Invalidity Report on the IHR (2005) & Amendments Accepted By HHS OGA
HHS confirmed they will consider this report on the VOID nature of the first IHR (2005) and amendments. Why amend a VOID overly broad instrument? Its probably time to sue to nullify the first version!
IHR Invalidity Report
IoJ's Written Comment Re: Stakeholder Listening Session 2 for the IHR. Presented to HHS OGA June 30, 2023.
Make sure to read page 13 with the proof from US Congress that UN has always been Communist and sneaky with treaties - remember to share it with your governments!!!
Background of why we created this important report:
The Office of Global Affairs held a Stakeholder Listening Session on Amendments to the International Health Regulations on Tuesday, June 20th, 2023, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m., Eastern Time. Written comments needed to be mailed in by Friday, June 30, 2023.
We look forward to your comments on proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005).
Susan Kim,
Chief of Staff, Office of Global Affairs.
Link to the post in Federal Registry
We sent in our comment (this report) on June 30, 2023 to the corresponding email address given by HHS OGA as well as to Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) of the Office of Global Affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Colin McIff.
We made all the final edits at the last minute (as usual), and sent it in at midnight to make the deadline. However, we had more to say, so we kept going, and at 2 am we sent a “corrected version” two hours late asking if HHS OGA would be accepting it late.
They kindly took our comment/report on IHR Invalidity a bit late (we knew they would).
From Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) of the Office of Global Affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Colin McIff:
“Dustin, thanks. Confirming receipt and that we will include your submission along with others as we consider next steps in the negotiations. Best regards, Colin”
Well that was surprising, and it made us feel a little better instead of always being ignored!
Thank you Colin for letting us and the world know “nothing is concluded” as far as IHR amendments.
It is reassuring to hear that our report on IHR Invalidity (and why to exit the WHO) will be considered in the next steps in the negotiations.
Colin McIff currently serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary (DAS) of the Office of Global Affairs at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Most recently, he served as OGA Deputy Director.
Colin is also the guy from last year on IOJ’s video May 13, 2022 in HHS OGA headquarters stakeholder listening session. He is the one nodding and agreeing with IOJ telling him how much the WHO sucks and why the last IHR amendments must be withdrawn. (they did withdraw 12 of 13 of those amendments immediately after we spoke to Colin and HHS OGA just days before the last WHA. They do listen!)
Friends, we were told by an awesome supporter to put this heartfelt message higher in our posts during this time of fundraising for key initiatives, and we think our tribe understanding the reality is a key to winning the war, so we are following the advice.
Skip ahead if you are pressed for time to read the actual post below this message!
IOJ wants you really understand and believe the World Health Organization is not above the law. Remedies are still owed and must be made available with hard work and persistence. We are a lot further than people realize. According to law they are in big trouble. WHY? They are in breach of duty of their own rules for ethics which includes science, non discrimination, protection of human rights, and so much more.
The speech from Canada really hits home at the personal tragedies caused by States following WHO guidance.
The States pay WHO to issue guidance, which once followed, oppresses the member states citizens - its a bunk deal.
IOJ is in process of suing the WHO and also alerting governments worldwide in a dignified way they will embrace rather than reject and ridicule.
Its a lot of work behind the scenes to use participation, diplomacy and closed session discussions rather than public attacks and accusations, but its in process.
People don’t understand what we even do. Our work is so complex we never really explain, so we want to explain just a small part of our role in cleaning up this WHO and non functioning regulatory oversight mess from hell.
We first alerted Rair Foundation, WCH and other organizations to the WHO treaty in the end of 2021 so they could organize and publicize.
We spoke at the first and second WHO treaty hearings to protest. That was when we filed a series of legal demands and letters to WHO DG Tedros, and the WHO head attorney Kenneth Piercy, which is now being hauled into courts and administrative procedures (a very time consuming and tedious process - but how you win by setting the game up for success at the onset).
We found and opened the HHS OGA opportunity for people to speak on the IHR amendments and treaty last month. We spoke at HHS OGA completely alone May 13, 2022 to protest the WHO IHR amendments (which is a big part of why HHS withdrew all but one of them last year and why humanity won that battle), and again we spoke alone this year on May 3, 2023 to rat out DG Tedros for not answering criminal complaints and telling HHS OGA why this means they have a duty to exit the WHO.
