Sign Now To Demand the 76th WHA Respond To IOJ's Unanswered Criminal Charges Against WHO Director General Tedros. WHA Has A Duty To Terminate Tedros On The Spot Without Benefits & Prosecute! SHARE!
Tedros turned WHO into a weapon of pseudo scientific dictatorship which prejudices the org. He loses immunity, does not pass go, can turn himself in or get arrested the hard way. Sign & share NOW!!!!
Today is May 21, 2023, and it marks the first day of the 76th World Health Assembly (WHA). The WHA is the “decision making body for WHO”. They hired Tedros. They can and must fire him as well!
IOJ Just explained why the WHO and US Health and Human Services et al are in breach of duty amounting to crimes against humanity.
Today IOJ boldly sent a Final Notice of Claim to the top officials around the world.
The Notice is SENT:
Yes, they are all on NOTICE with their own laws and rules to hold them to account, starting with the Health And Human Services Office Of Global Affairs, W.H.O. & World Health Assembly, State of Costa Rica Ministry Of Foreign Affairs and Casa De Presidencia (Costa Rica President), etc.
It’s officially the final step before bringing the WHO into an international tribunal. Join us and support this initiative to Sue The WHO!
IOJ reminded the wrongdoers they are absolutely not immune and that they are mere mortals subject to Costa Rica’s criminal Universal Jurisdiction which was just updated by the State of CR recently in 2019 to expand the reach to get ALL OF THEM and bring them to justice.
Below is the demand to sign with the Final Notice Of Claim inside that we sent the WHA, all regulators and world leaders today:
IOJ is a law and civics institute. We want to give you back the power!
IOJ worked hard to make this happen and in return we ask you to both study the contents and share the above demand far and wide within the next 8 days during the World Health Assembly and the WHO’s 8 days deadline for response to collect signatures and do your part:
#TerminateTedros #SuetheWHO #exitthewho #thegreatresetofruleoflaw
The contents of the claim verbatim:
Notice of claim for responsibility to "The Health Monopoly": United States And Other Wrongdoer States, Covid Action Platform (WHO, WEF, Wellcome), WHO Vaccine Pre qualification EUL Program (WHO, FDA-CBER, EMA et al), UN Procurement including pharmaceutical Sponsors and Investors or Funders of WHO and all challenged programs and funds including Agenda 2030 SDG’s Not Backed By Science and violate Jus Cogens
May 21, 2023
Dear Friends,
RE: Monopoly of Global Public Health; causing an illegitimate global emergency affecting commerce in each nation, causing gross systematic violations of basic and non derogable Human Rights with malicious intent to deceive and manipulate humanity into serious undue experimentation that affects the environment as well as the human genome which is the heritage of humanity.
This is a final notice of claim in regards to disputes of private character to which the specialized agency WHO is a party.
It is also a demand for the World Health Assembly to terminate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for reasons of exceptional gravity likely to prejudice the interests of the Organization including non-performance of his private obligations or failure to observe laws and police regulations.
Because all Member States are together during the WHA, we recommend you prioritizing this issue on the agenda and ensure all recipients receive a copy because WHO ethics is in breach of duty refusing to provide the contact information which we have been requesting for seven months.
Having exhausted all remedies, with complete inactivity to remedy the violations by the international organizations, States and Private wrongdoers (hereafter called "The Health Monopoly"), IOJ presents this notice of claim for responsibility to all States, all regulatory agencies, and the director-controllers of serious breaches of international obligations owed erga omnes under jus cogens peremptory norms of international law.
Interest of Justice is denied prompt justice and adequate and truthful information as well as our right to communicate with international organizations.
Interest of Justice presents this notice of claim on behalf of ourselves, Free Speech Association, Health Rights Association, Stop Agenda 2030 institute, The Oversight Committee, and on behalf of the international community as a whole (Hereafter "Humanity") whom are all injured parties affected by the wrongdoers acts and omissions.
The WHO Pre qualification and EUL program (WHO, EMA, FDA-CBER) are acting as directors and controllers of global cooperative research, but unconscionably materially failed to discharge responsibility for the protection of the rights and welfare of human subjects. The biomedical research laws of Costa Rica, law 9234 apply to all of the specialized agency itself as well as all people and entities working with the WHO that are directly or indirectly facilitating undue experimentation in the republic of Costa Rica and/or aiding or assisting the WHO in acts of international psychological and medical terrorism and crimes against humanity. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is aware of these issues and does not dispute the truth of these accusations in official charges. We therefore believe he agrees.
Humanity does hereby invoke your primary obligation of cessation and reparations as well as the secondary duty of all States to cooperate to bring to an end the serious breach of international obligation to protect non derogable human rights to free thought and it's expression and the obligation to protect humanities right to be free of medical or scientific experimentation.
Please find the main grounds for Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus termination on the spot outlined below, which must be responded to within 8 days or less if urgent according to WHO Staff rules. We think is past due and therefore, very urgent.
