Is Tom Renz Correct That We Can Only Sue With $6.8 Million In Fiat? No. That Is Obscene.
IOJ Does What NO Attorney On Earth Has Accomplished & Obtains The Elusive Stop ALL Covid Vaccines Public Hearing On A Shoestring!
Today there was a very important discussion between writer Margaret Anna Alice and a reader that we should probably all discuss.
This discussion includes valiant Attorney Tom Renz (we are fans of his work, despite the rant below) who posted today on the realities of suing the UN-WHO-Big Pharma Health Cabal. He makes great points that trials take forever, and have a ton of motions with deadlines and issues, but he misses the mark on the main point of “CAN” we sue?
Like Obama, repeat after us: YES WE CAN. YES WE CAN. YES WE CAN!
Bretigne who writes On the Banks posted:
The single most important question before us is:
How do we hold these criminals accountable for their actions?
Because if we can’t, we may be certain that this steamrolling over our rights will only continue and accelerate.
Margaret Anna Alice replied:
I agree 100%, @Bretigne, and @Interest of Justice is leading the way in Costa Rica with what I hope can serve as a model for prosecuting crimes against humanity that can be replicated in other countries around the world:…INTEREST OF JUSTICE Nuremberg Appeal Hearing! Judge Rules We Can Finally Have A Hearing On Maddy DeGaray's Serious Injuries Being Omitted By FDA & WHO In Their Authorizations Of The Experimental Covid-19 Non Vaccines. It is time. Public hearing November 9th 2023 will finally determine truth from fiction. Third parties, interveners, experts will be allowed.
Bretigne replied: That is fantastic! Did you see this piece, from @Tom Renz? If he is right, then we should all be helping to direct energies into helping to fund the most promising of these legal efforts.
“RENZ: In a case like this, no matter how well you file it, the motion play will be huge. In non-legal terms this means that the people you are suing are going to find anything they can to hold things up, slow things down, dodge the allegations, and get the case dismissed. If you make it to discovery, the discovery will come with a whole new set of fights and also require a TON of time from experts to evaluate. You will then have another major series of motions to dismiss prior to trial looking for summary judgement and related to the upcoming trial. Understand that all of these actions require time and are on very strict deadlines. Then you get to the trial itself. During the trial you will have to be ready for additional motion-play and be prepared to question and cross-examine a TON of highly credible experts. This is no small feat. The preparation is very tough and you have to know EVERYTHING about your case inside and out. This means a full understanding of all of the incredibly complex facts plus a TON of nuanced law. You will find issues coming up that you would never have guessed could exist and have to be ready to deal with them with nearly no notice. Most of these issues are common to any major litigation and it is not something a good lawyer cannot handle. The thing is that the only way a good lawyer can handle this effectively is to have a great team behind him or her. The deadlines and preparation for both the motion-play and a trial like this cannot be done by a single attorney. It is literally impossible and THAT is the reason I have not filed these cases. For me to file a case like this without the proper resources or support would be a violation of the rules of ethics.”
IOJ to Margaret Anna Alice: We just read the Renz Law piece.
He says he can’t “ethically” file a case to stop Big Pharma without around $6.8Million dollars.
To put this into perspective let us realize that IOJ got paid ZERO - yes we have raised NEGATIVE money so far lol - it sucks - but its our moral duty to TRY OUR VERY BEST!
Yes, the IOJ co founders have spent our own lifesavings to self research, draft and fund the only real case to take the shots entirely off the market and go against Big Pharma a more than full time job with no days off since 2020. Our work is just barely starting to pay off with donations that our MOST AWESOME and generous supporters have given thus far.
If you ever donated - we know many only had $5-10. to give - we used it all to fund critical work and could never have got this far without you! You ROCK!
A precautionary measure injunction appeal PUBLIC HEARING is ORDERED November 9 to ask to stop all covid vaccines for being illegal biological agent experiments known to cause harm. The main case has to be filed 15 days after we win the precautionary measure to stop the shots. This is arguably one of the most important covid cases on Earth to prove covid vaccines are illegal experiments by WHO and FDA/DoD that violate Nuremberg Code.
Its obscene that Tom Renz is grifting for 5-7 million dollars before filing the case - and IOJ can’t even comment unless he is paid.
We need funding for the case IN PROCESS.
We started it with nothing but the shirt on our back. We hardly need 5-6 million to speak the key truths and get the rulings to stop the cabal. What we need is dogged persistence and IOJ to be adequately funded to just stay alive and pay the bills and witness fees ordered by the court - not a huge team - not enormous funding.
