Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I implore you to be circumspect and keep this ugliness as low-key as possible. Escalation and public ongoing conflict is only distracting from the ultimate goal. The conflict is turning my stomach. I am quite sure both of you are honest brokers. maybe just forge your independent paths and put this to bed.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

If you read our article she defamed us with PUBLISHED lies ON HER SITE. We demand an apology.

We exude truth which to us is beauty, and expose lies about us as ugliness... Get your point, but defamation and lies and meanness must be exposed

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Do not be swayed. Who says the high roads is indeed the high road? Who decides? Who defines? Thank you.

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Much love Linda! Appreciated - you are very right and this message was needed : ) Thank you

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

Ya, how do we know, if we are not allowed to process the information?

Simple info-due-processing accountability is what we seek.

PC/Emotions don't present any authority over such. Literally.

Accountability VS Corruption, please

Obstruction of Justice is Not what we need.

Focus Unite ;-)

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Please take the high road and a simple refutation of her accusations is all that is needed. Taking time and energy trying to rally the community against her and in support of your work is only going to use up everybody’s time and attention at a time when we cannot afford to lose time and attention.

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Well in that case, as stated, we refute her lies, which is clearly the point of this post. We have 10% overlap readership with Meryl, so we expected your type of response from the Nass community. The mouse will not appreciate your neutrality when you see the elephant is standing on his tail!

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Some of us look for a well rounded view of the information field, not a camp to settle in and stew. So we sign up for a varied fare to exercise greater dialogue and awareness. As a group under the banner of Justice I would hope this is your outlook as well. Your response allows no berth for neutrality, but is a shortsighted camp attack, which is concerning for the role you identify yourself by.

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Not in agreement. Totally biased and not neutral on this.. but you ARE neutral. And once again the old Chinese proverb is a perfect analogy: The mouse will not appreciate your neutrality when you see the elephant is standing on his tail defaming him to the whole camp in order to turn the camp against you…. our dialogue was shut down when we begged Meryl to stop the defamatory attacks on our honor. What do you want from us?

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And could you please explain how we are the ones in a shortsighted camp attack when we are actually acting in defense from Meryl Nass. What role do you think we identify ourselves with that makes our stance concern you?

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Go away.

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Meryl Nass has a history of attacking, threatening and defaming others. She's done it to me and another researcher, except with them she threatened to destroy them if they kept talking about drug overdose deaths. She's Malone's junkyard dog and one of the nastiest, angriest, bitter Bettys I've ever come across. No surprise imo she was part of a violent Socialist group and a Communist who visited Cuba. But she's well financed by dark money, she's been playing her role as she's been directed. Follow the dark money trail....if you're effective and she views as a threat, she's paid to destroy you.

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".if you're effective and she views as a threat, she's paid to destroy you."....

THANK YOU La Gata Politica! The first thought we had was DAMMMMNNN we must be over the target - We made the NASSty list of targets lol

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

To save you time and to help you build your argument about holding the vicious junkyard dog accountable, I'm providing some links for you to review as time permits. I know lots about Meryl and know lots about the dark money that funds her. She absolutely is the one in a position of power, and always has been. She's protected by dark money from Children's Health Defense, they've paid for her legal fees but they refused to help the mother of a murdered young lady (from Covid19 protocols) with her legal fees and finding a good attorney. But they've spent tons of money on Meryl's legal fees. She's taunting you to sue her because dark money will most likely be used to pay for the legal fees - it's not coming out of her pocket.

You must continue to highlight the fact that she's in a position of power and heavily funded - while you are not. She likes to squash anyone she views as inferior and threatening to her school play. She has a role to play and she does it well. Must be the training she received from the violent Socialist Democrats.