The next day after we spoke this year HHS OGA decided to open up the sessions to the public and asked us to share the sign up form. IOJ is proud to say that our network came through. We got researcher activist James Roguski invited and between him and IOJ we helped pack the HHS OGA hearings June 20th and 28th to get public participation going to comment on the IHR and treaty.
We don’t just speak at hearings, we also do a ton of freedom of information requests and we sue when we cant get answers. All of our daily work for over 2 1/2 years is to get dirt to use against WHO and against all their evil follower member states and also against their regulator and big pharma cohorts who are working with WHO to prequalify and authorize the covid-19 non vaccine biological agent experiments, for when its time for the big trial. They all suck and need oversight.
IOJ is truly their only oversight hauling them all in for experimentation. No other organization we know of will do this tedious work and call leaders 5 days every week and make records and find all the crimes and use the law against them. You can’t just waltz in and sue the WHO - you need to do a ton of work and ensure their immunity is waived first. Lawyers won’t do this work for some reason. WHERE are they?
Instead of build a record and jump in the ring putting their lives in danger to sue for humanity, IOJ sees the rest of the freedom leaders like WCH, Steve Kirsh and all the doctors and freedom organizations with actual monthly donors jet off to fancy conferences we cant afford to go to. They have teams of fundraisers. Our work is so time consuming daily that we pass out exhausted and still never have time to raise the funds needed. We just dutifully trudge on doing the calls, letters, speeches, research, file the preliminary cases, talk to the investigators, on and on and on… It must be nice to fundraise and use it to travel and hob nob bitching about the problems.
We think time and money should be spent wisely by ensuring the tip of the spear legal actions and advisory opinions humanity requires to win can be carefully crafted and filed.
We now have 5 monthly donors: the largest monthly donation is $25. We have no salary. This is a true non profit, non commercial humanitarian effort. We do this out of love, PURE LOVE, and because we know we are probably the only ones qualified and dedicated enough, but money is needed to pay monthly bills.
UPDATE FROM YESTERDAY - you all helped us get enough to pay the bills for this month, which we are deeply grateful for - especially now at a critical time in our mission. We still need to raise more for the legal battle and to upgrade some equipment before the big lawsuit is filed, but your support is actually useful and helps real work get done! It makes us proud to be doing this with you truly independent and with no corporate funding.
We need your help to share and support this message or our important work cannot continue. We want to go full steam ahead.
IOJ is the only stakeholder recognized by WHO we know of with a viable case.
The following is in our favor - why we can win:
IOJ has Dr. Yeadon (former VP Pfizer) as an expert witness for PCR & other scientific frauds
IOJ has accomplished the impossible feat of WHO sovereign immunity being already waived through administrative processes and we have already exhausted all remedies to be able to sue DG Tedros and WHO (not just anyone can sue the UN or WHO)
IOJ is starting off with most facts settled as not in dispute - very likely to win to prove the whole emergency was a fraud by WHO to experiment on people for funders like Gates, etc. We have won four cases in the Supreme Court of Costa Rica against the Health Minister which settled many facts that are now being used in other actions against CR authorities as well as USA and WHO.
IOJ’s case is also going against Trusted News Initiative and WHO misinformation censorship as part of a campaign of “disinformation, deception, manipulation, coercion, threat and other illicit means of censorship and persecution” for the purpose of serious undue experimentation. We need to stop censorship at the top levels.
IOJ’s international claim is using a very little known remedy which can force all States to come together to hold WHO and other wrongdoer states (like Canada) responsible for cessation and reparations
IOJ truly has created and assembled the worlds only international claim against WHO and we have some high level State officials joining us, which will be announced at the proper time.
Most people don’t understand that there is only a small window of time left to beat the tyrants.
Instead of us doing our job full steam ahead to build more of the case against the regulators and wrongdoers, and draft advisory opinions, more information requests we still need and other remedies, it is really frustrating that we keep having to stop legal work every month to fundraise because of how little steady support we have to even pay basic bills, let alone sue the WHO and a long list of wrongdoers.
Stripe de-platformed us so we cannot get paid subscriptions. on our Substacks. They keep returning the money and shutting down our accounts. This happened 3 or four times now. They won’t tell us why they shut us down so we tried a few times thinking our paperwork needed correcting or something. Now its just discriminatory at this point.
It is you, the awesome supporters who got us this far to build the most amazing case against the WHO et al (which gets added to and fine tuned daily until filed) and our reports to the HHS, many lawsuits and investigations in process and so much more. If you ever supported us - thank you - IoJ could never have gotten this far without you and we really believe we are further than most attorneys at building a viable case which can actually beat the tyrants!!!
