all up to the matrix and read our minds and take all the property and privacy. Its crazy Bill and anyone who hangs with WEF would ever be taken seriously about human augmentation 4th industrial revolution insanity, especially with their crazy outfits that look like a Space Opera.

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A killer psychopath RULES the World because of money??? What is wrong with Homo Sapiens to allow such a Reptile, with no college degree, to control US like this, year after year?? He must think humans are so stupid & gullible for his notorious and evil trickery when it comes to our health, & obviously he was correct: how many worldwide held out their arms to be pricked to death? Millions & millions! Gates is on a roll now: getting his taste of human flesh creates a taste for more suffering. The future belongs to him...if we don't take back our power & give him what he deserves: praying for death in the same way millions prayed after their arms were stuck with venomous toxins.

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The fact that he does not have a college degree does not have one single thing to do with it. I guess that you have never heard what an autodidact is. Ben Franklin and Albert Einstein were both autodidacts. You need to educate yourself a little better before you start shooting off your mouth.

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One would think that someone who claims to be so damn smart that he should rule the world would at least have some degrees or certificates at minimum. How did he get hired with no educational proofs? He just got funded and placed in high positions by the CIA or something - didn't even have to work at it. Just took credit for others work and brains. NOT a brilliant man who was self educated - he is a sell out who performed a role and was elevated without really working for it. And what was with all those dead boys skeletons under Ben Franklins house - about 100 little boys bodies - found a decade or two back anyway??? That really happened.

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I guess to be in any alphabet agency you must be a psychopath? Like attracts like.

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Yes, they always want to be the boss right? They get positions of power and get off on it.

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Just skimmed and really, really looking forward to getting the time to read in depth! Thanks!

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Why am I not surprised? BG seems to get “involved” in lots of health issues often involving far flung places .. but his record in India and South Africa using drugs banned in USA by the FDA means he is a loose cannon.. over a million Indian children died or became horribly deformed by his meddling ways...but hey ho.. when you got money.. it’s no biggie.. if you got a big stash you too can become a GateKeeper!

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Yes the Indian Supreme Court case - what ever happened to the case with all the children BG injured and paralyzed with no parental consent? Did it just stall out or something?

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Ask Billy how much he made poisoning more people than Harold Shipman...I would be interested in his reply.

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WTF is Gates still walking around?

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Thanks. There's a comment email at the end of the appendix

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Comparing Gates to Einstein and Franklin is hilarious. Perhaps you're one of his paid schills? Have you ever heard of Emotional Intelligence? I think not. Please educate yourself about it, including the meaning of psychopathy.

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The Bill Gates Foundation has no business being involved in public health, especially at a large scale. They are a foundation, that originates from a corporation. That to me is a direct conflict of interest. Bill Gates has shown to have his hands on many ventures. These ventures make me wonder about motive. His connections to the World Health Organization are curious and I also think predatory.

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