We must understand that the UN and the W.H.O. are not our friends, they are in fact, THE ENEMY of all sovereign nations and freedom-loving people.

They both are being used by the global cabal to STRIP OUR FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS from us. They do NOT have our interests in mind.

The USA MUST REMOVE itself from any and all connections in any way to these organizations.

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AGREED 100% Support Exit UN & WHO: Two Bills Before The US Congress, HR 6645/S 3428, Which Would Withdraw US From UN, WHO, IHR, And All UN Programs! see: https://interestofjustice.substack.com/p/support-exit-un-and-who-two-bills

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Thank you!

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Indeed. You must understand that this is not our civilization. They are dismantling it little by little. It is their civilization.

The United States has had the worst part. They told you at the World Economic Forum, that in 2030 the United States will no longer be the leading world power.

Have you read anything about the Deagel report? Do you know how many people are expected to be in the US by 2025? If I remember correctly, the population will be reduced by 68%. It is normal for the world population to increase, but that was before 2021, before the liquid interface was implemented to everyone. And you see in that report, the population of each country will decrease drastically by 2025. In my country there are already 2 million people missing according to the last elections. People 18 years of age and older, of voting age. But we know that teenagers and children are also dying suddenly.

We will discuss all this and more at https://covidproject.substack.com

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The UN does not speak intelligibly. However, my take away is that they will try to hand pick youth "participants" who will solemnly nod in agreement and the decisions will be made by the wise elders of the UN! Youth can "participate", just not decide on their own future. Deciding one's own fate, desires and taking action on one's own behalf is just not very sustainable!!!

It's more than fair to ask about the mRNA shots killing, maiming, and sterilizing young people regardless of gender, color, religion etc. Looks like the UN went "full equitable" on this issue!

Good work on speaking up. My suggestion is for the UN to disband and its top people equitably sent to prison!

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Round of applause. Spot on analysis of UN. PROHIBIT and PROSECUTE UN & their corrupt top staff officials! NO IMMUNITY. UN Responsibility entails cessation and reparations. Exit UN! Exit WHO!

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The UN was created for the purpose, not of peace, but of war. It was created by the same people who created other organizations in the 20th century. It was created by the Bildeberg Club, a meeting of Masonic lodges. I will tell you what is going to happen, no matter how much you protest, complain, file complaints, whether to this body or to the court of justice of your country, NOTHING WILL HAPPEN, because they are there governed by their owner or owners who are more above.

The 600 complaints that we filed in Spain, denouncing that in the covid vaccines there was a very potent toxin that was graphene oxide, demonstrated by techniques supported by science, not only in our country, but also in different parts of the world, the judges They did nothing. All of this belongs to a plan, and this Pandemic was a key piece of it to implement digital identity to the entire world. The new world order continues its planned course.

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If we don't oppose this in every way we can their victory is assured. If we get really creative, remain strong in their faces and say NO, we may succeed.

These people seem nervous to me. If you give up without trying you're handing over a victory. What will it hurt to keep trying? When you go against the powerful you must expect to lose a lot. But that doesn't mean you don't keep trying.

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I understand you, but I'm realistic. If you look at history, they have always won, and they tell the story as it suits them, distorting data and falsifying reality. They can wipe out humanity whenever they want, they already did it in the past. If they see that a large majority of the flock is moving, they will sweep.

Of course they are nervous, they are in a hurry to implement the 2030 Agenda. Look at what they have done with the Pandemic, they have created a pandemic without any virus, they have instilled fear so that people would go to vaccinate, and for the majority they have introduced an interface liquid. In all countries they have done the same, this is not about the left or the right. Left-wing countries have inoculated the same as right-wing countries. Who has so much power to do this? Of course, someone who pulls the strings of this fold, the presidents are at their service.

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eing realistic to me is if you do nothing, you have conceded defeat.

I will never say we aren't up against extraordinarily powerful forces with nearly unlimited resources. But if you don't try, you definitely are handing them power over you. That is the truth. Besides, some things are worth doing for one's own sake. Victory is never assured but some things we do because they are right!

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The UN Summit of the Future: The atheists' declaration of vanity and futility. Do not be deceived. God is not mocked.

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In the 1970's UN talked about Our Common Agenda - depopulation!!!! It's BACK - the UN wants Member States to adopt the commie Our Common Agenda 2.0 in the Summit of the Future. It's a very big deal and horror show we ABSOLUTELY MUST NOT ALLOW TO HAPPEN. This is why we participate - to have skin in the game to sue later once these instruments are adopted after our protests! Not deceived. They think they are bigger than God and we are ants ripe for extermination.