Here's a link to my post where I provide a brief history of her raging Communist behavior (it'll save you tons of time in case you're wondering where she came from):


And here I'm responding to her attack (link to her disgusting, racist post is included in this post):


Here's a follow up from Charles Wright who did his research and confirmed she was misrepresenting (covering up) for Malone:


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Can’t wait to go through with a fine tooth comb! Thanks! Need all we can find on her funding sources for sure! We were just saying about how CHD paid for Meryl’s medical license case over helping parents with dead kids…. And how a few months back Maine offered Meryl to renew and after all that lawsuit stuff she decided NOT TO RENEW … presumably TO PRETEND THEY WONT GIVE IT. she probably is taunting us because she wouldn’t be on the hook - she’s very likely covered for playing her role while we are the little guy who is not in a good position to defend. Appreciate your wisdom and historical knowledge on this!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

It's all a school play with her, and she fights dirty - just keep that in mind. And she has the power of RFK Jr. and his dirty dark money behind her - that's why I agree that you need to use public opinion to expose her bad behavior. Don't let her distract you from the great work you're doing. You'll lose followers and you'll gain followers - don't let anyone bully you guys because the bullies are going to be on steroids now. Sending prayers to protect y'all!

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

...and Malone..... she wants you to leave him "MA-LONE"..... 🐴😅

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

Yes, she is a meddler.... JJ Couey calls her and her band of others out all the time.... Meryl Nass, PCR cartoon primer -- (14 May 2024) https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2146352268?filter=archives&sort=time

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Watched it! spot on : ) going to have to cut that part out sometime to share and expose MN & the scientific scams she speaks to keep us enslaved! Brilliant! Thank you for sharing StellaMaris!

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Jun 18Liked by Interest of Justice

Like I have mentioned many times, JJ has more awesome videos and info concerning what actually happened in 2020 and all the meddlers .... INVALUABLE!

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Never realized he worked at CHD and was in the RFK book too - he is fantastic and will watch way more : ). Thanks for this

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Malone IS THE CREATOR of this C-19 injection, so what can you expect from such "scientists" always working on death? They both push "viruses". It's all NONSENSE. I don't care about most of this so-called "opposition". They are the opposite of humanity, kindness, love, compassion. I wonder what they want to achieve, that is, how long they will enjoy their emu or horses. At best, old age is coming and death is inevitable, so what will they gain? They strive to have worthless things while they inflict pain, but that's their choice

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Agree with every word! and it is very, very, very true they are the opposite of humanity, kindness, love, compassion. Its about dominance and we are all here to mislead and use as if mere merchandise!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice


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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Please also implore Meryl Nash to do this, she started it. This is not middle school. She never should have uttered a word against the IOJ. You stated you were quite sure both are honest brokers? Well brokers sell something. If they are brokers of truth then I guess that is an okay term, but Truthers are NOT selling or brokering anything. Truth is truth and only needs be revealed not sold, not brokered. And Was the lovely truth warrior Meryl Nass in the role of Unity, when she accussed IOJ of lying and not litigating and winning cases against The Enemy? No she failed when she spouted off like a 6th grade brat not knowing what she was talking about , not doing any research first....

Sorry but that is how it looks to me a teacher of such age groups. Her click of pals. This is not 6th grade, this is worldwide transhumanism occurring right now. UNITY is Paramount. We all need to say to ourselves.. If I say or do this will that harm or help Unity and Truth? Think before we speak and especially before we write. I know it's hard but we are the troops now , there are no allies coming to rescue us. So KP duty for Meryl until she says sorry. She should be a bit ashamed at herself, and be able to say so. If she had done her research into the IOJ on her own, before she made such a public accusation harming the potential for Justice for the World, she would have known better. She'd of seen the IOJ efforts, night and day, and had she'd been on the WHO Public comment calls she'd of seen the IOJ team. If she had instead partnered with the IOJ then she'd of known all the wins and losses and long term goal of Nuremberg Two.

Suggestion - IOJ make a "List of Successful Case Wins." on a menu on your website. with a drop down for the wins and a list of all on that page. That is important and if you need help and are using WordPress Protect and Alert can help with your website.

We at Protect and Alert offer to do a fund raiser for the IOJ if you email us a contact@ProtectAndAlert.org to touch bases on where the fund should be sent. United We Stand has never meant so much.

