Nuremberg Appeal Hearing! Judge Rules We Can Finally Have A Hearing On Maddy DeGaray's Serious Injuries Being Omitted By FDA & WHO In Their Authorizations Of The Experimental Covid-19 Non Vaccines.
It is time. Public hearing November 9th 2023 will finally determine truth from fiction. Third parties, interveners, experts will be allowed.
Justice is coming.

The following is copied from a translation of the original filing of the appeal Interest of Justice vs State of Costa Rica et al in Spanish:
Interest of Justice vs State of Costa Rica et al
Key issues readers should know:
We lost in the lower court because they said we would have won on all points except the “weighing of interests”.
The following is from our appeal which explains why the lower court Judge got it wrong and his dismissal of our injunction to take covid-19 vaccines off the market should have been granted.
Read key points below to see why this is literally THE MOST IMPORTANT CASE IN THE WORLD AND CAN STOP THE WHO-FDA “Health Monopoly” regulatory failure by first proving it exists. They lied its safe and effective. Period. The sold us a lemon. The global covid-19 vaccine human experiments with no informed consent must be removed from the UN Global Marketplace rather than be funded by States:
Small part of the appeal IOJ filed is below:
Regarding the weighing of interests (bilateral nature of the damage):
Petitioners were so traumatized that we focused on the dangers in the delay to human life and safety (which also shouldn’t be overlooked). The main issue we tried to convey in HECHOS: Primero:, albeit unartfully, is actually the "Danger in the delay" of the continued execution of the manifestly illegal act of use of covid-19 vaccines which are mislabeled as vaccines in order to give Costa Rica Vaccine Commission (CNVE) authority in excess of legislative intent. The legislators defined vaccine and gave CNVE power over “vaccines” as defined only in vaccine regulatory law 32722 article 1 section p.
Of great importance, and which was not disputed in the original hearing, is that the evidence shows when CNVE was asked a simple question from Plaintiffs about how is the covid-19 vaccine in conformity with 32722 article 1 and defined as a vaccine, the CNVE testified the definition they are using is not from the legislators of Costa Rica, instead the CNVE rambles on about WHO definitions which clearly conflict with the legislator’s intent. Can the court find anywhere in the following administrative testimony that shows the national definition is being applied, or just the WHO’s spurious illegal definition? If the weighing of interests in this case is to give the legislators the final say, the following should have been considered and the precautionary measure should have been granted because no legislator authorized CNVE to have authority over non vaccines just because the WHO says so:
San José, 24January 2022In reference to letter MS-0273-2022, in which we respond to 2022, your e-mail dated January 4, 2010, entitled "SUBJECT: Cease and desist of the experimental gene therapy "COVID-19 [NON] Vaccine" for its use in humans", I add information provided by the National Commission of Vaccination and Epidemiology, in letter MS-CNVE-0059-2022 , signed by Dr. Roberto Arroba-Tijerino, Technical Secretary, which indicates the following, and I quote verbatim:
"The vaccines used by the country against covid-19 are licensed by WHO and, in addition, have approval for use by Strict Regulatory Agencies, such as FDA and EMA.
I would like to respond to your questions regarding the vaccines in question:
The World Health Organization defines vaccines very broadly as follows: vaccines contain attenuated or inactivated parts of a specific organism (antigen) that elicit an immune response in the body. Newer vaccines contain the 'instructions' to produce antigens, rather than the antigen itself. Regardless of whether the vaccine contains the antigen or the instructions for the body to produce it, that attenuated version will not cause disease in the vaccinated person, but will induce the immune system to respond as it would have done in its first reaction to the actual pathogen (Information available at: room/feature-stories/detail/how-do- vaccines-work).
The COVID-19 vaccines being administered to the Costa Rican population Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and COVID-19 Vaccine are authorized by the World Health Organization for inclusion in the Emergency Use List (EUL) as can be verified in the web page of this organization:
It is important to clarify that before they are in Phase I, II and III studies they are referred to as "vaccine candidates", but that these types of vaccines after they obtain their approval either an emergency use authorization, a conditional authorization, or even a formal authorization can continue in Phase III and IV clinical studies for follow-up and post-marketing, or even new Phase III studies in new population groups, for example, in the case of a vaccine candidate, but also in the case of a vaccine candidate in a new population group what can always be referred to as "investigational vaccines" and it is completely acceptable.