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A thousand times bless you.

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The UN was created for this purpose and other inhumane purposes. It was not created for good of any kind.

Thank you for what you're doing.

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The UN is documented in Congress Records to be communist at inception. They are hell bent on a scientific dictatorship that would make Huxley shocked at the depths of technocracy totalitarianism they envision for us all! Our pleasure to try to impede their fake consensus and tell the States not everyone agrees - many DISAGREE and want OUT of UN & WHO!

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I've read a lot but clearly not enough. Please disregard my naivety, who is Huxley? Maybe I missed something.

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Aldous Huxley - he wrote the book Brave New World in 1932 - he was an insider who knew the plans coming up. He warned that a scientific dictatorship will know no natural end. Truly terrifying and happening now!

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Im praying for all of you and if I could personally bless you all with my Holy Water, I would. Please know I am standing with you even though Im not there with you, God Bless and may He keep you safe from harm.

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Thank you! We feel the blessing. If we had the holy water we would throw some sprinkles on these Demons and watch them wither away into nothingness! We appreciate the blessings Hannahlehigh : )

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Oh I would love to put it on all the demons, wouldn't that be glorious.

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As it sits now, the UN is UNnecessary.

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UNbelievably UNneccesssary

UNsustainable debts for decarbonization

UNethical experiments - censorship, psy ops, nudging behavior and biomedical toxin dosing "studies" - among experimenting with social huge changes

UNfund the vax peddler climate scam monopoly!

UNdo the ties!

Unacceptable Breaches of Duty WILL NOT BE TOLERATED UN. Period.

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If the UN actually cares about the Futures of tomorrows generations they would close down and disappear.

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Hey, this could really be made into a much simpler and more targeted case! Much much easier to prove that the bioweapons (military counterweapons) were made for killing people, i.e. for eugenic reasons, i.e. for population reduction - and not for "merging humans and machines", which is impossible and will sound far too far fetched in court as well. In fact, this might overturn the whole case.

See Latypova/Watts (Substack) on the futility of transhumanism claims. Dear Ana Maria Mihalcea, sit down for a while and listen!! Or step out of this!

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Explorer, we hear you, but Dr. Ana is a witness to the shedding which is critical to the case to stop covid "vaccines" for being a public danger - and in our opinion there really REALLY needs to be a case to challenge the "risks of emerging biotechnology" - the same kinds that Ana speaks of and studies.

We are not arguing transhumanism in our cases, although it needs investigating. We talked to Sasha and Ana and we all agree on this point - it's too much and confuses easier issues to prove.

The case is so big it will need to be filed in sections. We think one section should challenge the 4th Industrial Revolution and these new bio technologies such as CRISPR, nano lipid tech and at least demand investigations by court order to determine the extend of nanotech and graphine, etc in the vials.

Dr. Ana will NOT be sitting out on these issues - we need her to step up - especially to prove shedding and harms!

Not a chance we will lose - we are drafting things impeccably over here - wait til you hear soon why we cant lose. Our case is much more viable and normal than people realize.

Thanks for looking out - IOJ family

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That is almost the same point I made in the same moment.

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We need to pull out and away from the WHO and do away with or reconstruct the CDC. The UN was created by the US and Great Britain after WW11 to replace the league of nations and their plan is to replace the UN with the NWO. It is all bogus. No theory, but definitely a conspiracy.

Making these bogus organizations realize that we are on to them makes them nervous about their success. That is a good thing.

I do believe however, that if we don't get a strong administration in and politicians that are awake, for real, to combat these forces then they will continue on their evil path. Indeed they won't stop until they are stopped. Thanks for all you are doing. I currently communicate these issues with my congressman and others. If everyone speaks up, something might just get accomplished.

By the way, I heard that the orchestrators of the C19 are now spreading the "Disease X". I don't know anything about it. Do you? Let us know what your expertise detective ability informs you. Keep up the good work. God bless.

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Agreed - squeaky wheels get the grease. If everyone speaks up, something might just get accomplished... and we do know that our efforts make them have to deal with friction they wish would go away so it's worth it. And the States do somewhat listen and need dissent like what we represent just to keep them on the right course.

Everything a psy op, so no we honestly have no idea what to believe about the alleged Disease X that Davos is presumably busy discussing how to profit from! God bless

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I believe in the Power of Prayer - I will be adding you to my daily prayers. Our Creator lives in the Truth & the Light of Truth will come to pass, in part, because of what you're doing. Dear Lord deliver us from evil. GOD bless you ...

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Thank you!

