Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Interest of Justice

Watch The Original Video It's Hilarious!


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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Author

it really is hilarious! We thought that vid was on top - glad you posted it - somehow the main punchline best video was left out of our post - just added - thanks!

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I Picked Up On That It Was Missing Right Away & Had To Share That Hilarity, You Are Welcome!

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I Laughed So Hard, What A Moron!

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We were laughing really hard too. He just sits there with his mouth agape dumbfounded in his car and it's just too funny. The Judge was so puzzled & asked, "WHY would he DO THAT?" hahahhaha. lol lol oh man too funny

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Jun 9Liked by Interest of Justice

I saw this article the other day also. Omg.

What a moron.

What kind of person goes in front of a judge doing the same thing that they got in trouble for?

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Apparently the type of person from that town goes in front of a judge doing the same thing that they got in trouble for because TWO morons did that in front of the same judge within months. How does that even happen? lol Absolutely hysterical. The two were both so busted and it's just unbelievable they were shocked. How did they not foresee the outcome?

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Interest of Justice

The defendant's t-shirt!!? This seems like a the whole thing is planted for some kind of psy op or something. 😯

Front:"Trust me"



Who would wear a shirt like that to a criminal court case? Although.... I do know an idiot who was busted for selling acid in the 80s who went to court in a t-shirt that said: "IT DOES SNOW IN FLORIDA!" with a pic of a razor blade and white powder 🙄

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lol lol lol OMG people are so innovative in their creativity to appear in court. That shirt from the 80's is classic! Gotta love it! Spirit of humanity just doing it's thing, never mind the gatekeepers lol

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Jun 8Liked by Interest of Justice

I'm sure it helped his *not guilty* plea immensely! 🤣 He got three years less a day in a med/min security prison. They give that sentence to people as a maximum "light" sentence, as three years puts you in max security penn time

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Yikes! We did the same thing - pissed em off. We played the Happy Pharrel song REALLY loud singing it, got maced, beat up and jailed for NO crime - just resisting arrest with NO crime to be arrested for - and NO force - just defiantly singing Happy on a 1000w speaker surrounded by 30 cops with guns drawn. Guess we should have signed the ticket and simmered down haha - had to spend 3 months in jail just to see a judge & they threatened us with 3-6 more months before trial so we said FOOK it - plead nolo contendre - out of duress and coercion.. Later we sued the Attorney General of the state for fraud and guess what?

The charges DISAPPEARED... not a criminal after all.

Long story short - if you play with fire you may get burned!

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That's a wild experience! Thanks for sharing. Do you have the full story on your stack somewhere? Would love to know more. Sounds a lot like the things that are happening to us up here in Turdeau-land. Peaceful protesters beaten, innocent bystanders arrested for the crime of being in the vicinity of said peaceful protests, old men roughed up and arrested for honking a horn at a slow car in an intersection (what are horns for, if not to do that!?)and even grannies trampled by RCMP Gestapo horses.

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Jun 8·edited Jun 8Liked by Interest of Justice

Actually there was a reasonably VALID explanation.

Years (2012?) ago his license was suspended on a child support issue. He paid up and the court removed his suspension. What he did NOT realize however (many people may not) is that once the court releases his license he needs to go to the state motor vehicles with the court paperwork to get off the suspended list. This is separate from the court proceeding.

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Not buying it and neither should the judge. In the second video the Judge calls it out - the dude went every year since high school to get an ID renewed and the Judge busted him last renewing his ID in December 2023.... Judge explains in the state you get one or the other - an ID or Drivers license. If he ever had a license that would be one thing, but he literally in his whole life NEVER had one - he had it cleared up for the child support thing to be ELIGIBLE for one - BUT he never took the tests or ever applied. He NEVER had one and he's on video admitting "I don't know if If I ever had one". Judge had to go into investigation mode due to the rumors because the judge wondered if he acted on incomplete info like you say - and he totally figured out the guy never applied for a license in his whole life, the privilege to apply was suspended and later reinstated.... but he never bothered to even ask how to get a license after the child support issue ALMOST allowed him to get his privilege to apply back. Poor dude and then in jail you just get more behind on child support and the license would have been easier, just saying....

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deletedJun 8Liked by Interest of Justice
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Thats the rumor but absolutely not true. Watch the second video - Judge busted it & in a video not posted in here the dude admits "he does not know" if he ever had a license. He totally should have parked before answering the call & pretended he was stationary. Now hes still in jail because he's lying to the court so it has no mercy.

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