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Agreed - IOJ make a "List of Successful Case Wins." on a menu on your website. with a drop down for the wins and a list of all on that page.

funny part is we were redoing the site just to do that when she went there to look for the stuff we are about to post from our list of successes. We have been meaning to do this forever but are always so busy on the cases the website always falls behind! On it though, we know we need to do that for people to see our work laid out for credibility : ).

Like you said though, Meryl was watching us -she had to know our wins and losses so in our minds she just chose to tear down rather than help and she did it by dismissing our work and calling us scammers and a fake org.

Its so unpure and so base.

Appreciate you being real and telling us to get our act together on our site by posting a tab of winning cases, etc

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

Thought the same - how could they think a liar that we proved lied to hurt us and take us out is on the same level as our integrity. We do not lie and defame but Meryl did.

It really confused us how anyone could read our story and still say "quite sure both are honest brokers". Meryl was dealing in dishonesty. Hardly an honest broker in our eyes!

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Amen! This squabbling hurts you all. Just SHUT UP ABOUT IT. I respect Meryl as well and will tell her the same when the opportunity arises. NB: Also respect Malone, Yeadon, Desmet and the Breggins. This internecine fighting only helps the other side.

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You respect people who defame others?

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No. It diminishes them. Making an issue of it diminishes you. Until today I took both you and Meryl at face value. I still will, but with a caveat in the back of my mind. You don't want that caveat there.

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Making an issue out of defamation diminishes us? That is very interesting, why would you say that?

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I, like 95% of the people who become aware of this contretemps, will not invest the time to get to the bottom of it. You would hope that I would deal with facts, but I won't. I'll remember the bad taste of discord.

I did attempt to get some understanding of the Breggin/Malone/Desmet thing. The Breggins believe in global predators. Malone/Desmet believe in mass formation - it is us too. My conclusion was that there is room in the world for both theories.

You who are fighting this great evil of Covid are strong personalities. You need that trait. Strong personalities tend to clash. You disagree on each others' approaches. Sometimes on practices and ethics. I accept that it is bound to happen, but I don't want to hear about it. I want you all not to be sidetracked and to continue your valuable work.

But, circling back to point number one, you are not going to win fighting in the arena of public opinion. We won't become sufficiently invested in your issue. We will remember only the stink and discomfort and won't delve into who was right and wrong.

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We aren't fighting to win public opinion : ) We don't care to influence masses or even yourself, or even a majority of our readership, or even care if we lose readers. We fight for truth and honor in the minds of those in our tribe, whether you care enough to learn about those you follow is on you, but we care about truth, details and laying them out... mainly for Meryl who DEMANDED proofs before apologizing, and for those with the ears to hear and the eyes to see the details, nuances and intricate meanings of what we are saying.

We are saying someone you all trust is not telling the truth about us and we can prove she is not in honor. Not paying attention to details like Malone sued Breggin unjustly and lost leaves you floating, subject to the whims of the cult of personality and influencers with personalities that seem pleasant, avoiding those with more substance due to the bad taste of dischord. You speak for MANY we are certain!

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

Who’s “we”?

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

great answer and i would love to discuss the virus/no virus stuff that is dividing our community. betting you and i see eye to eye on that.

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You think a lot of yourself Graham. Must be a scary caveat.

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

This is not merely squabbling. Mass is attempting to destroy the reputation of IOJ on no grounds. I think a retraction is in order, otherwise those defamatory words may influence those that see them.

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Author

We showed how it IS ALREADY TURNING PEOPLE AGAINST US and she just said “sue me’… it’s awful. We see why it’s a crime in Costa Rica, it’s theft of our property of good publicity and super harmful to our bottom line of finances to get our job done. if she is successful IOJ can’t survive the attack! Thank you!

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agreed. I worked for Nass for a few months a couple of years ago. I experienced this kind of narcissist viscous attack simply for respectfully asking to be paid on time, as we'd agreed. It was unreal the viciousness and she threw the problem on me, meanwhile she was two months late in payment without any communication. I dropped her as a client. Her defense of Malone was primary even then. My suspicions grew quickly.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

Thanks for taking the effort to share your experience. It was so quick to lash out with insults that were intended to destroy us and be the boss of the WHO campaigning (like the only one that matters and our role is literally nothing) that it definitely felt like a behavioral pattern of abuse and diminishment of our light.

