The members of WHO believe they, as an entity, are wonderful for the world and represent everyone, because they are all narcissists. Narcissists believe they are the best things on the planet and that they know what's best for everyone. They believe that no one on Earth believes different from them, because why would you disagree with someone so, obviously, more qualified at deciding what would work best for you? They know your needs better than you do. Therefore, not only do we need them looking out for us, but telling us what to do. So, sit down and shut-up you ignorant fool! ....or we'll shut you up.

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Could not agree more! Narcissistic Nations ran by narcissistic know it all bullies. Why the voicelessness and power plays. Ughhhhh

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Can you tell I was married to a narcissist? I've got those power plays down pat. >Shudder!<

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Glad to have participated.

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Thank you for your important work. The WHO is so obviously an instrument of the genocidal program of the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire that it is difficult to respond sanely and soberly to this latest, perhaps last, power grab. "Last" only because it may do the job of total enslavement of humanity which is the Empire's objective. The astonishing thing is that so many highly-educated and credentialed individuals have sold their souls for dirty money to go along with it. But they do control the money, don't they? In fact they print more and more of it every day to lavish on their minions in every walk of life. Make no mistake, the Protocols are alive and well.

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Possibly, working with the WHO has been a completely selfish attempt at self preservation?

Perhaps they sought membership in an Elite Entity, conferring exclusivity and personal survival?

A very naive hope. Most of these "Petite Nazis" doomed themselves by lining up for "The Jab".

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Useful idiots

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Elevation Worship - The Blessing (Lyrics) ■ ft. Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes, music meets heaven


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IoJ - God bless you! ■ And God protect you! In Jesus Name! M

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Episode 2, "...Red Handed..." ■ Trans splicing, the real reason why two shots, what is it and how it works; when it was discovered.

2nd Video (one in the middle)

16:00 time on video


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Email From CitizenGO ■ 12-20-23

I've just returned from a critical mission in Geneva, where a new Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) meeting has just ended at the World Health Organization (WHO).

Once again, CitizenGO's determination against the Pandemic Treaty was on full display.

Reporting back from the ground, our team was yet again on the front line, directly confronting decision-makers attending the latest round of negotiations.

I am eager to share with you firsthand the ongoing developments.

Let me begin by saying thank you - because once again, your support, persistence, and generosity played a pivotal role in ensuring that our message, backed by more than 500,000 people like you, echoed through the corridors of the UN this week!

I could not be more proud of the community you and I are part of, and the determination we are showing in this ongoing battle for our fundamental freedoms.

Watch the video of the CitizenGO team’s actions, outside the United Nations and WHO Headquarters in Geneva:

As you know, we are deep in the negotiation process. This was the seventh meeting by the Integovernmental Negotiation Body, who is responsible for overseeing the development of the final draft of the Pandemic Treaty.

The latest negotiations in Geneva were a battleground of ideas and principles.

The Globalists and Leftists are in a mad rush to seal this Pandemic Treaty. Why?

They're terrified of losing, especially with CitizenGO and thousands of citizens worldwide breathing down their necks. It's their fear that's driving them to push so hard.

In parallel with the pandemic agreement process, governments are also negotiating amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), which is another huge concern.

These meetings took place simultaneously this week - the proposed amendments are also scheduled for consideration and adoption at the next World Health Assembly in May 2024.

Aware of this critical situation unfolding, we took to Geneva to voice your concerns about the treaty's overreach of individual freedoms and national sovereignty.

We stood firm outside the UN and WHO headquarters, making our stance unmissable to the globalist bureaucrats!

As heads of state and delegates walked in and out of the building, our message was made visible, for delegates of every nation to see!

We delivered your signatures, together with flyers containing crucial information on the Pandemic Treaty directly into the hands of delegates and Permanent Missions to the UN.

They can't use ignorance as an excuse – our team has hammered them time and again about the huge risks this Treaty carries. It's nothing less than a blatant attack on our freedom and national rights.

It didn’t end there.

We've been working nonstop, meeting with as many delegations as we can, to express our strong opposition to this draft. One thing's for sure, they've caught the idea:

Neither you nor I are planning to back off – not by a long shot!

We visited a number of Permanent Representations, meeting directly with delegates and WHO negotiators and experts. We warned them of the possible repercussions for the United States, individual freedoms of citizens in the US, and global health policy, as a whole.

I personally delivered your signature to several delegations over the course of the week, including Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Australia, Kenya, Mexico, Brazil, the European Union, amongst others.

Check out these and all other pictures here.

Our presence in Geneva was yet another testament to the power of our collective action.

Now, more than ever, talking to people, and seeing what is taking place inside the decision rooms, I am witnessing firsthand the mighty force of our collective voice.

What we are achieving is amazing!

Despite the WHO's drive to finalize a global agreement, the uncertainty within their ranks and their race against time, are signs of the direct impact you and I continue to have.

Each meeting, each conversation, each leaflet, represents the voices of half a million of us, who stand united in this cause.

As the negotiations progress towards the May 2024 deadline, the tension is palpable.

Globalists and UN bureaucrats are aware of the growing resistance, a collective of citizens and defenders of freedom, rising in unison against this encroaching control.

Our goal now is to intensify this pressure, to leverage the Treaty's weaknesses, and to disrupt their plans as negotiations resume in Geneva in the new year.