Instead of being fearful the WHO is going to win, now is the time to support IOJ for July’s budget so we can keep going as we are set to bring this monumental case built over 2 1/2 years to court!
The WHO and their Mengele Pharma regulatory cohorts will never get away with human experimentation, including psy ops terrorizing us into medical experiments, so long as you, the community of light workers, continue to help IOJ fund the monthly bills to be able to stay in our role as oversight. That is a promise and our labor of love.
Sincerely IoJ Family
Here is our IHR Invalidity Report:
Also downloadable on:
We built it for you below page by page and after the pages we added the text for our foreign readers who use a translator, or in case it’s easier to read the text. Blessings!
Pg 1. This Index
pg 2. Introduction
Pg 3. Errors and deviations cause invalidity of the entire IHR
Pg 4-5 Impossibility & errors of current amendments to VOID IHR
Pg 6. IHR 43 And Article 17 - The Director- General "shall consider"
Pg 7-11. IOJ's oral and written comments To HHS OGA and WHO
Pg 12. IHR Has No Anti Corruption oversight
Pg 13. IHR Tool of Communist UN Org.
Pg 14. Trust The Science
Pg 15. The confession from last WHO DG Margaret Chan
Pg 16. WHO manages Conflicts?
pg 17. Conclusions
Pg 18. This Is 2023: The Great Reset Of Rule Of Law, Ethics & Human Rights In Public Health Policy
PG 1. Introduction
The International Health Regulations (known as IHR 2005, for the year of its most recent revision) are a legally binding international instrument to which 196 States Parties, including all 194 Member States of WHO, are committed. The purpose of these Regulations is to prevent, protect against, control, and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are restricted to public health risks and that avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade.
Prior to the adoption of any IHR amendments it becomes necessary to reflect on the successes and failures of the IHR instrument in its application to the covid declared PHEIC and pandemic, claiming accountability and responsibility to take the necessary actions; and measuring progress over time.
A brief review of HHS OGA's alignment to Open Government and participation shows there is an unfulfilled intent to provide more meaningful participation on behalf of critics of the IHR and of the entire US Strategic Dialogue with the WHO. By adapting the HHS response from Globalist to nationalist, from centralized blanket One Health measures, to begin to rely and build upon the US and States finely tuned, scientific and de-centralized policies, the HHS can include the rationale and social responsibility for taking action in any real health emergency, without the burdens of the inconsistent and deficient IHR and unscientific unaccountable WHO edicts.
Creating a viable national response in the new world of bio-threats and health opportunities that is unfolding requires foresight to know who to partner with and who not to.
The WHO is unreliable at best. At worst the WHO is attempting a scientific coup d' etat and technocratic never ending dictatorship. The reality of the reliance upon WHO and the IHR shows it was WHO fraudulent science and redefinitions of vaccine and unvaccinated which has caused HHS and US to become responsible for serious delicts of an emergency declaration not in good faith, serious undue experimentation in violation of international law and Costa Rica biological research law 9234 Article 78, 79.
IHR is written in a way which is not only invalid under jus cogens norms, but it was written to help the DG merely "consider", but ultimately bypass national research laws. This is presumably to help force captive Treasuries into buying WHO's funders useless experimental non vaccine biological agents to developing countries by using WHO de facto definition of vaccine (which in itself is an unproven novel vaccine intervention outside clinical trials which violates law)
pg 3. Errors and deviations cause invalidity of the entire IHR
The IHR is potentially being amended to go from void and potentially harmful if used incorrectly, to disastrous and immoral, thus PROHIBITED.
This report is to help HHS avoid any illegal IHR amendments that would violate HHS obligations regarding ethics, fundamental human rights., dignity and freedoms
The covid response was a disaster in large part due to the unproven intervention experiment of the application of the IHR (2005) itself. It failed in large part due to Article 43 section 2 as outlined herein.
The IHR is fatally flawed, based on false presumptions of WHO acting in good faith which are inherent errors & deviations which cannot be repaired by the proposed amendments.
pg 4-5 Impossibility & errors of current amendments to VOID IHR
There are numerous errors and deviations inherent within the text of the IHR that relies upon the presumption of WHO always acting in good faith, a rebuttable presumption that our organization firmly disputes. DG Tedros acts in bad faith to evade criminal charges regarding abuse of power and breach of ethics, science norms in WHO oversight. IHR gives the DG power of discretion, without science or law being mandatory, only merely "considered" and there is no real oversight.
