I worked for the US government for 32 years for agencies that actually had some degree of honesty, including, long ago, the Jimmy Carter White House. It is obvious that the WHO has no honesty at all. What they have, or think they have, is an infinite bag of bureaucratic tricks to hide their real agenda. Is their real agenda to declare another "plandemic" to shut down the 2024 US presidential election and re-elect their Democratic Party enablers? I hope we can find out. Please see my own book on the rise and fall of the US empire: https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/

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WOW what a crooked organization needs disbanded. All of them CIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, WHO, CDC, UN, IRS, the fed, EPA, FDA, all of them bring back the day's of Judges no human kings or human system all based on Jesus Christ and regain the Higher Liberty.

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Sad to say but this only ends one way, as it did for the colonials in 1776, revolt and revolution.

Time to end the reign of the bootlickers of the Commonwealth.

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You mean you don't want the WHO as your divine infallible ruler to protect your health? Crazy! They are here to "help".

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Help ■ [t]hemslves, out the door. M

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WHO:....They are here to kill and destroy kindness, love, freedom and human life. Run like Hell from the WHO, UN and NATO. They hate America. Jealousy causes humans to invite Satan to take their souls. People, we must save our country. How can we let these people invade our border and destroy us? Obama is Satan’s Lieutenant . HELP............

We must Save Trump. He’s the only one who can scare true demons. That is why they are out to destroy him. Praying every day for God’s protection around him. Our present leaders under Obama and puppet Biden are weak, Evil people -demon possessed.

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This statement is sarcasm ----right?

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I hear you brother. I'm in rural TX and people are angry. They see corruption, deaths, invasion, etc. They see what's going on and they're all talking wherever people meet up. We've had a lot of people flee the cities to move out into the rural areas. They're stocking and prepping. Everyone has made a lot of connections and looking out for each other. Nearly everyone is now walking/driving around either carrying openly or concealed. TX is a 2A sanctuary state. My county took it even further and made it a 2A sanctuary county like others around me. None of the cities did this. Whatever kicks this event off is a mystery. People know if it starts, they can't stop until its done. I personally believe the event that kicks it off will be the reset to collapse the banking system.

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yeah but will we? I am armed and ready but I'm not going to go off half cocked we need a concerted effort all over not just isolated events that do nothing but make it worse for us...

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Not sure WHO scum can negotiate in good faith.

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Prayers continuously ■ Daily evening communion with prayers and fasting I gave for your last case/yesterday; such success that I will continue for your new case. M

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InfoWars - Ebola is in the COVID Vaccines - Respected Research Scientist Judy Mikovits ■ Drops Massive Bombshells - 11-08-2023

- Oldyoti's Home Page


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Mikovits could likely speak to the fact that the US childhood and adult vaccines created new epidemics that previously had been quite rare and certainly hadn't existed in the past as epidemics until the 1980s when these modern epidemics started forming. These epidemic diagnoses mostly caused major disabilities in the population with severe fatigue, neurological problems, muscle and joint problems, autism and brain fog, and mitochondrial dysfunction. These left too many Americans unable to face any drawn-out protracted fight, and this population often refuses to face reality now because their ACQUIRED disease takes too large a toll on their physical being already weakened from chronic fatigue, brain fog, muscle spasms and joint pain, chronic stress, and adrenaline burnout--causing, in turn, major hormone dysfunction, which, in turn, brings down the thyroid function. The endocrine system which includes the thyroid is the body's master control system, leading to roughly 60 more syndrome diagnoses that materialize over the long term in just about everyone with a fibro diagnosis. Fibromyalgia epidemics in the USA traveled with epidemics in the USA of Muscular Sclerosis, HIV and AIDs, hypothyroidism and other thyroid disease, autism, and the ADHD clusters of anxiety disorders, and possibly may be the same disease turning on and off different genetic and sexual manifestations.

Mikovits researched fibromyalgia also called chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic-encephalitis, and now SEIDS. Mikovits speaks to 3 different vaccines including a hepatitis vax that her lab work observed caused fibromyalgia and CFS to develop from the presence of MXRT retrovirus "contamination" from using green monkey kidney cells. She said almost all the lab workers got it, including herself.

It is odd that Mikovits has never added Gulf War Syndrome to that syndrome of different names, but I observe that Gulf War Syndrome remarkably has the identical symptom syndrome pattern of fibromyalgia, except male dominant US military population Dxd GWS has much more than 20% male sex diagnoses found in the general US civilian population.