As you are aware, according to Staff Rule 1070.1 A staff member’s continuing or fixed-term appointment may be terminated if his performance is unsatisfactory or if he proves unsuited to his work or to international service and under 1075.2, A staff member may be summarily dismissed for serious misconduct, if the seriousness of the misconduct warrants it, subject to the notification of charges and reply procedure required by Staff Rule 1130 Such staff member shall not be entitled to notice of termination, indemnity, repatriation grant or end-of-service grant.
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus must be terminated under 1075.2 and 1110.1.7 summary dismissal for serious misconduct because the seriousness of the misconduct warrants it and he is non responsive to multiple notification of charges and reply procedure required by Staff Rule 1130 where he is accused of a prima facie claim of serious undue experimentation in violation of Costa Rica biomedical research law 9235 Article 78, 79.
WHA duty to terminate is very clear because DG Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus refuses to answer to serious charges of violating Costa Rica's penal code and there is an open criminal and comptroller investigation for violation of ARTICLE 386.- Crimes against humanity: A prison term of ten to twenty-five years shall be imposed on anyone who commits or orders to be committed, as part of a widespread or systematic attack against a civilian population and with knowledge of such attack, acts that may be classified as crimes against humanity, in accordance with the provisions of international treaties to which Costa Rica is a party, relating to the protection of human rights, and the Rome Statute.
Under DG Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO is deeply prejudiced by these unaswered and highly credible prima facie charges of violations of Costa Ricas laws, but also the international peremptory norms known as jus cogens. This is the highest law and yet the WHO, under Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus direction and control, is sadly not upholding their duty to protect jus cogens norms and peoples natural and human rights, in violation of the WHO constitution and morality.
The misconduct pertinent to this claim, which hereby invokes the WHA duty to terminate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is as follows:
110.8 “Misconduct” means:
110.8.1 any improper action by a staff member in his official capacity;
110.8.4 any conduct contrary to the terms of his oath or declaration
Under CONVENTION ON THE PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES OF THE SPECIALIZED AGENCIES Section 22 Privileges and immunities are granted to officials in the interests of the specialized agencies only and not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves Each specialized agency shall have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of any official in any case where, in its opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the specialized agency.
Humanity forcefully invokes Article 22 and claims the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the specialized agency.
Of critical importance is that humanity also invokes the following HHS OGA's duty in Section 16 Privileges and immunities are accorded to the representatives of members, not for the personal benefit of the individuals themselves, but in order to safeguard the independent exercise of their functions in connexion with the specialized agencies. Consequently, a member not only has the right but is under a duty to waive the immunity of its representatives in any case where, in the opinion of the member, the immunity would impede the course of justice, and where it can be waived without prejudice to the purpose for which the immunity is accorded.
On May 3, 2023 HHS OGA held a stakeholder listening session in preparation of the 76th WHA which was recorded to advise the US government, where we spoke (and we spoke May 12, 2022 as well in preparation of the 75th WHA). In the recent May 3 HHS stakeholder listening session IOJ dutifully notified HHS of their obligations and duty to withdraw from the WHO pending these serious issues. In that recorded session our organization provided the US government 2 case numbers which are unanswered by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the WHO for serious undue experimentation and crimes against humanity. Clearly, under Section 16 HHS representative, and WHO delegate Loyce Pace and her cohorts at HHS and all other delegates or member state representatives are involved with aiding and assisting the delicts and crimes of medical and psychological undue experimentation directed by the WHO currently embedded in each wrongdoer Member States territory. It is important to note that last year during the 75th WHA May 2022, our organization sent around 50,000 signatures to HHS in protest of the void IHR amendments first presented by Loyce Pace and in relation to that particular wrongdoing as well as many other charges related to this claim, we have sent multiple unanswered communications and complaints to HHS and Loyce Pace directly which are still unanswered all year. Please see video:
HHS OGA, who advises 190 member states Health Ministries, not only has the right but is under a very clear and firm duty to waive the immunity of its representatives in any case where, in the opinion of the member, the immunity would impede the course of justice, and where it can be waived without prejudice to the purpose for which the immunity is accorded. FDA Director Peter Marks denied our citizens petition and amendment to stop the covid-19 vaccine experiments in a void resolution that is not duly motivated or pertinent, and he is willfully blind to serious issues of trial fraud and misconduct in our record which will be proven in court.
Humanity forcefully invokes Article 16 and claims the immunity of any covid-19 vaccine regulator, sponsor or representative would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the purpose for which the immunity is accorded.
Furthermore, in light of the open criminal and Comptroller investigations into Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s misconduct and the WHO UN procurement irregularities regarding the covid-19 declared emergency and response, we invoke Section 23 Each specialized agency shall co-operate at all times with the appropriate authorities of Member States to facilitate the proper administration of justice, secure the observance of police regulations and prevent the occurrence of any abuses in connexion with the privileges, immunities and facilities mentioned in this article.
To be clear, we have exhausted all remedies and are ready to file litigation(s) against Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and the WHO organization in the event this is not settled within the 8 day notice of charges and right of response.