DG "Shall Consider", is vague and INVALID
The command such as "shall" in the same sentence as "consider" in Article 17 is void for vagueness and is meaningless. It means the DG shall "consider" science, laws, member States wishes, majority vote of committees, etc but can also consider ignoring the science, laws, etc as it is not binding upon the DG when issuing recommendations.
Forced Vaccinations &Certificates
Siracusa Principles, ICCPR, Nuremberg Code and jus cogens norms are very clear that people have the right to be free of medical and scientific experimentation and right to free opinion. The concept of vaccine certificates issued under WHO and in accordance with IHR is void on its face and should have been legally challenged long before it was abused during covid measures.
Limit Free Speech of WHO critics?
The IHR (2005) and proposed amendments are a perfect tool for a communist regime of terror to breed. The WHO is involved with weaponization of public private partnerships against free speech, under the guise of protecting right to health.
Untested mRNA experiments violate law!
The IHR as written and the proposed amendments may allow (and have already been shown to be prone to abuse during covid) for the application of forced medical experimentation as a WHO guidance, which is prohibited under jus cogens and international peremptory norms, but allowed under IHR, making IHR and proposed amendments absolutely null.
Limit to sovereign discretion and information
Countries are permitted to exercise their sovereignty in taking additional health measures to respond to such emergencies if these measures adhere to Article 43 of this legally binding instrument. Overbroad measures taken during recent public health emergencies of international concern, however, reveal that the provision remains inadequately understood as to the dangers of Article 43 limiting sovereignty on how States may base their decisions and and where they may obtain information.
Incompatibility of Globalism & Ethics
The IHR is intended to set up a global supply chain of sourced supplies ready to handle health emergencies, however, covid has taught us that Globalism infects information and taints the reliability of the WHO guidance due to political interference in scientific decision making. IHR has no accountability mechanism to handle this serious threat to scientific, legal and ethic integrity. The IHR limits State discretion and expands Globalists.
Article 17 Criteria for recommendations When issuing, modifying or terminating temporary or standing recommendations, the Director- General shall consider:
(a) the views of the States Parties directly concerned;
IOJ notice: If binding this is disastrous because the member States views would be subordinate to the arbitrary discretion of the WHO DG.
(b) the advice of the Emergency Committee or the Review Committee, as the case may be;
IOJ notice: For mPox the committee voted 9 no and 6 yes but DG Tedros illogically and irrationally considered that the majority vote is not correct and he declared mPox an emergency for no scientific or rational basis whatsoever. As written, IHR makes this bad discretion go unpunished and forces burdensome reviews to reverse the void acts and omissions of the DG anytime he makes recommendations.
(c) scientific principles as well as available scientific evidence and information;
IOJ notice: DG Tedros and the Chief Scientist refuse to respond to criminal charges of scientific fraud in diagnosing covid and pushing unscientific measures. The WHO cannot be held in good repute as far as relying upon them for science, and the IHR fails to give humanity or states a remedy for being under the thumb of WHO's centralized fraudulent pseudo-scientific dictatorship when relying on them for technical recommendations.
(d) health measures that, on the basis of a risk assessment appropriate to the circumstances, are not more restrictive of international traffic and trade and are not more intrusive to persons than reasonably available alternatives that would achieve the appropriate level of health protection;
IOJ notice: The WHO failed to consider available alternatives that would achieve the appropriate level of health protection for covid-19 and recommended experimental novel vaccine biological agents and unethically continues to recommend and overfund novel vaccine experiments that failed at the onset according to court released trial data.
(e) relevant international standards and instruments;
IOJ notice: WHO recommendations under IHR for covid unequivocally violates Siracusa Principles, ICCPR, ICSCPR. UDHR, Nuremberg Code, Belmont Report and so much more by violating non derogable rights of free opinion and right to be free of medical and scientific experimentation. The IHR cannot allow a single DG of an international organization authority to "consider", but ultimately ignore and violate jus cogens norms as is occurring in the covid and mPox responses. The IHR is far too vague with unlimited discretion to the WHO DG, where it is not wise, prudent or warranted, and where the IHR is ultimately in conflict with Superior jus cogens norms and void.