I feel its likely such GWS info would violate some classified knowledge Mikovits cannot whistleblow.

But I observed fibromyalgia, MS, Gulf War Syndrome, and AIDs were all being studied together simultaneously by various clusters of NIH-granted researchers in the 1990s. The studies separated the data by Diagnosis but all got the same or similar treatment, as if the researchers believed they were all the same disease or had the same cause. I believe at least 4 different study groups were working on the same 4 diseases with studies that were setup in my observations to convince me that the researchers were self-evidently all coming from the viewpoint that the same disease was manifesting differently, or as if all these diagnoses had a common origin, or as if these diagnoses might have a common cure.

Then, Mikovits ran up against something, likely classified, in her Reno Nevada work with fibromyalgia and CFS patients who were hopeful with her brilliance, approach, and caring, until that group was kindly given a huge grant for their non-profit patient organization and the group stopped asking what happened to the $40 million Congress passed for fibromyalgia research in the 1990s that was not available when qualified sincere researchers applied for that money in the 2000s, when on the record apparently nobody had done any $40 million fibro research as it was specifically earmarked. That money was for research that would find a cure that remains non-existent in allopathic medicine for the patient-group that had lobbied hard for that $40 million fibro research money to same. A US Congressman was not provided proper information when he tried to get accountability for that $40 million, but he was not re-elected and his research on where the money went ended.

An internet search engine in 2020 notified me that I couldn't access this research because it is classified. This info wasn't secret in the 1990s when I was told during a phone call with The Molecular Institute at Huntington Beach California that Medicare and Medicaid would pay for all this experimental research on such chronically ill volunteers who were eligible, but not for daily living expenses for a two-year span of multiple trials of antibiotics simultaneously with biopsies done periodically with the bone marrow. The patient groups knew about these experiments and others in the 1990s.

Mikovits seems to take us up to the point that the vaccines are bioweapons, but never quite actually goes there. She seems to label the problem as "contamination." By her descriptions, she says that full working group knowledge of the "contamination" problem existed, but that problem was never purified and never removed by the upper management oversight which wanted to ignore it and pretend the problem didn't exist. Such recklessness of the health of others violates ethical principles and displays incompetence on behalf of such upper management in the best of scenarios. Certainly, it violates the rules of rigorous scientific investigation in several ways, and worst of all it disqualifies any analysis omitting the facts known and articulated by virologist lab workers as fraudulent anti-science that is disqualified from any honest claim of representing the best science available to the extent that these details were omitted from any publications pertaining to this research.

Now I will watch Margie's links to see if there might be any new information.

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I believe Mikovits could answer any question where people might get confused. What she said with Alex should be re-verified with Mikovits for factual verification. If I understand her correctly, Mikovits said she realized in 1993 that the highly pathogenic Zahir strain of Ebola was the deadly strain (GE'd in 1992) compared to the Restin strain which was the same virus except for a few base pairs. She made that distinction in 1993 based upon knowing that only the Zahir strain causes a cytokine storm. It seems Mikovits told Alex that this Zahir Ebola strain is the same as the SARsCoV2 published in 2004 Journal of Virology. If this is the case, her descriptions of her life experiences show a COVID bioweapon in the process of R&D.

Mikovits accurately predicted bloodclots, heart attacks, and infertility, when nobody else knew what would happen, which either occurred in 2020 or early in the COVID vaccine experience in 2021.

Alex said that Russia published a 2000-page report proving Deep State and Big Pharma manufactured the COVID Pandemic on 8-18-2023.

Mikovitz said that "they" insisted upon everybody getting the COVID injection for which "they" were given complete liability protection under which Big Pharma would slide the coverage for damage already done before this injection with other injections and other harmful pharmaceutical products. Mikovitz has always stated and published that Big Pharma needed to kill all the people that it had already damaged since the 1980s forward in order to get rid of the evidence that so much of the population was vaccine-injured. Mikovitz is a first-hand witness, observer, who actually played a role in this development to the extent that she was given pieces of the R&D work as a lab virologist and PhD scientist.

NONE OF THE VACCINES USED IN THE USA was ever properly scientifically tested with a placebo in any type of study that qualifies as meeting the standards of the rigorous rules of science, and that is a fact that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. or Mary Holland, or National Vaccine Information Center can address.

IMO, Mikovitz had a headstart on fibromyalgia research for a cure from this vantage point, but a major coordinated effort swooped down on her and prevented her from continuing her excellent R&D to try to cure the population that is in so much pain from the viruses and their "vaccines" that emerged during Fauci's kingdom that some of them were actually asking for assisted suicide because this great evil had destroyed their lives to that extent.