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Im so tired of being asked for money. If you believe what you print...you know we are sick..tired..and broke after effects of this reset are still present and getting worse every month with costs of living skyrocketing. I am thankful for all of everyone's work and investment into this...but please...understand...we are broke.

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We are thankful for your reading and support as well Amber.

Please understand we too are broke and actually in debt to an expensive lawfirm with NO salary or income - and while we are spending 16 hours a day the past two months with NO fundraising to train him on our extensive record that can win - draining the funds we did have, to take on REAL LEGAL WORK to try to save everyone.

You don't have to give anything. You should know that and relax on trying to shame us for asking for help. Our Substack is free because Stripe wont give us an account to monetize our WORK and we only want people who care to support us so our work is free and freely given by us with nothing in return for years - we even self funded until we ran out of our own funds.

Get over it. Saving humanity is not free. We have bills to pay and NO sponsors. Every month is a struggle to continue what we started to fruition.

How do you want us to do our mission? Meditate and pray that the lights will stay on? We tried that. It's a clarion call - WE ALL NEED HELP - and just because you and us are broke does not mean abundance is stopped and we are stuck. We put our lives on hold to do this mission to WIN and we will beg if we have to because we are the PERSISTENCE and must win. No shame in our years of trying to help and no shame in us asking for what it takes to continue. We are TRULY NON PROFIT.

Donate here anyone else who can so we can continue: interestofjustice.org/donate

Sorry to disappoint you by having to ask for support we need to fix things on a global scale. Freedom truly isn't free. Wish it was.

If we fail to find supporters or sponsors for monthly longevity we will quit and go back to our other life of stability we used to have - would you like that - you can sure as hell bet we will ALL be broke and the globalists will destroy everything if no one does the work only we do.

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Well how condescending you are. As if you are the only ones doing anything. I wont bore you..but Im not dumb and Im working legally on local public health issues. If you feel shamed because of my comment..you should.

Being rude...and speaking down to your readers makes me question your validity.

Every person matters in this senario.

If you cant handel a comment said in truth...maybe you should go back to your cush life. Its not just your help that will change the tide. It is everyone's help that is needed.

Respectfully submitted.

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Were we rude? Speaking down? How? By saying terms like "get over it" that we need to ask for help, or "sorry to disappoint you", or we will all be broke - would you like that?.

Were were condescending by explaining our side of WHY we need to fundraise monthly and annoy readers like you?

Are we major narcissists since we are wildly proclaiming to be literally the ONLY ones doing THIS work at the very sharp focused tip of the spear?

Like you, we are very aware others are also working legally on local public health issues, and some are even working on global issues.

But we are very different and serve a very UNIQUE role on the world stage and have a very good chance of breaking through where others are not even going. Is that condescending or negating others work in your mind if we justify fundraising based on this opinion of our work? We don't understand your attacks on us. Its displaced.

WHY in the WORLD should IOJ feel ashamed about your comment? NO. You are mean and venting on us. Some would say trolling us.

You do not have that type of power over us to try to get us to lower our sense of purity to a base level of shame - because we are PROUD of our work and of our supporters for helping us do so much to impede the great reset where you will own nothing and be happy.

Please stop trolling us and take your anger of being broke out on the Globalists. Write THEM instead of us with your angst.

We have the right to our opinion and our readers can take us or leave us. We will still focus on the mission of impeding globalism because time is short and we hear NO REAL PLAN except for our long term plan which is close to working in our opinions.

All people being involved in meaningful ways will help change the tide, sure, but time is short and our work is critical. You have no idea what we are doing at top levels because we post a 10th of our work. Its not ego or condescending whatsoever to say there is little hope without us. In our opinion its the stark and alarming reality that most people wont go into the lions den like us to take the risk (of being killed, defamed, lawfare, etc) that comes with being the ONLY dissenter WHO CSO that stands up to them and then has to sue in huge battles... Battles that are the ONLY way to win and stop or Exit UN-WHO - in our opinion... battles that humanity cant sue UN or WHO about unless the plaintiff is like us with an extensive record proving you cant get justice as a "partner" to WHO.. battles that sorry - cost $ and our time, blood, sweat, tears, years and LOVE : )

Respectfully dissenting - IOJ

PS - NO ONE called you dumb and we never had a cush life - You put a lot of words in our mouths and feelings upon us we don't actually have.

we had a financially stable life before this full time work because we had JOBS we had to quit to do this full time on limited donations if humanity is to have a shot in our opinions. We are not base like that to call you dumb or think you are dumb. You need a hug and rest. We are NOT YOUR ENEMY.

