These people are both psychopaths. Its too bad all that money is wasted on evil demons who do nothing good for the world, but have chosen a path of darkness, abuse, murder - in routes of "vaccines" and other ways I am sure and now Bill wants to take over the food supply to starve, maim and cause more illness. He's a sick bastard.

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Bill like any DISCIPLE OF THE SYNAGOGUE OF MAKE BELIEVE/SATAN/MONEY... never "wants" to starve, maim.... anyone they simply cannot look beyond THEIR PLATO'S MENTAL PRISON CAVE they have constructed for themselves and others!

PURE BLINDNESS ... compassion and prayer to GOD ALMIGHTY is the only remedy!

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Just what we need, Melinda going after families to "help." ;-)

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First thought we had!

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Yep. She's got to focus in on an imperative branch (of robust resistance) in their plot to destroy all of humanity. How "philanthropic" of her;-)

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shes as evil as her husband. Im sure she is going over to Africa to murder more unborn babies and women with their depopulation "vaccines".

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I doubt she’d step foot in Africa or India. They want these slime balls baaaaad! I did a deep dive into that!

Excuse my linguini but that Bitch was ALL in on the slaughter of mothers and babies and if anyone thinks otherwise is brainless.

This woman is more evil than her divorced hubby and you can see it in that smirk of hers.

The worse part….she’s a mother of three and will kill yours before hers!

No, I think the Bitch is planning to hide cause she and others know something is up!

Just look at what the elites are doing but she and others think they can pull another Willy on us😂

I see the anger growing and growing every day.

My guess….bet she’s scared!

My opinion of course!

She may be one of the most evil woman of our time…but she’s no fool!

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Not even sure it's the same person we saw 20 years ago. This new "thing" looks like it could well be a man in drag;-)

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Thats what I also think.How this two people with their money and names buy their selves free to talk openly about murder and so called depopulation.They buy allready everybody who is important for their plan to kill people openly with getting no consequenzes.

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its their money that saves them only. If you or I talked about this and then acted upon these evil words, we would be tossed in prison. These people run free and wild, totaling up their murderous, genocidal body count and they are never held accountable.

If I were Queen or president, I would write an EO that turned off the financial spigot of lobbyist who work for these companies like GAVI and the Gates Foundation. They could no longer wave their money at our legislators and encourage our legislators to vote for bills that benefit those companies.

I would also sanction Bill & Melinda Gates and all of their companies from doing business in the US of any kind and add to that list, George Soros et al, BLM, ANTIFA - you get the point.

Our government is so rogue. So illegal and so abusive to the human race in the USA and countries around the world, that We The People must be willing to live by our own laws and rules. I prefer living by the 10 Commandments, US Constitution and Bill of Rights. Our legislators have been making laws (and breaking laws) with our The People's Consent for probably a century now. It is now time for WE THE PEOPLE to stop allowing this to happen and govern ourselves. Be Un-Governable and never trust this rogue, illegitimate, lying regime of a "government".

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Helping to murder poor familys and Babys.You can see the devil in her face when she is laughing.I was a beliver before.Since I get poisoned with the pcr test,because I didnt want to be vaxxed.There Was a contaminetion with the swab through the nose inside my body with a nanotechnology.Since this time I am sick.More than that I spread this bacterial technology to otheres.This sentence they did in Germany with you when you dont agree the jab.Since this time I lost my life I cant see my children and I dont get help.Before that happens,Bill Gates tell on the TV People will get jabbed if they want or dont want.Nobody will be save.At a other time at the doctors,the Dr came after a while with a second injection.I Was naiv and trust him.Today I think he hit me with the jab when he came with the second injection,he doesnt say one word about the vaccine.My only question is why God gives this devil people like the Gates so much Power???He bleesed them with evrything,and still God alloud them to kill so much poor familys,babys or people which they try only to survive like me.I have no family and nobody and dont know how I get out the technology of my body.Where I can get help?