(f) activities undertaken by other relevant intergovernmental organizations and international bodies; and
IOJ notice: This includes consideration of WEF and their proposed response of covid action platform, with 200 big businesses to manufacture bioweapon non vaccine experiments, unscientific PCR tests to create false positives in order to declare an emergency in bad faith to justify EUA's.
(g) other appropriate and specific information relevant to the event.
IOJ notice: (g) is void for vagueness, overly broad and gives arbitrary "appropriate" discretion.
First: HHS and WHO still owe us a response from May 2022 and 2023. HHS is in the wrong for moving forward with these IHR amendments when we testified here last month to show you your very clear duty to leave the WHO for International breach of obligations and delicts.
4. Second, The amendments cannot be binding. Jus cogens international norms would require the binding recommendations of a specialized agency that cause damages to waive immunity and be responsible for reparations.
5. Article 1 outrageously attempts to make investigational vaccines and gene based therapies as well as "other vague health technologies". Experimental biological agents are not a health product. The proposed definition is void and reckless because FDA website states "investigational biologics are not found by FDA to be safe or effective and furthermore may cause serious adverse reactions".
6. Annex 6 would unlawfully consider vaccination certificates for research phase products. The concept of Digital ID's, certificates and QR codes is disproportionate and the WEF risk report this month admits they can facilitate “the identification, surveillance and persecution of individuals or groups.”
7. Annex 1 pg 33 countering misinformation and disinformation is not within the authority of the WHO or member states and as its been used, it already allows for the weaponization of government to systematically suppress free thought, a non derogable right that can never be limited. These misinformation programs flat violate jus cogens and are therefore void.
8. Article 3 removing well established respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms for arbitrary undefined words is an assault on rule of law, dignity of man and obviously void
9. We remind HHS that if you dare adopt one void provision that violates peremptory norms of jus cogens human rights, which the majority of proposals do violate these norms, it will automatically render the entire instrument void.
10. It is worth mentioning that A UK FOIA regarding the proposed amendments reveals "a legal opinion and a risk analysis regarding the U.K. position" is not able to released because "releasing the requested information would likely harm the relations between the United Kingdom and other WHO member States and also UK interests abroad". Right there it goes to show the proposed amendments sound good in public but in secret the amendments are inherently harmful to diplomatic relations between WHO member States. HHS must leave the WHO now. Its your duty.
Thank You Very Much!
First Speech: item 23. Audit and oversight matters.
First, Interest of Justice, Free Speech Association, Stop Agenda 2030 institute, Health Rights Association would like to give a friendly thank you for accepting our RSVP on such late notice: According to UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES POLICIES AND PRINCIPLES FOR ASSURING SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY first paragraph: “HHS uses scientific information to support and inform policy and program decision making. Accordingly, scientific and scholarly information developed by the Department or considered in Departmental decision making must be of the highest quality and the result of rigorous scientific and scholarly processes. Most importantly, it must be trustworthy.
Accordingly, maintaining the integrity of our scientific and technical activities is essential.”
The WHO's science is not trustworthy. We repeat. The WHO is not trustworthy insofar as their technical recommendations for covid-19 go. In reality the majority of WHO recommendations are completely unscientific and all WHO guidance says they are not liable for damages from taking their scientific advice. So they are unscientific and unaccountable.
When we say the WHO is untrustworthy to rely on for science we are not exaggerating. WHO is failing to respond to serious charges against the DG and chief scientist as well as against the organization regarding breach of duty under all of the ethics and research guidance, including the UN procurement standards of conduct. These issues affect the invalidity of the relationship with the WHO at this point where independent oversight and accountability is wholly illusory and a false promise which injures US Citizens and the entire International Community.
Due to the lack of accountability there is no functional audit and oversight of the WHO.
We believe it is in the best interest for the United States and all member states to immediately withdraw from the WHO and not adopt any further negotiations towards IHR amendments, pandemic treaty, Agenda 2023, SDG, Strategic Dialogue or otherwise.
At this point HHS is under an obligation to exit the WHO because they are not functional, as demonstrated by the lack of response to multiple charges.
Second Speech: 17.10 WHO reform.
It is very obvious World Health Organization is not functional and needs reforming. However, it is also very obvious that there are structural defects, which are inherent within the make up of the WHO, which make it nearly impossible to reform the WHO.
How can the WHO be reformed when they claim sovereignty so you have to go through their own remedy system which is non responsive, such as claim # 881786000902 and 637327854202?
