There should be a tiered rating system of priority cases when serious backlogs exist. Surely a shoplifting charge does not carry the same weight as assault or murder, any more than speeding violations would take precedent over Nuremberg code violations.

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Brilliant! Will absolutely insist on this.

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I agree with Donald.

With limited judges, prioritize the cases to be heard.

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Completely agree Bruce and Donald. We also think the country (all countries) needs to fund a full stop civics and law program that teaches people their rights and more importantly, the PROCEDURES in each court, because we have filed in the wrong court and wasted time so we would bet thats a huge reason for the backlog - They are so precise here - and each court is so unique its really a shit show and we often get kicked out to another court ONLY because they never taught the people the strict rules. Kids and adults both need civics - We are thinking a trained AI type app could resolve many issues to teach people the legal rules or help people to call up the right laws and rules. Actually we need to prepare a damn long list of ideas to help the judiciary be as efficient as possible : ). Take the power back!

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Throw out cases that were not heard within the statues unless the case seems egregious or has public interest. Throw out cases where evidence does not match the charges. Throw out cases where only witnesses do not want to come to court. Throw out cases with only one witness for a supposedly public crime especially if the witness will not come to court. Throw cases with egregious charges but the evidence does not show the crime committed, especially when it looks headed toward a mental health insinuation or encouragement to see a psychiatrist. Throw out cases where political, religious, or conspiracy beliefs seem well documented without solid evidence for the charges or with reluctant witnesses making excuses to not appear so the defendant can't hear his accuser. Throw out domestic violence cases if the parties want to reconcile and agree to seek help from the church, counseling, or a non-profit group, or other institution.

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These are all great! Would truly love to know the backlog from domestic violence cases where the parties want to reconcile and the prosecutors won't drop it - thats probably a HUGE problem!

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