1.In plaintiffs original filing of the precautionary measure, under the Facts “First”, plaintiffs argument was not taken into consideration that the laws which normally apply to the CNVE do not apply to this particular product called COVID-19 vaccine because it is a Bio-medical research product which is supposed to be regulated under 9234 and 39061-S. This is critical oversight because we were trying to explain that this legal situation renders the entire use of the COVID-19 Vaccines absolutely null because they were authorized by CNVE who acts in excess of authority.
2. The CNVE and the health minister have failed to explain how a de-facto definition from the WHO would give CNVE authority over a product that our legislators would not define as a vaccine. In order to use a foreign private de facto WHO definition to grant themselves authority, plaintiffs believe there would first need to be motivated reason which allows them to legally adopt the foreign definition of vaccine. In the absence of proof that the WHO is authorized to define “Vaccine” in contrast to our legislators who already define vaccine in 32722(p), the court has a duty to grant the precautionary measure in order to prevent the manifestly illegal act of COVID- 19 biological agent “vaccines” being used in excess of Costa Rica legal limits.
3. The court is requested to address the legality, because:
So far, even after winning 4 Amparos, and filing over 40 cases there is no way to get adequate or truthful information, or to give effect to the superior law, or enforce the violations of Siracusa Principles, medical morality law article 10 which includes nuremberg code articles 1,3,5,7-8 as well as the declaration of Helsinky and every law in article 10 which is intended to protect the health, life and safety involved in biomedical research.
So far no one will address the fact the WHO is also in breach of function and not trustworthy to oversee the unproven interventions outside clinical trials and failed to ensure safety and efficacy as promised for their EUL list that CR relies on: see:
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan,
W.H.O.Chief Scientist, stating in a PSA November 28, 2019 that vaccines are safe and then 5 days later saying the opposite and that some countries are not adequately monitored at a summit. Do you trust the "experts"? Precaution is warranted because the WHO is on recording lying about vaccine safety and admitting the dangers are inadequately monitored for the EUL list!
WHO Chief scientist stating they have zero evidence that the vaccines will even work
There is a pathological slowness of the entire State of Costa Rica including this court to effectively assist petitioners in their mission of giving effect to the law which prevents this exact type of act which is defined by the legislators as serious undue experimentation under article 78-79 of the bio medical research law 9234:
The court first failed to serve petitioners the order to integrate PANI for one month causing an undue delay and harm to petitioners interest for prompt justice
The court secondly failed to serve us the final resolution Ordered by the judge to dismiss the precautionary measure on March 2023. Until July 17, 2023, over 4 months after the judge ruled!
§ The four month delay in being served caused us a four month delay in being able to address these issues. Petitioners had filed a request to consider new facts on June 7, 2023 wholly unaware that the court had already ruled and that our facts were sitting in the docket being unattended (new facts to amplify the record)
§ Petitioners claim damages due to the pathological slowness of the court in this particular instance where the stakes are so high that both human life, prompt justice to petitioners and the public interest is at serious risk due to the continued execution of manifestly illegal acts of serious undue experimentation that so far we have been unable to prevent but which the legislative clear intent is that this particular act must be prevented immediately.
World Health Organization
The server or the head of the body that appears as the alleged perpetrator of the offense (The Costa Rican Health Authorities): now called "The Health Monopoly"
The Costa Rican Health Authorities acted in compliance with orders or instructions issued by a superior, or with his authorization or approval, protection against both shall be considered established:
Plaintiffs have contacted the WHO several times including filing 2 charges in the ethics department. The WHO or the ethics department never responded to the claims. After some time On May 3, 2023 Plaintiffs explained to HHS OGA about the lack of substantiation of our presumed facts and how the WHO refuse to answer to charges filed in their ethics oversight complaint office the violations which involved all of the parties listed in this notice and much much more. Please see video here
On May 21, 2023 Plaintiffs sent a final “Notice Of Claim” To every single responsible party stated in this notice. Please see attached Final Notice of claim to the WHO, HHS OGA, Ministry of Foreign affairs Costa Rica, President of Costa Rica and all regulatory agencies FDA etc...