We refer you to Article IX – Settlement of Disputes Section 32, All differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the present Convention shall be referred to the International Court of Justice unless in any case it is agreed by the parties to have recourse to another mode of settlement. Claimants do not agree to the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, and hereby give notice that the proper tribunal to hear the matter is the Administrative Contentious Court of Costa Rica, founded under Article 49 of the Constitution of Costa Rica, or potentially sections could be heard in the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Costa Rica founded under article 49 of the Constitution, which is where the litigation will be filed in the event you fail to respond, or insufficiently respond with a resolution that is not duly motivated or pertinent to the issues.
The WHO's director general is charged with one count of violating Penal Code ARTICLE 386.- Crimes against humanity: "A prison term of ten to twenty-five years
The WHO's Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is charged with two counts of violating Biomedical Research Law 9234 ARTICLE 78, 79, "A prison term of eight to ten years". One charge is for undue medical experimentation using biological agent covid-19 [non] vaccine. The other charge is for undue psychological unproven interventions or scientific experimentation using Trusted News Initiative and other "infodemic" UN programs that censored our Chief Scientist Dr. Yeadon, and persecuted him and a group of truth teller whistleblower experts. These are violations of non derogable rights to free thought and the the right to be free of medical and scientific experimentation enshrined in ICCPR and Siracusa Principles Article 69, and also violates the UN Supplier Code of Conduct as well as Costa Rica civil code Article 47 Images and photographs with stereotyped roles that reinforce discriminatory attitudes towards social sectors cannot must be published, reproduced, exhibited or sold. See:
The gravity of the WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s breach of contract is tantamount to turning the WHO into a terrorist organization in breach of CR Penal Code "International Crimes" article 7 which subjects every global wrongdoer to the criminal universal jurisdiction of Costa Rica.
If, or more precisely, when found guilty, the WHO DG Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus currently faces up to 45 years in prison for these 2 offenses alone, and there are many more grave violations that carry prison terms that are not raised herein.
This notice is NOT EXHAUSTIVE of all the crimes or violations of national and international laws that WHO is responsible for under Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus directon and control, including declaring an emergency not in good faith based on false PCR test results as a diagnostics, suppression of ordinary treatments, pseudo-scientific academia fraud, research misconduct (See: ) and violations of UN procurement standards.
Clearly WHO is involved in gross and systematic violations of human rights antithetical to the WHO constitution and UN Charter, and therefore the WHA has a clear and immediate duty to terminate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for reasons of exceptional gravity likely to prejudice the interests of the Organization and for breach of contract, including non-performance of his private obligations or failure to observe laws and police regulations.
As the World Health Assembly meets for the 76th time, it is imperative for the WHA to recognize the importance of the task at hand to IMMEDIATELY AND URGENTLY terminate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for serious willful misconduct.
It cannot be overstated that the WHA has rules that guide them, and we do invoke the rule that "each specialized agency shall have the right and the duty to waive the immunity of any official in any case where, in its opinion, the immunity would impede the course of justice and can be waived without prejudice to the interests of the specialized agency". It is our understanding that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus waived his own immunity when he breached his duty and contract to go into hiding and flat refuses to answer our organizations serious charges. If WHA disagrees with any point herein and finds Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’s conduct to be within the law and rules of the organization, we claim the WHA would be willfully blind.
If WHA finds any motivation or reason whatsoever to not address these serious unanswered issues, or a reason not to terminate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, as a matter of law, that reason or precise motivation will need to be in writing prior to the end of the right of response deadline in 8 days, or preferably sooner, due to the urgency.
Any refusal or failure to do the WHA duty to finally respond to the multiple charges or to terminate Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for serious misconduct and for reasons of exceptional gravity likely to prejudice the interests of the Organization including non-performance of his private obligations or failure to observe laws and police regulations, must be duly motivated and pertinent to the issues herein. Please forward this to the corresponding constituents listed herein, notice to principle is notice to agent and agency.
Humanity looks forward to your timely response,
This final notice of claim is being posted publicly to gather signatures in support of this claim to terminate the WHO Director General and for WHO to attend to the unanswered charges.
You can find the tally at:
Thousands of people from many different member states have already signed the following petitions protesting Vaccine Passports, IHR Amendments, Pandemic Treaty and demanding prosecutions of WHO staff including the DG and Chief Scientist for crimes against humanity.
You can find the tally at:
Thank you for your prompt assistance in this serious matter and appreciate all of your help working with us to provide the requested information in order to protect the public health and safety.
Thank you and looking forward,
Interest Of Justice,
Dustin Bryce,
This global class action lawsuit is underfunded and humanity can use your assistance to provide the necessary resources if you are able!
If you have not seen it yet please watch the following video from May 3, 2023, with Interest Of Justice speaking at Health And Human Services Office Of Global Affairs advising the US Government to exit the WHO for serious breach of international obligations Due to the unanswered criminal complaints that we filed against Tedros and his cohorts for serious undue experimentation and crimes against humanity.
Please share with your government officials, what they do with it is up to them. At least you can say that you did your part to inform them that the WHO is in breach of duty and refusing to answer serious criminal charges which is cause for every member state to withdraw.
Let's suppose everything in your claim is accurate and true. If Tedros is arrested, tried, convicted and incarcerated, what changes?
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. Date and place of adoption: 19 October 2005 - Paris, France. Article 6 Consent