May 6, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

Your brilliance shines on. Many blessings for your release, to be with Stella, your children and the rest of your family. Actually, though, if you count all the people who love you, and mourn your suffering, your family is vast. We want you out, dear Julian. Please stay strong.

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We are all family and soul tribe - agree with everything you say! Well said Bhavana!

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May 6, 2023Liked by Interest of Justice

This most excellent fellow.

Our hearts go out to all those suffering under the heel of elitist barbarism.

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Your words are so perfectly spoken. Yes!

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I hope and pray you get to freedom Julian....but if you don't, just know your work changed the world for the better. You gave us a map to where the demons live. And a few good men and women on this planet are using it.

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Well said Julian,our prayers and thoughts continue to be with you and those alike within those nasty walls.

Like the apostle Paul and Silas held in jail for speaking the truth,you are also on the same predicament but,take hope and trust,God is able and He will do the utmost impossible when all seems lost.

Hold on with faith in God and He will do what needs to be done at His time .God keep you,strengthen you and your family as we all continue to pray and believe God for your quick release.

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Very well written and I don’t know why you are there. Unfortunately I don’t believe you will find mercy from this king but from the King of Kings!! I will pray for your release! Governments of men are foul. But the Government soon to come will be righteous! Keep the faith!

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This might go some way to explain why the hollow pomp of the Coronation makes me feel slightly queasy. I wonder if this king even knows what's actually going on. Maybe he does, and justifies it somehow for the greater good, I don't know. I used to believe he had some level of integrity and sincerity. All strength to Julian Assange and others like him who pose no danger to society. May he soon walk free in the sunshine.

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An interesting insight into some of the delights of Belmarsh Prison. I could be wrong but I doubt his esteemed majesty will even see Julian’s well crafted letter. However if it does come to his notice he would have an opportunity to make a very popular plea to have Julian released and what a great way to start his reign by doing something useful for a change.

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Let us pray for Julian and hope that the king is wise.

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Sadly, King Charlie is but a WEF muppet.

Julian has earned his freedom.

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Look what I found...comments are closed, of course..... when you do read them, they are all positive..... A Very Considerate Godfather.

A remarkable man is about to be crowned our King https://indiahicks.substack.com/p/a-very-considerate-godfather

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That is badass. And also the writings of a man with nothing left to lose. His continued imprisonment is a stain on us all.

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Heartfelt letter to a soulless man. Julian is a far better human being than the evil reset king will ever be.

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