Letter To WHO: (INB) Ends Week Of More Secret Negotiations On WHO Pandemic Agreement CA+. IOJ Was NOT Invited Again! WHO IS Still EXCLUDING ALL RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS. Not OK.
Once again WHO went from inviting us to drafting the CA+ "Pandemic agreement" WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response WITHOUT OUR INPUT. We represent YOU, so this matters!
As we write this, the WHO CSO (civil society organization) Commission wrote us this morning to ask for financials and our Tobacco & Firearms compliance blah, blah formalities. Our financials are private just like WHO, so we will tell them that and see how it goes. All we want is to participate, whats that got to do with our financial status?
Why does the WHO relations with non state actors need anything more than ethical commitments?
Why does WHO need to be such a snoop into CSO’s which are their ONLY OVERSIGHT?
If they are sovereign immune then so are we.
Give us transparency in return “partner” WHO! They call our CSO “partners” and we guess the CSO Commission is reaching out, but a lot of people feel this way about not wanting communist WHO to have their information to use against their critics that try to participate and bring scientific integrity into their grand scheme for humanity.
Thats it about this mornings letter to IOJ (Interest of Justice) from WHO CSO Commission - now to the story of WHO INB meeting all week in SECRET… AGAIN!
Below is the WHO INB (intergovernmental negotiating body) *official press release is at the bottom.
What we want to talk about today is our letter we just had to write to the INB telling them we are NOT satisfied with being excluded from the ability to meaningfully participate in the WHO Pandemic Agreement ONGOING SECRET AGREEMENTS.
IOJ’s Newest Letter Complaint To WHO:
Dear INB,
We are deeply dissatisfied with the non responses of the WHO INB, WGIHR and this is a friendly reminder from Interest of Justice, an international organization CSO that there is a failure of WHO ethics oversight to respond to numerous correspondences we have sent, many with questions that remain unanswered relating to the WHO Pandemic Agreement, IHR amendments and serious breaches of international obligations owed erga omnes.
We noticed that throughout these negotiations the WHO has made an effort to acknowledge that the IHR Amendments and WHO Pandemic Agreement (CA+) should be in conformity with the obligation to collaborate with CSO’s, such as Interest of Justice and all other relevant and interested stakeholders.
Just like the IHR Amendments, there is no transparency. We cannot get into any meeting (we were expressly rejected entry to some), we can not even get an answer as to many questions, formal complaints, or missing standard WHO ethics documents through numerous freedom of information requests.
As a result of the secrecy in the proceedings we cannot meaningfully participate. This leaves the WHO Pandemic Agreement and IHR Amendments in a state of pure illegitimacy, based on the absolute requirement to allow CSO’s to meaningfully participate, which is not being fulfilled in reality, and is mere lip service.
At the beginning of the process INB recognized our organization as a “relevant and interested stakeholder” defined as we have “relevant information to share”. We are still unable to share a rather voluminous amount of information and last week, October 30, 2023 we tried to participate in the CSO consultation for GPW14 and WHO literally censored us and deleted our comments to other CSO’s regarding scientific issues because we posted the link where UN says “we own the science”. See screenshots as evidence posted online proving WHO literally censored us:
This is very irresponsible and unacceptable for WHO and the INB to be conducting everything in secret in a way that censors counter-viewpoints and labels us as misfits.
We are currently being certified in science diplomacy and Malta has sponsored the IOJ co-founders a partial scholarship. Science Diplomacy and the SDG’s will require Science Task Forces according to the curriculum, which we firmly agree with.
Interest of Justice is hereby presenting a proposal for the benefit of the INB and WGIHR. We are starting a Science TASK FORCE December 1, 2023 and oversight body for the sake of addressing the counter balancing views of ALL scientific experts.
We would like for the INB to include into the Pandemic Agreement draft that Science Task Forces and independent attaches are essential to ensure the impartiality of WHO and Member States decisions in science. All diplomats and the WHO know this, but the Science Task Forces are a new concept, with absolutely no leaders at the helm, which requires new independent input and new Science Integrity Pacts from CSO’s, such as our own sister CSO, “Show Us The Science!” to combat the current landscape of unmitigated political influence in scientific decision making in WHO policies.
We will lead this Science Integrity Pact and work with WHO & Member States to implement it in compliance with your legal and ethical mandates. Interest of Justice and “Show Us The Science” is proud to do this mission as we are “uniquely qualified” to lead this endeavor because we represent an enormous body of the worlds foremost experts with no conflicts of interest.
We directly request a response from the WHO, INB and WGIHR regarding if the WHO will incorporate these Science Integrity Pact concepts and if WHO will formally partner with our CSO to collaborate with our new Science Task Force? We certainly hope so, and are at your service in the name of good science and the spirit of active participation.
We are proposing a “collective action” with a wide variety of CSOs, diplomatic channels, ethicists, legal scholars and uniquely qualified scientists who seek to participate in the creation of these WHO and public health policies currently being rushed through without us all. The omission of our relevant information is a fatal error that invalidates the instruments currently being negotiated in secret.
Once again, after many letters, complaints and attempts to participate, all with no response, we come to you as vulnerable and marginalized stakeholders who require your extra assistance to participate. No matter how often we write you to tell you this, we receive no response, which has left us in a state of utter defenselessness.