Viciousness the likes of which we have rarely experienced, and ONLY in the presence of serious narcissism!

Everything they do in a cruel unkind, thoughtless or selfish way is always someone else's fault. In fact they are God and indeed you are the ant.

Sadly she displays every textbook sign of a malignant narcissist. But there are sub types and one is the "compensatory narcissist". The "BOSS". That type of narcissist is unique insofar as they are always in a boss position but get up by climbing up other peoples backs and take credit for their work but worse -

When you start doing well and have any leadership qualities in you the compensatory narcissist will quickly set out to DESTROY YOU. They do things like withhold payments as you experienced, and they are the biggest saboteurs of people doing a good job, even if it destroys their own company...

It is so bizarre because they will plot to great lengths just to destroy you doing well, only to pretend they are the boss and the ones in charge of every facet of work or ideas, etc. NO one evergets any credit with a compensatory narcissist, especially if doing better than them and could diminish their light.

Its uncanny and Meryl really seems like that type, so bless your heart trying to put up with that vicious woman with no tact, empathy, self awareness or compassion.

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gosh that compensatory narcissist MO describes spot on quite a few past "bosses" and colleagues in my life, including one I'm dealing with now who literally orchestrated a coup because no one was going along with his sabotaging ideas, I was vocal and articulate in standing up to him, and everyone was with me. He'll destroy the company rather than abandon his idea. Apparently his plot had been going on behind the scenes for a YEAR. smh. Seriously these folks need help.

The challenge for us -- folks in their target zone -- is to be able to hold our own light and not get knocked off our own center. They're there to trigger, after all, so we lose our own resonance. Not easy to do. Takes practice to master. Narcissists know how to strike at the vulnerable spots. It's a skill to know when it's important to stand up and say no.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18Author

Thought you needed that info ; ). The trick is we attract them over and over until we learn the rules. #1. NEVER need anything from a narcissist. #2. When thinking about dealing with them refer to rule #1.

They strike at the core triggers like clockwork. Absolutely the best skill on earth is to learn how to hold our center when others try to do the tricks on us to imbalance us! Blessings to you. The day you realize about compensatory narcissists, or the "Gurus" and realize they are the Wizard of Oz talking in a BIG mic but are really little you just feel sorry for them because they push everyone away and suffer with all the sins, jealousy, envy, gluttony, etc...

Well, now you know, so now you NO. : ) Really happy you were able to use that info - it should be taught in schools!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Yes as they’re attempting all over the place. I must concur.

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Laughing at my comment. While she is a MASSive issue right now, I failed at my keyboarding skills substituting an M for N 😛

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Wow, graham-seibert, who in the God's garden do you think you are to tell someone on his own page to "SHUT UP" about something, anything?

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Easy. He’s paying for the content. You’re not.

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Thats actually really funny - your comment is classic haha lol

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

I don’t get the joke. Are you being sarcastic IOJ?

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No It was actually a classic comeback because Papillon was spot on and we agreed wholeheartedly - but then the retort was actually a pretty good comeback that made sense and it just made us laugh : )

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Jun 18Liked by Interest of Justice

Graham you assume a lot from this. I’m sure you know the thing about assume makes an ass out of you and me. Well, it’s not about me, but is appropriate to you. Who cares if you respect Malone, Yeadon, Desmet and the Breggins. NB: you assume others care who you respect.

As papillon down this page said: who are YOU to tell IOJ to SHUT UP on their own ss page? Nass has defamed a legal company trying to help the world, on a shoestring, and they have had some great impact.

If you want to help, pull your head in and donate whatever you can, if you’re not already doing so.

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Go check this out and then come back...... https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2146352268?filter=archives&sort=time

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Agreed. Squabbling is for toddlers.

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its not squabbling. Its exposing her lies about us and asking her to apologize. You didn't read it obviously, which is a pity because your neutrality in the face of unkindness and attacks is only aiding her to abuse us and telling us to let her leave up lies.