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START with anti parasite meds and herbs. If you're broke, you need to collect citrus peels and seeds (the bitters). Grapefruit is the strongest, but oranges, lemons, limes work well too. Simmer a pot of these (and if you can find some, add a handful of star anise seeds to the brew) for about an hour. DRINK a few tablespoons per day. Sweeten if you need to. It's bitter.

Get some nicotine into your system, (gum, patches, or even chew if you must). It neutralizes the venom peptides produced by the polymer-based, engineered parasitic "creatures" we've been infected with. And get your hands on some systems for dissolving and detoxing the polymers. Amazingly, an excess amount of vitamin C, (standing alone) does a great deal to move this mess in your favor. But there are other things (like bromelain plus Nattinokinase) that help. If you can get some, NAC is also helpful.

There is NOTHING the doctors can (or will) do to save any of us. But we CAN save ourselves.

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Bill and Melinda should be incarcerated for treason, sedition, being unregistered foreign agents and all assets confiscated. They are Transnationals.

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Gates of Hell is one of the biggest POS's on our poor little planet, IMEO.

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And if the cows refuse the vaccine? Deny them grass to eat.

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They will eat steak and like it

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Is this lunatic aware that vegetarian dinosaurs outnumbered all others, that they outnumbered all cows worldwide by immeasurable amounts in body mass, consumption of plants and thus in the emission of farts? Nevertheless, the earth did not perish during their age.

Oh God, this guy is daft. About as stupid as the other guy who, instead of doing his job as a journalist and asking controversial questions, is up to his shoulders in Bill Gates' arse.

Even if one does not believe in the geological existence of dinosaurs, one would have to assume that the sum of all vegetarians in the animal world has always outnumbered all other species before we humans reduced their expansion, because otherwise so many species of carnivores could never have developed and the vegetarians could never have survived at the same time. And yet, despite the sheer number of herbivores, the earth has not perished in the climate catastrophe.

Gastes would be better off using his money to reduce waste instead of adding to the problem with vaccinations, syringes and packaging for all this rubbish.

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Koch, Pasteur, FAUXI and GATES coming full circle with "vacunas" back where they were originally MADE UP by the disciples of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN/MAKE BELIEVE/LIES/HALF-TRUTHS!

Criminals always go back to the crime scene ... even if it takes a century or more!


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Love reading the viewers’ comments on the Bill Gates interview. Someone referred to him as a huckster. Perfect.

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Yes! The comments are so entertaining! A huckster hahaaaa. Too perfect.

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If that picture is recent…something is sure aging her BAD!

One has to WORRY why🧐😁

Definition: To feel uneasy or concerned about something; be troubled

Her actions speak louder than words!

Don’t be fooled!

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Ez a két ember olyanok mint a Hitler.

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I think I understand !

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I would rather have her locked into her existing organization than out finding new areas in which to interfere. She and MacKenzie Scott gave $23 million to school based health centers which are a way to keep kid’s records at the school, divorce children from parents in health care decisions and provide services and products such as contraception and vaccines and will eventually morph into abortion and gender mutilation clinics. At least she isn’t wearing her upside down cross in the photo. It struck me that Bill mentioned the polar reversal which Doug Vogt believed would happen between Sept. & Dec. 2046. The video I was going to post here Series 4, Part 5G, Governments reaction to the Nova and Polar Reversal Losing the Republic has been taken down by Youtube for violating its guidelines which we know means it was right on the 💲. In the video he told about being contacted by people in the military about his research and the tunnel contests they held to get groups to design robots that could navigate through the tunnels and recognize if someone was dead or alive and clear areas of debris, etc.

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Melinda gave so much of her time and other's money to help women and children in Africa become dead, maimed and sterile. She hopes to continue this work in every continent.

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Gates is OOHFM.

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Ahab/Jezebel Demons straight out of hell.

Who cares what they think, say or do about anything.


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Why is Bill Gates still walking around? And good luck getting America's cattle ranchers on board with the satanic plan....

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