The WHO even made rules that will allow for the confidentialities of crimes! Its set up in a way they do not have to reform because they choose to censor the whistleblowers, to control information and ignore facts proving the WHO pseudo science is actually destroying the determinants of health. This is very dangerous for US to be so heavily reliant on the WHO failing captured regulatory "health" oversight.
We agree the WHO does need to reform, however, as a WHO recognized stakeholder in pandemic preparedness and response, we need the HHS to understand that even a recognized stakeholder cannot get anything done within the WHO internal oversight system, despite having filed multiple charges since December 2022.
The people that you hired WHO to serve are injured, vulnerable and completely defenseless against the imbalance of power of the non reformable and non responsive WHO.
In the opinion of our organizations, many scholars, historians and thousands of recently censored dissenting medical experts, such as our Chief Scientist Dr. Yeadon, the former VP of Pfizer, the WHO should be prohibited as a private monopoly which interferes with commerce and lessens health and scientific standards due to political interference in scientific decision making and clear conflicts of interest.
HHS does not need to waste time in WHA meetings hashing out how to reform the failing WHO. Its too burdensome of a proposition and a waste of time and money. Far more important is the obligation that HHS has to uphold scientific integrity and accountability. To us stakeholders, that means HHS needs to prohibit any further funding and collaborations until the WHO can provide a shred of evidence to challenge our Chief Scientists peer reviewed evidence that shows the PCR test makes false positives and therefore the covid emergency is a fraud.
The charges that are still unanswered by the WHO are very serious charges of fraud. Our unanswered charges of WHO fraud are backed by real science of the rigor HHS accepts, which show the entire declaration of emergency is in bad faith and a violation of international law. HHS cant keep the relationship going with the WHO if the HHS wants to be in conformity with law, science and their ethical obligations to ensure science and accountability in their collaborators.
Third Item, 24: Collaboration within the United Nations system and with other intergovernmental organizations
“So far collaboration within the United Nations system, and other intergovernmental organizations includes the Covid Action Platform, which was the brain child of Klauss Schwab of the WEF, after speaking with 200 of his capitalist stakeholder members of the World Economic Forum. They decided for the first time in history the private sector will assist in a pandemic response.
This collaboration within the United Nations system is now scrubbed online because it was the worst idea in history.
This collaboration within the UN system is a disastrous public private monopoly that has proven to destroy economies and destroy lives based on intentionally horribly unscientific WHO measures.
The UN collaborations caused HHS to be involved with monopolized information and committing delicts under UN direction and control. It is our opinion and our wish that HHS quickly exit the WHO and UN system and cease all UN collaborations because the UN and WHO are not trustworthy for science and are not answering to our multiple charges of fraud, serious undue psychological and medical experimentation and crimes against humanity.
HHS should agree that their collaborators and partners are responsive to charges and disprove all charges, or remedy the errors. UN is above the law and people widely feel the WHO is acting as our unaccountable overlords. Collaboration within the UN system is untenable and will be the downfall of our republic.
Our organizations cannot stress enough how important it is to exit the WHO and cease all collaboration within the UN system.
We will send a longer explanation before the written comments deadline. Please exit the WHO and stop wasting time and money debating the unscientific agendas in WHA.”
Dustin Bryce from Interest Of Justice.Org lays down the Rules as the oversight Committee on the HHS hearing for WHO Stakeholders.
Interest Of Justice believes that there was NOT enough time to prepare for this event and it was difficult to have true meaningful participation as a true democracy requires. IOJ was able to speak and be heard multiple times in this even which was very unexpected and an amazing opportunity to tell the truth to their WHO about all of their structural defects and why they should be reformed or abolished. This is the 1st video out of many in the series which will be posted in time.
Here is what was said in the two minute speech by IOJ:
"My name is Dustin Bryce from Interest Of Justice.Org and we are an oversight committee and a private research institute"
"We prepared a short speech to encompass all topics we chose for ease."
"First, we think the most important is WHO reform. There are inherent conflicts of interest with the WHO’s financing coming from private sector and private foundation stakeholders that financially gain from the implantation of many of the agendas on today’s table including Financing and implementation of the program budget 2022-2023."
"Second, the immunization agenda 2030 relies on the false presumption vaccines save lives and “underpin global security”, which is not true for WHO’s more broad definition of vaccine which usurps countries sovereignty by changing the legislator made definition to include gene editing vaccines and have demonstrably killed more people from all cause mortality than all other vaccines combined.."