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Jun 18Liked by Interest of Justice

EXACTLY, Dustin. Excellent comment!!!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I did read it and I find it unjustified. I will also be asking her to stop wasting time attacking you, in fact, I already did express myself over on her stack. Personally, I will not be wasting time reading articles about this conflict and if it keeps going on, I will end up unsubscribing from both. It’s literally a waste of time.

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UNJUSTIFIED? Thats interesting, what makes you say that? We proved she lied and called us a fake org of scammers who never filed a case and we proved we won 5... saying our post is unjustified is not justified lol. You can unsubscribe Rachel! Not a biggie

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I meant her post was unjustified. Please take a breath!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I caught on to her a long time ago. She also supports Malone. That’s enough for me not to trust her.

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Lying about us in real time to discredit us, then running to check facts AFTER publishing LIES and calling us and James Roguski names was enough for us, but yes, it's difficult to trust people who support Malone. Malone is on our radar for his emotional outbursts and attacks on Katherine Watt, Dr. Yeadon, etc, etc, etc... It all loses credibility!

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NASSty should take her own advice..... If the good guys can't resolve their petty differences, how will we ever defeat the bad guys?

Surely we can have a discussion among ourselves about certain things? https://merylnass.substack.com/p/if-the-good-guys-cant-resolve-their

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice


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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

What did you expect? She is playing that the virus was/is real, while you took Mr. Mike Yeadon on your side. This means for the movement for the "freedom of health" or whatever, competition and the fight for the polarization of a number of followers around certain beliefs/assumptions/interests important for the future. In this whole battle, it is very important for the "mainstream" doctors not to alter the public's faith in viruses and implicitly in vaccination. At any cost. We normaly would see a huge unification of forces against the system if it wasn't so.

I've never liked her (& company) just because of this kind of game.

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We think you are spot on Papillon! Keep in mind Nass was the FIRST to usher in IHR Amendments in 2009 - She singlehandedly broke in the 2005 Amendments by being first person on Earth to claim that an epidemic was from biowarfare (H1N1).. Suss?

Appreciate your insight!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Big Gnome Malone parallels...

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I know. I know all of them, why and how.

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Jun 20Liked by Interest of Justice

Hi Papillon: I was fooled by her for years and praised her on numerous occasions. I am so shocked and disappointed at what she is doing to Dustin (IOJ). :(

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Papillon called it out perfectly: "We normally would see a huge unification of forces against the system if it wasn't so."...

It really is too bad that everyone in the same freedom movement isn't in the spirit of camaraderie - but we do our best, right? It's all we can do. Rise above and keep on keeping on!

We are never getting our apology haha and it's OK, shocking, but OK

IOJ is just going to have to live with the fact Meryl (and probably her extensive network) is not going to ever support us, only rip us to shreds and diminish our light!


Nothing else really matters but winning in the end and being in honor : )

Much love!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Meryl went after Katherine Watts, as well.. said she’s probably jealous of Nass? lol


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yes we know lol - when we posted there that Katherine is not jealous - Meryl went unhinged and attacked us and went off in the comments to UTTERLY DESTROY IOJ.. Its that same post that caused all this BS lol... KW is jealous.. OMG

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

👍 - There’s a Hopi prophecy rock in Arizona. It shows two paths. The one path shows people losing their heads - (which abruptly ends). The other show corn growing (food is abundant) with an elderly man walking on this path - which continues around the rock.

I feel it’s quite clear, people are losing their heads.

Bless you guys and all you are doing for Medical Freedom, etc…. 🌹♥️

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Super appreciated! LOVE Gregg Braden! Had not seen this one yet : )

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

You won’t get an apology. I learned several months ago with a brief interaction with Meryl that she is a BITCH with a capital B who thinks her shit doesn’t stink.

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I'm still waiting for an apology from the government, media, celebrities that vilified, threatened and demonized all us over the last4 years. Good luck with that.

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haha we are all waiting..

But Door to Freedom says on their website they have PRINCIPLES - one is kindness... so we EXPECT kindness and to APOLOGIZE : ). No I wont take down my lies, just "sue me" is NASSty, and not at all what we think of when we invoke the thought of kindness.

