Kudos to Paris Hilton for doing this. Similarly, Alanis Morrisette is coming forward to disclose her own sexual abuse in the entertainment industry, especially the music industry, in a new documentary coming out in Canada called "Jagged."

From my research, these testimonials do not come close to the avalanche of pedophilia and human trafficking networks and incidents that these industries, and much of our govt are built upon. For the govt, it is about creating blackmail conditions for politicians who are then captured. It all stinks to hell, and removes ability for we the people to be governed according to our own votes.

I hope to see many more people come out to expose this filth.

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Its the ultimate master of transmutation that can turn such negativity into positivity for others and the world! Blessings to Alanis and Paris and so many others! The satanic pedophile networks are real. We too hope to see many more people come out to expose this filth.

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

God bless all those standing in their Truth!!!

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And for the innocent children!

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

♥️ - Truth 🌹

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

Thank you Paris Hilton. She didn’t need to do this but she knows the impact it may have to save so many other children. God bless her.

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She did not have to do it. Totally upstanding and honorable. God bless her and may her efforts be a spark to make a real difference. She seems dedicated to this mission now as a mother herself and seems like she will follow up like we do until she gets it done to change the system. Thats our hopes at least!

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anything with the Guardians name on it is suspect to me at this point...

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What exactly did she do? What institution is she testifying against???

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Nope not buying....

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Curious why? She seemed very sincere and that crap happens all the time

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice


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Children of Ill manati families, from what I've read, undergo MKUktra ritual abuse and programming. So tomy supposedly opens up their third eye. Many are so tomized by the age of 4. This trauma causes DID (dissociative identity disorder) I.e. muliple personalities and allegedly, they don't remember what happened to them (some do, many years later). It also implants a demon, which is referred to as a "strong man". There's a man who has delivered hundreds of adults from their strong man. It's a horrific subject, but, it gives us understanding into why there are so many in this world who are aiding and abetting genocide, the qu bal, etc. Look up key of David so tomy.

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She is married to a Rothschild.

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This is bs.

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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

So one might ask you is the abuse and pedophilia bs, or the testimony of Paris Hilton?

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was wondering the same : )

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The fake testimony. The Guardian. No timeframe. No verification. Rothschild stench all over it. Find out who her brother in law is.

The big question - why now? Is this to distract from the failed debate. The outcome was Biden campaigned for Trump.


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Jun 29Liked by Interest of Justice

It’s unfortunate that you are leaving. You have valid thoughts and questions. They need to be asked.

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I’m more annoyed at myself for not doing due diligence. The clumsy attempt using the Hilton testimony says more about the messenger, than the message. It’s crafted in such a way, 5% true/ 95% bs.

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