That’s why these upcoming months are critical.

We are counting on your ongoing engagement as we approach the home straight of this radical proposal.

As the negotiations continue, the stakes are higher than ever.

The WHO and its allies will continue to push on and push hard!

I see this every time, on every occasion I have to hear these sessions firsthand. But our mission remains unchanged - our efforts will continue to match them stride for stride.

Our movement is growing from country to country. Citizens are rising up to say NO to globalist health governance.

You and I do not have a choice here. It is our freedoms that are on the line.

Please stay engaged, stay hopeful, and most importantly, stay with us. Our collective action can still shape a safer and freer future for us all.

Thank you for your support in this vital campaign.

Sebastian Lukomski and the entire team at CitizenGO

PS: The battle isn't won yet. Our freedoms are on line, and this is not the time to step back. We need your help to keep fighting against the Pandemic Treaty. Please consider making a donation to help us continue our important work. Every penny counts, and we greatly appreciate your generosity. Your contribution will directly enable us to keep fighting for our cause. Stand with us, and let's make a difference together! Thanks for standing firmly with CitizenGO.



CitizenGO is a community of active citizens that works to ensure that human life, the family and our freedoms are respected worldwide. CitizenGO members live in every nation of the world. Our team is spread across 16 countries on 5 continents and operates in 12 languages. Learn about CitizenGO here or follow us on Facebook or Twitter.

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Healing Genesis

*Bonus Episode 2

Envenomation Agenda Bioweapons Disguised As Disease (the bottom video, 3rd video) first 22 minutes

BILLGATES111 funded 'Gene Drive' and about 5 years ago the Welcome Trust Fund, DARPA, and the Army tired to figure how to cut it off, Gene Drive, because it had been released in the environment. Crisper and Case 9, see 16:00. To cut it off 18 hours of darkness is needed, but blue light accelerates these Plasmids/synthetic venoms are produced more rapid by 5G, smart TV blue light, cell phones, LED lights, etc. These are being used for the agenda to kill and injure/make one ill.

*Operation Warp Speed was coupled with *Operation Telecommunication and the 5G assist the venom protein faster, helps push the public to get the vaccination; makes sickness. Then the vaccine is their "savior" and 5 billion people fell for it. ■ This is the best I can covey in message and spelling due to listening only. The first 22 minutes I recommend taking notes and rehearing it. At about 3:00 to 9:00 the Japanese company making the Plasmids and their test to be sold for human testing! Around 12:00 the testing of Plasmids in water with control testing of chlorine and including sun UV light. M


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UN, Gates Foundation team up to implement ‘digital infrastructure’ into 50 countries by 2028 ■ A digital public infrastructure (DPI) would give governments the power to implement systems of social credit that can determine how you travel, what you can consume, and how you will be able to transact with your programmable money.


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Satanic idol at Iowa state Capitol destroyed by Christian military veteran ■ On December 15, Republican presidential candidate and governor of Florida Ron DeSantis announced on X that he will contribute to the Cassidy’s legal defense fund as well.

“Satan has no place in our society and should not be recognized as a ‘religion’ by the federal government,” DeSantis wrote. “I’ll chip in to contribute to this veteran’s legal defense fund. Good prevails over evil — that’s the American spirit.”

Satan has no place in our society and should not be recognized as a “religion” by the federal government. I’ll chip in to contribute to this veteran’s legal defense fund.

Good prevails over evil — that’s the American spirit. https://t.co/p1vmTcl8c9

— Ron DeSantis (@RonDeSantis) December 15, 2023


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Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision ■ When I found this clip, my jaw dropped. It perfectly explains everything we see happening today. Lost video from the 90's on mind control via microwave EMF and the TeleLIEvision. Now, imagine what we're capable of today in 2023. Source @HATSTRUTH 🎩


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Dr David Martin explains the criminal case of the COVID plandemic ■ David Martin PhD, patent expert and bioweapons inspector, explains how the COVID pandemic was played out and the major crimes behind it. If you need to red-pill anyone, this is the video!


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12/11/2023 The Dr. Hotze Report: Dr. Hotze and Karen Kingston Discuss Texas v. Pfizer Lawsuit RE Dangers of the Covid Shot ■ 31:00 video time details exact process in nanoparticles manufactured; blood samples follow. M


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Research advances, highly technological artificial structures proliferate in the blood | La Quinta Columna ■ Dr.Wilfredo Stokes Baltazar, Guatemala

Research advances, highly technological artificial structures proliferate in the blood, whose function we are beginning to understand.

A 53 year old female patient reduced her body magnetism by at least 95%, just as her neurological symptoms decreased by 70%.

Her electrocardiogram showed a SEVERE AV block which responded to SPECIFIC TREATMENT.

Blood is produced daily, and its improvement is slower but objective.

There is a decrease in complex structures and luminescent corpuscles.


Collaborate with La Quinta Columna:



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I am an old man who has watched this global attack on the world population for many years, I have always recognised the wizard of oz's syndrome. To now see the methods and pure cheek of those who believe they have the rights to pre-empt the rights of humanity is almost beyond belief .It gives me great hope that you are reacting against these evil institutions and giving hope to the future of the human race and its ensuring freedom from tyrants.

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