We do not agree with the current version of the Pandemic Agreement (CA+) or the IHR Amendments for reasons that are too numerous to mention. We would require a full plenary session to discuss these numerous issues in great detail, which would require due process and an actual procedure to discuss details with a wider variety of constituents. We keep repeating the drafts are being negotiated in a way that denies everyone due process.
All in all, the drafts of both instruments are done simultaneously which burdens member States and us CSO’s, as noted by WHO in mid 2022 when the processes began. The unnecessary rush by the INB and WGIHR to create new norms is leading to the full omission and failure of the drafts to conform to the conditions set in the Siracusa Principles, which is unacceptable, violating jus cogens and makes both instrument drafts absolutely void under law. This is an enormous problem of absolute nullity and a gross waste of resources in creating a void instrument.
Please see our reports on www.TheOversightCommittee.org/reports. We have created an “Invalidity Report on IHR” and an “Invalidity Report on WHO Pandemic Agreement (CA+)” which you are being kindly requested to rebut point by point.
Thank you, we sincerely hope the WHO will partner with our new Science Task Force, which includes world class scientific, ethics and legal experts. We also call on INB to strengthen the drafts by addressing the many reasons for invalidity under jus cogens norms outlined in the two Invalidity Reports referenced above.
Dustin Bryce, on behalf of IOJ
On October 30, 2023, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body published the latest “Proposal for Negotiating Text of the Pandemic Agreement.”
This draft text is to be considered by the seventh meeting of the INB for conversion into a formal negotiating text.
The seventh meeting of INB was just held at the WHO Headquarters, Geneva from 6-10 November in secret as usual with no participation.
Official WHO Press Release:
Seventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) for a WHO instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
6 – 10 November 2023
09:00–12:00 and 13:30–17:00 CET, Geneva, Switzerland
Link from the WHO
In December 2021, the World Health Assembly established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (WHO CA+).
The seventh meeting of the INB will be held from 6-10 November 2023 and resumes over 4-6 December 2023. During this meeting, WHO Member States will be invited to consider a proposal for negotiating text of the WHO pandemic agreement. This proposal is based on the discussions of the INB at its fourth, fifth and sixth meetings as well as the meeting of the drafting group, including its informal consultations and the reports of the co-facilitators of those consultations.
The opening and closing plenary sessions of the meeting will be open to WHO Member States, Associate Members, Observers and regional economic integration organizations, as well all relevant stakeholders. They will be publicly webcast and archived for later viewing.
The opening session of the meeting will take place on 6 November 2023. The closing plenary, during which the report of the meeting will be discussed, will take place at the end of the resumed meeting in December 2023.
Webcast of the seventh meeting of the INB: 6–10 November 2023
Can We Get An Audience With The WHO Secretariat???? Whats UP?
We will have to write the new WHO Secretariat next to implore them to work with our international body in defense of rights & sign our new Science Integrity Pact. They won’t and we will have cause for redress, or they will and we can change policy. Stay tuned.
New Secretariat for the WHO Pandemic Agreement has a duty to collaborate with “other bodies” - That includes CIVIL SOCIETY (us here at IOJ are a civil society organization- a CSO).
So what gives? Can we get an AUDIENCE with the new Secretariat?
Article 24. Secretariat
1. A Secretariat for the WHO Pandemic Agreement is hereby established. Secretariat functions for the WHO Pandemic Agreement shall be provided by the World Health Organization.
2. Secretariat functions shall be to:
(a) provide administrative and logistic support to the Conference of the Parties for the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement, and to make arrangements for the sessions of the Conference of the Parties and any subsidiary bodies and to provide them with services, as required;
(b) transmit reports and other relevant information regarding the implementation of this Agreement received by it pursuant to this Agreement;
(c) provide support to the Parties, upon request, particularly developing country Parties and Parties with economies in transition, in implementing the WHO Pandemic Agreement, including the compilation and communication of information required in accordance with the provisions of the WHO Pandemic Agreement or pursuant to requests of the Conference of the Parties;
(d) prepare reports on its activities under the WHO Pandemic Agreement under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, and to submit them to the Conference of the Parties;
(e) ensure, under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, the necessary coordination with competent international and regional intergovernmental organizations and other bodies;
(f) enter, under the guidance of the Conference of the Parties, into such administrative or contractual arrangements as may be required for the effective discharge of its functions;
(g) cooperate and coordinate with other United Nations entities in related areas; and (h) perform other secretariat functions specified by the WHO Pandemic Agreement and such other functions as may be determined by the Conference of the Parties.

Other related articles by Interest of Justice:
I worked for the US government for 32 years for agencies that actually had some degree of honesty, including, long ago, the Jimmy Carter White House. It is obvious that the WHO has no honesty at all. What they have, or think they have, is an infinite bag of bureaucratic tricks to hide their real agenda. Is their real agenda to declare another "plandemic" to shut down the 2024 US presidential election and re-elect their Democratic Party enablers? I hope we can find out. Please see my own book on the rise and fall of the US empire: https://www.claritypress.com/product/our-country-then-and-now/
WOW what a crooked organization needs disbanded. All of them CIA, FBI, DEA, ATF, WHO, CDC, UN, IRS, the fed, EPA, FDA, all of them bring back the day's of Judges no human kings or human system all based on Jesus Christ and regain the Higher Liberty.