"Third, In regard to Implementation of the international health regulations, people have the right to participate in the design, implementation and approval of all health policy but are clearly excluded in the short notice which denies due process. Many thousands of marginalized primary stakeholders believe the proposed IHR amendments must be withdrawn for lack of substantiation of the necessity, proportionality and reasonableness pending time for due process, participation and legal actions."
"Fourth, equity must be defined in a way that includes traditional medicine as freedom of choice and a viable alternative to the gene vaccines which alter the human genome, the heritage to humanity."
"Last, 2 hours is far too short of a session to meaningfully discuss these important topics and we feel we did not receive meaningful participation."
PG 12. IHR Has No Anti Corruption oversight
DG Tedros requests IHR Amendments for more State Funding, confesses theWHO"is at the whim of funders"-2022
PG 13. IHR Tool of Communist UN
IHR tool of communist UN organization
Are you aware the U.N. has communist roots? It's on Congress records.
There is a historical cause for concern about treaty making and good cause to consider the source is of communistic origin in regards to these proposed amendments:
"This Senate attitude hasn't been overlooked by crafty men who would stoop to any device to get their thoughts and ideas inflicted on the Nation and made the supreme law of the land. When men like Alger Hiss and other Communist and Socialist sympathizers wormed their way into positions of great influence in the State Department and took over the job of drafting up our treaties and agreements with international organizations some rather strange and dangerous clauses began to crop up in these documents. These clauses for the most part went unnoticed by Senators who seldom have either the time or the inclination to wade through voluminous treaty agreements prior to voting on them. But other people were perfectly aware of these clauses. They knew full well that treaties automatically become the supreme law of the land upon ratification and thus take precedence over the Federal Constitution and all our State laws." (Congressional Record, 1953, page A422)
U.N.’s documented history of unbroken communism raises concerns, especially in context of Agenda 2030, with the WEF’s threat of the abolition of privacy and property rights by 2030 and the IHR forcing states to limit options for information sources under article 43 to their own guidance and the information of their partner NGO's.
"Now let us look at the record. According to Trygve Lie, longtime Secretary General of the United Nations, he stated flatly that there was a secret agreement between Alger Hiss and Molotov to the effect that the head of the United Nations military staff should always be a Communist. That agreement has never been broken, and we have had a succession of Communists filling that post, the present one being Mr. Arkadov. As a first consequence of this treasonous agreement, this country lost its first military engagement in Korea at a cost to this country of more than $20 billion and 145,000 American casualties ...This was the first war in which we engaged not as the United States military force, but as a United Nations force. ...How convenient this was to the Communists to have one of their own men as head of the United Nations military staff, who reviewed all orders going from the Pentagon to General MacArthur and gave them to our enemy before General MacArthur received them." Congressional Record, 1962, page 215)
The UN has interests adverse to those the HHS OGA seeks to serve. IHR is a trap!
PG 14. Trust The Science, Trust WHO?
The problem is there must be transparency and communication for accountability which the WHO does not have in reality. The moral pillar of the WHO is largely virtue signaling with no real substance, and in fact, as applied, the WHO guidance has overstepped WHO's and States authority to usher in a dystopian nightmare for us human rights and anti corruption oversight bodies who could not get anything done insofar as ethics because the IHR allows WHO and intergovernmental bodies to "shape the research agendas" to their own benefit which States are obliged to rely on when "science is insufficient" (such as covid).
This IHR provision under Article 43 has caused States to be obliged to rely on the communist and corrupt hard core cabal 'covid action platform' (WEF, WHO, Wellcome) for the entire response. Reliance on centralized corrupted WHO partners has directly caused HHS OGA to be responsible for serious breaches of international obligations.
There is no reason to trust or presume good faith will be a factor under the IHR provision of States "shall base their determinations upon" "where such evidence is insufficient, the available information including from WHO and other relevant intergovernmental organizations and international bodies"; and
(c) "any available specific guidance or advice from WHO"
IHR 43 literally commands States to use information and guidance from WHO and their partners which the IHR admits has no scientific basis.
WHO is liable?
The following is the WHO legal disclaimer waiving liability for WHO if States incur damages from basing their decision upon WHO guidance that IHR makes binding "when science is insufficient".
“The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall WHO be liable for damages arising from it’s use.”

PG 15. The confession from last WHO DG Margaret Chan
The WHO is corrupt & Untrustworthy
See the confession from last WHO DG Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chun in Documentary 'Trust WHO?'