Isn't Meryl claiming to be against all those government, media, celebrities that vilified, threatened and demonized all us over the last 4 years, and precisely because they are all bully liars? She is acting just like them. We expected better.

Maybe she is just like them and will never apologize. You are probably correct an apology will never come, and good luck with that.

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

I’m unsubscribing from door to freedom because of Nassty. It doesn’t seem to have any teeth or do much anyway.

A little money coming your way IOJ.

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Aww thank you rrodynmac! We will put any support toward what Meryl TRICKED everyone to support her - we will SUE THE WHO and likely win to stop IHR amendments, etc. Can't do it without support so big thank you!

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No worries, but like most folk, I can’t afford much. But this is too big to not donate for! Thank you IOJ!

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: )

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Pathetic and needless defamation. It helps no one. IoJ is right to defend its honor. Meryl would be well-served to issue an apology, which is the morally and ethically right thing to do, and put this ugly episode she instigated to rest. Sorry you are dealing with this, IoJ. Your regular readers know you have filed many cases, heroically sat in on WHO meetings to get your concerns publicly captured (without vomiting), sued in court in Costa Rica, and are revising that suit per their feedback. Keep up the great work and hold your heads high!

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Thank you so much Bianca - its infuriating! Agree with every word you said and your message is reassuring! We appreciate you laying out our work point by point - she tried to tell the world we are scammers when we are working day and night to get he Nuremberg case back in court. Thats just painful to our bottom line to destroy us at a time we need our reputation to be able to finish so much work we started! hugs!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

It's interesting; Watt and Latypova are like a litmus test in the MFM. pass or fail.

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exactly - and watching the reaction to their work is interesting!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

There's been a lot failure as of late.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

Meryl Nass is controlled opposition and fear mongers 'the contagion myth' and whether her insults are made public wittingly or not, the globalist parasites laugh all the way to the bank as succumbing to discord - age-old divide and conquer strategy - only serves to further their genocidal total slavery agenda.

DO NOT FALL FOR IT. FIGHT TO PRESERVE YOUR GOOD NAME and do not fight amongst yourselves but against the technocratic evildoers.

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We are already divided because controlled opposition will never help us in the real mission! Do not join them - EXPOSE THEM!

Fighting the lies to stay in honor and preserve our good name, which of course is causing her fans that like us too to meltdown emotionally. Kinda sad. Its a tough position to be in. The dividers are masters of destruction! We do fight against the technocratic evildoers... and we literally wonder if they paid Meryl to destroy us? Ughhhhh

Much love Amy.

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I hope that there will be an apology, but if there are games being played I don't know that you will see it IOJ.

If there is dark money behind Meryl (as La Gata Politica says) then that is very troubling indeed....Is this part of a psyop by Meryl and one of the Agency's that possibly trained her in the past?

All part of the plan to keep us all divided and distracted is probably the aim here.

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thank you EmEm33!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Dear IOJ: We are shocked about Dr. Nass' reply "Sue me!" to your request for a (needed) apology! We read her posts on a daily basis. However....we did not appreciate her support of Dr. Ryan Cole at a conference last year, when he (rudely) walked up on stage (during a presentation by Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger), and took the chalk out of her hands, while criticizing her (Covid) research! We were shocked at such an absurd and childish gesture, and said so in a comment on Dr. Nass' sub-stack. However, Dr. Nass criticized our comment about supporting Dr. Astrid, and supported Dr. Ryan's right to stop her presentation! While we are not doctors, we were shocked at Dr. Nass supporting Dr. Cole's childish and extremely rude behavior towards Dr. Astrid (who is a very gifted educator). After that incident, I have "caution" about some of Dr. Nass' actions; and pleased to know that Dr. Ryan Cole has had his license revoked in the state of Washington!

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Thank you! Important info you give!