The notice of claim sent is attached herein further below in the document.
CNE the Costa Rican Emergency Commission:see correspondences Ministry of foreign affairs–see documentary evidence
Office of the President Costa Rica- please see final resolutions not duly motivated and absolute nullities - breaches of duty etc..
World Health Organization - plaintiffs are stakeholders in the pandemic preparedness and response at the WHO - please see non response and how it affects our organization to refuse to communicate with the international organizations
FDA - Stakeholders - please see documentary evidence CDC – See Documentary evidence
HHS OGA Health and human services Office of global affairs stakeholders in the World Health assembly Stakeholders
WEF-world economic forum – See documentary evidence
United Nations- processes See documentary evidence
Process’s almost every single legislator in Costa Rica – See documentary evidence
Department of Defense USA - information requests the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives of the United States Government – see documentary evidence
Plaintiffs submitted to the CIPA application for Costa Rica and the public participation mechanisms and they have failed to respond at all! See documentary evidence
And also have processes with the Fiscalia Anticorruption Unit Of the Costa Rican Government – see documentary evidence
Plaintiffs cannot get anywhere with anyone in the world so far as we are silenced, lied to, disregarded and ultimately ignored in our efforts to speak about all of this. Plaintiffs are defenseless. The State relies on FDA and WHO for the safety and efficacy of the product but WHO will not even respond to 2 criminal charges presented through their Ethics department months ago & FDA director Peter Marks denies our citizens petitions in a way which is not duly motivated and not pertinent to the issues of FDA hiding 1223 deaths in the Pfizer trial and FDA authorizing Pfizer BioNtech for children the same day Maddie was in the hospital!
FDA, HHS, WHO, CONIS (regulators who defendants rely on) all flat refuse to address Plaintiffs serious issues and all are still inefficient, inactive, and continuing to execute the absolutely null acts and giving more baseless resolutions that are null which are not duly motivated or pertinent to the issues or facts raised.
On May 21, 2023 Plaintiffs sent a final “Notice Of Claim” To every single responsible party stated in this notice. Please see attached Final Notice of claim to the WHO, HHS OGA, Ministry of Foreign affairs Costa Rica, President of Costa Rica and all regulatory agencies FDA etc...
Ok everyone the Appeal we filed is very long due to almost 3 years of Lockstep shenanagins so we will keep posting sections this week.
IOJ will publicize the issues until the public hearing to get you all up to speed with what is on the table in the Contentious Administrative Appellate Court November 9, 2023, San Jose Costa Rica!
Interveners and third parties will be allowed. We will announce how to join the case this week or so.
Join The Great Reset Of Rule Of Law
It takes a village to take down the UN WEF WHO global human experimentation captured regulatory system administering biological agents known to cause harm that they falsely call safe and effective. Help us take these bastards DOWN November 9, 2023!!! We need lawyers fees NOW! The judge ordered it. We don’t have the funds we need to pull this off yet, but we did get humanity the DATE for the Public Hearing & together this is ON. Justice is coming.
Share this good news far and wide! Share the hope! Nuremberg 2.0 is November 9, 2023!!!
Related yesterdays article with ORDER from the judge translated into English:
Read more from the long history and SAGA between IOJ and WHO:
Sign unless you WANT permanent covid lockdowns, forced vaccines and masks 24/7.
I am very skeptical. We have to have a "judge" approve of an appeal? We need their permission to have a trial? I don't have any faith in the justice system. This is probably just another staged show to keep people distracted while they move forward with the democide. You do know that the original Nuremberg Trials were a scam too? They only prosecuted a few of the lower level Nazis. The rest came over to the USA and got new names, fresh social security numbers, and high paying jobs in the military and medical industrial complexes. It was called Operation Paperclip. Look it up. They engineered the current scamdemic as well. Do you really think the bought off judges are going to allow their comrades to be prosecuted? Of course not. We cannot rely on the courts or any government agencies.
There IS no justice for Maddy. She may overcome. Someday. Somehow. We are rooting for Maddy.'s present injury to subside, and improve in time. But justice -- no. What price a child's life replete with power and promise -- then, stolen? What price paid -- a mother's anguish of her precious charge.