The suicidal thoughts were amplified by the CDC refusing for decades to acknowledge these syndromes had a physical basis and instead allowed its own victims to be ridiculed as lazy with everything in their head. We seen that same behavior by the authorities re-emerge cruelly again with COVID.

Mikovitz then goes on to explain that God's masterplan for innate immunity involves the virome and its microbes sending messages from all the rest of our DNA to protect the orchestration of our incredible God-given immune system that builds the body lattice structure involving the differentiation into bone, bone marrow, cartilage, skin, and the chromosomes in every cells of the body by the mesenchymal stem cells that are key short-lived players in regenerative medicine that, in turn, are restored by the very rare hematopoietic stem cells which also are capable of tissue regeneration from disease.

THAT explains why the The Molecular Institute was doing bone marrow biopsies! I was told that an experiment also involved cleaning out bad bone marrow in some patients to watch how it might regrow. All the vaccines must be bioweapons.

We are not animals. Humans are special. Mikovitz explains that she as an identical twin merely has an identical genetic foundation which is a launch platform or a danger weapon system for us of unique human mRNA from God, but she is distinguished and different from her twin and these genes from the day she was born in which her genetic expression was orchestrated by her unique individual environment from her trauma, from going different places, having different experiences, seeing different things, and eating different things that built up her unique human immunity. No vaccine can give anybody the life-long immunity of this most superior protection from God. No vaccine gives anybody life-long immunity. Instead all of these vaccines made in the USA have been destroying that life-long immunity from God. These fraudsters have never created an influenza vaccine that predicted the strain, but they want to predict it will lower the risk. Mikovits believes Alex Jones' book should be called "God won."

She continues with many more descriptions that just build and build up the facts that humans are being destroyed by poisoning not only in the vaccines but with pesticides and GMO foods. Her testimony is critical.

Thank you Margie for bringing this most important information to my awareness.

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Susan - Thank you! What comes to my mind is "to steal, kill, and destroy" this is the mission the Devil has practiced. Like if there is a bad storm one can decide to stay in the house or walk outside; a choice. The storm will move on. I have never thought about what are people [n]ot saying. As an artist cropping/running off the page is good composition; so what is not defined from/off that framing is ignored. There were cup barriers/for rulers for a reason, and in funiture design up to the last century modeled the jars/wine jars that their enemies better not poison the house's drinks/beverages. People just have too much time; and money to just get into too much trouble. I have decided when I think I have some extra time, I will rake or prune, even pick up sticks if that keeps me healthy and out of trouble. I have had a couple of instigators/waling and driving by this passed season, and what comes out of my mouth, they had no idea what they would be walking off on them. Ha, ha. (I wonder if I am a descendant of Jacob! If not, then being adopted into Judah, I fit in just fine; ha, ha. Perhaps being born again and filled with the Holy Ghost is much more than a comfort, but a new creature even on an unseen meter. Here I think is the perversion of this clay mixing with iron as Daniel writes, it does not cleave. What person would want a program from others to influence and control anyone unless some ugly pie head had the desire to contract with nations programming packages and equipment. A farmer may harvest and sell, but this beast is [n]ot picking me up like fruit to sell a program to any nation when it's been my own leaves/tax monies that have funded both parties which are the beast and the nations.) ■ Here below are some links I got today. M

Today at 3:30, Live Q&A with Dr. Dale Bredensen


Johnathan Otto - 13 hours remaining


Bone Coach


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Congratulations ■ "We are starting a Science TASK FORCE December 1, 2023 and oversight body for the sake of addressing the counter balancing views of ALL scientific experts."

IOJ - Yesterday I was not able to get your website, it would only half way load and would cancel; did it all afternoon; Virginia, US. M

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We had a serious attack yesterday on our websites and livestream of the hearing! Thanks for trying all day to get the info from our sites - fixed now but what a ride! YES!!!! The Science Task Force Dec 1!!!! Its going to be AWESOME!!!!

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Would it not be prudent to follow your law suit on the heels of where the current laws have landed worldwide?

For the whistleblower Brooks against Pfizer one can see that Bourla stated that the delivered the fraud the government ordered. They did not deceive the government or the public. It’s what the Department of Defence ordered.

With Sasha Latypova - she has stated that it’s criminal to request to manufacture an injection that will injure or kill. Pfizer’s Cumulative Analysis Report February 28, 2021 if 42,086 trial participants clearly shows on page # 7 of 39 pages that 31% died or were severely disabled.

