Where do I sign ?? Hang these bastards as far as I’m concerned

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www.noticeanddemand.org (sign here)

www.WHOWatch.org (can also sign here). Thanks for signing and backing us up!

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I agree - hang them all. No amnesty or immunity.

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Amnesty is a word derived from AMNESIA. No amnesty or immunity! Like humanity could ever forget or get amnesia over this horror show.

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So so many forgot what was done to the Jews and how and why Nuremberg came about... sadly

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No immunity for any of them, just like the shots they forced on us, you make your decisions, you face the consequences 🤬🖕

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They knew or should have known their actions are wrong. Nothing ever entirely escapes the law! Cause and effect... decisions have consequences in the universal order of things. Order out of chaos goes two ways. Its universal law!

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Thank you somuch for sending the notifiction.I absolutely support your mission.These psychopathic scum need to face a scaffold or a firing squad.Good luck with your endeavours

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Haha We don't think we have ever had a more pleasurable notification to send. Glad you appreciate being in the loop : ) We appreciate the good luck & support, will need it going up against the 7 headed beast of Babylon! Humanity MUST win this! LIGHT over MIGHT!!!!

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Thank you! Let our wishes be known!

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I want them to suffer better yet, but if we let that happen I'm no better than them so give them the option rope firing squad or gullitine

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They suffer everyday by being fringe minority of unenlightened oppressors who have no integrity or soul. But yes, we get your angst and point! What they are doing is unacceptable and meets all definitions of crimes against humanity in our opinion!!!!! It MUST be stopped if rule of law is to prevail.

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It's time these corrupt crooks pay for their crimes against the world's people. Not a single individual was voted in. I know I was never asked, therefore NONE are legally serving, just appointed by all the Other corrupt crooks. NOT ONE of you is any more special or qualified and it would be Best if you just quit, before things get really ugly, ... like watching you swing from a rope, ( new rope old rope I care not ) but all of you have caused more pain and suffering in this world than any combination of world wars. It's time for a COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISBANDING of the Fraudulent UN, and all of its subsequent agencies, WHO, WEF, NWO, all of you. Time for you to put away your toys and go home !!

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They are corrupt & will never get away with ruling the whole Earth!

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We are ACTIVELY working on it day & night! There will be justice for humanity. PERIOD.

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ALL of the Globalist's need to be lined up and Hanged or Shot, or Hanged AND Shot, than torn apart by Water Buffalo's !!

These Globalist's are COWARDS and NOTHING they do or say is about saving the planet ... its All about Greed and Control ... Their Greed, and Control of the people.

Klaus is the BIGGEST NAZI of them all ... Rewriting The Bible using AI ????? Klaus, you're Nucking Futz !!!!

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Really? rewrite the bible using AI? WTH? Klaus has the wildest ideas!

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For those who haven't read the WHO IHR, you should read it.


page 16 is the meat of their true intentions

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I'd Gladly sign All of your petitions if there was a place to sign, but so far, I haven't found a place to sign !!

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I join the one who spoke before me.

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Please substitute your state's criminal law codes, disseminate and act in all procedures, send me a copy with the penal codes similar to these Italians


buffa.andrea.salvatore@protonmail.com; andreabuffa@yandex.com

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PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PUBBLICA CONTRO I GOVERNI 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


PLAINTE DU PUBLIC CONTRE LES GOUVERNEMENTS 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action


DENUNCIA PÚBLICA CONTRA GOBIERNOS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action


Please substitute your state's criminal law codes, disseminate and act in all procedures, send me a copy with the penal codes similar to these Italians


buffa.andrea.salvatore@protonmail.com; andreabuffa@yandex.com

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And yet, look at this: https://www.ilmattino.it/primopiano/sanita/multe_no_vax_over_50_senza_vaccino-7085226.html?refresh_ce

Just when you thought these fucktards were out of your hair, they pull the knife from behind their back.

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This minority has been present for hundreds of years. This is why there is a City of London and a London, England. City of London has a special seat for the representative of The City of London, in Westminster, who records all and reports back to his employer's in City of London- a one square mile piece of real estate , with its own police and other offices.

They state that they believe that the population should be regularly culled.

READ the FREE downloads of former agent for UK & USA, Dr John Colemans books:


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1, ROTHCHILD Family (Dynasty)

2. The Committee of 300

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Guns at 100 paces?

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where do I sign?? can't find it

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https://noticeanddemand.org/ Thank you. We appreciate you going out of your way to support this cause.

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Laws on immunity originate from man's law, not organic in nature. Under organic law no one has immunity. Everyone is accountable for their choices. World governments are advancing a world coup d’état at 'warp speed'. Even if immunity is lifted, it would be a small speed bump for the dark side. If tyrants are still in power mid 2023 across the globe, this track of man is likely doomed.

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Spread the Word-see comment above re Dr John Colemans books

keep using cash

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