We don’t have what we need for the next months bills, let alone the hearing or witness fees.
Renz is making excuses to make a fuck load of a lot of money for clearly lazy attorneys who - if they gave a shit - would have filed injunctions similar to what we filed long ago.
Just ranting because its really annoying to have no real help in this unless others get something first. Where is the love? Legal love costs $6 million dollars apparently. Jeeze Louise - if these are the ones coming to save us we are doomed… unless we raise Tom Renz a ton of fiat for his non volunteer team of expensive attorneys.
In that case IOJ will just do - as non attorneys - what the BAR attorneys wont do - due to “ethics”. Its unethical to start and file for attorney’s without $6M to finish their case?
Its absurd and we can simply do better by doing more - regardless of the funding.
We would be homeless, sleep in a tent, beg for food and STILL write the documents on time at a coffeeshop using free wi-fi and get through the case because its bigger than us - this is Gods work for humanity and it MUST be done NOW before its too late.

So ashamed of paid attorneys right now who literally failed us all.
By the time he raises the $ it will be too late to reverse many horrors!
Kindof passionate over here - excuse our over the top passion - but it is that same “oh hell no” type passion that will carry IOJ through to victory.
Just you watch those Big Pharma nutballs LOSE. There are 47 days until our hearing.
Tom could have filed against Big Pharma and the Govt ON SIMPLE POINTS FOR SURE. Not buying it - not for $6M - thats for sure!
Maybe we will subpoena Tom Renz to get his stuff on the record since he wont file or volunteer it - if we think its critical to the case.
Honestly, there are many arguments and proofs to take the Health Monopoly and their non vaccine biological agents experiments down. If Tom is out of the game without a huge bankroll - we still have plenty of evidence to stop the illegal atrocities.
Would be nice if the attorneys would make us cheat sheets of their evidence and come testify though rather than say nothing can be done without a ton of money.
IOJ’S reply to Bretigne:
We are super glad you posted this - First, we are going to contact Renz again to ask to help since he claims he will work for free - just not his dream team.
Second, we think its really important that he gave a layout of the parts of the case and how tedious it is over time.
We DO NOT agree that nothing can be done without $6.8 Million dollars. Thats just wrong.
IOJ has a hearing for November 9 to do what no attorney on earth will do: ask to take the covid-19 vaccines off the market for being toxic bioweapon experiments that are NOT vaccines that immunize.
It made us REALLY, REALLY proud to read him say nothing can be done and know WE ARE DOING IT. IT CAN BE DONE! Let’s just finish it now!!!
IOJ can use help with funding and appreciate your sentiment as you say, “we should all be helping to direct energies into helping to fund the most promising of these legal efforts”.
Dr. Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer) and some other witnesses you probably heard of will be at our Nov 9 public hearing.

We have an excellent shot to win.
More than promising, IOJ took 2 years to build a near slam dunk case!
If you want to share our donate page its Big hugs!
There will be other experts testifying.
It was pure luck that, as a result of my own inexperience with US visas, I found myself & my incredible wife and lifelong partner trapped in Costa Rica a couple of years ago. If I’d known then etc I would have stayed in England to complete the visa process, which ultimately we had to do, returning to London after a few months. Put it down to (in)experience.
But the luck was, I learned of IOJ’s existence there through a mutual friend and so we were able to meet F2F, out of which grew that affidavit and it’s amended follow up. It’ll probably need amending again, we’ll see.
However I pointed out to IOJ that there’s a world of difference between having a sound opinion on a thing and being able to testify about it.
I do think I’m adequately qualified to scene set. I’m a professional research scientist and dot joiner. I’m also highly experienced in “rational drug design” and “mechanistic toxicology”.
But while I have some good knowledge of clinical development and regulatory requirements, the other side will easily make me look like a hopelessly unqualified giver of testimony. It’s not my bullseye of daily responsibility.
So rest assured, we will have other experts, people you’ve heard of.
Not going to name them, that’ll be for the lawyers & only once it’s been decided exactly what we’re going to claim and prove.
Exciting times.
Obviously we retain concern for judicial independence but we can do no more than play it straight and see what happens.
Best wishes
I think you should ask Tom for his information as you go into court. And his help. I believe he will give it.
The US "justice" system works a certain way. It may be that how you did things could work in the US. I don't know that for certain. It may be that in the US what you are doing is not possible or not possible to the degree you have accomplished in Costa Rica.
What I do know is that your work has been difficult and impressive and there are many of us behind you. I would ask for the help and see what happens.