Confession the WHO's funding guides policy & guidance
81:12 "You asked an excellent question if i tell you WHO as an organization, only thirty percent of my budget is predictable funds, other seventy percent i have to take a hat and go around the world to beg for money and when they give us the money they are highly linked to their preferences what they like it may not be the priority of the WHO, so if we do not solve this you know we are not going to as to be as good as we were" - WHO DG Margaret Chan 2017
PG 16. WHO manages Conflicts?
The purpose of consultations is to clarify the scientific information and public health rationale underlying the measure and to find a mutually acceptable solution.
The WHO refuses to consult with the dissenting majority of the scientific community to explain their scientific information and public health rationale underlying the recommended measures in their guidances, which is very alarming because under IHR 42 section 2 "available information including from WHO and other relevant intergovernmental organizations and international bodies" are binding upon States when science "is insufficient".
WHO claims to "manage conflicts" whilst also begging for more State funding to stop being "at the whim" of funders, many which include consultant NGO's that IHR says states shall "base their determinations" upon the WHO and other foreign bodies with no allegiance to any Member State or the citizens best interests.
PG 17. Conclusions
The HHS OGA has a duty to exit the IHR and WHO relationship because our organization gave you case numbers to unanswered complaints for previous violations of WHO DG. THE IHR gives the same WHO DG under investigation almost unlimited powers of discretion and it limits State discretion of where to obtain information and it allows for unscientific WHO edicts to be binding in formulating sovereign health policy. THis is unacceptable and an unreasonable risk HHS OGA must avoid at all costs
IHR and amendments are invalid
Under IHR WHO DG's arbitrary discretion to recommend measures regulates fundamental rights of people of all member States, which an only be done by a legislator representing the sovereign peoples will & consent!
Weaponization of Science, and Censorship of Protected Speech
Under IHR WHO has set up unconstitutional and intrusive behavioral nudging psychological experiments which have terrorized people into serious undue medical experimentation using COVID-19 non vaccines
Exit the WHO
It's the right thing to do
It's long overdue
Exit the WHO, it's the right thing to do. It's long overdue. The IHR is not necessary, helpful or in conformity with jus cogens, therefore IHR is void.
EXIT WHO! Exit the WHO, it’s the right thing to do. It’s loig overdue. The IHR is not necessary, helpful or in conformity with jus cogens, therefore IHR is void.
PG 18 This Is 2023: The Great Reset Of Rule Of Law, Ethics &Human Rights In Public Health Policy
Thank you for taking our comments and report in to consideration regarding the IHR invalidity including the proposed amendments. It cannot be over stated how key provisions are overly broad and vague to the point of allowing violations of jus cogens human rights protections including directing and controlling undue experimentation with novel biological agents. It is well settled under International law that if one provision of a treaty or instrument is held invalid for violating a jus cogen norm the entire instrument is invalid and must be declared so and nullified.
IHR Amendments shall not be adopted
HHS OGA has a duty to withdraw any negotiations with the WHO until they meet the burden of proof of the validity of the scientific information and public health rationale underlying the measures recommended during the covid declaration of PHEIC and pandemic as well as dispute our charges of ethics and scientific wrongdoing
IHR is void in more than one provision for allowing violations of jus cogens under guise of protecting right to health. This is very problematic for HHS OGA to continue on with amendments because the entire instrument is null due to this error and deviation from international jus cogens norms
This Is 2023: The Great Reset Of Rule Of Law, Ethics & Human Rights In Public Health Policy
Interest of Justice - The Oversight Committee
Thanks to Interest of Justice and James Roguski for constantly reminding us about the insidious wickedness threatening us all, embodied in DEMENTED DOCUMENTS DEPLOYED by crooks and liars!
May the WHO and all its affiliate parasite scum be made to vanish from the face of the earth!
SCREW THE WHO AND THE HORSE THEY RODE IN ON! They can stick their damned treaties, slave passports and IHR where the sun don't shine and if you follow the 'Early Treatment Protocols' and get plenty of regular exercise, which I do, you will never get sick!
We the People must always be aware of the existential threats lurking behind this fight!
All manner of lies and propaganda spew forth from the upper echelons in governments worldwide who are completely intertwined with the global criminal ruling class that wants to commit the worst atrocities imaginable and suffer no consequences. And their corruption slithers down the chain of command creating petty tyrants everywhere.
Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.
It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!
We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.
There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.
How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!
Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.
There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!
MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
Pam Popper:
Del Bigtree:
Naomi Wolf: