Aug 20Liked by Interest of Justice

The evil powers are leaving no stone unturned. PURE EVIL.

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Aug 20Liked by Interest of Justice

Honestly, nothing surprises me anymore.

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Aug 20Liked by Interest of Justice

For those that do not believe this article, your Kamala said it herself on camera, their Agenda is'

" Economy, Climate Change and Depopulation".. How are these 3 things looking to you over the last 3 + years of the Lefts reign? Economy is the worse in my lifetime. Climate change is being controlled and destruction is their goal. Depopulation being controlled through sickness, dangerous medicines, badly produced foods, tainted water, massive high crime, controlled weather and more.

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That is so damn crazy because she really did say that!!!!!!! Arrrrggghhhh!

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Aug 20Liked by Interest of Justice

What you have written is absolutely deplorable. They can't get away with this. As you said, permission to maim and murder. Unreal!!!!

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Interest of Justice

Here's another absolutely stellar example of how deceptively evil your satanic, Beast state/deep state global government has become. As the Scriptures plainly warn us, in the last days there will come a level of deception upon the entire planet to such a degree that it would deceive even the elect of God, if possible. Well guess what? We, His elect, are NOT deceived and can see clearly through Satan's smoke screen.

This is what THE GREAT TRIBULATION looks like... and we're NOW in it!

WAKE UP, sleeping Christians!!!!

William Raymond: pastor & ambassador at Law for the Christ 

www.thechurchatSalem.info (website)

THE GREAT TRIBULATION REPORT ONLINE (daily blog) via MartinTaylorRickenbacker@gmail.com

WilliamRaymond@thechurchatSalem.info (personal email) 

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YOU wake up! Lose the bible babble.

When will Gud prevent EVIL in the first place?

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

-Epicurus, Ancient Greek Philosopher

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Charles, you will never see the Creator the way you are looking for Him. You are trying to smell a rose with your ear. So long as you desire to be blind, you shall be. That choice is your own and forever will be. I'm sure it will anger you to hear, but just the same I will pray for you.

William Raymond:

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Democide is the murder of any person or people by their government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder.

..........Now watch this!

As The Last Bell Tolls (Documentary)

By Rhoda Wilson on August 19, 2024


The documentary ‘As The Last Bell Tolls’ is a compilation of clips from various sources featuring various experts over the years, some of whom are sadly no longer with us. It leads the viewer through the story of the covid era that governments and their advisers have tried to keep hidden from the public, beginning after the rollout of covid “vaccines.”

There is no information about who compiled the video clips into documentary format or when. Dr. Robert Young seems to have been the first to share the documentary, which may indicate he is the originator. Underneath the video on Rumble and BitChute, Dr. Young has listed several hyperlinks to additional resources.

As WHO has recently declared another public health emergency of international concern (“PHEIC” pronounced as “fake”), this time for mpox, it is worthwhile watching the documentary (below) to remind ourselves about what happened during the covid era and what many have concluded the pandemic agenda is all about. For some, who have only recently become aware that something is wrong, watching this documentary may be an eye-opening experience.

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World law enforcement agencies must arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are ...not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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My father had a cardiac arrest in BC Canada. BC doesn’t allow autopsies as they want no evidence that it is due to the experiment. No heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, no diagnoses !? I sled could it be a blockage or due to the shot. Doctors responded anything is possible.

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New factories for making poison! Can't get enough!

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Thank you, just when you think things cant get crazier!

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VY GET INTO ZEE VEEDS OF DEPOPULATION . . . ?? Yah?? Icht ticsh guden zat vee trim zee herd, yah??

And on zis note-n, Mein Fuhrer.... Mein Company ... ZEEIG ... Global Inocula Promotions, proudly presents, live on stage, representing ZEE World Eugenic’s Forum - Hood, dropping the latest chart-topping sensation “Vaccine Auschwitz!” Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give it up for Rap’s Great Reset: Dr.StrangeSwab!!

[The crowd erupts into wild cheers as DJ RUN mRNA drops beats so heavy they spike the very foundations of the studio. Dr. StrangeSwab plunges in with the vial-cals, delivering a mix of humour and menace with his trademark Bond villain-esque German tone]

♪♪ “Diversity! (Pause) Equity! (Pause) Inclusion! (Pause) Just words of decorum,

From a depopulation villain (Single Scratch) at the World Eugenics Forum!

Apartheid! (Pause) South Africa! (Pause) Good things don’t last long-

Except my tech transfers (Double Scratch) that birthed their nuclear BOMB!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

My mentor’s a real humdinger (Pause)

Master depopulator (Double Scratch) Henry Kissinger!

Laos! (Pause) Cambodia! (Pause) Vietnam! (Pause)

Henry’s Top Gangsta’ (Double Scratch) at culling the Asian man!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Big shoes to fill but (Pause) I'll steal the show

(Audience: Show! Yo!! Yo!!)

8 billion people to cull (Pause) got miles to go

(Miles to go! Yo!! Yo!!)

Henrys watching on (Pause) with a frown (Pause)

I promised him (Double Scratch) to get zose numbers down!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

COVID jabs (Double Scratch) toxic effects too slow (Pause)

Let’s see what these two teams can do (Pause) on this pandemic show!!

Avian Avengers and (Pause) Primate Panic- (Double scratch)

Lets go to work on (Pause) zee culling magic!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Pluck it!* (Pause) Banana boost!** (Pause) The magic potion (Double scratch)

To get dear Henry’s depopulation (Pause) back in motion!!

I can help (Pause) got the right pedigree! (Pause)

My father was high in (Pause) zee Nazi Party!! (Skilful scratching medley)

Goosestep! (Single scratch) in lockstep!! (Double scratch)

Trimming zee herd (Pause) requires prep! (Double scratch)

No objections! (Pause) No lame excuses! (Pause)

All board to the (Audience Screams) ‘VACCINE’ AUSCHWITZ!!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Wanna be a billionaire? (Pause) You gotta be bold! (Pause)

My legacy’s a nightmare! (Pause) But the profits are gold! (Double scratch)

So, grab your needles! (Single scratch) Get! get ya’ potions ready!

Everybody dance (Pause) to the beat of (Pause) this eugenics medley!

(Skilful scratching medley)

Let me hear you cheer for the (Pause) population’s end (Double scratch)

No protests! (Single scratch) no delay- (Double scratch)

We’re on the path to (Pause) a ‘bright’ new day!!

So, teams (Single scratch) let’s get the (Audience) CULLING UNDERWAY!!”♪♪

*Team Avian Avengers ‘vaccine’ for ‘birdy flu’

**Team Primate Panic’s ‘vaccine’ for Monkeybollox

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