IOJ - friend to all, enemy of none.

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Ok. By that last book of a response, I see you too are stressed and tired. No trolling here. I said my honest feeling and then get all...this.

Best of luck.

I thank you for your work.

Take care.

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EXACTLY!!! Awesome response!!! A million thanks for your bravery and dedication. There are no words to express my gratitude.

Patty Behan - USA

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By polarizing nonsense this opportunity will be flushed.

Focus on two potent points of fact:



The second point, about the rat studies, will prove a real threat to humanity. The lipid nanoparticles attack the ovaries and bones. Therefore the blood and womb are under transfection in a large part of the human population. Leverage their own documentation.


Expecting to convince any of the Climate Change agenda they are wrong is fruitless.

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Strategy #1 - Penetrate the penetrators, use their concepts and language and Leverage their own documentation.

Getting the info and docs now - thank you immensely!

Agreed - climate alarmists are fanatical - useless. Will need to sue for the climate science and prove it's a FRAUD to fix it.

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Who would allow billionaire Bozo the Clown to alter their God given genetics? (Lots of mis-led souls apparently.) Nano Smartdust from chemtrails and the ensuing morgellon's diseases should be mentioned as the number one threat to the health of mankind.

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From chemtrails etc. Planned pollution.

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quote "Human Rights: Upholding the rights of children and young persons a holistic manner, and those of women and girls in particular, offline and online, is paramount to a thriving global society. This includes promoting gender equality, combating discrimination and stereotypes, ensuring equal opportunities and accessible quality education systems, access to sexual and reproductive health, promoting full, equal and meaningful political participation and leadership, safeguarding freedom of expression, fostering responsible citizenship, enabling civil society's flourishing, protecting human rights defenders, and ensuring the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment, among other issues."

This is just more of the same crap that western countries have had shoved down their throats since 1948-1965 . Just more social engineering and who has a say or vote. More importantly, who will be taxed to pay for all of it???

Here is an issue they can start with right now >>> The 'Rape Crisis' has reported 1 in 4 women being raped or sexually assaulted as an adult and the highest number of rape cases reported to the police in march 2022 was 70,330. The overall statistics in England and Wales found that 85,000 women experience rape, attempted rape or sexual assault every year. ( How many are Non-born Brits or of some minority )

These are the same types of people that created this mess back in 1948 , and as you can see in the above statistic it is not going well .

This is the 21st century. It is not my responsibility to allow a bureaucratic sloth take my earnings and taxes, so as I can no longer afford having children. Tear down monuments / statues , and give a new reality to foreign persons. Who for the most part , have not realized hard work , ethics, study, organization can help them build their own countries. Western civilization is something you can't just give to someone and expect them to maintain it accordingly.

We better start speaking out and not being so NICE. They count on you being so, and will run right over you. The other day, I was watching an Israeli women being filmed and all of the sudden she looked at the one filming and said "Get the fuck out of my country." Now I know people might have different opinions about the goings on in the Middle East. But we all need to learn from her and tell these people to sod off .

I can guarantee China is not having millions of Refugees thrown upon their citizenry..

Social engineering has never been a good idea then nor present.

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Please ask WHO and UN to allow euthanasia for anyone that wants to die. Millions of people won't want to live through this horrific, fascist Bill Gates-led World Economic Forum/United Nations totalitarian global government takeover. Planned euthanasia provides distressed citizens hope for a quick, peaceful, planned death on our own terms.

Children and adults are already committing suicide due to the extreme World Economic Forum/United Nations psychological warfare “to change our behavior”. A life remotely controlled by digital ID, CBDC digital currency, social scoring, forced medical treatments with stealth brain control biotechnology, injected biosurveillance technology, no bodily autonomy, no free will, no freedom of speech, no freedom of thought, no property ownership rights, no freedom of movement, and travel limited within 15 minutes of a "smart city" modernized concentration camp, isn’t a life worth living at all. It’s at best a return to slavery.

The Agenda 2030 dystopian future is not "democracy", “socialism”, “social justice”, "racial justice" or “saving the planet”. It's pure evil.

Please help us peacefully opt out of this nightmare. Canada appears to be allowing euthanasia for anyone. The sooner euthanasia can be allowed everywhere, the better it will be for everyone.

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Dr. Delores Cahill who is a professor at Oxford University said in 2019 no human can live more than 5 years with Graphene Oxide in there system.

Anyone reading this if you are not detoxing then write me here and I will share a very effective detox utilizing Dr.Anna and Dr. Robert Young methodologies that are very effective

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