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Jun 16·edited Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Well we should not be please to know that his license was revoked as it was because of him speaking truth to power .The state of Washington is pretty much full Nazi. It is promoting snitching on your neighbor with a call line to snitch . Pure Nazi. Dr. Cole was out of line yes but that is not reason to harm his license and support the cabal that took it. Temperance and Unity must prevail and more huge Truth Conferences and rallies. And the ability to say I am sorry , you know like in Kindergarten. Every weekend. And why Americans are not wise about the cause of the many fires is seriously Troubling. Arrogance & Ignorance is a deadly combination.

We invite you to visit our website that is also 'under-construction' as we are learning how to build a website on our own. so far so good. ProtectAndAlert.org

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More huge truth conferences and rally's agreed! Problem is we are realizing the division in science is a real issue - which side is true - virus - no virus, etc Who speaks truth in these rally's? Can we get just honest experts in one setting? We would like those conferences to be mainstreamed and it actually looks really hard to curate!

The site is great! Wonderful job on both design and content!

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excellent of you to share your website! I'm happy to know about it. (If you need any help building it, I'm happy to advise ... that's my main work, web development.)

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

I'm not...she's gained quite the reputation over the past year or so.

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I thought Dr. Cole's actions toward Astrid were shocking and despicable!!! The fact that Dr. Nass found his condescending, bullying and arrogant behavior toward her acceptable is disgusting and VERY telling. It speaks volumes and shows Dr. Nass's true character. Astrid is very intelligent and classy.

I don't know the reasons Dr. Cole had his license revoked. If it was for malpractice, I'm okay with it. If it was because he went against the Democidal Covid Cabal to sound the alarm about the gene altering shots causing turbo cancers, then I am not okay with it.

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice

Mark my words, this will get NASStier now that the US Ninth Circuit has ruled the mandates were effectively battery through coercion.

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

Just commented on her latest post....

Meryl, do you know about hubris? You smeared Institute of Justice and have not apologised. I care about honesty, transparency and humility. You have none of these.

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Thank you for speaking truth to power! IOJ endorses Paul Blacks message!

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

Totally agree with your response to MN. Revealing truth & exposing lies is what is going to save humanity. Every lie, every deception, every controlled opposition utterance must be shown for what it is. The principled team of IOJ rightly defend their good name against slander. Wouldn't expect anything less from seasoned fighters of corruption!!!

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Corruption in our movement is not tolerated. Out of this we got a TON of letters exposing her and we really need to know who to trust or not so we are glad to know that MANY people think she is working against us. Every lie, every deception, every controlled opposition utterance must be shown for what it is. The principled team of IOJ rightly defend their good name against slander. Wouldn't expect anything less from seasoned fighters of corruption!!! - We really believe the same - Revealing truth & exposing lies is what is going to save humanity - THANK YOU!! -

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Jun 17Liked by Interest of Justice

Projection indeed. Like the Dems, she accuses others of what she and Door to Freedom do. Had some OK articles in the past but she is a grifter in my opinion. Unlike the other paul, mu gut feel is based on her words and now this defamation.

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She spent almost $200,000 on flyers, a website and flying around to speak in ways that are not influencing the decision makers. Grifting is the only thing that could be called in our opinion. Ineffective noise making and taking credit for wins that are not won yet...

The ONLY solution is law. Protests will get us attacked more, its not strategic.

She could have sue the WHO with that cash she raised from people wanting WHO solutions and promoted our work, but instead lies that WHO is impossible to sue and moved on as if the problem is solved, asking what she should spend everyones money on they pledged for her to fight WHO policy with... sigh!

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Jun 16Liked by Interest of Justice


The following is what I posted on Dr. NassTY's offending / offensive thread in question, in response to her illegal libel and defamation:

"It is written, thus says the Lord [God the Father through Jesus the Christ, the Word(s) of God and the Maker / Creator of all things except evil]...":

"...Get... behind (Jesus the Christ), Satan[ist(s)]..."! "...You are of your (lord and master) the devil, and the lies of your (lord and master, Satan) you... do (perpetrate)..."! "...Repent, for the kingdom of (God and of) heaven is (very near) at hand..."! [Matthew 16:23, John 8:44 and Matthew 4:17; clarification(s), emphasis and/or paraphrasing provided by me.]

In Jesus the Messiah's name, repent you libeler!


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