Epoch times just released that 1 in 3 are adversely affected by these injections. Italy has had no live births in the last 3 months.

For injections like Moderna Dr David Martin has showed the patent is 50% owned by the American Government. It is racketeering to force the public to take a drug that the majority of US Congress is benefiting from the sales and that the government owns.

I don’t pretend to play down the enormity of the tack you are undertaking but I think you are not the only case that is currently being struck down as as bern moot. So why go there?

So the above are points of law to go after that have substance to them .

What’s in the injection is known now, the fact that the US government is involved in Racketeering are all points that are current and not flimsy in their content and you’d have a better chance of succeeding in the courts. 🇨🇦

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Agreed - its all relevant and needs to be sorted. Oh wow - can you post the Epoch Times article here about 1/3 injured?

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Saw Jan on Thought Leaders interview a woman who owned a manufacturing company that participated in vaccine production. She shared the many errors and lack of quality operations in other places creating these vaccines. Poor supervision and mishaps. Pharmaceuticals did not care.......

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Thank you! ■ I am ready and equipped; and I know [h]is/God's accomplishments; even though he/the Lord God is the biggest badass I know. I thought of you two this afternoon, and Joshua and Caleb was pressed in my mind. They never changed their perspective while in the wilderness, and were the only two of the original Hebrew's/believed God that lived to cross the next 'gene'ration over the Jordan River. M

Crossing Over Jordon (Lyric Video) - Redeemed Quartet


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Thank you so so much for your diligent work toward trying to save us all. ❣️

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Could it be that too many interested people were trying to watch it?

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Yes I noticed that too. I couldn't get in.

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The public is not welcome anywhere, it does not matter in making any decision. what this means? it means that for some time we have been dealing with a revolution of the top bourgeoisie against the common people. and as in any revolution, a part of the population imposes its will on the other part, today with the modern weapons at hand. with the abuse of power, with the disregard of the laws and with the help of parasitic states that have long ceased to work for their own nations.

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Some of this is ■ just the way they are. It is their nature and practice. Most may have no idea how exposed they are. If they get locked up they need green jumpsuits and mirrors all along the walls, so they can look at themselves and "hear them out." It is going to be painful for them to have to look at their faces while we will be free of all the ugly. M

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You are so correct! Pray every day for God’s protection. Americans have not learned history nor paid attention to their government And most of all, they have turned away from God, the creator. Many humans have become narcissistic and see themselves as their own God. To sick and ignorant to even imagine it.

We may be living Revelation right now- which is a battle between good and evil. If so, the end is not too far away. Make peace with God Almighty.

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Arrested, tried and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law.

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48 Hour "Encore" happening Replay Weekend is Happening Now

"Propaganda Exposed [Uncensored] - All 9 Episodes available for you to watch right now through the end of day Sunday..." - See more at:


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IOJ, the WHO is a International body made up of Globalists who want to govern the people for profit and their benefit. Gates is at the helm of this global takeover to reinforce his ambition to depopulate by 5 billion. He is heavily envolved in alot of enterprises to acheive his goal. He is also the largest donor of the WHO and buying his way to power and control our destiny. The WHO has engaged in "Crimes against Humanity" and a criminal complaint must be filed in international court.

Do I have to take you by the hand to get this done?

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Which criminal court Eugene? Shall we beg for justice on the steps of the ICC who has received numerous complaints and wont even investigate because they are a globalist creation? How many international criminal courts exist?

We have ideas of how to solve things (which we are pretty sure are very different than your plan to sue Bill Gates in an international criminal court) but REALLY curious how you will take us by the hand on this? Where do you want us to file an international criminal case? who are the defendants? what are the charges, laws, facts and PROOFS since you are so keen on leading us to the international criminal solution you have mapped out?

It would be unrealistic to believe you will waltz into an international criminal court and drop your paper down and get a serious reaction and investigation if you say:

Dear International Criminal Court,

1. The WHO is a International body made up of Globalists who want to govern the people for profit and their benefit.

2. Gates is at the helm of this global takeover to reinforce his ambition to depopulate by 5 billion. He is heavily envolved in alot of enterprises to acheive his goal.

3. He is also the largest donor of the WHO and buying his way to power and control our destiny.

4. The WHO has engaged in "Crimes against Humanity" and therefore I am suing based on this criminal complaint.

Thoughts? Right now nothing has even been overturned as illegal. WHAT crime until we get things annulled and proven harmful? Courts can not consider "health measures" crimes UNTIL its proven illegal or harmful or intent to cause harm. Baby steps - but if you got a better plan we are all ears. This is serious. We need reality checks and REAL PLANS. Working on it day and night.

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Follow Karen Kingston/former Pfizer Analyst whistleblower. Read Kingston report.

Also Meryl Nass MD.

And Peter McCullough.

Florida is 1 of about 6 or more states who have banned masks and covid shots. Dr. Ladapo Surgeon General is a real trooper proving these shots are killing people postvax.

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Excellent reply. In my opinion, if "International" is found anywhere on the label, the entire organization should be bombed into dust. "Globalized" trade (another such label) has ruined every sovereign Nation and State in history, and replaced "free" trade with the dictates of corporate fascism.

WHO facilities and facilitators need to be erased from the surface of the planet...

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Thank you may GOD bless all your good works.this is typical 0f all the horribal satanic unvoted on agency's that twists and lies about doing good.again thank you

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The Who is an illegitimate organization. Controlled by non-state actors (B&MGF and the CCP and our illegitimate Manchurian candidate POTUS either a puppet of the CCP or BHO or both), working against the sovereignty of the various sovereign states of the world and the individual citizens of at least the US of A who have their natural rights enshrined in the US Constitution that cannot be abrogated by treaty or executive agreement (any US administration that signs away those rights is acting unconstitutionally and illegally and as such those actions are a crime under color of law.

With the 2024 election POTUS DJT will again be elected, and he will again remove us from the WHO and Tedros et al can pound sand.

Even if the DEMS steal the 2024 election again Tedros can still pound sand.

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Pound sand Tedros! No negotiations with terrorists!

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I think I read 368 sexual complaints at the WHO since Tedros began heading it. The reporting didn't say if the complaints were focused on one or more people. The reporting didn't indicate how many complaints were made by the same person. The conclusion I get from this is that Tedros has tolerated bully working conditions involving sexual abuse and sexual objectification in which actual real women usually end up harmed by bully tactics and by shaming. I agree I'd call that a terrorist atmosphere.

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I'm not that well read, but I truly fear for Dr. Ana and company. The powers-that-be (WHO, WEF, etc, etc., don't tolerate opposition well. Historically, your kind end up in the legal junk pile. Defamed, discredited, and often DEAD! These people play for keeps! It's only been a few months (May of this year!) since Dr. Buttar was poisoned. The list goes on and on. All I can say is watch your backs!

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Understood, but you do understand they are playing for keeps to enslave and kill of the human genome and most of humanity right? We cant live in fear with you and many others who focus on that "possible" outcome. Many possible outcomes can occur and that is only one small possibility that we refuse to consider or dwell on. All we can do is have faith that God is protecting us as we do Gods work here on Earth. What good is FAITH if we doubt and live in fear? Fear no evil. We are all gonna die someday - at least we will die in honor if they take us out. What about the possibility we are powerful creators walking in divine light, protection and wisdom and able to make a difference due to our focus on the polarity? And yes, we will watch what we drink and eat and be wise about who is around us throughout this process : )

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FAITH over fear for our Creator lives in the TRUTH. I pray all day, everyday for humankind. I will never stop speaking Truth to tyranny - Live FREE or die w/honor. GOD bless you Interest of Justice & all the Spiritual Warriors who walk in Divine Light.

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Never stop speaking Truth to tyranny - Live FREE or die w/honor. Your comment means the world! Thank you for your prayers! FAITH over fear!!!!!

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We do not tolerate WHO, WEF, EU etc either. They are VERY BAD for our health! We can shut them down peacefully if we all imagine them in jail. All of us have to visualise this every single day. And if they kill the good people we will haunt them till the cows come home!

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Visualization is good exercises, but we all need to take action if it is only funding IOJ and others with the little bits we can when we can. We need to take some action along with good visualizations and anyone who uncovers any info needs to take it to who needs to know about it.

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Behind you on this except the WHO is not Communist! It's sloppy and inaccurate for you and others to call them that (or WEF for that matter). Get your terms right! Communism was a failed system because it was taken over by cruel tyrants. However, the original impulse came from Karl Marx sitting in the library in London after absorbing what the first decades of the Industrial Revolution had done to people. After seeing children chained to their tables at cotton mills till they fell. After realizing that for workers to get a fair share for their labor, they should own the means of production. What you're calling Communism with the WHO and the WEF is actually a gang of big elite billionaire capitalists gone wild with greed and lust for power, wanting to ride roughshod over the rest of humanity. Communism also has nothing to do with what's happening in China. They can call their hypnotized party members Communists but the system there is actually fascism of the worst sort, a surveillance state elite in control no matter what

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Understood - but please see old Congressional records to see why we call UN & WHO communist:

"This Senate attitude hasn't been overlooked by crafty men who would stoop to any device to get their thoughts and ideas inflicted on the Nation and made the supreme law of the land. When men like Alger Hiss and other Communist and Socialist sympathizers wormed their way into positions of great influence in the State Department and took over the job of drafting up our treaties and agreements with international organizations some rather strange and dangerous clauses began to crop up in these documents. These clauses for the most part went unnoticed by Senators who seldom have either the time or the inclination to wade through voluminous treaty agreements prior to voting on them. But other people were perfectly aware of these clauses. They knew full well that treaties automatically become the supreme law of the land upon ratification and thus take precedence over the Federal Constitution and all our State laws."_ (Congressional Record, 1953, page A422) https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1953- pt9/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1953-pt9-1.pdf

"Now let us look at the record. According to Trygve Lie, longtime Secretary General of the United Nations, he stated flatly that there was a secret agreement between Alger Hiss and Molotov to the effect that the head of the United Nations military staff should always be a Communist. That agreement has never been broken, and we have had a succession of Communists filling that post, the present one being Mr. Arkadov. As a first consequence of this treasonous agreement, this country lost its first military engagement in Korea at a cost to this country of more than $20 billion and 145,000 American casualties ...This was the first war in which we engaged not as the United States military force, but as a United Nations force. ...How convenient this was to the Communists to have one of their own men as head of the United Nations military staff, who reviewed all orders going from the Pentagon to General MacArthur and gave them to our enemy before General MacArthur received them."_(Congressional Record, 1962, page 215) https://www.govinfo.gov/ content/pkg/GPO-CRECB-1962-pt1/pdf/GPO-CRECB-1962-pt1-3-2.pdf

U.N.’s documented history of unbroken communism raises concerns, especially in context of Agenda 2030, with the WEF’s threat of the abolition of privacy and property rights by 2030, a communist ideology inherent within U.N. network and antithetical to the American way of life enshrined in the US Constitution.

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That's why strong conservatives have always said US out of UN, and why it was wise for POTUS DJT to quit The WHO.

Naturally Slow China Joe, step and fetch it to the CCP sent us right back in. Impeach him and then convict and hang him for Treason (and many of his minions and BHO, his puppeteer).

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A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, conversely a pile of shit by any other name would smell just as foul, and tyranny by any name: communism, fascism, socialism, feudalism or any other name would be just as oppressive.

Michael, what you spout is delusional hopium. Communism has failed everywhere it has been tried because of the fallen nature of man and human psychology. WHO, WEF, and Communist leaders are/were/hope to be tyrants overseeing masses of subservient people whose natural rights have been stolen, leaving them as serfs/slaves/indentured servants. We fought 2 domestic wars in 1775-83 and 1861-65 to rid our selves of that legally and spent the 160 years since 1865 getting rid of the vestiges of those systems.

The European revolutions: French, Russian and their descendants resulted in worse tyranny, terror and oppression than had existed before. The WHO / WEF have used the Plandemic (ref: the 'table top exercises in 2019 and preceding: RFK Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci). Though there are those among us that would either give up those freedoms and/or serve as house N*****s over the rest of us, by and large the free citizens of the US of A do not, will not comply.

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There was a time we did a survey - WHEN has communism or socialism EVER worked? People got really mad at us and many defended socialism which Karl Marx said is the "pre-curser to communism". Its NEVER worked and it causes immense suffering and death. Communism was made by Karl Marx (and his handlers) and its worth mentioning that Karl Marx literally invoked the powers of Satan in the creation of Communism. He was a satanist. Its truly anti spirit of humanity and satanic. Communism in all its oppressive forms is simply not a good idea. We fought 2 domestic wars in 1775-83 and 1861-65 to rid our selves of that legally and spent the 160 years since 1865 getting rid of the vestiges of those systems. We need to keep it up, continue to protect our freedoms and get rid of the commies.

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As we've learned in recent years, the WHO cannot be trusted. It's time our elected Members open their eyes and take a stance before it's too late. In the end, their families and offspring will be effected too. It's painful to realized that we cannot trust the Democrats anymore, they're our party for all our adult life. Shame on them.

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Erm... Not "shame on them". Piss on them...

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Now, now, now. We don't want to heal them.

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